Show logged in user's case details in IBM Case Manager - ibm-case-manager

I am creating a Healthcare solution in IBM Case Manager Case Builder. I have a role called 'Patient'. I would like to show the case details of the patient when they log in. Is there any way I can show the case details when the patient logs in.
I have another role called 'Doctor', who can view the case details of any patient by clicking the link in the row of the list of returned search results on searching the patient. However, on the patient side, there is no search and they have to see their case details as soon as they log in.
If someone could point me in the right direction regarding this, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.

Allright, i guess there are many ways to accomplish this, but having thought about it a few minutes, here's a suggestion.
a. Create a script-adapter on the landing page (Case Manager page).
While it would be more intuitive to connect to the ecm.moel.desktop.onLogin event, the onLogin is within the navigator scope, and we need to be sure that ICM was started because we need to acces role info / ICM api. By using a scriptadapter on the landing page, we not only ensure the ICM context/api is loaded, but we'll also be able to use the ICM api to retrieve a case, and open it...
b. In the script adapter, do your role check; this can be done through:
var role =; (see this blog)
c. If the role is patient, find out the case(id's) you want to open; you might want to query using the ecm.model.SearchQuery or you could construct a pluginservice (see this redbook on services).
d. With the result of c, you'd then be able to open the case-page using the OpenCase event with a corresponding payload.
var caseId = "the id resulting from c.";
this.getSolution().retrieveCase(caseId, lang.hitch(this, function(caseFolder) {
this.onBroadcastEvent ('icm.OpenCase', {
"caseEditable": caseFolder.createEditable(),
"coordination": new icm.util.Coordination()


#auth.requires_permission not working ver 2

Good day to all web2py experts!
I can't find a way on how to use the web2py Decorators
def f(): ....
in the pdf manual it says that:
prevents visitors from accessing the function f unless the visitor is a member
of a group whose members have permissions to "read" records of table
"person". If the visitor is not logged in, the visitor gets directed to a login
page (provided by default by web2py). web2py also supports components,
i.e. actions which can be loaded in a view and interact with the visitor via
Ajax without re-loading the entire page. This is done via a LOAD helper which
allows very modular design of applications; it is discussed in chapter 3 in the
context of the wiki and, in some detail, in the last chapter of this book.
This 5th edition of the book describes web2py 2.4.1 and later versions
In my case:
I have list of groups: Admin_Tier_1, Admin_Tier_2, Admin_Tier_3
Admin_Tier_1 - has the highest authority to access all features like adding a school year, set a school year etc.
Admin_Tier_2 - has the authority to add students etc
Admin_Tier_3 - its the lowest level of authority that can only add fines to the students (Organization Officers)
now I use the Decorator code like this:
def add(): ....
now I login the account of the Chairman which registered in the auth_membership as Admin_Tier_1. Then I click the link "List of Students" which redirect to add(): function but the system returned a message:
Not Authorized
Insufficient privileges
The auth.requires() method can take a callable rather than a boolean value as the condition, and this is preferable when it is expensive to generate the boolean value (otherwise, the boolean value is generated whenever the controller is accessed, even if the particular decorated function is not the one being called). So, to avoid calling auth.has_membership unnecessarily, you can do:
#auth.requires(lambda: auth.has_membership('Admin_Tier_1') or
Now the two auth.has_membership calls will only be made when the actual function being decorated is called.
Also, if you need to check a larger number of roles, you can do something like:
#auth.requires(lambda: any([auth.has_membership(r) for r in ['list', 'of', 'roles']))
Problem solved:
#auth.requires(auth.has_membership('Admin_Tier_1') or auth.has_membership('Admin_Tier_2'))
source here.
Whenever I access the page if the user belong to the group of Admin_Tier_3 the system block the acess and redirect it to "/default/user/not_authorized" page :)

How to prevent DataTables from displaying or hiding columns on the basis of an obsolete saved state

I have a table driven by DataTables 1.10. Filtering is turned on. When I talk about "doing a search" below, I'm talking about using the filtering function of this table.
Description of the Problem
Everything works fine with stateSave off. However, when stateSave is on, the following happens:
Alice logs in as admin. Because admin has all privileges, when she does a search through articles, she can see all articles. Because some articles are published and some are unpublished the table has a column that show which are published and which are not. So far so good.
Bob, a random user, accesses the site. Random users cannot ever see unpublished articles so the table hides the column that shows publication status. So far so good.
Alice logs out. She now accesses the site like a random user. So she should see exactly what Bob sees. However, when she does a search she still sees the column that indicates publication status.
(Note: The issue I'm discussing here is purely one of user interface. The server ensures that unprivileged users cannot ever get a record for an unpublished article. The problem though is that the additional column gives unpriviledged users information that they do not need. They can only see published articles in their search so they don't need to see that every article they get in a search is published.)
The code that configures the datatable hides the publication column by doing something like this:
var columnDefs = [];
if (!privileged) {
targets: [1],
orderable: false,
visible: false
columnDefs is passed to DataTables as the columnDefs option.
Technical Reason for the Problem
The problem is that DataTables store things like column visibility into the state it saves into localStorage. So when Alice logs out and makes a search again as an unprivileged user, even though the value of columnDefs is correct, it is overwritten by the saved state. That state was stored when Alice was an admin, and it declared the publication column to be visible, so it remains visible even when Alice is accessing the site as an unprivileged user.
What I want is for users to benefit from the saved state but avoid having this state carry over when the user's privileges change.
I don't want to use sessionStorage because I want the state to persist between browser closings, but sessionStorage is cleared when the browser is closed.
I cannot use the session cookie assigned by the server to detect logins and logouts because it is HTTP only. Besides, privileges could change for other reasons.
I do not want to arbitrarily set an expiration time on the saved state.
The solution I've settled on is to use an additional field in the saved data to know when the conditions I care about have changed. This is a field whose value changes depending on the privileges that the user currently has. For instance, because in the case I described here, I decide to hide or show a column on the basis of a variable named priviledged (which is initialized from data provided by the server), it could be as simple as:
var token = privileged;
Then I set stateSaveParams to record the token when the state is saved:
stateSaveParams: function (settings, data) {
data.myapp_token = token;
The prefix myapp_ is just there to avoid possible collisions with DataTable's own fields.
I set stateLoadParams so that if the current value of token differs from what has been recorded before, the state is cleared:
stateLoadParams: function (settings, data) {
if (data.myapp_token !== token) {
this.api().state.clear(); // Clears the state.
return false; // Tells DataTables to not use the state that was stored.
// This return is here to keep the IDE happy but does not do anything special.
return undefined;
I've just set token to the single condition I've shown in my question (privileged) in this example but in production I use a combination of variables plus a local version number so I can bump the value of token as needed if I do something that requires clearing the state but cannot be detected just as a privilege change.

MVC user's full name in Url, how to handle duplicates

I want to setup the following url in my MVC4 website, using the user's full name in the url:
I have setup the following route in Global.asax:
"profile", "profile/{userName}",
new { controller = "myController", action = "profile", userName = string.Empty
And I can take the parameter 'steve-jones' and match it to a user with matching name. My only problem though is, what if there is more than one 'Steve Jones', how can I handle this?
Does anyone know of a workaround/solution to this so that I can use a user's full name as part of the url and still be able to retrieve the correct user in the controller method?
Am I forced into including the user's id with the url (something that I do not want to appear)?
The usual way of handling this is by appending a number when creating the profiles. So if "steve-jones" is already a name in the database, then make the user's display name "steve-jones2". You basically have to insist that all profile urls are unique, which includes updating any existing database and account creation code.
Alternatively (and/or additionally), if two same names are found then have the script reroute to a disambiguation page where the user is presented with links and snippet of profile info of the many existing Steve Joneseses so they can go to the full correct profile.
Another way of handling it is by giving all user profiles an additional numeric code on the end. At my university all logins are based on name, so they give everyone pseudo-random 3-digit extensions so that they are safe as long as they don't get 1000 people with the exact same names :)
Some people might be happier being steve-jones-342 if there is no steve-jones or steve-jones1, if you're concerned.

What are the Aweber API Variables $account_id and $list_id?

You can check here:
The script to add a new subscriber to the list via api requires those two pieces info...only I cannot figure out for the life of me what those two variables are!! I've beaten through every little aspect of my Aweber Subscriber Account, AND my Aweber Labs account...and I can't find any reference to either of those variables anywhere. I've submitted some tickets to them, and haven't gotten any response yet.
Does anyone have any ideas here? I've tried my account names, my list names, to no avail!
Okay, I've got it! You can get the values of both of these variables by dumping some other variables in the aweber api after making certain api calls.
get the account id first:
$account = $aweber->getAccount($accessKey, $accessSecret);
then vardump or print_r $account.
next we get the list id:
$account = $aweber->getAccount($accessKey, $accessSecret);
$list_url = '<id>/lists';
$lists = $account->loadFromUrl($list_url);
then vardump or print_r $lists.
And you are all set! I'm so happy I figured this out, it freakin took long enough. Hopefully this saves some one a bit of time.
I too have agonized over finding the $list_ID, so went to deactivate the list, and create a new one, and "discovered" that if you hover over the Deactivate button, you get a url you can copy, and this gives both %account and %list Ids$accountID/$lisID
like this....
Hopefully this will help make someone as it is a super easy solution
The proper answer is Anne Allen's one, but...
Check the return of the /accounts endpoint. It should return the same account id as you detected in the link, but I had cases they were different (strange, isn't it?). Use the account id returned by the /accounts endpoint and other endpoints to retrieve lists, subscribers, etc. will start to work. It's like if some accounts have two ids, one partially works and the other fully works.
Let me tell you how to get $list_id value... login into your AWeber account and then create a new list copy only integer value from list's name.
At first, login.
1) click Reports>Settings. Your account ID will be displayed in the box,example: ?id=XXXXX
2) click List Options>List Settings. There you will see the list ID under the name.
p.s. To add subscriber, you can use this - Automatically add into aweber list

Retrieving Interest/Page information out of facebook

Im wondering if there is anyway to interogate facebook data on user interests. i.e. Retrieve the following data sets:
What are the most like interests/Pages on facebook?
Retreive the current users facebook interest and also their friends interests?
Really want to know if we can get facebook global interest/like data and than also if the user connects their facebook account to the site than we can also retrieve their interest data.
Thanks in advance
So you want to implement something like ?
To get 1) you'd have to periodically poll the API for the public fan count of a known set of page IDs to see the current fan counts ( i think this is what socialbakers do)
To get 2, get the user_likes and friend_likes extended permissions from your users and access the /likes connection of the users whose likes you want to read
Yes you can retrieve user interests from facebook. You just need to include the user_interests permission required in your jsp page.
If you are using spring social you can generate your own url for /me/interests:
URIBuilder uriBuilder1 = URIBuilder.fromUri(facebook.GRAPH_API_URL + "me" +"/interests");
String s = facebook.restOperations().getForObject(, String.class);