Take picture from IP Camera in UWP - camera

I'm working on a project that using IP camera to show preview and take a picture.
I found many tutorials that help we do that with USB camera but nothing with IP camera. So my question is how can we do it with IP Camera, and how does it work? Do we have any extension that helps we do it?


Why the webrtc android camera stream is rotated at endpoint?

I am sending camera video from android to a janus server, but when I check from website, the video is rotated, Do you know why and How should I fix this?
I had to change something in the room config

is there any software of hardware that can mimic an external non virtual camera with a custom video input

Websites can tell if camera selected is real or virtual, I think by checking device instance path [real vs virtual camera path][1][1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/hKr5y.jpg
a real webcam tend to have USB in the path
and virtual tend to have root in the path
is it possible to show the website custom output such as a screen recording or a video stream or ip camera and make it seem like it's a real physical webcam or something like that via a software or an external device that is detected as camera but can I can choose what to output

Android Things - Front facing camera on IMX7d

I am currently developing an Android Things application on an IMX7d developer board and need to figure out how to get the default camera, which is configured as BACK, to be a FRONT facing one, with correct orientation. This application will make heavy use of the camera, for example with face recognition.
I've noticed with other android phones you can edit /etc/nvcamera.conf to do this, but the Android things OS image I have doesn't seem to have that file. Is there some other way to do this?

Roku Screenshot

I am trying to take a screenshot of roku app playing on lcdtv.
Put your Roku in developer mode. Confirm the IP address of your Roku.
Side load your app to the Roku:
Go to a browser and type in your Roku IP address, dev username and password for your box when you set it to developer mode.
Go to Utilities. Hit the screenshot button. Save the image.
You will not be able to take screenshots of a video playing.
Edit: You won't be able to take screenshots of anything that's not side loaded.
I followed above instructions but utilities screenshot gives empty notification:
HD mode 1280x720 image required for channel store upload
You can take the screenshot of you dev channel Only. You can't take the screenshot of Roku Home Screen or any other channel available on Roku Store using the steps what you have mentioned.
Roku does not provide the screenshot at video streaming. you take a screenshot and screenshot is captured. But, display screenshot color is black. Any other functionality screenshot is available on Roku.

Is there anything like standard IP camera OS emulator?

Is there anything like standard IP camera OS emulator? So to create a plugin\program for it and be able to come to Cameras creator\vendor with something like "Hey, I've developed some cool software for your camera! Look here! Please implement it into your cameras next version or please give me the job in your company!)"
So something like mobile os emulator... But for IP or at least usb Web Cameras.. So to create and test modules for it.
So Point is not in IP cameras HTTP\RTSP apis emulation but in emulation of how camera works internaly (like how frames are obtained, compressed, what controlls all that process etc)
I dont know if this is what you are looking for exactly. http://sourceforge.net/projects/axisemulator/