Dojo Enhanced grid Set Filter does not retains filter condition applied - dojo

In my scenario I have set enhanced grid with a filter query (values, conditions, columns and logicany or logicall.
But it works fine with below code except "isempty" condition. On edit or update the filter applied, it does not retains the filter condition applied, instead it takes the first option from condition drop down list.
Here is the code:
type: 'string',
column: 1,
condition: 'startsWith',
value: 'XXX'
}, {
type: 'number',
column: 2,
condition: 'lessthan',
value: 100
}], 'logicany');


How to use gt/le operator in aurelia slickgrid with Odata

I want to send my own operator in odata request and not use the aurelia slickgrid inbuilt "eq" operator.
This is my column definition
id: 'LockoutEndDateUtc', name: 'Status', field: 'LockoutEndDateUtc', minWidth: 85, maxWidth: 95,
type: FieldType.boolean,
sortable: true,
formatter: Formatters.multiple,
params: { formatters: [this.StatusFormatter, Formatters.checkmark] },
filterable: true,
filter: {
collection: [
{ value: 'le ' + (() => {const dt = new Date(); return dt.toISOString().split('.')[0] + "Z";})(), label: 'True' },
{ value: 'gt ' + (() => {const dt = new Date(); return dt.toISOString().split('.')[0] + "Z";})(), label: 'False' }
], //['', 'True', 'False'],
model: Filters.singleSelect,//multipleSelect//singleSelect,
This is the UI
This is how the request filter looks like..
If i remove %20eq from the above request, everything else works. So my question is how to i remove %20eq. Or how do i send my own gt, le in the request.
You can't really do that on a boolean filter (you could however do it on a date filter with operator) and I don't think I've added any ways to provide a custom filter search the way you want to do it, but since you're using OData, you have a bit more control and you could change the query string yourself. To be clear, it's not at all recommended to change the OData query string, it's a last solution trick and at your own risk, but for your use case it might be the only way to achieve what you want.
prepareGrid() {
this.gridOptions = {
// ...
backendServiceApi: {
service: new GridOdataService(),
process: (query) => this.getCustomerApiCall(query),
} as OdataServiceApi
getCustomerApiCall(query: string) {
let finalQuery = query;
// in your case, find the boolean value from the column and modify query
// your logic to modify the query string
// untested code, but it would probably look similar
if (query.includes('LockoutEndDateUtc%20eq%20true')) {
// calculate new date and replace boolean with new date
finalQuery = query.replace('LockoutEndDateUtc%20eq%20true', 'LockoutEndDateUtc%20le%202022-06-28T12%3A59%3A25Z');
return finalQuery;
Another possible solution but requires a bit more work.
If I'd be using a regular grid, without backend service and without access to the query string, I would probably add an external drop down outside of the grid and also add the date column and then control filters in the grid by using dynamic filtering. You can see a demo at Example 23, the principle is that you keep the column's real nature (date in your case) and filter it, if you want something like a "below today's date" then add an external way of filtering dynamically (a button or a drop down) and control the filter dynamically as shown below (from Example 23)

How to select specific fields on FaunaDB Query Language?

I can't find anything about how to do this type of query in FaunaDB. I need to select only specifics fields from a document, not all fields. I can select one field using Select function, like below:
q.Paginate(q.Documents(q.Collection('products')), {
size: 12,
q.Lambda('X', q.Select(['data', 'title'], q.Get(q.Var('X'))))
Forget the selectAll function, it's deprecated.
You can also return an object literal like this:
q.Paginate(q.Documents(q.Collection('products')), {
size: 12,
title: q.Select(['data', 'title'], q.Get(q.Var('X')),
otherField: q.Select(['data', 'other'], q.Get(q.Var('X'))
Also you are missing the end and beginning quotation marks in your question at ['data, title']
One way to achieve this would be to create an index that returns the values required. For example, if using the shell:
name: "<name of index>",
source: Collection("products"),
values: [
{ field: ["data", "title"] },
{ field: ["data", "<another field name>"] }
Then querying that index would return you the fields defined in the values of the index.
Match(Index("<name of index>"))
Lambda("product", Var("product"))
Although these examples are to be used in the shell, they can easily be used in code by adding a q. in front of each built-in function.

yadcf plugin - using select filter_type with custom_func

Using the yadcf plugin, is it possible to have the "select" filter_type with a custom function defined for custom_func to perform the filtering/matching?
For example
var table = $('#sample-table');
var dtable = table.DataTable();
yadcf.init(dtable, [{
column_number: 0,
select_type: "chosen",
text_data_delimiter: ";",
filter_type: 'custom_func',
custom_func: myCustomFilterFunction
function myCustomFilterFunction(filterVal, columnVal) {
const items = columnVal.split(';');
return items.some(function(arrVal) {
return filterVal === arrVal;
Read from the docs
* filter_type
Required: false
Type: String
Default value: 'select'
Possible values: select / multi_select / auto_complete / text / date / range_number / range_number_slider / range_date / custom_func / multi_select_custom_func / date_custom_func
Description: The type of the filter to be used in the column
* custom_func
Required: true (when filter_type is custom_func / multi_select_custom_func / date_custom_func)
Type: function
Default value: undefined
Description: should be pointing to a function with the following signature myCustomFilterFunction(filterVal, columnVal, rowValues, stateVal) , where `filterVal` is the value from the select box,
`columnVal` is the value from the relevant row column, `rowValues` is an array that holds the values of the entire row and `stateVal` which holds the current state of the table row DOM
, stateVal is perfect to handle situations in which you placing radiobuttons / checkbox inside table column. This function should return true if the row matches your condition and the row should be displayed) and false otherwise
Note: When using multi_select_custom_func as filter_type filterVal will hold an array of selected values from the multi select element

DataTables Enable Select Capability on Specified colums

I'm using a plugin to create a data table with single row select capability such that when I click anywhere in the row, it links to another page in my web app. I need help figuring out how to disable the select capability on the first column of every row. I've tried using css rules but either they do not work or they are applied to columns other than the first.
Table declaration:
var locationTable = $('#locationTable').DataTable({
dom: 'Brtip',
buttons: [
select: {
style: 'single'
//selector: ':not(:first-child)'
//selector: ':not(td:nth-of-type(1))'
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
ajax: "/locationData",
length: 10,
ordering: false,
"lengthChange": false,
//sDom : '<"top">lrtip',
columns: [
{data: 'locationname'},
{data: 'address1'},
{data: 'address2'},
{data: 'city'},
{data: 'state'},
{data: 'zipcode'},
{data: 'phone'},
{data: 'fax'}
My attempt to configure selection on every column (of every row) except the first:
Solution: Add a CSS rule for each column you wish to enable select capability. In the example below, I wish to have select capability on all columns except the first.
select: {
style: 'single',
selector: 'tr>td:nth-child(2), tr>td:nth-child(3), tr>td:nth-child(4), tr>td:nth-child(5), tr>td:nth-child(6), tr>td:nth-child(7), tr>td:nth-child(8), tr>td:nth-child(9)'

How to filter by sub-object in Rally 2 SDK

I'm trying to query for user stories whose release start date is greater than a particular date. Is it possible to do this using the "filters" config rather than querying all stories and then checking manually?
Is this valid? :
Ext.create('', {
model: 'UserStory',
context: {
project: '/project/xxxx'
autoLoad: true,
fetch: ['Rank', 'FormattedID', 'Release'],
filters: [
property: 'Release.ReleaseStartDate',
operator: '>',
value: '2012-10-10'
It doesn't work, just fetches all records.
The code posted above does work. I was actually using a comboBox value in the "value" property. Turns out I didn't convert it to a proper DateTime format and hence the comparison was failing and returning all records.
In my case I had to use Rally.util.DateTime.toIsoString in order to compare the value in the combobox.