How to calculate depreciation on dimishing balance method using VBA Excel - vba

My code is as follows:
Function Depreciation(pCost As Currency, Age As Double)
Dim cValue As Currency
Dim Dep As Double
Select Case Age
Case Is < 1
Dep = pCost
cValue = pCost - Dep
Depreciation = cValue
Case Is < 2
Dim cValue1 As Currency
Depreciation = cValue * 0.25
cValue1 = cValue - Depreciation
Depreciation = cValue1
Case Is < 3
Dim cValue2 As Currency
Depreciation = cValue1 * 0.25
cValue2 = cValue1 - Depreciation
Depreciation = cValue2
End Select
End Function

Assuming you want the amount after depriciation, try below:
Option Explicit
Function Depreciation(pCost As Currency, Age As Double)
Const DepreciationRate As Currency = 0.25
Dim cValue As Currency, i As Double
cValue = pCost
i = Age
Do Until i < 1
cValue = cValue * (1 - DepreciationRate)
'Debug.Print Age - i + 1, cValue ' Uncomment to see value of wach year
i = i - 1
Depreciation = cValue
End Function


if statement to mathematical addition gives answer zero in

' total service till retirement
retirement = Me.DateTimePicker2.Value
appointment = Me.DateTimePicker1.Value
Dim workingTime As TimeSpan = retirement - appointment
Dim yearVal As Double = workingTime.TotalDays / 365
Dim years = CInt(Math.Floor(yearVal))
Dim monthVal = (workingTime.TotalDays - years * 365) / 30
Dim months As Int32 = CInt(Math.Floor(monthVal))
Dim dayVal = workingTime.TotalDays - (years * 365 + months * 30)
Dim days As Int32 = CInt(Math.Floor(dayVal))
Dim result = $" {years} years {months} months & {days} Days"
tservice.Text = result
' Pay reckonable for pension.
reckonable = Val(lastpay.Text) + Val(increment.Text)
'17. Service on the date of retirement. rounded off
If months > 5 Then
totalyear = (Val(years) + 1)
End If
'1. PENSION:-17760x26x7/300=Rs. 10774.40
pension = (Val(reckonable) * Val(totalyear) * 7 / 300)
tpension.Text = pension
i need that answer should not be zero but due to totalyear a integer variable inside if statement gives zero i want it to add a value 1 if num of months is greater than 5 kindly help me.

VB program to calculate monthly deposits plus interest

I am having issues trying to make a calculator that accurately calculates deposits plus the amount of interest that is added monthly. I dont know how to incorporate a loop that can add monthly deposits to total deposits, then adds the total deposits plus total interest times the interest rate / 100 / 12 to the total deposits. Here is what I have so far. Sorry am super new to VB !
Dim intMonthlyDeposit As Interger
Dim intMonthsTotal As Integer
Dim intAnnualRate As Interget
Dim decTotalDeposits As Decimal
Dim decTotalInterest As Decimal
Dim decTotalTotal As Decimal
intMonthlyDeposit = CInt(txtMonthlyDeposits.Text)
intMonthsTotal = CInt(txtMonths.Text)
decAnnualRate = CDec(txtAnnualRate.Text)
decTotalDeposits = 0
decTotalInterest = 0
decTotalTotal = 0
decTotalDeposits = decMonthlyDeposit * intMonthsTotal
decTotalInterest = decTotalDeposits * (decAnnualRate / 100)
decTotalTotal = decTotalDeposits + decTotalInterest
lblTotDeposit.Text = decTotalDeposits.ToString("C")
lblTot.Text = decTotalTotal.ToString("C")
lblTotInterest.Text = decTotalInterest.ToString("C")
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Enter a Valid Number")
End Try
End Sub
This is how I implemented the loop for calculating total interest and total deposits correctly.
For index As Integer = 1 To intMonthsTotal Step 1
decTotalDeposits += decMonthlyDeposit
decTotalInterest += (decTotalDeposits + decTotalInterest) * ((decAnnualRate / 100) / 12)

VB.Net issue with double data range while performing a linear regression

I am performing linear regression using this data in VB.Net
The formula that I am using is this,
where x = UTC Seconds, y = Values
In the denominator, I am getting a zero value because both expressions in the denominator equal to a value of 2.8688695263517E+20.
I defined my series as,
Dim xs(12) As [Double]
Dim ys(12) As [Double]
I am not sure if the square brackets matter.
For now, I am not able to get results due to zero denominator. What data type should I use?
I expect more rows of data in future.
Given below is the sub
Public Sub GetLinearRegressionParams(ByVal xs() As Double, ByVal ys() As Double, ByRef a As Double, ByRef b As Double)
Dim sumX As Double = 0
Dim sumY As Double = 0
Dim sumXY As Double = 0
Dim sumX2 As Double = 0
Dim n As Integer
n = 0
For index = 0 To xs.Length - 1
If xs(index) = Nothing Then
sumX = sumX + xs(index)
sumY = sumY + ys(index)
sumXY = sumXY + xs(index) * ys(index)
sumX2 = sumX2 + xs(index) * xs(index)
n = n + 1
End If
a = (sumY * sumX2 - sumX * sumXY) / (n * sumX2 - sumX * sumX)
b = (n * sumXY - sumX * sumY) / (n * sumX2 - sumX * sumX)
End Sub

VB Simple If statements (h/w)

I don't deal with VB. I am helping my mother with her homework and just cant think straight anymore on what to do with this statement.
Private Sub btnTotal_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnTotal.Click
Dim intPackA As Integer = 0
Dim intPackB As Integer = 0
Dim intPackC As Integer = 0
Dim SavingsPriceB As Decimal = 0.0
Dim SavingsPriceC As Decimal = 0.0
Dim TotalPrice As Decimal = 0.0
lblTotal.Text = String.Empty
If radPackA.Checked Then
TotalPrice = 9.95
lblTotal.Text = TotalPrice
If Integer.TryParse(txtHours.Text, intPackA) Then
If intPackA > 10 Then
TotalPrice = TotalPrice + ((intPackA - 10) * 2)
lblTotal.Text = TotalPrice
End If
End If
If chkSavings.Checked Then
SavingsPriceB = 14.95 + ((intPackB - 20) * 1)
SavingsPriceC = 19.95
If TotalPrice < SavingsPriceB And TotalPrice < SavingsPriceC Then
lblTotal.Text = TotalPrice & ", no savings with Package B or C"
End If
End If
ElseIf radPackB.Checked Then
TotalPrice = 14.95
lblTotal.Text = TotalPrice
If Integer.TryParse(txtHours.Text, intPackB) Then
If intPackB > 20 Then
TotalPrice = TotalPrice + ((intPackB - 20) * 1)
lblTotal.Text = TotalPrice
End If
End If
If chkSavings.Checked Then
End If
ElseIf radPackC.Checked Then
TotalPrice = 19.95
lblTotal.Text = TotalPrice
End If
If chkNonprofit.Checked Then
TotalPrice = Format((TotalPrice - ((TotalPrice / 100) * 20)), ".00")
lblTotal.Text = TotalPrice & ControlChars.CrLf & "Non-Profit Organization discount applied"
End If
End Sub
It's the If chkSavings.Checked that's giving me problem.
This is the program as designed. There is a label bellow the packages that displays the total.
When the Potential Savings is checked, it should also display the amount you could save if you use a different package.
So if I put Package A, 5 hours, 20% discount it should say $7.96, no savings with Package B or C. For Package A, 25 hours it should say $39.95, save $20.00 with Package B, and save $20.00 with Package C
The code I have does not print it even the first part.
Package A and less then 10 hours = $9.95, every additional hour is $2.00 more
Package B and less then 20 hours = $14.95, every additional hour is $1.00 more
Package C with unlimited hours is = $19.95
So My question is, what am I doing wrong in my code or how could I achieve what I am looking for.

VBA UDF returning #VALUE!

So I have a pretty simple UDF written in visual basic for use in excel. It calculates your approx. taxes. Lets say I use it as such:
If I type this in it works great. Now if I save the sheet and restart excel the cell now says #VALUE! If I select the formula and hit enter once again it recalculates it fine. What am I doing wrong? Application.Volatile shouldn't be needed but I was trying ideas...
Private Type TaxBracket
Perc As Double
Floor As Currency
Limit As Currency
End Type
Public Function Taxes(gross1 As Currency, gross2 As Currency, filingStatus As String) As Currency
Application.Volatile True
Dim brackets(6) As TaxBracket
Dim stdDeduction As Currency
Dim ssTaxRate As Double
Dim medicareTaxRate As Double
Dim Tax As Double
stdDeduction = 5700
ssTaxRoof = 106800
ssTaxRate = 0.062
medicareTaxRate = 0.0145
Tax = medicareTaxRate * (gross1 + gross2)
Tax = Tax + IIf(gross1 < ssTaxRoof, ssTaxRate * gross1, ssTaxRate * ssTaxRoof)
Tax = Tax + IIf(gross2 < ssTaxRoof, ssTaxRate * gross2, ssTaxRate * ssTaxRoof)
brackets(0).Perc = 0.1
brackets(1).Perc = 0.15
brackets(2).Perc = 0.25
brackets(3).Perc = 0.28
brackets(4).Perc = 0.33
brackets(5).Perc = 0.35
If filingStatus = "Single" Then
brackets(0).Floor = 0
brackets(1).Floor = 8375
brackets(2).Floor = 34000
brackets(3).Floor = 82400
brackets(4).Floor = 171850
brackets(5).Floor = 373650
brackets(0).Limit = 8375
brackets(1).Limit = 34000
brackets(2).Limit = 82400
brackets(3).Limit = 171850
brackets(4).Limit = 373650
brackets(5).Limit = 1000000000
Tax = Tax + incomeTaxes(gross1, brackets, stdDeduction) + incomeTaxes(gross2, brackets, stdDeduction)
ElseIf filingStatus = "Married" Then
brackets(0).Floor = 0
brackets(1).Floor = 16750
brackets(2).Floor = 68000
brackets(3).Floor = 137300
brackets(4).Floor = 209250
brackets(5).Floor = 373650
brackets(0).Limit = 16750
brackets(1).Limit = 68000
brackets(2).Limit = 137300
brackets(3).Limit = 209250
brackets(4).Limit = 373650
brackets(5).Limit = 1000000000
Tax = Tax + incomeTaxes(gross1 + gross2, brackets, stdDeduction * 2)
Taxes = "N/A"
End If
Taxes = Tax
End Function
Private Function incomeTaxes(gross As Currency, brackets() As TaxBracket, deduction As Currency) As Currency
Dim Tax As Double
Dim taxable As Double
Tax = 0
taxable = gross - deduction
For i = 0 To 5
If taxable > brackets(i).Limit Then
Tax = Tax + (WorksheetFunction.Min(taxable, brackets(i).Limit) - brackets(i).Floor) * brackets(i).Perc
If taxable > brackets(i).Floor Then
Tax = Tax + (taxable - brackets(i).Floor) * brackets(i).Perc
'tax = tax
End If
End If
Next i
incomeTaxes = Tax
End Function
Your UDF's look OK, apart from using Currency data types (probably should be using doubles or variants since that is what Excel uses).
The usual reason for getting #Value with a UDF is that one of the input arguments cannot be converted to the correct type. If your input cells do not contain numeric values when the workbook opens you would get #Value. This might be caused by calculation sequence problems resulting in one of the upstream precedent cells being uncalculated the first time the function is called. Try declaring the input parameters as variant rather than currency and add some temporary debug.print statements to show the input parameters in the Immediate window.