All the links in the same row - sql

I'm doing a database where it has 2 columns: event_name and event_URL. It doesn't get the name and puts all the urls on the event_URL column. Print:
import urllib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import psycopg2
page = urllib2.urlopen('')
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'lxml')
events = soup.find('ul', class_='j-groupCard-list searchResults tileGrid tileGrid--3col tileGrid_atMedium--2col tileGrid_atSmall--1col')
A = []
B = []
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='meetup' user='postgres' host='localhost' password='root'")
print 'Unable to connect to the database.'
cur = conn.cursor()
for event in events.findAll('li'):
text = event.findAll('h3')
if len(text) != 0:
A.append(text[0].find(text = True))
url = event.find('a', href=True)
if len(url) != 0:
cur.execute("""INSERT INTO outdoors_adventure(event_name,event_url) VALUES(%s,%s)""", (tuple(A),tuple(B)))
del A[:]
del B[:]

If the indentation is right in the posted code, the problem might be in the nested for-loop: for every event, you append the "B" list with all the links on the page. You could try:
for event in events.findAll('li'):
text = event.findAll('h3')
if len(text) != 0:
A.append(text[0].find(text = True))
for link in events.findAll('li'):
url = link.find('a', href=True)
if len(url) != 0:
Or better, keep the event-name and event-URL search in a single for-loop, fetching first the text and then the url of event
EDIT: You can simplify the name extraction, by using:
for event in events.findAll('li'):
text = event.h3.string.strip()
if len(text) != 0:
url = event.find('a', href=True)
Let me know if that does the trick for you (it does on my side).
EDIT2: The problem might be just the fact that the extracted string starts with tabs (maybe that's why your DB seems "not to show the name" - its there, but you only see the tabs in the preview?). Just use strip() to remove them.


Add Filter in Pyhton

I want to send an e-mail by pulling the advertisement links that I have collected from a site one by one. I wrote a system but it doesn't work, it doesn't give an error either. Namely, if there are certain words and phone numbers in the advertisement, it will not send an e-mail, otherwise it will send an e-mail. I did filters. I am sharing my codes. If there are errors you see when you look at them (such as logic, code errors…) I would be very happy if you could share them.
Word Filter
re = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "/html/body")
search_words = re.findAll(
print("\nCannot send mail because it contains the word.Index :", i)
search_words = " "
re will return a WebElement. I think you are looking for the text from element? If so, you need to use the (text) property:
re = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "/html/body").text
But to work properly you can do it like this:
web_text = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "/html/body").text
words = ["Import", "Tree", "Seven"]
search_words = [word for word in words if re.findall(word, web_text)]
text_words = ''
if search_words:
for i, word in enumerate(search_words):
if i < len(search_words) - 1:
text_words += f"{word}, "
text_words += f"{word}."
print(f"\nCannot send mail because it contains the word.Index : {text_words}")
except Exception:
text_words = ""

Why does my web scraping function not export the data?

I am currently web scraping a few pages inside a list. I have the following code provided.
pages = {
"", #More than one page
"", #More than one page
"", #More than one page
products = []
prices = []
images = []
urls = []
def export_data():"exporting data to pandas dataframe")
supervalu = pd.DataFrame({
'img_url' : images,
'url' : urls,
'product' : products,
'price' : prices
})"sorting data by price")
supervalu.sort_values(by=['price'], inplace=True)
output_json = 'supervalu.json'
output_csv = 'supervalu.csv'
output_dir = Path('../../json/supervalu')
output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)"exporting data to json")
supervalu.to_json(output_dir / output_json)"exporting data to csv")
supervalu.to_csv(output_dir / output_csv)
def get_data(div):
raw_data = div.find_all('div', class_='ga-product')
raw_images = div.find_all('img')
raw_url = div.find_all('a', class_="ga-product-link")
product_data = [data['data-product'] for data in raw_data]
new_data = [d.replace("\r\n","") for d in product_data]
for name in new_data:
new_names =' "name": "(.+?)"', name).group(1)
for price in new_data:
new_prices =' "price": ''"(.+?)"', price).group(1)
for image in raw_images:
new_images = image['data-src']
for url in raw_url:
new_url = url['href']
def scrape_page(next_url):
page = requests.get(next_url)
if page.status_code != 200:
logging.error("Page does not exist!")
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser')
get_data(soup.find(class_="row product-list ga-impression-group"))
load_more_text = soup.find('a', class_='pill ajax-link load-more').findAll('span')[-1].text
if load_more_text == 'Load more':
next_page = soup.find('a', class_="pill ajax-link load-more").get('href')"Scraping next page: {}".format(next_page))
logging.warning("No more next pages to scrape")
for page in pages:"Scraping page: {}".format(page))
The main issue that appears is during the try exception handling of the next page. As not all of the pages provided have the the appropriate snippet, a ValueAttribute error will araise hence I have the aforementioned statement closed off in a try exception case. I want to skip the pages that don't have next page and scrape them regardless and continue looping the rest of the pages until a next page arises. All of the pages appear to be looped through but I never get the data exported. If I try the following code:
load_more_text = soup.find('a', class_='pill ajax-link load-more').findAll('span')[-1].text
if load_more_text == 'Load more':
next_page = soup.find('a', class_="pill ajax-link load-more").get('href')"Scraping next page: {}".format(next_page))
logging.warning("No more next pages to scrape")
This would be the closest that I have gotten to the desired outcome. The above code works and the data gets exported but not all of the pages get exported because as a result - a new dataframe is created for every time a new next page appears and ends i.e. - code iterarets through the list, finds a next page, next page 'pages' get scraped and a new dataframe is created and deletes the previous data.
I'm hoping that someone would give me some guidance on what to do as I have been stuck on this part of my personal project and I'm not so sure on how I am supposed to overcome this obstacle. Thank you in advance.
I have modified my code as shown below and I have received my desired outcome.
load_more_text = soup.find('a', class_='pill ajax-link load-more')
if load_more_text:
next_page = soup.find('a', class_="pill ajax-link load-more").get('href')"Scraping next page: {}".format(next_page))

I want to extract the numbers at the end of a url using regular expressions in scrapy

I want to get '25430989' from the end of this url.
How would I write it using the xpath?
I get the link using this xpath:
link = row.xpath('.//a/#href').get()
When I use a regex tester I can isolate it with r'(\d+)$ but when I put it into my code it doesn't work for some reason.
import scrapy
import re
from ..items import DonedealItem
class FarmtoolsSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'farmtools'
allowed_domains = ['']
start_urls = ['']
def parse(self, response):
items = DonedealItem()
rows = response.xpath('//ul[#class="card-collection"]/li')
for row in rows:
if row.xpath('.//ul[#class="card__body-keyinfo"]/li[contains(text(),"0 min")]/text()'):
link = row.xpath('.//a/#href').get() #this is the full link.
linkid ='(\d+)$).get()
title = row.xpath('.//p[#class="card__body-title"]/text()').get()
county = row.xpath('.//li[contains(text(),"min")]/following-sibling::node()/text()').get()
price = row.xpath('.//p[#class="card__price"]/span[1]/text()').get()
subcat = row.xpath('.//a/div/div[2]/div[1]/p[2]/text()[2]').get()
items['link'] = link
items['linkid'] = linkid
items['title'] = title
items['county'] = county
items['price'] = price
items['subcat'] = subcat
yield items
I'm trying to get the linkid.
The problem is here
link = row.xpath('.//a/#href').get() #this is the full link.
linkid ='(\d+)$).get()
When you use the .get() method it returns a string that is saved in the link variable, and strings don't have a .re() method for you to call. You can use one of the methods from the re module (docs for reference).
I would use re.findall(), it will return you a list of values that matches the regex (in this case only one item would return), or None if nothing matches. is also a good choice, but will return you an re.Match object.
import re #Don't forget to import it
link = row.xpath('.//a/#href').get()
linkid = re.findall(r'(\d+)$', link)
Now, the Scrapy selectors also support regex, so an alternative would be implementing it like this: (No need for re module)
linkid = row.xpath('.//a/#href').re_first(r'(\d+)$')
Notice I didn't use .get() there.

How to get website to consistently return content from a GET request when it's inconsistent?

I posted a similar question earlier but I think this is a more refined question.
I'm trying to scrape:
My code randomly throws errors when I send a GET request to the URL. After debugging, I saw the following happen. A GET request for the following url will be sent(Example URL, could happen on any page):
The webpage will then say "There were no matching transactions found.". However, if I refresh the page, the content will then be loaded. I'm using BeautifulSoup and Selenium and have put sleep statements in my code in hopes that it'll work but to no avail. Is this a problem on the website's end? It doesn't make sense to me how one GET request will return nothing but the exact same request will return something. Also, is there anything I could to fix it or is it out of control?
Here is a sample of my code:
def scrapeWebsite(url, start, stop):
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='/Users/Downloads/chromedriver')
print(start, stop)
madeDict = {"Date": [], "Team": [], "Name": [], "Relinquished": [], "Notes": []}
#for i in range(0, 214025, 25):
for i in range(start, stop, 25):
print("Current Page: " + str(i))
currUrl = url + str(i)
#r = requests.get(currUrl)
#soupPage = BeautifulSoup(r.content)
#Sleep program for dynamic refreshing
soupPage = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'html.parser')
#page = urllib2.urlopen(currUrl)
#soupPage = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
info = soupPage.find("table", attrs={'class': 'datatable center'})
extractedInfo = info.findAll("td")
The error occurs at the last line. "findAll" complains because it can't find findAll when the content is null(meaning the GET request returned nothing)
I did some workaround to scrape all the page using try except.
Probably the requests loop it is so fast and the page can't support it.
See the example below, worked like a charm:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
URL = '' \
def scrape(start=0, stop=214525):
for page in range(start, stop, 25):
current_url = URL % page
print('scrape: current %s' % page)
while True:
response = requests.request('GET', current_url)
if response.ok:
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content.decode('utf-8'), features='html.parser')
table = soup.find("table", attrs={'class': 'datatable center'})
trs = table.find_all('tr')
slice_pos = 1 if page > 0 else 0
for tr in trs[slice_pos:]:
yield tr.find_all('td')
except Exception as exception:
for columns in scrape():
values = [column.text.strip() for column in columns]
# Continuous your code ...

Better way to clean product description using BeautifulSoup?

I have written following code to fetch product description from a site using BeautifulSoup-
def get_soup(url):
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
html = response.content
return BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
except Exception as ex:
print("error from " + url + ": " + str(ex))
def get_product_details(url):
soup = get_soup(url)
prod_details = dict()
desc_list ='p ~ ul')
prod_details['description'] = ''.join(desc_list)
return prod_details
except Exception as ex:
logger.warning('%s - %s', ex, url)
if __name__ == '__main__':
In above code I am trying to convert description(a list) to string but getting below issue-
[WARNING] get_product_details() : sequence item 0: expected str instance, Tag found -
Output of description without converting description to string-
<li>Play along with 5 pre-set tunes: </li>
</ul>, <ul>
<li>Each string will play a note</li>
<li>Guitar has a whammy bar</li>
<li>2-in-1 volume control and power button </li>
<li>Simple and easy to use </li>
<li>Helps develop music appreciation </li>
<li>Requires 3 "AA" alkaline batteries (included)</li>
You are passing a list of tags (Object) instead of string to join(). join() works with list of strings. Use the following code changes for join function:-
prod_details['description'] = ''.join([tag.get_text() for tag in desc_list])
prod_details['description'] = ''.join([tag.string for tag in desc_list])
In case you want the description along with html content, you can use the following:-
# this will preserve the html tags and indentation.
prod_details['description'] = ''.join([tag.prettify() for tag in desc_list])
# this will return the html content as string.
prod_details['description'] = ''.join([str(tag) for tag in desc_list])
desc_list is list of bs4.element.Tag. you should convert tag to string:
desc_list ='p ~ ul')
prod_details['description'] = str(desc_list[0])
You're trying to join a list of Tags, but the join method needs str arguments. Try:
''.join([str(i) for i in desc_list])