Quit and Re-join room - webrtc

I am making a video chat application using simplewebrtc. It is working fine with one call.After hanging up(webrtc.leaveRoom()) when I try to call again then it is not working.It is not executing webrtc.on('readyToCall', function() {
console.log('Ready to call');
So how can I ressolve this issue? Is there any issue with my old connection?

I found the solution.
I made changes inside simplewebrtc. I changed the file
/node_modules/simplewebrtc/src/simplewebrtc.js. I just remove comments from line 'force new connection': true.(I will never recommend this).
Now this line looks like socketio: { 'force new connection': true } and it is working.


How can i check page is going to refresh in "beforeunload" event in angular5

i am trying to put logic when user close the browser/tab then i need to clear the local session. so i have used beforeunload event. The problem is that it's getting called on both browser close as well as on page refresh. and i don't have to clear session on refresh it should be on close.
i tried to check only by using clientY and pageY but it's not working for me.
also i tried with the below code to identify browser is going to refresh or not and set the flag value and use it in beforeunload event. but it's getting called after beforeunload event
this.subscription = this.router.events.subscribe((event) => {
if (event instanceof NavigationStart) {
this.browserRefresh = !this.router.navigated;
console.log(" else browserRefresh");
#HostListener('window:beforeunload', ['$event'])
beforeunload($event) {
console.log("clear session");
Please suggest if i am using wrong event for the task or suggest me the correct way to this. i checked few links suggested but nothing is helping.
You can try like this Hope so it can work
#HostListener('window:unload', ['$event'])
beforeunload($event) {
console.log("clear session");

dragAndDrop using webdriverio

I have tried every single thing to perform dragAndDrop using webdriverio but nothing works. I have also posted a question in the webdriverio gitter but no response. below posted code is one of the ways I tried and its supposed to work but it just doesn't!
` await this.driver.moveToObject(source);
await sleep(2000);
await this.driver.buttonDown(0);
await sleep(2000);
await this.driver.moveToObject(destination);
await sleep(2000);
await this.driver.buttonUp(0);`
I'm not sure what properties are on the source and destination objects you are using but here is an example of how I was able to get it to work using the same commands you are trying.
In my example I have a table with columns that can be re-ordered by dragging and dropping them wherever I want them to be. First I get the two column headers I want to switch
let docIdHeader = browser.element('div[colid="documentid1"]');
let pageCountHeader = browser.element('div[colid="_PAGE_COUNT1"]');
If I log these objects out to the console I can see the properties stored in them.
> docIdHeader
{ sessionId: 'e35ae3e81f1bcf95bbc09f120bfb36ae',
{ ELEMENT: '0.3568346822568915-1',
'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': '0.3568346822568915-1' },
selector: 'div[colid="documentid1"]',
_status: 0 }
> pageCountHeader
{ sessionId: 'e35ae3e81f1bcf95bbc09f120bfb36ae',
{ ELEMENT: '0.3568346822568915-2',
'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': '0.3568346822568915-2' },
selector: 'div[colid="_PAGE_COUNT1"]',
_status: 0 }
Now using the same technique you are using and the selector property off of these objects I can get it to work in two ways.
browser.dragAndDrop(docIdHeader.selector, pageCountHeader.selector);
I ran this in the REPL interface so I know it works as I could see each step being executed after I sent the commands. If you are not familiar with how to use the REPL I highly recommend learning. You can play around with commands in the console until you figure something out and then add those commands to your tests.
Also, as I stated in my comments above. dragAndDrop() and moveToObject() are going to be deprecated soon and you will likely see a lot of warnings about it when you use these. The correct way to implement a drag and drop action going forward is to use browser.actions(). Unfortunately, I don't have an example of how to do it that way as I haven't played with it yet. If no one provides an example by tonight I will try to get one together for you.
Even I faced this issue wherein the cursor doesn't move to the destination object after buttonDown and using moveToObject twice worked for me.
await this.driver.moveToObject(source);
await this.driver.buttonDown(0);
await this.driver.moveToObject(destination);
await this.driver.moveToObject(destination);
await this.driver.buttonUp(0);

reset() function called on fine uploader object is not working

I wonder what is the proper way to reset FineUploaders uploader to its initial state?
This results in "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'reset' of undefined " in definition of reset function
reset: function() {
this.log("Resetting uploader...");
this._filesInProgress = [];
this._storedIds = [];
this._autoRetries = [];
this._retryTimeouts = [];
this._preventRetries = [];
--> this._pasteHandler.reset(); <--
this._netFilesUploadedOrQueued = 0;
So it seems that _pasteHandler was not created. Am I missing something in my configuration or is this bug in the uploader itself (which I seriously doubt as I wasn't able to found anyone else with similar issue)
As this is my first encounter with Fine Uploader any advice will be highly appreciated .
This DOES appear to be a bug in Fine Uploader 3.4 (released yesterday). It will affect anyone attempting to reset the Fine Uploader instance without the paste to upload feature enabled. Can you please open up a bug report in the Github project's issue tracker so it can be tracked? I'll try to fix this today.
Update: Fixed in 3.4.1.

blueimp file upload. How to clean existing filelist

I have goggled a lot, but have not found a solution for my issue. The author of the widget references to the last answer of FAQ, but the FAQ does not have the answer or I cannot find it. I suppose it was updated since that time. Other fellows who faced the same issue and asked the same question just gone and did not provide any solution.
Anyway, in my case I have a table with button Pictures:
When a user clicks one of pictures button, modal dialog is shown. The user now can manage pictures for the chosen row. He can upload, delete pictures and so on. When the user opens the dialog for second row in the table he should see pictures for the second row only. It tells me that I have to clean the list of uploaded files every time user hits Pictures button to see the dialog. He will receive list of pictures which corresponds to chosen row from the server. Unfortunately, when I retrieve the list for the chosen row, the received files are added to the existing list.
Could you tell me how I can clean the list or reset the widget without removing files on the server side?
UPDATE I have used the following piece of code as a temporary solution.
url: "<YOUR URL HERE>",
dataType: 'json',
context: $('#fileupload')[0]
}).done(function (result) {
jQuery("#fileupload").find(".files").empty(); //this line solves the issue
jQuery(this).fileupload('option', 'done').call(this, null, { result: result });
Thank you.
i was also trying for one hour to get my upload work ;)
here is, how i solved this problem:
add: function (e, data) {
$.each(data.files, function (index, file) {
var newFileDiv = $(newfileDiv(file.name));
newFileDiv.find('a').bind('click', function (event) {
var uploadFilesBox = $("#fsUploadProgressHtml5");
var remDiv = $(document.getElementById("fileDiv_" + event.data.filename));
data.files.length = 0;
data.context = newFileDiv;
as you can see i create inside the add-event my file-dataset with 'newfileDiv(file.name)'. this creates a div with all information about the file (name, size, ...) and an ankor that exists for deleting the file from the list. on this ankor i bind a click-event in which i have the delete implementation.
hope this helps!
I know this isn't the most elegant solution, but I needed a very quick and dirty...so here's what I did (using jQuery).
//manually trigger the cancel button for all files...removes anything that isn't uploaded yet
$('.fileupload-buttonbar .cancel').first().trigger('click');
//check the checkbox that selects all files
if(!$('.fileupload-buttonbar .toggle').first().checked) {
$('.fileupload-buttonbar .toggle').first().trigger('click');
//manually trigger the delete button for all files
$('.fileupload-buttonbar .delete').first().trigger('click');
I know this isn't the best way. I know it isn't elegant...but it works for me and removes everything from the plugin.
If you have added file names or anything else from the plugin to any local arrays or objects, you'll need to clean those up manually (I have several handlers that fire on fileuploadadded, fileuploadsent, fileuploadcomplete, fileuploadfailed, and 'fileuploaddestroyed` events).
protected function get_file_objects($iteration_method = 'get_file_object') {
$upload_dir = $this->get_upload_path();
if (!is_dir($upload_dir)) {
return array();
return array_values(array_filter(array_map(
array($this, $iteration_method)
//File listing closed by Doss
there is a scandir function responsible for listing the files. just uncomment it like i have done above and your problem is solved. it can be found in the UploadHandler.php file.

BusyIndicator not working

Worklight busyindicator not working properly.My isssue is i'm using multipage.On page change i call adapter for webservice and call busy indicator so that it show work in progress while fetching.but what happen is page change and indicator show and hide quickly but adpater still in fetching phase and after sometime data called successfully but during these working no busy indicator shows.
var busyIndicator = null;
function wlCommonInit(){
busyIndicator = new WL.BusyIndicator();
This is the code i call on page change.
var viewPath = "views/add_fund_transfer.html";
onComplete: function() {
function busyIndicatorDemo() {
its seems like busyindicator doesn't work with adpater when using in multipage.
Please give me the solution or the problem in my code.
It seems like the problem is in the flow of the code. you're running this code basically:
show busy indicator
load page
when page has finished loading: invoke procedure (async call), and hide busyindicator.
So this generates the behavior you've reported - the busyindicator is shown and quickly hidden once the page has finished loading, even though the service is still fetching data (in an async call)
moving the busyindicator.hide to the onSuccess of the invoke procedure should solve the problem (put it also in the onFailure ...)
Hope this helps