Vue.js - Passing Parameters to a child route - vue.js

I have a Vue.js app. This app shows views using the vue-router. When the app starts, I need to retrieve a key from the server. I then want to pass that key to the child views. To demonstrate the problem I've setup this Fiddle. The code related to this question like this:
var Page1 = { template: '<div><h3>Page 1</h3><p>Number: {{ number }}</p></div>', props: [ 'number' ] };
var Page2 = { template: '<div><h3>Page 2</h3><p>Number: {{ number }}</p></div>', props: [ 'number' ] };
var routes = [
{ path: '/page-1', component: Page1 },
{ path: '/page-2', component: Page2 }
var router = new VueRouter({
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
num: 0
created: function() {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() {
self.num = 1;
}, 100);
When I run this app, I'm not sure how to "pass" the app.num to the child views (Page1 and Page2) when app.num gets set. I tried using the approach mentioned in the "passing props to route components" docs. However, that approach doesn't seem to work for data that is loaded after creation. What am I missing?

You can bind values from the parent component to the child via the router-view like this:
<router-view :number="num"></router-view>


How to download base64 file from remote api by vue-router link?

I need to download files from remote api by vue-router link. Remote api returns files in base64.
I add route:
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
routes: [
{ path: '/files/:id', name: 'file', component: Vue.component('vue-file'), props: true }
and add component for it:
export default {
name: 'file',
props: {
id: String
mounted: function() {;
methods: {
download: function() {
let $this = this;
.get('apiurl' + encodeURIComponent(
.then(function (response) {
It works but I don't want to show component template <template><div></div></template>. I even don't want to refresh the content on the screen. Is it possible?
You shouldn't. Vue Components were done for rendering. Your implementation would be nicer as a mixin or plugin, if you don't want to render anything.
Although, I think you can do something like:
render() {
return null;

Why isn't my Vue Router routing to my component?

I'm just getting started with Vue, so please forgive the potentially silly question. I'm trying to avoid using NPM.
I have a component defined (tested and working outside of routing so I've omitted the template):
var TaxonomyComponent = Vue.component('taxonomy', {
template: '#taxonomy-component',
data: function(){
return {
taxa: {
results: [],
count: 0
page: 1,
page_size: 25,
loading: true
getData: function(){
var self = this;
self.loading = false;
self.taxa = goGetDataElsewhere();
computed: {
max_page: function(){
return Math.ceil(this.taxa.count / this.page_size);
page: function(){
this.loading = true;
I then define my routes, router, and app:
var routes = [
{path:'/', component: TaxonomyComponent},
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: routes
const app = new Vue({
I go to / (confirmed by Vue debug tools) and nothing is loaded.
I make this mistake myself all the time when first setting up the Vue router; in order for a route to render, you need to include a <router-view /> component in your template. That is the placeholder where the components defined in your route will be rendered.
It can also be used to pass props to the components from the component containing the <router-view /> or catch events sent from your route components.

vue-router route param to component prop?

I thought this would work:
{ path: '/course/:id', component: Course.extend({
props: { course: }
}) },
Sadly, it's not that simple (it's not id either). How do I do this? (I just took a course on vue, can't believe I can't remember this)
As it is in the docs, you have to make props option true in the routes, see below code to understand it:
const User = {
props: ['id'],
template: '<div>User {{ id }}</div>'
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: [
{ path: '/user/:id', component: User, props: true }

vue-router 2, how to fetch routes via ajax?

How do I create the routes array dynamically, after fetching it via ajax?
Is there a way to add/push new routes to the router after it has been initialized?
This doesn't work:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: '<App/>',
data: {
content: []
created: function () {
this.$http.get('dummyjsondatafornow').then((response) => {
// this doesn't work when creating the VueRouter() outside the Vue instance, as in the docs.
// this.$router.options.routes.push({ path: '/about', component: About })
let routes = [
{ path: '/about', component: About }
// this doesn't work either
this.router = new VueRouter({
routes: routes
// router: router,
components: { App }
I don't believe there is no.
That said you can wildcard the route so that may provide you with an alternative.
I built a site where the backend (and in turn pages created) were controlled via a CMS which served all pages to Vue as JSON. This meant Vue wasn't aware of the routes the backend was creating.
Instead we passed all the CMS pages to Vue Router via a single * wildcard component. In Vue Router 2 this would look like:
const routes = [
{ path: '*', component: AllPages }
Vue Router 2 allows for Advanced Matching Patterns
These allow you to set a wide variety of conditions, therefore whilst you can't inject the object passed back via ajax into your router you can add a dynamic component to an AllPages component that is wildcard matched. This would allow you to pass the name of the component to load via your ajax request and then load that component when the page is called. i.e.
Your Ajax response:
// url: component name
'/about/': 'about',
'/about/contact/': 'contact',
Then in an AllPages vue component:
<component v-bind:is="currentView"></component>
module.exports = {
data () {
return {
currentView: '',
ajaxRoutes: {}, // loaded via ajax GET request
// watch $route to detect page requests
watch: {
'$route' (to, from) {
if (this.ajaxRoutes[to]) {
this.currentView = this.ajaxRoutes[to]
The above is a rather abbreviated idea but essentially you dynamically load the component based on the path the user requested.
I think this is fixed in version 2.3.0. You can now run
to dynamically add routes.
I have the same situation wherein my routes are built on the backend as it is maintained thru a CMS. With that, I was able to retrieve my routes thru an API call then return it on the vue router. Here's my take:
const router = store.dispatch('cms/fetchRoutes').then((response) => {
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: response,
mode: 'history',
return router;
export default router;
import router from './router';
router.then((router) => {
const app = new Vue({
render: (h) => h(App),
Basically I do an axios call to fetch my routes then inject the response to the VueRouter routes property. Then on the main.js, do another then and inject the return on the Vue.
By then, my menus are now being retrieved from the database. No more hard coded paths.

Passing props to Vue.js components instantiated by Vue-router

Suppose I have a Vue.js component like this:
var Bar = Vue.extend({
props: ['my-props'],
template: '<p>This is bar!</p>'
And I want to use it when some route in vue-router is matched like this:{
'/bar': {
component: Bar
Normally in order to pass 'myProps' to the component I would do something like this:
Vue.component('my-bar', Bar);
and in the html:
<my-bar my-props="hello!"></my-bar>
In this case, the router is drawing automatically the component in the router-view element when the route is matched.
My question is, in this case, how can I pass the the props to the component?
<router-view :some-value-to-pass="localValue"></router-view>
and in your components just add prop:
props: {
someValueToPass: String
vue-router will match prop in component
sadly non of the prev solutions actually answers the question so here is a one from quora
basically the part that docs doesn't explain well is
When props is set to true, the route.params will be set as the component props.
so what you actually need when sending the prop through the route is to assign it to the params key ex
name: 'Home',
params: {
theme: 'dark'
so the full example would be
// component
const User = {
props: ['test'],
template: '<div>User {{ test }}</div>'
// router
new VueRouter({
routes: [
path: '/user',
component: User,
name: 'user',
props: true
// usage
name: 'user',
params: {
test: 'hello there' // or anything you want
In the router,
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: [
{ path: 'YOUR__PATH', component: Bar, props: { authorName: 'Robert' } }
And inside the <Bar /> component,
var Bar = Vue.extend({
props: ['authorName'],
template: '<p>Hey, {{ authorName }}</p>'
This question is old, so I'm not sure if Function mode existed at the time the question was asked, but it can be used to pass only the correct props. It is only called on route changes, but all the Vue reactivity rules apply with whatever you pass if it is reactive data already.
// Router config:
components: {
default: Component0,
named1: Component1
props: {
default: (route) => {
// <router-view :prop1="$store.importantCollection"/>
return {
prop1: store.importantCollection
named1: function(route) {
// <router-view :anotherProp="$store.otherData"/>
return {
anotherProp: store.otherData
Note that this only works if your prop function is scoped so it can see the data you want to pass. The route argument provides no references to the Vue instance, Vuex, or VueRouter. Also, the named1 example demonstrates that this is not bound to any instance either. This appears to be by design, so the state is only defined by the URL. Because of these issues, it could be better to use named views that receive the correct props in the markup and let the router toggle them.
// Router config:
default: Component0,
named1: Component1
<!-- Markup -->
<router-view name="default" :prop1="$store.importantCollection"/>
<router-view name="named1" :anotherProp="$store.otherData"/>
With this approach, your markup declares the intent of which views are possible and sets them up, but the router decides which ones to activate.
const User = {
props: ['id'],
template: '<div>User {{ id }}</div>'
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: [
{ path: '/user/:id', component: User, props: true }
// for routes with named views, you have to define the props option for each named view:
path: '/user/:id',
components: { default: User, sidebar: Sidebar },
props: { default: true, sidebar: false }
Object mode
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: [
{ path: '/promotion/from-newsletter', component: Promotion, props: { newsletterPopup: false } }
That is the official answer.
to get a route prop