How to change data label width in an Excel chart with VBA? - vba

I want to change a label width in Excel chart by VBA code:
set lbl = SERIES1. points(1).datalabel
msgbox lbl.width 'this is working
lbl.width = 40 ' compile error: wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
I can get the label width but cannot change it. What am I doing wrong?

AFAIK, the width of a chart data point label is not configurable. Even though the width can be retrieved with VBA, it's not possible to set or change it with a VBA command or property.
According to the documentation, the DataLabels.Width property is read only.
Returns the width, in points, of the object. Read-only.
Excel chart labels remain stubbornly uncooperative and resist formatting attempts, be it with VBA or with the UI.
That's (unfortunately) just how Excel works.
Don't shoot the messenger.
If you want to make a difference, consider raising an idea at

This works in Excel 2016, you'll just need to adjust the series collection and point numbers to fit your needs. ActiveChart.FullSeriesCollection(1).Points(1).DataLabel.Width = 363.314.


Add Chart Inside a Textbox using VBA in word

I want to add a chart inside a textbox using VBA in Microsoft word.
I have tried using
with cursor inside the textbox and still it doesn't produce the desired result
Unless you specify where the chart is to be placed it will simply be added to the document. If you had looked at the help text, IntelliSense or the Object Browser you would have seen that the method takes a Range as an argument. To place the chart in a specific location the range is required.
For example:
Set shp = ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.AddChart(Range:=Selection.Range)

Excel VBA - a macro to 'Format Data Series - Gap Width' in a chart?

I have to change the design of about 100 charts in Excel 2011, and I'm trying to speed things up a little with macros.
The problem is that Excel doesn't want to simply record some actions into a macro, it seems they need to be manually written.
I've managed to make a macro for changing the formatting of Data Labels using tips from this thread:
Formatting data labels in Excel charts using VBA
But now I'd like to also edit Label Series- Gap Width percentage, through a macro. I don't know the exact VBA syntax for this action. Maybe someone here can help.
I've tried
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).DataSeries.GapWidth = "110%"
But it didn't work. Run-time error 438, Object doesn't support property or method.
Does anyone know the correct syntax?
You can try the following code:
ActiveChart.ChartGroups(1).GapWidth = 110

Flexible Data Label Formatting

I'm hoping to add custom data labels to a stacked bar chart in Excel 2010. Each bar will have a label value pulled from a value in the sheet which is not necessarily equal to the height of the bar itself.
The sheet I'm making is a template and has drop-down selections to change the units of the data. For example: $MM with 1 decimal point, K with 2 decimal points, $ with 0 decimal points, etc... I'm running into an issue formatting the labels to match the data formatting selections. I've tried two approaches:
Formatting the data labels themselves using VBA. Partial code below for $K with one decimal:
`With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(x).Points(y)`
.DataLabel.Text.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.0,"
Unfortunately, the labels don't seem to read the commas and divide by one thousand, so I can't accurate display thousands or millions. A value of 1000 in the above code will display as $1,000.0 instead of the desired $1.0.
Format the values in the worksheet, and then just read them with VBA. Basically, I use conditional formatting to properly display the values on the sheet, and then read them with .DataLabel.Text = Cells(r,c)
Unfortunately, though the data is formatted correctly, the values are unchanged and the labels display with no custom formatting at all.
Is there any reasonable way to achieve my goal? I'm hoping there's a way to either (1) make commas count when changing data label number formats or (2) change the actual values of the data in my sheet based on the formatting drop-down selections (instead of just giving them custom formatting which leaves the value unchanged).
Thank you,
I think the words "conditional formatting" are your issue here: I've had problems with VBA reading the underlying format of a cell when it's conditionally formatted (admittedly, my issue was with colour, rather than number format, but I expect the reasons for it not working would be the same).
If you adopt your second approach, i.e. relying on the worksheet's format using the chart's "Linked to source" option, then on a trigger of when the drop-down option is changed, you could use VBA to set the format on the worksheet instead of using conditional formatting - then the chart would pick up whatever format you're using.
Please try this:

Reinstate Excel chart default resizing behaviour using VBA

I am looking for a way to reinstate the default/native resizing behaviour of a chart in Excel 2010 once it has been disabled (e.g. by manipulating the chart with VBA).
Now I haven't been able to find anything anywhere about the behaviour I have in mind, so I am going to assume that it needs detailed explanation.
Input and select random numerical data into 4-5 cells in Excel, and insert a new Clustered Columns chart. You need to see a the chart's plot area. Now select the chart, and get the PlotArea.Top value with the following line
If you haven't touched the chart, this should return a value of 7. Now use one of the chart's handlebars to resize the chart vertically, and use the same command line again.
Notice how the value returned is still 7. Now set this property to 7 in VBA.
ActiveChart.PlotArea.Top = 7
Again, grab one of the handlebars, resize the chart vertically and get the .top property again using:
Notice how the value has now changed. It will be either smaller or greater than 7 depending on whetehr you decreased or increased the size of the chart.
Once any element of a chart has been moved either manually or with VBA code, it loses this "absolute position" property and begins moving inside the ChartArea whenever the chart is resized. While some elements can be reset using .SetElement, this does not work for the Plot Area. For example, the following command lines do not reinstate the behaviour I am describing.
ActiveChart.SetElement msoElementPlotAreaNone
ActiveChart.SetElement msoElementPlotAreaShow
I do a lot of automated resizing of charts with VBA, and having the plot area move around by itself makes it a lot harder to predict the effect of resizing the chart and leads to inconstant results.
So back to the question: does anyone know of a way to reinstate this default behaviour, either for the entire chart, or at least specifically for the PlotArea?
Thanks in advance to anyone who may help!
I ran into this when I manually resized the plot area and then when the legend is moved it did not resize the plot area at all.
I had tried to save my chart as a template (right click save as template in Excel 2013) but this still had the plot area manually set.
Therefore I would recommend keeping the auto-size behavior before saving a template, since the only way I know to re-set the chart auto-sizing behavior after it has been manually modified is to use a macro
Here is the macro I used to reinstate the auto-sizing behavior
Sub Macro1()
' this selects the chart based on the chart name
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 4").Activate
' this selects the plot area
' this clears any custom formatting such as borders or fill colors
' this resets the auto-sizing behavior after plot area manually re-sized
ActiveChart.PlotArea.Position = xlChartElementPositionAutomatic
End Sub
Why plot area does not expand after clearing series legend?
Excel Chart Plot Area Auto Size - ExcelBanter

Getting display text as ###### for some of the cell in excel after writing from code

I am writting to an excel file from my vb code. The code goes as below
xlsheet3 = xlBook.Sheets.Add(After:=xlSheet)
With xlsheet3
.Columns(5).NumberFormat = "#"
.Cells(j + 1, 5) = someStringValue 'Here "j" is a row counter and this line is in a "for loop"
end with
After writing to excel, most of the cells in excel are correct. But some of the cell's text comes as ####### however if I click on the cell, formula bar shows the correct result. I have tried giving single code before adding the text still that did not help.
Please help me in resolving this.
Thank you
There is not any issue with your code. You need to increase the width of the column or have to use word wrap. In excel if your value is not fully visible it shows it is "######".
If widening and wrapping text doesn't work and the format is set to text which allows display of only 255 characters, try changing the format to general.
This just indicates that the cell is too small for showing the result: make it wider.
See for some common reasons why Excel displays "######" in cells.
Either the cell is too narrow to display the contents or the contents are over 256 characters.
Check what you're writing to the cell. If it's not too long then all you need to do is resize the column to fit the new contents.
This is simply what Excel does when the data in a column is too wide to be displayed in the current column width. Make the column slightly wider and you will see all your data.
To autosize the column so it is wide enough to display all its data, double click the column divider at the right edge of the column, in the header bar.