Foreign key references invalid column error - sql

I'm trying to run this query but SQL -erver stopped me with this error:
Foreign key 'FK__food__groupid__3F115E1A' references invalid column 'groupid' in referenced table 'sub'.
This is my query:
create table menu
valedid int primary key not null,
name nvarchar(50) not null,
create table sub
qroupid int primary key not null,
groupname nvarchar(50) not null,
valedid int not null,
foreign key(valedid) references menu (valedid),
create table food
foodid int primary key not null,
radif int identity(1,1) not null,
qeymat int not null,
name nvarchar(100) not null,
groupid int not null,
foreign key(groupid) references sub(groupid),

You create the column with name qroupid and not groupid in table sub


There is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table " exam_subjects"

student_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
first_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
last_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
birth_day DATE NOT NULL,
student_email_address VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
student_password VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
student_nick_name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
student_qualification VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
student_documents VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
student_image VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE student_feedback
student_id INT NOT NULL,
feedback_type VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
feedback_text VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES student(student_id)
CREATE TABLE online_exam
exam_duration_min INT NOT NULL,
total_questions INT NOT NULL,
marks_per_right_answer INT NOT NULL,
marks_per_wrong_answer INT NOT NULL,
passing_marks INT NOT NULL,
exam_status VARCHAR(2)
CREATE TABLE exam_subjects
sub_id INT,
exam_id INT,
sub_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
sub_desc VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(sub_id,exam_id),
FOREIGN KEY (exam_id) REFERENCES online_exam(exam_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
CREATE TABLE sub_questions
sub_id1 INT,
ques_id INT,
ques_text VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL,
ques_attachments VARCHAR(255),
option_1 VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
option_2 VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
option_3 VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
option_4 VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (sub_id1,ques_id),
FOREIGN KEY (sub_id1) REFERENCES exam_subjects(sub_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
CREATE TABLE ques_answers
ans_id INT,
ques_id INT,
PRIMARY KEY (ans_id,ques_id),
FOREIGN KEY (ques_id) REFERENCES sub_questions(ques_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
CREATE TABLE exam_registration
student_id INT,
exam_id INT,
exam_date_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (student_id,exam_id),
FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES student(student_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
FOREIGN KEY (exam_id) REFERENCES online_exam(exam_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
CREATE TABLE exam_result
student_id INT,
exam_id INT,
sub_id INT,
marks_scored INT NOT NULL,
correct_ques INT NOT NULL,
wrong_ques INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(student_id,exam_id,sub_id),
FOREIGN KEY (student_id) REFERENCES student(student_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
FOREIGN KEY (exam_id) REFERENCES online_exam(exam_id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
FOREIGN KEY (sub_id) REFERENCES exam_subjects(sub_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
Output :
There is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "exam_subjects", relation "sub_questions" do not exist,
There is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "exam_subjects".
Why am I getting "there is no unique..." error in postgresql? How to solve it? Please help.
In your table exam_subjects the primary key is a compossed key (PRIMARY KEY(sub_id, exam_id))
Therefore, your table sub_questions must have both columns to create the constraint, otherwise you get the error about unique constraints (or you can create a unique field acting as primary key, and create a unique index on both columns sub_id and exam_id)

Problems referencing primary key with foreign key

This is code to create the beginnings of a book library database with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
usr_id int not null primary key,
f_name varchar(30) not null,
m_init char(1),
l_name varchar(30) not null,
balance decimal(6,2),
join_date date,
addrss_1 varchar(30) not null,
addrss_2 varchar(30),
city varchar(30) not null,
addrss_state char(2) not null,
zip_code varchar(10) not null,
email varchar(30)
transaction_id int not null primary key,
maximum_borrow_duration int not null,
strt_date date not null,
actual_return_date date not null,
borrow_usr_id int not null,
foreign key (borrow_usr_id) references LIBRARY_USER(usr_id)
isbn varchar(17) not null primary key,
title varchar(30) not null,
number_of_copies int not null,
Author varchar(30) not null,
Number_of_pages int not null,
publish_year int not null,
book_type varchar(20)
digital_id int not null primary key,
format varchar(30) not null,
size_mb int not null,
digital_isbn varchar(17) not null,
foreign key(digital_isbn) references BOOKS(isbn)
physical_id int not null primary key,
condition varchar(20) not null,
physical_isbn varchar(17) not null,
foreign key(physical_isbn) references BOOKS(isbn)
digi_id int not null,
phys_id int not null,
primary key(digi_id, phys_id),
foreign key(digi_id) references DIGITAL_BOOKS(digital_id),
foreign key(phys_id) references PHYSICAL_BOOKS(physical_id)
trans_id int not null primary key,
digi_id int not null,
phys_id int not null,
foreign key(digi_id) references BOOK_COPY(digi_id),
foreign key(phys_id) references BOOK_COPY(phys_id)
Despite me being able to look and see that digi_id and phys_id are in fact primary keys of the book_copy table, I keep getting this error:
Msg 1776, Level 16, State 0, Line 66
There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table 'BOOK_COPY' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key 'FK__CONTNS__digi_id__37A5467C'.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 1, Line 66
Could not create constraint or index. See previous errors.
Am I missing something obvious? I'm just starting out with using this program, so any help is greatly appreciated.
trans_id int not null primary key,
digi_id int not null,
phys_id int not null,
foreign key(digi_id) references BOOK_COPY(digi_id),
foreign key(phys_id) references BOOK_COPY(phys_id)
You are creating two foreign keys to parent table BOOK_COPY. But that table has a compound primary key (ie a multi-column primary key)
digi_id int not null,
phys_id int not null,
primary key(digi_id, phys_id), --> here
As a consequence, you need a compound foreign key:
trans_id int not null primary key,
digi_id int not null,
phys_id int not null,
foreign key(digi_id, phys_id) references BOOK_COPY(digi_id, phys_id)

Relationship 1 to n

create database shop1
use shop1
create table mathang
MatHangID INT primary key not null,
TenMatHang varchar(50),
SoLuong int not null,
Price int not null,
create table nhacungcap
MatHangID INT foreign key references mathang,
TenNhaCungCap varchar(50) ,
DiaChi varchar(100),
SoDienThoai int ,
CONSTRAINT pk_M_CC primary key (MatHangID)
create table khachhang
KhachHangID int not null primary key,
TenKhachHang varchar(50) not null,
[DiaChi] varchar(100) not null,
[SoDienThoai] varchar(50) not null,
create table donhang
DonHangID int references to khachhang(KhachHangID),
TenDonHang varchar(50),
SoLuong int,
CONSTRAINT pk_DHID primary key (DonHangID)
I can not find errors with this, it shows the foreign key error to add this relation ship. Any one please help.
Remove the to in
DonHangID int references to khachhang(KhachHangID)
to get
DonHangID int references khachhang(KhachHangID)
. The to doesn't belong there syntactically.

Error relate SQL Server tables

I have the following problem: when we run the code, it displays the following error:
There are primary keys or candidates in the reference Ticket table
that match the list of referencing columns in foreign key '
create table SystemUser
PkUser int identity(1,1),
UserLogin nvarchar(20) not null unique,
UserPassword nvarchar(50) not null,
UserName nvarchar(50) not null,
UserCpf nvarchar(50) not null,
UserBirth datetime not null,
UserGender nvarchar(15) not null,
AddressCep int not null,
AddressStreet nvarchar(50) not null,
AddressNumber nvarchar(20) not null,
AddressComplement nvarchar(50) not null,
AddressCity nvarchar(50) not null,
AddressState nvarchar(50) not null,
primary key(PkUser)
create table Attractions
PkAttraction integer identity(1,1) ,
AttractionName nvarchar(50) not null unique,
AttractionDate datetime not null,
AttractionDescription nvarchar(150) not null
primary key(PkAttraction)
create table Ticket
PkTicket int identity(1,1),
PkUser int not null,
PkAttraction int not null,
TicketPrice decimal not null,
primary key(PkTicket, PkUser, PkAttraction),
foreign key(PkUser) references SystemUser(PkUser),
foreign key(PkAttraction) references Attractions(PkAttraction)
create table Payment
PkPayment int identity(1,1),
PkTicket int not null,
Portion int not null,
IdTransaction nvarchar(100) not null,
Payday datetime not null,
primary key(PkPayment, PkTicket),
foreign key(PkTicket) references Ticket(PkTicket),
create table FormPayment
PkFromPayment int identity(1,1),
PkPayment int not null,
ShareValue decimal not null,
ExpirationDate datetime not null
primary key(PkFromPayment, PkPayment),
foreign key(PkPayment) references Payment(PkPayment),
Your Ticket table as a primary key made up from 3 columns:
create table Ticket
primary key(PkTicket, PkUser, PkAttraction),
Any table that wants to reference that table Ticket must also provide all 3 columns for the foreign key.
You cannot reference only part of a primary key - if you want to reference it, you must have all columns that it contains - otherwise you cannot establish a FK relationship.
So you must add the PkUser and PkAttraction columns to your Payment table so that you can establish this FK relationship:
create table Payment
PkPayment int identity(1,1),
PkTicket int not null,
PkUser int not null, // add this
PkAttraction int not null, // add this
Portion int not null,
IdTransaction nvarchar(100) not null,
Payday datetime not null,
primary key(PkPayment, PkTicket),
// change to this
foreign key(PkTicket, PkUser, PkAttraction) references Ticket(PkTicket, PkUser, PkAttraction)
When you not specify a name for FK and PK, SQL server generates a name. in this case, looks like SQL server generates duplicate name.
If you specify name for FK and PK, it will work.

Trouble Referencing Two-part Primary Key in SQL Server

I created this table with a two-part primary key:
Create Table Part
(PartNumber Int Not Null,
VendorNumber Int Not Null References Vendor(VendorNumber),
PartDescription VarChar(100) Not Null,
UnitPrice Money Not Null,
MTDSales Money Not Null,
YTDSales Money Not Null,
UnitsOnHand Int Not Null,
UnitsAllocated Int Not Null,
ReorderPoint Int Not Null,
VendorPrice Money Not Null,
MinimumOrderQuantity Int Not Null,
ExpectedLeadTime Datetime Not Null,
Primary Key (PartNumber, VendorNumber))
And another table is referencing the Part table's primary keys:
Create Table OrderDetail
(OrderNumber Int Not Null References Orders(OrderNumber),
SEQNumber Int Not Null,
PartNumber Int Not Null References Part(PartNumber),
VendorNumber Int Not Null References Part(VendorNumber),
NumberOrdered Int Not Null,
QuotedPrice Money Not Null,
LineTotal Int Not Null,
Comments VarChar(100) Not Null,
Primary Key (OrderNumber, SEQNumber))
When running the program, the following error is returned:
Msg 1776, Level 16, State 0, Line 99
There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table 'Part' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key 'FK__OrderDeta__PartN__239E4DCF'.
Could anyone provide suggestions on how to resolve the missing primary key error?
You need to create one composite foreign key, not two single-column keys. You can do it as a separate constraint in create table:
Create Table OrderDetail
OrderNumber Int Not Null References Orders(OrderNumber),
SEQNumber Int Not Null,
PartNumber Int Not Null,
VendorNumber Int Not Null,
NumberOrdered Int Not Null,
QuotedPrice Money Not Null,
LineTotal Int Not Null,
Comments VarChar(100) Not Null,
Primary Key (OrderNumber, SEQNumber),
constraint FK_OrderDetail_Part foreign key (PartNumber,VendorNumber)
references Part (PartNumber,VendorNumber)