Path.getComponent() in zk getting null - spreadsheet

hi i m trying to open a blankspreadsheet when i select and click on "new button". below is my code
<div id="header" data-dojo-type="dijit/MenuBar"
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/PopupMenuBarItem" id="project">
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/Menu" id="projectMenu">
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/MenuItem"
data-dojo-props="iconClass:'dijitEditorIcon appCreateSharedPrj', onClick:function() {newspreadsheet()}">new</div>
<!-- file menu bar end-->
<div width="100%" style="height: 100%;">
<zssjsp:page id = "page3">
<zssjsp:div width="100%" height ="100%" apply = "com.project.handler.prjHandler","resource.js.src.js">
<%-- <zssjsp:window id = "win" height="100%" width="100%" > --%>
<zssjsp:spreadsheet id = "ss"
vflex="1" hflex="1" maxVisibleRows="150" maxVisibleColumns="40"
showToolbar="true" showSheetbar="true" showFormulabar="true" />
js code
newspreadsheet = function(){
public void doRefresh() throws Exception {
Path path = new Path("//page3/ss");
public void newbook() throws Exception {
i m getting an null pointer error in this line doAfterCompose(path.getComponent("//page3/ss"));
any help would be greatly appreciated
thank you !!


My Blazor web app is giving me this error when I try to view a page

I do not know what the below error is trying to tell me...
Unhandled exception rendering component: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at GSG.WebApp.Client.Pages.Index.BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder __builder) in C:\Users\ZachKoman\internalhrtool\GSG.WebApp\Client\Pages\Index.razor:line 0
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.<.ctor>b__6_0(RenderTreeBuilder builder)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Rendering.ComponentState.RenderIntoBatch(RenderBatchBuilder batchBuilder, RenderFragment renderFragment, Exception& renderFragmentException)
The error began when I tried testing these filter input boxes.
<!--Input fields for filtering-->
<div style="display:flex">
<div class="filter">
<BSLabel style="width=20%">Lastname: </BSLabel >
<BSInput InputType="InputType.Text" placeholder="name" #bind-Value="lastname" />
<div class="filter">
<BSLabel style="width=20%">Company: </BSLabel>
<BSInput InputType="InputType.Text" placeholder="Company" #bind-Value="company"/>
<div class="filter">
<BSLabel style="width=20%">Skill: </BSLabel>
<BSInput InputType="InputType.Text" placeholder="Skill" #bind-Value="skill[0]"/>
#for (int i = 1; i < skillFilterStatus; i++)
<div class="filter">
<BSLabel style="width=20%">Skill: </BSLabel>
<BSInput InputType="InputType.Text" placeholder="Skill" #bind-Value="skill[i]"/>
#if(skillFilterStatus != 0)
<div class="filterBttn">
<BSButton style="background-color: #ed1c24;" #onclick="FilterMinus"><i class="oi oi-minus" style="color: white" ></i></BSButton>
#if(skillFilterStatus < 2)
<div class="filterBttn">
<BSButton style="background-color: #8522e4;" #onclick="FilterClick"><i class="oi oi-plus" style="color: white" ></i></BSButton>
<div class="filterBttn">
<BSButton #onclick="ApplyFilter" style="background-color: #8522e4; color: white">Apply</BSButton>
private int skillFilterStatus = 0;
private string lastname;
private string company;
private string[] skill;
private void ApplyFilter(){

How to close Modal de Materialize CSS with Vue

I am trying to close a Modal of Materialize CSS if the validation is correct but I can not find the form.
The simplest thing was to do a type validation:
v-if = "showModal" and it works but leaves the background of the Modal and although click does not disappear. The background is a class named 'modal-overlay'
This is my code:
<i class="material-icons modal-trigger tooltipped" style="margin-left: 2px;
color:#ffc107; cursor:pointer;" #click="getById(article), fillSelectCategories(),
titleModal='Edit', type='edit'" data-target="modal1">edit</i>
I imported M from the JS file of MaterilizeCSS
import M from "materialize-css/dist/js/materialize.min";
var elem = document.querySelectorAll('.modal');
var instance = M.Modal.getInstance(elem);
That returns 'undefined'
I tried this too on the update() method:
var elem = document.querySelectorAll('.modal');
I initialize the modal from mounted and it works fine but I can not close it at the moment I require it.
var elems = document.querySelectorAll('.modal');
var instances = M.Modal.init(elems, options);
But I know what else to try :(
It really is difficult to know why things aren't working for you without looking further into your code, but I've created this simple example to demonstrate how it could be done ..
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
modalInstance: null,
closeAfterTimeElapsed: true,
seconds: 1
mounted() {
const modal = document.querySelector('.modal')
this.modalInstance = M.Modal.init(modal)
const select = document.querySelector('select');
methods: {
handleClick() {
if (this.closeAfterTimeElapsed) {
setTimeout(() => { this.modalInstance.close() }, this.seconds * 1000)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<!-- Compiled and minified JavaScript -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<!-- Modal Trigger -->
<button #click="handleClick" data-target="modal1" class="btn modal-trigger">Modal</button>
<!-- Modal Structure -->
<div id="modal1" class="modal">
<div class="modal-content">
<h4>Modal Header</h4>
<p>A bunch of text</p>
<div class="modal-footer">
<div class="row">
<div class="input-field col s6">
<select v-model="closeAfterTimeElapsed">
<option :value="false">False</option>
<option :value="true">True</option>
<label>Close Modal After</label>
<div class="input-field col s6">
<input id="seconds" type="number" v-model="seconds">
<label for="seconds">Seconds</label>
See this JSFiddle

protractor|selenium not clicked on html element

Help me please with this question.
Did not see the context menu after executing this code.
file: Grid.js
export default class Grid{
await browser.executeScript('document.querySelector(".Grid--Head--leftButton-plus").click();');
return EC.presenceOf(element(by.css('.item-invoice_form_add_simple_position a')))
&& EC.presenceOf(element(by.css('.contextmenus')));
'Element "menu point Add position" too long in the DOM.');
test file: test.js
it('test', ()=>{
let grid = new Grid();
html templates:
<div class="contextmenus"><ul style="z-index: 1000000;">
<li class=" tab-elem item-invoice_form_add_rate_expense_type"><a cid="c855">Добавить</a></li>
<li class=" tab-elem item-invoice_form_add_simple_position"><a cid="c857">Добавить позицию</a></li>
<div class="Grid--Head--leftButton theme-color--before Grid--Head--leftButton-plus" style="width: 23px;">
<div class="Grid--Head--leftButton--helper theme-color"></div>
<div class="Grid--Head--leftButton--helper theme-color"></div>
<div class="Grid--Head--leftButton--helper theme-color"></div>

Selenuim/Protractor can't find or click in textbox

I have a code from a website as follows and I want to use the 5th line from code segment below <input type="text" placeholder="Enter Workflow Name"
<div class="workflow-container ng-scope" data-ng-controller="sourceCode.Designer.uiComponents.conciergeScreen.templates.NewWorkflowController">
<div class="input">
<div class="wrapper top" data-ng-class="{'fill': hosted === true}">
<label class="welcome">What should your workflow be called?</label>
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter Workflow Name" class="workflow-name-textbox ng-valid ng-not-empty ng-touched ng-dirty ng-valid-parse" data-ng-class="{'error': errors.error}" autofocus="" data-ng-focus="select($event)" data-ng-model="conciergetitle" data-ng-model-options="{ updateOn: 'default blur', debounce: { default: 300, blur: 300 } }" data-ng-change="inputchange(designeritems)" data-ng-keyup="$event.keyCode == 13 && createnewstudioitem(designerItems[0], conciergetitle, $event)" style="">
<div class="errogory">
<div class="summary">
<!-- ngIf: errors.error || errors.category -->
<div class="category" data-ng-click="categorypicker($event)">
<i class="icon icon-set-assetbrowser icon-size16 ic-categoryserver"></i>
<div class="concierge-button-grid">
<div class="concierge-button-container">
<button id="createWorkflow" data-button-error="false" class="concierge-button button-command" data-ng-disabled="!newWorkflowReady" data-ng-class="{ 'error': errors.button, 'is-disabled error' : errors.button }" data-ng-click="createnewstudioitem(designerItems[0], conciergetitle, $event)" disabled="disabled">
<!-- ngIf: !errors.button --><span data-ng-bind="getString('new_workflow_create_button')" data-ng-if="!errors.button" class="ng-binding ng-scope">Create</span><!-- end ngIf: !errors.button -->
<!-- ngIf: errors.button -->
<div class="concierge-button-container">
<button id="discardWorkflow" class="concierge-button concierge-button-discard button-command tertiary" data-ng-click="discard()">
<span data-ng-bind="getString('discard_workflow_button')" class="ng-binding">Discard</span>
<!-- ngIf: showrecent -->
<!-- ngIf: showrecent -->
I want to click in the textbox so that I can clear the text. I have tried the following:
describe("New Screen", function () {
it("Should give textbox a new name", function () {
console.log('Enter new name');
var editName = element.all(by.className('.workflow-name-textbox'));
editName.first().click().then(function () {
console.log('Clicked on Create');
I get a error: Index out of bound. Trying to access element at index: 0 ...
if I change my code above to:
var editName = element.all(by.css('.workflow-name-textbox')); () {
console.log('Clicked on Create');
I dont get errors but I dont see any clicking going on.
I know my protractor works because I have navigated to this page using similar code.
Do anyone have suggestions what else I could try.
I had to go two iFrames down:
//var NewTextBox = browser.findElement(by.css('.name-textbox')).clear();
var NewTextBox = element.all(by.css('.name-textbox'));
NewTextBox.clear().then(function () {
console.log('Clear text');
Did you tried this way instead of element.all.
element.all return a list elemenet and element return only single element.
var NewTextBox = element(by.css('.workflow-name-textbox'));
var NewTextBox = element(by.xpath('//input[#placeholder='Enter Workflow Name']'));

dojo dnd change the type of the dragged element

I am using Dojo 1.8.3
I want to develop a Customizable Form using dnd. I have a list of form elements in the left dojo/dnd/Source and the container in the right dojo/dnd/Target which is supposed to generate dijits when I drop on it.
<div class="normal" style="width: 99%; height: 99%;" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/BorderContainer"
data-dojo-props="design:'sidebar', gutters: true, liveSplitters: true">
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" class="normal" style="width: 30%; height: 80%;"
data-dojo-props="splitter: true, region: 'left'">
<div data-dojo-type="dojo/dnd/Source" data-dojo-id="form_tools" id="form_tools" data-dojo-props="copyOnly: true"
class="container" style="width:99%;">
<div class="dojoDndItem" dndtype="heading">Heading</div>
<div class="dojoDndItem" dndtype="textbox">Text Box</div>
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" class="normal" id="form_container"
style="width: 68%; height: 80%;" data-dojo-props="splitter: true, region: 'center'">
<div data-dojo-type="dojo/dnd/Target" data-dojo-id="form_items" id="form_items" class="container" style="height: 80%;" accept="heading,textbox">
<script type="dojo/on" event="DndDrop"> form.transform_item(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);//source, nodes, copy, target </script> </div>
In my js function transform_item, I am doing this:
this.transform_item = function(){
var dragged_items = arguments[3].selection;
form_items.forInSelectedItems(function(item, id, map){
var dnditem = dojo.byId(id);
case "textbox":
var textbox = new dijit.form.TextBox({
name: "textbox",
value: "This is a TextBox"
}, "textbox_text");
require(['dojo/parser'], function(parser){
At this point I'm getting an error when I drop over the Target :
dojo/parser::parse() error
TypeError: root is null
var node = root.firstChild;
How can I make Dojo generate, for example a dijit.form.TextBox when I drag an "textbox" dndtype?
Solved: I have just inserted the textbox in the wrong parent, textbox_text does not exist.So No need of parse();