Excel Visual Basic produces The object invoked as disconnected from its clients - vba

My macro uses Internet Explorer to open PeopleSoft Financials and then run a public query. It has been working for a long time until recently. I'm aware of an update to Internet Explorer on our machines in early July and am wondering if that has caused this issue.
The macro is throwing an "Object has disconnected from its clients" error message.
Here is how the variable for Internet Explorer is defined:
Public ExpApp As InternetExplorer
Here is the code where the error is thown:
Set ExpApp = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ExpApp.Visible = True
ExpApp.navigate vLogin
Do Until ExpApp.document.Title <> "PeopleSoft 8 Sign-in"
Do Until ExpApp.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
vLogin is a string with the URL to the PeopleSoft login screen
MyTimer is a little function that waits 1 second each time it is kicked off
This macro has been around a while so I imagine that this is pretty old code. I'm hoping there are a few minor changes I could make instead of re-writing this macro.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help......


vba ie.navigate doesn't work

I need to navigate to a page using VBA. I created the code bellow and it worked just fine until I reinstalled Windows. I don't know if this is the cause, but it is not working anymore.
There are tho cases:
If I'm not logged in before running the macro
The first part, for logging onto the page is working, but when I try to navigate to "http://cltd.ro/catalogsearch/result/?q=60041", I get an error "Method 'Navigate' of object 'IWebBrowser 2' failed".
If I'm already logged on to the site
On the other hand, if I'm already logged in before running the macro, the code is working and I get to the desired page, but the code gets stuccked in to the loop "Do/DoEvents/Loop Until ie.readystate = 4" forever and I cannot continue
Please help!
Sub xx()
Dim ie As Object
Set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
ie.Visible = True
AppActivate ie
apiShowWindow ie.hwnd, 3
ie.Visible = True
ie.navigate "http://cltd.ro/customer/account/login/"
Loop Until ie.readystate = 4
On Error Resume Next 'in case I'm already loggen in
Call ie.Document.getElementById("email").setattribute("value", "dfgsdfg") 'not real value ;-)
Call ie.Document.getElementById("pass").setattribute("value", "dfgsdfg") 'not real value ;-)
Call ie.Document.getElementById("send2").Click
Loop Until ie.readystate = 4
On Error GoTo 0 'cancels the resume next
Application.Wait (Now() + TimeValue("0:00:02"))
link = "http://cltd.ro/catalogsearch/resuilt/?q=60041"
ie.navigate link
Loop Until ie.readystate = 4
'Other lines of code ...............
End Sub
This doesn't answer your actual question, but:
(1) You should always have a timeout in your "wait until document ready" loops. Otherwise, those loops can wait forever if the page does not go ready. In fact when I tried navigating manually (via the IE URL bar) to "http://cltd.ro/customer/account/login/", it sat there spinning for quite some time, until I gave up and hit stop. Your code should detect cases where the document takes too ling to go ready, and reply with something like "Website hasn't responded for 60 seconds, do you want to keep waiting? [yes] [No]".
(2) You don't allow for the case where the page does go ready, but it's not the page you wanted. For example, if the website returns an error, or IE decides to time it out, you'll get a page with a URL of the form "res://..." - not the page you actually asked for. You can't just assume that you actually got the right page.
So your existing code is ok for a 1-off script, but not sufficiently robust for proper production use.

VBScript: Excel application object statusbar call rejected by callee

I have a VBScript that errors when I try to get Excel's status bar string. See comments in code below. I tried putting objExcel.DisplayStatusBar = True in above the erroneous line, but then that line errors. That tells me something about objExcel is going wrong(?). If I put in a msgbox just prior to the erroneous line, it hangs the entire vbs (expected). This vbs runs in the morning so when I see the msgbox popup and click OK all systems have already completed except the vbs that is hanging because of the msgbox. I click OK on the msgbox and I get no error. The reason I am waiting with a timed loop is because macro CreateModel has some Application.OnTime calls in it back to CreateModel, which is necessary for reasons that are beyond this question. The VBScript doesn't 'know' that I have OnTime calls so if I don't 'wait' it will proceed with the rest of the vbs code and mess things up for other reasons. So I have to wait and I use the statusbar to know when all is finished. I can't do a purely timed wait because the processing time of CreateModel and its associated OnTime calls varies quite a bit.
It is a little confusing. Looking for debug suggestions and/or solutions if you have any.
EDIT: if someone knows how to create the error "call rejected by callee" for line sStatus = objExcel.StatusBar, that would help me debug this.
EDIT2: Here is a picture of the error. The script is a .vbs file. I had to grey out the path for my clients protection:
Dim objExcel, wMn, r, wT
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set wMn = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("Z:\path\Model_*.xlsm")
objExcel.Application.Visible = True
objExcel.Run "'Z:\path\" & wMn.Name & "'!CreateModel"
'wait until model is finished
'have to do this because Application.OnTime is called in CreateModel and vbs doesn't wait
Dim sStatus
Dim dteWait
dteWait = DateAdd("s", 600, Now()) '60 = 60 secs, 600 = 10 mins
Do Until (Now() > dteWait)
'objExcel.DisplayStatusBar = True '<-- if I include this line I get the same error, but for this line
'msgbox objExcel.StatusBar '<-- when I include this line no error occurs, see notes at top
sStatus = objExcel.StatusBar '<-- main error/issue
Loop While not sStatus = "Model Finished"
'more code below, but omitted for clarity
I would designate a cell, give it a named range value ("macroDoneCheck", for example), and have the macro load a "done" value that you can check for in your VBS. The loop for waiting/checking this cell value in your VBS is something like:
WScript.Sleep(30000) 'wait 30 seconds
isDone = objExcel.Range("macroDoneCheck")
Loop While not isDone = "Complete"
Or something like that. You may need to specify the sheet as well, like:
isDone = objExcel.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("macroDoneCheck")
I credited n8. with the best answer because it is a better approach, but this answer is less work and it worked fine.
From my original code/question, wrap sStatus = objExcel.StatusBar like this:
on error resume next
sStatus = objExcel.StatusBar
on error goto 0
Again, just an alternative to the answer n8. provided. It works because for some reason accessing the statusbar while CreateModel is still running produces and error, but in my case the while loop continues to loop because the while condition has not been met. I knew the while condition would eventually be met, even if accessing the statusbar produces an error some of the time, because when I hang the vbs with the msgbox (see notes in code in original question) everything works with no issues if I let it hang long enough. This may be a specific issue that others may not experience, so take it for what it is worth.

Automation Errors: 800706B5, 80004005, 80010108 appear for internal SAP site scrape

I am writing a macro that will scrape my company's internal SAP site for vendor information. For several reasons I have to use VBA to do so. However, I cannot figure out why I keep getting these three errors when I attempt to scrape the page. Is it possible that this has something to do with the UAC integrity model? Or is there something wrong with my code? Is it possible for a webpage using http can be handled differently in internet explorer? I am able to go to any webpage, even other internal webpages, and can scrape each of those just fine. But when i attempt to scrape the SAP page, i get these errors. The error descriptions and when they occur are:
800706B5 - The interface is unknown (occurs when I place breakpoints before running the offending code)
80004005 - Unspecified error (occurs when I don't place any errors and just let the macro run)
80010108 - The Object invoked has disconnected from its clients. (I can't seem to get a consistent occurrence of this error, it seems to happen around the time that something in excel is so corrupted that no page will load and i have to reinstall excel)
I have absolutely no idea what is going on. The Integrity page didn't make much sense to me, and all the research I found on this talked about connecting to databases and using ADO and COM references. However I am doing everything through Internet Explorer. Here is my relevant code below:
Private Sub runTest_Click()
ie.visible = True
End Sub
'The code to run the module
Private Sub doTest()
Dim result As String
result = PageScraper.scrapeSAPPage("<some num>")
End Sub
PageScraper Module
Public Function scrapeSAPPage(num As Long) As String
'Predefined URL that appends num onto end to navigate to specific record in SAP
Dim url As String: url = "<url here>"
Dim ie as InternetExplorer
set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
Dim doc as HTMLDocument
ie.navigate url 'Will always sucessfully open page, regardless of SAP or other
'pauses the exection of the code until the webpage has loaded
'Will always fail on next line when attempting SAP site with error
If Not ie.Busy And ie.ReadyState = 4 Then
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
If Not ie.Busy And ie.ReadyState = 4 Then
Exit Do
End If
End If
Set doc = ie.document 'After implementation of Tim Williams changes, breaks here
'Scraping code here, not relevant
End Function
I am using IE9 and Excel 2010 on a Windows 7 machine. Any help or insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I do this type of scraping frequently and have found it very difficult to make IE automation work 100% reliably with errors like those you have found. As they are often timing issues it can be very frustrating to debug as they don't appear when you step through, only during live runs To minimize the errors I do the following:
Introduce more delays; ie.busy and ie.ReadyState don't necessarily give valid answers IMMEDIATELY after an ie.navigate, so introduce a short delay after ie.navigate. For things I'm loading 1 to 2 seconds normally but anything over 500ms seems to work.
Make sure IE is in a clean state by going ie.navigate "about:blank" before going to the target url.
After that you should have a valid IE object and you'll have to look at it to see what you've got inside. Generally I avoid trying to access the entire ie.document and instead use IE.document.all.tags("x") where 'x' is a suitable thing I'm looking for such as td or a.
However after all these improvements although they have increased my success rate I still have errors at random.
My real solution has been to abandon IE and instead do my work using xmlhttp.
If you are parsing out your data using text operations on the document then it will be a no-brainer to swap over. The xmlhttp object is MUCH more reliable. and you just get the "responsetext" to access the entire html of the document.
Here is a simplified version of what I'm using in production now for scraping, it's so reliable it runs overnight generating millions of rows without error.
Public Sub Main()
Dim obj As MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP
Dim strData As String
Dim errCount As Integer
' create an xmlhttp object - you will need to reference to the MS XML HTTP library, any version will do
' but I'm using Microsoft XML, v6.0 (c:\windows\system32\msxml6.dll)
Set obj = New MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP
' Get the url - I set the last param to Async=true so that it returns right away then lets me wait in
' code rather than trust it, but on an internal network "false" might be better for you.
obj.Open "GET", "http://www.google.com", True
obj.send ' this line actually does the HTTP GET
' Wait for a completion up to 10 seconds
errCount = 0
While obj.readyState < 4 And errCount < 10
obj.waitForResponse 1 ' this is an up-to-one-second delay
errCount = errCount + 1
If obj.readyState = 4 Then ' I do these on two
If obj.Status = 200 Then ' different lines to avoid certain error cases
strData = obj.responseText
End If
End If
obj.abort ' in real code I use some on error resume next, so at this point it is possible I have a failed
' get and so best to abort it before I try again
Debug.Print strData
End Sub
Hope that helps.

vbScript opens up excel but doesn't load macro/modules?

I m in a very weird situation. I created a vbs script that would open my excel file. I had defined vba code in WorkBook_open method. I thought creating a vbs script to open up my excel would invoke my workBook_open method and execute the vba code inside it. But I was wrong. Below is my vbs code.
filePath = "E:\data_extracts\mydata.xlsm"
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oExcel.Visible = True
oExcel.Run "RefreshDataFromIQY"
Set oExcel = Nothing
On debugging, it fails at oExcel.Run "RefreshDataFromIQY" saying either macros are not available or disabled. Hence it is the code just opnes up excel application successfully and that's all it does. I have macro codes in module1, module2. How/where do I write to execute my macros in vbs script below. My macros/modules have to be executed in sequence and some of my macros are recorded macros. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks for your input Scott. Here's what I made changes to my code
Dim oExcelApp
Dim oExcelWkb
set oExcelApp = createobject("Excel.Application")
set oExcelWkb = oExcelApp.Workbooks.Open("\\myserver\data_extracts\TestTOPTMay307.xlsm")
oExcelWkb.Close True
However on running it from command line, its giving me runtime error Object required: 'Close'. Any idea why? Why is it failing to Close? What am i doing wrong? Thanks.
I just tested your code against a dummy file I made. It worked when I placed the code inside a module and left it as public. However, when I put into a private module -> like worksheet level module, I got the error you got.
However, when I referenced the private object, the code ran through. So my answer to you is to replace
oExcel.Run "RefreshDataFromIQY"
oExcel.Run "[yourClassName].RefreshDataFromIQY"
Also, I placed a workbook_event in my file as well. The event triggered successfully on open, so if there is trouble with yours, it's most likely in the code inside the event.

Why does CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") create two iexplorer.exe processes?

I have a vbscript using the InternetExplorer object to navigate to a few pages and passing data to those pages. Recently since patching IE8 I've noticed that something is causing the creation of zombie iexplore.exe processes. While running my script and watching the process list in task manager I noticed that when my script creates the InternetExplorer.Application object, two processes appear in the process list. Is this normal behavior? Why does this happen? I'm wondering because even though during my testing it appears both of these processes get killed when I call the InternetExplorer object's quit method, I still suspect that these multiple processes are the root cause of the zombies.
Here is some sample code:
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
ie.Navigate2 "Address"
ie.AddressBar = 1
ie.Toolbar = 1
ie.StatusBar = 1
ie.Width = 600
ie.Height = 400
ie.Left = 300
ie.Top = 150
ie.Visible = 1
Do While ie.Busy
WScript.Sleep 1
ie.Navigate2 "Address?variable=value"
Do While ie.Busy
WScript.Sleep 1
...rest of code...
Set ie = Nothing
I would guess that IE is putting the tab and the browser window in separate processes.
I have a similar issue when using createobject to start MsAccess. Two processes appear in the task list and both go away with the quit command.
However if some problem occurs during the session that causes my program to crash only one of the processes gets shutdown.
This must be some Microsoft system feature.