allow the buddypress group administrator to add more admins - buddypress

is there a way to allow the current group administrator to add more administrators from the front-end .. does buddypress include such feature , and if not , do you know any plugin doing help in that ? or where i should start from to develop this in my own .. i'm trying to use buddypress group as fan page .. and the main function i need from the buddypress groups is the multi admins feature .. i want to give the users the ability to create pages and add more admins , something similar to fb fan page .. hope someone can help

It's already possible to do that in BuddyPress.
Log in as a group admin, go to your group and open its "Manage" tab.
There you will see a subpage - Members. On this page, you will see the list of all members of the current group. If the member that you want to promote is not there - ask a user to join the group (or send him/her an invite). From "Manage -> Members" page you will be able to click on a "Promote to Admin" next to the member name - and thus the user will become an admin of this group.
More information can be found here:


Odoo 8 How to allow access to the documents of Document Management Module if you are not an employee

I have installed the Document Management Module. I have some users who represent companies, and they only belong to the knowledge group so they can view some documents. If I try this configuration, these users can view the directories, but they canĀ“t view the documents inside them. Instead of that, they get an error saying that they must be employees to view the content of the directories. I do not want them to belong to the human resources / employee group. I just want them to belong to the knowledge group. I Hope you can help me.
Thank you in advance.
You can create an access role for this.
Enable the developer mode and then -
Go to Settings > Users > Groups.
Select the group to which you want to give the access.
Go to the Access Rights Tab and then add an item into it.
- object - 'ir.attachment'
- Read, Write, Create, Unlink (Check all or as per your requirement) and - - give a name to the rule (any name).
And save it.
The user belonging to that particular group will have access to the document management module.
Shikhar S
The model ir.attachment in Odoo has some special logic for access rights. An user doesn't only need access rights to that model, but additionally need access rights to the model to which the attachments belongs.
An easy example: You have an invoice with invoice pdf as attachment. If you don't have delete rights for the invoice (maybe only read rights), you're not allowed to delete the attachment of that invoice, too.
So the only solution to your problem is to override that logic.
If you don't want user to belong to Employee group, create user as a Portal User.(Giving user access to standard apps automatically makes user belong to Employee group as most of them inherit Employee group)
Now, you have 2 options :
1) Modify Portal group to include Knowledge menu & related objects access
2) Create new group inheriting Portal group with required menu & related objects access.
Assign new user with this group access to allow accessing Documents.

How to Assign a project to specific user only in SonarQube?

I want that when a project is scanned and it's scan result is created only Admin and a specific user can see that project in dashboard and all other places and only he can access that project. Also I want to send email to that user when project was scanned.
I know I can assign role to user and set permissions for it by going to that project, but should I have follow all these steps for this? Can't I just select a user from UI so that only that selected user can view that project?
You must define project permissions for the scanned project with only that user and admin having the permission to "Browse" the project.
If you need to do that repeatedly you may use permission templates.
In my case I wanted to Assgin one project to a whole group of users in SonarQube 6.7.3 so the steps where the following:
Administration->Projects->Managment->Actions(of the desired project)->edit Permissions
And then, I don't know why but the current users and groups registered are not shown instantly so what you need to do is to use the search tool and search for the group or user that you are looking for. They will appear below so you'll be able to tick the permissions that you want. Also you should select the private radio button so nobody but the users or groups you selected can access the project.

How to automatically discover and add users via LDAP in SonarQube?

I guess this question basically boils down to some misunderstanding that I have about how the SonarQube LDAP plugin works in general. We have integrated the LDAP plugin and our users are authenticating against our corporate LDAP server. When we we want to create a new group and add users to that group for a new project, we have assumed that the users themselves must authenticate into SonarQube first so they get added as a user to SonarQube. After that, then we are able to put them into the appropriate groups that they belong to. This is a pain for our administrators since the people that need to be added are logging in at differing times or forgetting to log in at all. What we would like is something that Nexus provides where we can do a lookup of that user's account id, then add them and place them into the appropriate group(s). In that way, the user is not bothered by having to login first and then the administrator has to give the privileges and then the user logs out and logs back in. Is this a misunderstanding on my part? I ask because when I go to the users page and click on 'Create New User' it not only asks for the user's id but also the user's password which I obviously don't know so this is telling me that this will be a local account.
By default SonarQube's LDAP plugin works like you think it does. You can configure LDAP group mapping so that when the user enrolls, he/she is automatically added to the appropriate group.
In other words, create the group for the project in SonarQube, and then create the same group in LDAP and add users to it. Then when users login for the first time they will be in the appropriate group, and on each subsequent login any group changes will be reflected in SonarQube.
This, in my opinion, is infact better than adding users manually.

Supplier login when using spree-drop-ship

I'm working on a marketplace website. The idea is to allow for suppliers to login, add their products, view orders, generate reports etc.
I'm using Spree Commerce, and I see everyone suggesting to use spree-drop-ship extension to achieve all/part of above.(it's not really clear from the documentation, all the features that spree-drop-ship is supposed to add)
I've followed 'demo' instructions from and successfully installed spree with the dropship extension, I can see 'suppliers' tab in /admin page. BUT I don't understand how the suppliers are supposed to login. They don't appear to be special user(actually I can't see in Users any supplier), and also when creating new supplier there is no way to set a password.
So my question is, how are supplier supposed to login, i.e. how they/I create supplier user and set password.
Thank you in advance,
- Jack
I know there is also 'marketplace' extension, which is not maintained anymore by #JDutil, but from what I understand it was solving payment issues to the dropshipper.
I think this is still in progress, Please see the following steps.
Register a normal User
From Admin, Add a new supplier. Add the user created above in the user field in new supplier form.
Login as a normal user, using the user from step 1.
It logs in as a normal user.
Now, goto /admin and it will show you supplier admin panel. But, Not able to add a product from here. It shows "Authorization error" when we click on "Add new" link.
Any help would be great.
For this you just need to signup as normal user then from admin panel, from suppliers tab admin can assign a user as supplier. Hope it is helpful for you.

SharePoint - How to assign a task to a user that's not in the system?

I have to programmatically create a task for a user that was not explicitly added in the site users. He has permissions to contribute to the task list, though, because he belongs to an AD group that has been granted those permissions. I can assign the task to the user through the UI; how do I do it through code though?
The accepted way of assigning tasks to users is to set the AssignedTo field of the task to an SPFieldUserValue pointing to that user. Except it cannot be done in this case, because the users cannot be found in SharePoint, only his group! Assigning the task to the whole group is a bad idea, for obvious reasons. And our system administrators categorically refuse to add the users to Sharepoint one by one, because that would duplicate the data they have in Active Directory, and generally be a pain to manage. What do I do?
When a user authenticates to SharePoint, an entry is created for them in the profile store, even if their permission to the site comes from an AD group.
I did a quick test by adding new user (TGroupsUser) and group (SPtestPermissions) to my AD, so there is no chance the user was ever on my site before. I added the user to the group and gave the group "Member" permissions to my site. I then authenticated to SP with this new user.
To show that the user is part of this SPWeb, I wrote a quick webpart to enumerate the users on the web. Note that there are three groups of users with the SPWeb. All Users, Site Users and Users. See this link for full description of these properties. Basically, users are users on the web. Site Users are users and groups on the site collection. All Users is all users of the site including those granted direct permission or granted through group and then visited the site. Here are the results, minus the system accounts.
All Users
Site Users
Since this account (TgroupsUser) is part of the user collection for the web, you can treat just like a user added directly to the site. To finish the testing, I created a task with the following code for the assignedTo field.
TaskItem[SPBuiltInFieldId.AssignedTo] = web.SiteUsers.GetByEmail("");
Here is a screenshot of the new task assigned to TGroupsUser.
FYI - I needed to use AllowUnsafeUpdates on the web object.