ScrollView cuts off last object on the page - react-native

I built a view that is populated dynamically using array mapping. After doing this, I realized that the View would be too large to contain all the array items on one screen.
Here is my code.
<View style={[styles.flexColumn]}>
{, i) =>
<View key={i} style={[styles.flexRow]}>
So I tried adding a scroll view as the parent like this:
<View style={[styles.flexColumn]}>
{, i) =>
<View key={i} style={[styles.flexRow]}>
This does add some scrollability to the view, but it's still cutting off a portion of the last object in the array.
Is there a way to fix this?

ScrollView is intended for showing scrollable content at once. Since you are populating content dynamically, you should be using FlatList. Something similar to the following would work:
_keyExtractor = character => character.Name
_renderItem = ({character}) => (
render() {
return (
Detailed explanation is available in the docs.
If you are by any reason still forced to stick to Scrollview, the problem is probably related to the styling. I suppose styles.flexColumn should be applied to the ScrollView itself via contentContainerStyle, rather than to its' child View.


ScrollView not working even tho it works on other components

Hello guys i have been working on the ubereats clone and while using scrollView it doesnt work ,
i used it on other components the same way and it worked fine but here it doesnt !! ?
const MenuItem=()=>{
<ScrollView showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false}>
<View style={{paddingHorizontal:10}} >
<View style={{paddingLeft:20,flexDirection:"row",marginTop:30,borderTopWidth:1,borderTopColor:"lightgray",paddingTop:10}} key={index} >
<View style={{justifyContent:"center"}}><BouncyCheckbox
iconStyle={{borderColor: "gray",borderRadius:0}}
<View style={{width:220,marginLeft:10}}>
<Text style={{fontSize:20,fontWeight:"700"}}>{food.title}</Text>
<Text > {food.description}</Text>
<View style={{marginTop:8}}>
<Text style={{fontSize:17,fontWeight:"500"}}>{food.price}</Text></View>
<View style={{marginLeft:18}}>
<Image source={{uri:food.image}} style={{width:80,height:80,borderRadius:30}}/>
i used flex 1 on the view outside the map function and it didnt fix it
Remove the View above the ScrollView.
You try to set one child for the scrollView it’s the View component and the View component have array map.
Remove the View component to keep array map child for ScrollView

React-Native horizontal FlatList

I have flat list that is returning a JSON feed with nested objects / arrays. All is working except horizontal listing, it still lists each item vertically. Does anyone know how I can list the returned images horizontally instead of vertically?
{isLoading ? <ActivityIndicator/> : (
keyExtractor={({ id }, index) => id}
renderItem= {({ item, index }) => (
{, i) => (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => props.navigation.navigate('Pdp', {articleid:})}>
<View style={styles.container}>
<Image style={styles.imgyoutubeprev} source={{ uri: chkValue(v.snippet.thumbnails.high.url) }} />
<Image style={styles.imgyoutubebtnoverlay} source={require('../assets/youtubebtn.png')} />
We would need to have a bit more information about the styles that you are using. If the items are rendered vertically instead of horizontal then this is likely caused by the element that surrounds the FlatList.
Make sure that the View or other component that contains the FlatList has the flex: 1 style or at least takes up the full width. Otherwise the horizontal elements would still wrap and be rendered vertically.
Bonus tip: You might be able to remove the View child from the TouchableOpacity by moving the styles.container to the TouchableOpacity and then replacing the inner View with a Fragment.
Thanks all. The big difference was removing the view surrounding the I haven't had to force flex: 1 against the view, though I have forced flex 1 across the whole screen, so possibly thats helped as well. Thanks again all.
The code I used (taking on your code reduction, and is working as expected is;
return (
{isLoading ? <ActivityIndicator/> : (
keyExtractor={({ id }, index) => id}
renderItem= {({ item, index }) => (, i) => (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => props.navigation.navigate('Pdp', {articleid:})}>
<Image style={styles.imgyoutubeprev} source={{ uri: chkValue(v.snippet.thumbnails.high.url) }} />
<Image style={styles.imgyoutubebtnoverlay} source={require('../assets/youtubebtn.png')} />

Can't use both Scrollview and Flatlist within same React Native component

I'm trying to use a Scrollview to scroll horizontally a mapped array and also a Flatlist to scroll vertically a list of items from another array but the combination of the 2 don't seem to work.
This is not a case on wrapping a Flatlist inside a Scrollview which causes a well known problem, I'm not getting the VirtualizedLists warning here.
Here's my code in the rendering section:
return (
<View style={styles.screen}>
<Scrollview style={styles.containerRow}>
{ => {
return (
onPress={() => {
<View style={styles.filterGenderLayout}>
<Text style={styles.genderButton}>{}</Text>
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={styles.containerRow}>
keyExtractor={(item) =>}
renderItem={(itemData) => (
As you can see the Scrollview and Flatlist are not nested but I get an error as invalid element. If I use a normal View tag instead of Scrollview, everything looks fine except that I cannot scroll my first list horizontally.
Any suggestion on how to fix this?
I tried to use Flatlist on both however I need the first to scroll horizontally and the second vertically with numColumns={3} meaning I get a different error.

In react-native, is it anyway I can pull data from my JSON into my component?

Here is a thing, I'am struggling about using RN .
I would like to use flatlist to generate my content.
the flatlist contents can be pressed so It makes to go another page open.
I need animation freedom so the content can be pop up anywhere such as from the bottom, left, right.
I would like to use one layout which I was already built.
such a concept are, using renderingItem into view, than generating data in my component. here is concept I tried to do
<View style={styles.flatList}>
renderItem={({item, index})=>{ return
<View style={styles.mgView}>
<ListItem item={item} image={item} index={index}/>
<View data={newsFeedData}
renderItem={(item, idex)=>{
return <PageDetail
item={item} image={item} image={item}></PageDetail>
Please help me anyone know the trick of this concept. I really appreciate your help!

React-Native, Scroll View Not Scrolling

When I wrap content like this example below, it scrolls Perfectly..
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
However, whenever I wrap it in another View, It will not scroll.
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
Is there some sort of fix to this. I am trying to put a nav bar header above all of the content, couldn't really figure it out though.
It's a typo:
Your closing ScrollView tag is: </SCrollView> rather than </ScrollView>.
You also need to add a style to the View container, here's an example of what it should look like:
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
Try next code:
<ScrollView contentContainerStyle={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
If your ScrollView is within something that handles touch (Pressable, TouchableWithoutFeedback etc) then you either need to stop the touch event propagating up to that parent handler or else the ScrollView won't handle the touch event and therefore won't scroll.
This can be done either with onStartShouldSetResponder={() => true} or by wrapping the children in an element which itself handles the touch event (e.g. Pressable):
return (
<Text>This is scrollable</Text>
<Text>As is this</Text>
Try adding style={{flex:1}} to <View> and <ScrollView> components. You also have a typo on your code: </SCrollView> in line 9. An example code will look like this:
<View style={{backgroundColor:'white', flex:1}}>
<NavigationBar title="Title" />
<ScrollView style={{flex:1, backgroundColor:'white'}}>
<View style={{flex:1,justifyContent:'center'}}>
<RegisterForm />
Another solution is to add a height property to the parent View container. This sometimes works well when calculating the height against the screen height.
render () {
const screenHeight = Dimensions.get('window').height
<View style={{height: screenHeight}}>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
I have tried all of these solutions and none were working. Then I just fully restarted the app and the metro server and everything worked fine.
As #Evan Siroky has answered above it's working well I'm just adding on thing for a auto height in case you don't want to reserve the space
render () {
const screenHeight = Dimensions.get('window').height
<View style={{ Height: "auto", maxHeight: screenHeight}}>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
<Text> TEST </Text>
I had a similar issues, it got solved by removing height/width if set to '100%'.
Just adding here if someone faces the same issues. :D
Set nestedScrollEnabled as true for Hybrid Android + react app as it might be issue with gesture/click for scrolling issue.
Just if anyone is as desperate as I was:
My view was inside a StackNavigator. In the StackNavigator you can assign a default cardStyle. This card style needs height: "100%".
For me this was the case but I had overwritten it within the cardStyle of the Stack.Screen definition.
See this working example:
// This is the stack navigator
<ModalStack.Navigator screenOptions={() => ({
cardStyle: {height: "100%"}
<ModalStack.Screen name={ScreenItemDetail} options={{
// cardStyle: {} be sure to not override card style again!
}} component={ItemDetailScreen} />
// ...
removing contentContainerStyle prop from the ScrollView has fixed the issue for me
Just add ScrollView as parent View if it's still not working for you...just restart your app or server and your ScrollView will work fine. Because sometimes our app freezes for no reason.
I think the best way of doing this is to put all requires inside an array and map this array.
const images = [
return ( { => <Image ... source={image} />)
note that if you want it as a background image with other elements above the image, you may use BackgroundImage and either render elements for each image or position absolute the image map and zIndex it behind all things