sql inner join over multiple tables - sql

I've given this relational scheme and following task:
Inner Join: Return a list of professors, which gives
'lehrveranstaltung' of the 'fachbereich' with the name 'informatik'.
* print 'vorname', 'ho_name', 'lv_name'
* output should sort surnames in ascending order and if they're the same in descending order
* identical lines should online shown once
now I came up with following query:
select distinct
--print wanted, only once
vorname v,
hochschulangehoeriger h,
lehrveranstaltung l
-- from these tables
inner join fachbereich f on f.fb_name = 'Informatik'
-- only the 'informatik' events
inner join prof_haelt_lv on l.lv_nr = pl.lv_nr
-- make sure 'lehrveranstaltung' is from a professor
inner join mitarbeiter mit on pl.pers_Nr = mit.pers_Nr
-- make sure dude is a prof
mit.ho_nr = h.ho_nr
mit.ho_nr = v.ho_nr -- give only names from prof
order by
2 asc,
3 desc; -- order rules
I think this works for me (can't test it properly). But when I look at it I'll wish that I came up for a bether solution since this looks kinda ugly and wrong for me.
Is there a bether way of doing this? (Have to use inner join)

Based on the table you have, you may use the following SQL statement
FROM vorname v
INNER JOIN hochschulangehoeriger h
ON v.ho_nr = h.ho_nr
INNER JOIN mitarbeiter m
ON m.ho_nr = h.ho_nr
INNER JOIN fachbereich f
ON f.fb_nr = m.fb_nr
AND f.fb_name = 'Informatik'
INNER JOIN lehrveranstaltung l
ON l.fb_nr = f.nb_nr
INNER JOIN professor p
ON p.pers_nr = m.pers_nr
INNER JOIN prof_haelt_lv pl
ON pl.pers_nr = p.pers_nr
AND pl.lv_nr = l.lv_nr
Also, these section on your SQL, this has no connection to any table in your SQL
inner join fachbereich f on f.fb_name = 'Informatik'
-- only the 'informatik' events
you forgot the alias for prof_haelt_lv
inner join prof_haelt_lv on l.lv_nr = pl.lv_nr
-- make sure 'lehrveranstaltung' is from a professor


How to subtract from another table in SQL

COUNT(ca.Plate) as 'OccupiedElectricSlots'
FROM cities C
JOIN ParkingHouses HS on C.Id = hs.CityId
JOIN ParkingSlots PS on HS.Id = ps.ParkingHouseId
LEFT JOIN Cars Ca on PS.Id = Ca.ParkingSlotsId
WHERE ps.ElectricOutlet = 1
GROUP BY hs.HouseName, C.CityName
MAX(Ps.SlotNumber) as 'ParkingSlotTotal'
,MAX(PS.SlotNumber) - Count(ca.Plate) as 'FreeSlots'
,SUM(CAST(PS.ElectricOutlet AS INT)) as 'ElectricOutlet'
FROM Cities C
JOIN ParkingHouses HS on C.Id = hs.CityId
JOIN ParkingSlots PS on HS.Id = ps.ParkingHouseId
LEFT JOIN Cars Ca on PS.Id = Ca.ParkingSlotsId
GROUP BY hs.HouseName, C.CityName
How can I subtract the first tables numbers on the second one?
I want to see how many free slots that have electric outlet.
Like this Column ElectricOutlet - OccupiedElectricSlots = result
I'm quite new at SQL, but I have tried to outer apply (don't fully understand it), and I tried to join them both tables togheter. Tried different where conditions but I'm stuck atm.
Your queries are almost identical as far as I can see. You can change your first query to:
SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN ps.ElectricOutlet = 1 THEN ca.Plate END) as 'OccupiedElectricSlots'
FROM cities C
JOIN ParkingHouses HS on C.Id = hs.CityId
JOIN ParkingSlots PS on HS.Id = ps.ParkingHouseId
LEFT JOIN Cars Ca on PS.Id = Ca.ParkingSlotsId
GROUP BY hs.HouseName, C.CityName
I.e., instead of filtering on ps.ElectricOutlet you just ignore those rows in COUNT. Now you can just:
,SUM(CAST(PS.ElectricOutlet AS INT)) - COUNT(CASE WHEN ...) AS result
FROM Cities C
JOIN ParkingHouses HS
ON C.Id = hs.CityId
JOIN ParkingSlots PS
ON HS.Id = ps.ParkingHouseId
ON PS.Id = Ca.ParkingSlotsId
GROUP BY hs.HouseName, C.CityName
The MINUS operator is used to subtract the result set obtained by first SELECT query from the result set obtained by second SELECT query.
MINUS compares the data in two tables and returns only the rows of data using the specified columns that exist in the first table but not the second.

Passing different column values to where clause

SELECT pims.icicimedicalexaminerreport.id,
FROM pims.pimscase
INNER JOIN pims.digitization
ON pims.pimscase.digitizationid = pims.digitization.id
INNER JOIN pims.medicalexaminerreport
ON pims.digitization.medicalexaminerreportid =
INNER JOIN pims.icicimedicalexaminerreport
ON pims.medicalexaminerreport.id =
INNER JOIN pims.icicimerfemaleapplicant
ON pims.icicimedicalexaminerreport.id =
WHERE pims.pimscase.tiannumber = 'ICICI1234567890'
which gives me the following output
Now I want to use the above output values to select the rows from the table "YesNoAnswerWithObservation"
I imagine it should look something like this Select * from YesNoAnswerWithObservation Where Id in (22,27,26,...23)
Only instead of typing the values inside IN clause I want to use the values in each column resulting from above-mentioned query.
I tried the below code but it returns all the rows in the table rather than rows mentioned inside the In
SELECT pims.yesnoanswerwithobservation.observation,
pims.yesnoanswerwithobservation.id ObservationId
FROM pims.yesnoanswerwithobservation
INNER JOIN graphitegtccore.yesnoquestion
ON pims.yesnoanswerwithobservation.yesnoanswerid =
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT pims.icicimedicalexaminerreport.id,
FROM pims.pimscase
INNER JOIN pims.digitization
ON pims.pimscase.digitizationid =
INNER JOIN pims.medicalexaminerreport
ON pims.digitization.medicalexaminerreportid =
INNER JOIN pims.icicimedicalexaminerreport
ON pims.medicalexaminerreport.id =
INNER JOIN pims.icicimerfemaleapplicant
ON pims.icicimedicalexaminerreport.id =
WHERE pims.pimscase.tiannumber = 'ICICI1234567890')
Any help or a nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated
Presumably you want the ids from the first query:
SELECT awo.observation, ynq.description, ynq.id as ObservationId
FROM pims.yesnoanswerwithobservation awo JOIN
graphitegtccore.yesnoquestion ynq
ON awo.yesnoanswerid = ynq.id
WHERE ynq.id = (SELECT mer.id
FROM pims.pimscase c JOIN
pims.digitization d
ON c.digitizationid = d.id JOIN
pims.medicalexaminerreport mer
ON d.medicalexaminerreportid = mer.id JOIN
pims.icicimedicalexaminerreport imer
ON mer.id = imer.id JOIN
pims.icicimerfemaleapplicant ifa
ON imer.id = ifa.id
WHERE c.tiannumber = 'ICICI1234567890'
) ;
Notice that table aliases make the query much easier to write and to read.

SQL - Simple Pivot Table while using Join statements?

I'm trying to transpose my results from the following code which is joining multiple tables together. I know i need to use a PIVOT for this and it may be a simple fix, but i'm having huge difficultly getting the code to work. My code is as follows:
SELECT F.SetValue, D.Name FROM Device D
INNER JOIN Location L ON D.LocationId = L.LocationId
INNER JOIN Fitting F ON L.LocationId = F.LocationId
INNER JOIN LocationTypeFitting LTF ON F.LocationTypeFittingId = LTF.LocationTypeFittingId
WHERE D.DeviceName = 'Device 1' AND LTF.Name LIKE '%Television%';
which prints the following results:
SetValue | Name
1 | TV_Power
1 | TV_Volume
1 | TV_Source
I need to return the values as below:
TV_Power | TV_Volume | TV_Source
1 | 1 | 1
I know i'll also need a GROUP BY statement, but the the joining of additional tables is making this particular query increasingly difficult. Any help would be very much appreciated.
I would do the following two things:
Wrap the whole query in a sub-query and apply the pivot syntax.
Add another column, such as DeviceName from the Device table (or some other table), so that you can differentiate the rows once the pivot has been executed (I assume there will be more than one row).
it also shows where the group by would go in the comments.
select post_pivot.*
from (
SELECT F.SetValue, D.Name, D.DeviceName FROM Device D
INNER JOIN Location L ON D.LocationId = L.LocationId
INNER JOIN Fitting F ON L.LocationId = F.LocationId
INNER JOIN LocationTypeFitting LTF ON F.LocationTypeFittingId = LTF.LocationTypeFittingId
WHERE D.DeviceName = 'Device 1' AND LTF.Name LIKE '%Television%'
--group by (if needed)
) as pre_pivot
pivot (max(pre_pivot.set_value) for pre_pivot.Name in ([TV_Power], [TV_Volume], [TV_Source])) as post_pivot
Hopefully this will be sufficient or will give you enough to go on.
SELECT 'DeviceType' as DeviceTYpe,* FROM
SELECT D.Name, F.SetValue FROM Device D
INNER JOIN Location L ON D.LocationId = L.LocationId
INNER JOIN Fitting F ON L.LocationId = F.LocationId
INNER JOIN LocationTypeFitting LTF ON F.LocationTypeFittingId = LTF.LocationTypeFittingId
WHERE D.DeviceName = 'Device 1' AND LTF.Name LIKE '%Television%'
) AS SourceTable
FOR Name in ([TV_Power], [TV_Volume], [TV_Source])
) As PivotTable

SQL select results not appearing if a value is null

I am building a complex select statement, and when one of my values (pcf_auto_key) is null it will not disipaly any values for that header entry.
select c.company_name, h.prj_number, h.description, s.status_code, h.header_notes, h.cm_udf_001, h.cm_udf_002, h.cm_udf_008, l.classification_code
from project_header h, companies c, project_status s, project_classification l
where exists
(select company_name from companies where h.cmp_auto_key = c.cmp_auto_key)
and exists
(select status_code from project_status s where s.pjs_auto_key = h.pjs_auto_key)
and exists
(select classification_code from project_classification where h.pcf_auto_key = l.pcf_auto_key)
and pjm_auto_key = 11
--and pjt_auto_key = 10
and c.cmp_auto_key = h.cmp_auto_key
and h.pjs_auto_key = s.pjs_auto_key
and l.pcf_auto_key = h.pcf_auto_key
and s.status_type = 'O'
How does my select statement look? Is this an appropriate way of pulling info from other tables?
This is an oracle database, and I am using SQL Developer.
Assuming you want to show all the data that you can find but display the classification as blank when there is no match in that table, you can use a left outer join; which is much clearer with explicit join syntax:
select c.company_name, h.prj_number, h.description, s.status_code, h.header_notes,
h.cm_udf_001, h.cm_udf_002, h.cm_udf_008, l.classification_code
from project_header h
join companies c on c.cmp_auto_key = h.cmp_auto_key
join project_status s on s.pjs_auto_key = h.pjs_auto_key
left join project_classification l on l.pcf_auto_key = h.pcf_auto_key
where pjm_auto_key = 11
and s.status_type = 'O'
I've taken out the exists conditions as they just seem to be replicating the join conditions.
If you might not have matching data in any of the other tables you can make the other inner joins into outer joins in the same way, but be aware that if you outer join to project_status you will need to move the statatus_type check into the join condition as well, or Oracle will convert that back into an inner join.
Read more about the different kinds of joins.

SQL update statement inserting PeopleID into child tables to link data

I need to place the PeopleID in several tables for my new database to link all of the peole information. I have tried several times to write a simple update statement please help. Every time I get close I get AMBIGUOUS COLUMN ERROR I don't know what else to do.
Set PeopleID = B.PeopleID
from People A
Inner join
Select PeopleId, F.ContractID
From People A
Inner Join Person PRSN on PRSN.PersonID = A.PersonID
Inner Join DARPA_IMPORT_REAL..persnl oldP on oldP.pl_pid = PRSN.PersonID
Left outer join Contract F on F.ContractID = oldP.kn_254id
) B on A.PeopleID = B.PeopleID
try this
Update CONTRACT Set CONTRACT.PeopleID = B.PeopleID
from People A
Inner join (
Select A.PeopleId, F.ContractID
From People AA
Inner Join Person PRSN on PRSN.PersonID = AA.PersonID
Inner Join DARPA_IMPORT_REAL..persnl oldP on oldP.pl_pid = PRSN.PersonID
Left outer join Contract F on F.ContractID = oldP.kn_254id ) B
on A.PeopleID = B.PeopleID
you were asigning the ´A´ alias twice so I recomend using different aliases always