Understanding the functioning of a recurrent neural network with LSTM cells - tensorflow

I have a recurrent neural network with LSTM cells
The input to the network is a batch of size (batch_size, number_of_timesteps, one_hot_encoded_class) in my case (128, 300, 38)
The different rows of the batch (1-128) are not necessarily related
to each other
The target for one time step is given by the value of the next
time step.
My questions:
When I train the network using an input batch of (128,300,38) and a target batch of the same size,
does the network always consider only the last time-step t to predict the value of the next timestep t+1?
or does it consider all time steps from the beginning of the sequence up to time step t?
or does the LSTM cell internally remember all previous states?
I am confused about the functioning because the network is trained on multiple time steps simulatenously so I am not sure how the LSTM cell can still have knowledge of the previous states.
I hope somebody can help. Thanks in advance!
Code for dicussion:
cells = []
for i in range(self.n_layers):
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(self.n_hidden)
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell(cells)
init_state = cell.zero_state(self.batch_size, tf.float32)
outputs, final_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(
cell, inputs=self.inputs, initial_state=init_state)
self.logits = tf.contrib.layers.linear(outputs, self.num_classes)
softmax_ce = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
labels=labels, logits=self.logits)
self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(softmax_ce)
self.train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.lr).minimize(self.loss)

The above is a simple RNN unrolled to the neuron level with 3 time steps.
As you can see that the output at time step t, depends upon all time steps from the beginning. The network is trained using back-propagation through time where the weights are updated by the contribution of all error gradients across time. The weights are shared across time, so there is nothing like simultaneous update on all time steps.
The knowledge of the previous states are transfered through the state variable s_t as it is a function of previous inputs. So at any time step, the prediction is made based on the current input as well as (function of) previous inputs captured by the state variable.
NOTE: A basic rnn was used instead of LSTM because of simplicity.

Here's what would be helpful to keep in mind for your case specifically:
Given the input shape of [128, 300, 38]
One call to dynamic_rnn will propagate through all 300 steps, and if you are using something like LSTM, the state will also be carried through those 300 steps
However, each SUBSEQUENT call to dynamic_rnn will not automatically remember the state from the previous call. By the second call, the weights/etc. will have been updated thanks to the first call, but you will still need to pass the state that resulted from the first call into the second call. That's why dynamic_rnn has a parameter initial_state and that's why one of its outputs is final_state (i.e. the state after processing all 300 steps in ONE call). So you are meant to take the final state from call N and pass it back as the initial state for call N+1 to dynamic_rnn. This allrelates specifically to LSTM, since this is what you asked for
You are right to note that elements in one batch don't necessarily relate to each other within the same batch. This is something you need to consider carefully. Because with successive calls to dynamic_rnn, batch elements in your input sequences have to relate to their respective counterparts in the previous/following sequence, but not to each other. I.e. element 3 in the first call may have nothing to do with the other 127 elements within the same batch, but element 3 in the NEXT call has to be the temporal/logical continuation of element 3 in the PREVIOUS call, and so forth. This way, the state that you keep passing forward makes sense continuously


Keras LSTM: Is batchsize equal to t from xt?

I know there have been so many questions already for this but i can't i find a clear answer to this.
Is this correct? Taken from Understanding Keras LSTMs here. Does the batch-size correspond to to 5 (0-4) in this picture? Taken from http://colah.github.io/posts/2015-08-Understanding-LSTMs/ here. With a keras line like this:
model.add(LSTM(units, batch_input_shape=(batch_size, n_time_steps, n_features), stateful=False))
note the statefull=False,
So one input vector (one blue bubble) would be the size n_time_steps*n_features, right?
To make your understanding clear, the batch_input_shape = (batch_size,time_steps,n_features) in the first image you have mentioned it will be represented as batch_input_shape = (batch_size,4,3). In the second image it will be batch_input_shape = (batch_size,5,1).
In both pictures batch size is not represented, so don't get confused about batch size here.
A better understanding of these dimensions can be observed below.
For Stateful = True, the model expects the input to be in a sequence i.e not shuffled, nonoverlapping.
In this scenario, you need to fix the batch_size first.
If the data is small you can set the batch_size to 1(which is in most of the cases)
If data is large, you can set any number for batch_size and split the data to those equal number of batches so your data will be continuos when the next iteration starts.
At each iteration, the model instead of having a hidden state full of zeros, it will take the previous batch's final state as the initial state to the present batch.

Understanding Seq2Seq model

Here is my understanding of a basic Sequence to Sequence LSTMs. Suppose we are tackling a question-answer setting.
You have two set of LSTMs (green and blue below). Each set respectively sharing weights (i.e. each of the 4 green cells have the same weights and similarly with the blue cells). The first is a many to one LSTM, which summarises the question at the last hidden layer/ cell memory.
The second set (blue) is a Many to Many LSTM which has different weights to the first set of LSTMs. The input is simply the answer sentence while the output is the same sentence shifted by one.
The question is two fold:
1. Are we passing the last hidden state only to the blue LSTMs as the initial hidden state. Or is it last hidden state and cell memory.
2. Is there a way to set the initial hiddden state and cell memory in Keras or Tensorflow? If so reference?
(image taken from suriyadeepan.github.io)
Are we passing the last hidden state only to the blue LSTMs as the initial hidden state. Or is it last hidden state and cell memory.
Both hidden state h and cell memory c are passed to the decoder.
In seq2seq source code, you can find the following code in basic_rnn_seq2seq():
_, enc_state = rnn.static_rnn(enc_cell, encoder_inputs, dtype=dtype)
return rnn_decoder(decoder_inputs, enc_state, cell)
If you use an LSTMCell, the returned enc_state from the encoder will be a tuple (c, h). As you can see, the tuple is passed directly to the decoder.
In Keras, the "state" defined for an LSTMCell is also a tuple (h, c) (note that the order is different from TF). In LSTMCell.call(), you can find:
h_tm1 = states[0]
c_tm1 = states[1]
To get the states returned from an LSTM layer, you can specify return_state=True. The returned value is a tuple (o, h, c). The tensor o is the output of this layer, which will be equal to h unless you specify return_sequences=True.
Is there a way to set the initial hiddden state and cell memory in Keras or Tensorflow? If so reference?
Just provide the initial state to an LSTMCell when calling it. For example, in the official RNN tutorial:
lstm = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(lstm_size)
output, state = lstm(current_batch_of_words, state)
There's also an initial_state argument for functions such as tf.nn.static_rnn. If you use the seq2seq module, provide the states to rnn_decoder as have been shown in the code for question 1.
Use the keyword argument initial_state in the LSTM function call.
out = LSTM(32)(input_tensor, initial_state=(h, c))
You can actually find this usage on the official documentation:
###Note on specifying the initial state of RNNs###
You can specify the initial state of RNN layers symbolically by
calling them with the keyword argument initial_state. The value of
initial_state should be a tensor or list of tensors representing the
initial state of the RNN layer.
There's now an example script in Keras (lstm_seq2seq.py) showing how to implement basic seq2seq in Keras. How to make prediction after training a seq2seq model is also covered in this script.
(Edit: this answer is incomplete and hasn't considered actual possibilities of state transfering. See the accepted answer).
From a Keras point of view, that picture has only two layers.
The green group is one LSTM layer.
The blue group is another LSTM layer.
There isn't any communication between green and blue other than passing the outputs. So, the answer for 1 is:
Only the thought vector (which is the actual output of the layer) is passed to the other layer.
Memory and state (not sure if these are two different entities) are totally contained inside a single layer and are not initially intended to be seen or shared with any other layer.
Each individual block in that image is totally invisible in keras. They are considered "time steps", something that only appears in the shape of the input data. It's rarely important to worry about them (unless for very advanced usages).
In keras, it's like this:
Easily, you have access only to the external arrows (including "thought vector").
But having access to each step (each individual green block in your picture) is not an exposed thing. So...
Passing the states from one layer to the other is also not expected in Keras. You will probably have to hack things. (See this: https://github.com/fchollet/keras/issues/2995)
But considering a thought vector big enough, you could say it will learn a way to carry what is important in itself.
The only notion you have from the steps is:
You have to input things shaped like (sentences, length, wordIdFeatures)
The steps will be performed considering that each slice in the length dimension is an input to each green block.
You may choose to have a single output (sentences, cells), for which you completely lose track of steps. Or...
Outputs like (sentences, length, cells), from which you know the output of each block through the length dimension.
One to many or many to many?
Now, the first layer is many to one (but nothing prevents it from being many to many too if you want).
But the second... that's complicated.
If the thought vector was made by a many to one. You will have to manage a way of creating a one to many. (That's not trivial in keras, but you could think of repeating the thought vector for the expected length, making it be the input to all steps. Or maybe fill an entire sequence with zeros or ones, keeping only the first element as the thought vector)
If the thought vector was made by a many to many, you can take advantage of this and keep an easy many to many, if you're willing to accept that the output has exactly the same number of steps as the input.
Keras doesn't have a ready solution for 1 to many cases. (From a single input predict a whole sequence).

Isn't Tensorflow RNN PTB tutorial test measure and state reset wrong?

I have two question on Tensorflow PTB RNN tutorial code ptb_word_lm.py. Code blocks below are from the code.
Is it okay to reset state for every batch?
self._initial_state = cell.zero_state(batch_size, data_type())
with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
embedding = tf.get_variable(
"embedding", [vocab_size, size], dtype=data_type())
inputs = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, input_.input_data)
if is_training and config.keep_prob < 1:
inputs = tf.nn.dropout(inputs, config.keep_prob)
outputs = []
state = self._initial_state
with tf.variable_scope("RNN"):
for time_step in range(num_steps):
if time_step > 0: tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables()
(cell_output, state) = cell(inputs[:, time_step, :], state)
In line 133, we set the initial state as zero. Then, line 153, we use the zero state as the starting state of the rnn steps. It means that every starting state of batch is set to zero. I believe that if we want to apply BPTT(backpropagation through time), we should make external(non-zero) state input of step where previous data is finished, like stateful RNN (in Keras).
I found that resetting starting state to zero practically works. But is there any theoretical background (or paper) of why this works?
Is it okay to measure test perplexity like this?
eval_config = get_config()
eval_config.batch_size = 1
eval_config.num_steps = 1
Related to the previous question... The model fixes the initial state to zero for every batch. However, in line 337 ~ 338, we make batch size 1 and num steps 1 for test configuration. Then, for the test data, we will put single data each time and predict next one without context(!) because the state will be zero for every batch (with only one timestep).
Is this correct measure for the test data? Does every other language model papers measure test perplexity as predicting next word without context?
I ran this code and got a similar result as the code says and also the original paper says. If this code is wrong, which I hope not, do you have any idea how to replica the paper result? Maybe I can make a pull request if I modify the problems.
Re (1), the code does (cell_output, state) = cell(inputs[:, time_step, :], state). This assigns the state for the next time step to be the output state of this time step.
When you start a new batch you should do so independently from the computation you've done so far (note the distinction between batch, which are completely different examples, and time steps in the same sequence).
Re (2), most of the time context is used.

Tensorflow - LSTM state reuse within batch

I am working on a Tensorflow NN which uses an LSTM to track a parameter (time series data regression problem). A batch of training data contains a batch_size of consecutive observations. I would like to use the LSTM state as input to the next sample. So, if I have a batch of data observations, I would like to feed the state of the first observation as input to the second observation and so on. Below I define the lstm state as a tensor of size = batch_size. I would like to reuse the state within a batch:
state = tf.Variable(cell.zero_states(batch_size, tf.float32), trainable=False)
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(100)
output, curr_state = tf.nn.rnn(cell, data, initial_state=state)
In the API there is a tf.nn.state_saving_rnn but the documentation is kinda vague. My question: How to reuse curr_state within a training batch.
You are basically there, just need to update state with curr_state:
state_update = tf.assign(state, curr_state)
Then, make sure you either call run on state_update itself or an operation that has state_update as a dependency, or the assignment will not actually happen. For example:
with tf.control_dependencies([state_update]):
model_output = ...
As suggested in the comments, the typical case for RNNs is that you have a batch where the first dimension (0) is the number of sequences and the second dimension (1) is the maximum length of each sequence (if you pass time_major=True when you build the RNN these two are swapped). Ideally, in order to get good performance, you stack multiple sequences into one batch, and then split that batch time-wise. But that's all a different topic really.

Tensorflow dynamic_rnn parameters meaning

I'm struggling to understand the cryptic RNN docs. Any help with the following will be greatly appreciated.
tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, inputs, sequence_length=None, initial_state=None, dtype=None, parallel_iterations=None, swap_memory=False, time_major=False, scope=None)
I'm struggling to understand how these parameters relate to the mathematical LSTM equations and RNN definition. Where is the cell unroll size? Is it defined by the 'max_time' dimension of the inputs? Is the batch_size only a convenience for splitting long data or it's related to minibatch SGD? Is the output state passed across batches?
tf.nn.dynamic_rnn takes in a batch (with the minibatch meaning) of unrelated sequences.
cell is the actual cell that you want to use (LSTM, GRU,...)
inputs has a shape of batch_size x max_time x input_size in which max_time is the number of steps in the longest sequence (but all sequences could be of the same length)
sequence_length is a vector of size batch_size in which each element gives the length of each sequence in the batch (leave it as default if all your sequences are of the same size. This parameter is the one that defines the cell unroll size.
Hidden state handling
The usual way of handling hidden state is to define an initial state tensor before the dynamic_rnn, like this for instance :
hidden_state_in = cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)
output, hidden_state_out = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell,
In the above snippet, both hidden_state_in and hidden_state_out have the same shape [batch_size, ...] (the actual shape depends on the type of cell you use but the important thing is that the first dimension is the batch size).
This way, dynamic_rnn has an initial hidden state for each sequence. It will pass on the hidden state from time step to time step for each sequence in the inputs parameter on its own, and hidden_state_out will contain the final output state for each sequence in the batch. No hidden state is passed between sequences of the same batch, but only between time steps of the same sequence.
When do I need to feed back the hidden state manually?
Usually, when you're training, every batch is unrelated so you don't have to feed back the hidden state when doing a session.run(output).
However, if you're testing, and you need the output at each time step, (i.e. you have to do a session.run() at every time step) you'll want to evaluate and feed back the output hidden state using something like this :
output, hidden_state = sess.run([output, hidden_state_out],
otherwise tensorflow will just use the default cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32) at each time step which equates to reinitialising the hidden state at each time step.