endeca property value in lowercase - properties

I have to store value in one Endeca property but in lowercase. Values can be in uppercase or in lowercase in the source file but I have to store it in lowercase in the Endeca property.
Any pointer on how I can proceed will be helpful.

This can be done using oracle endeca developer studio.
1) Firstly open your pipeline using developer studio which is in app path under config folder.
2) Then under the project explorer window, click on dimension tab.
3) Finally at the top pane, click on values to add for the property you want.
4) Run the baseline update.

This can be achieved either adding Java manipulator or Pearl Manipulator in the Endeca pipeline and put the code to convert the value from any case to lower case.
I hope this helps.
Ajay Agrawal


Unable to add the parameter field in crystal report

I am developing a windows application and am using crystal reports in it.
I am trying to add the parameter field in it, however, when I click on the OK button, it is just not working.
Am I missing anything out?
I have Uninstalled and Installed Crystal Reports, its working fine now...
There could be 2 possiblities.
1) Just checked on my PC, just be Right Clicking Parameters -> Add -> Leaving everything as is (defaults) I am able to create a parameter. You must have changed some setting inside. Use defaults to confirm that you are able to create one.
2) You are missing the Value Field. This field specifies CR which database field to work upon when the parameter is used.
The drop-down will list all the database fields available for use.
Besides, here are few tutorials that explain how to use parameters that might guide you.
Good tutorial on parameters in CR
Video Tutorial for the same

PHPStorm Live templates not expanding

I've just started to play araound with PHPStorm and I can't get the live templates to work. For example there's one for a public function..'pubf' then tab to expand however when I tab mine out it looks like this...
What's going on? Is there a setting I need to enable to get it to work?
Just for a little more clarity:
Even though you're under the PHP branch, you still need to apply the abbreviation to an application. Click the "Define" link and check the PHP box.
It was a question of scope for the template, just needed to select the appropriate file types.
Settings / Emmet and changing the default 'Expand abbreviation with' from tab to say custom
Make sure the context is selected underneath your template text. There is a small 'Change' link there where you set the context. I had to choose all contexts.

I need to know what changes will help me to populate the property in Endeca Workbench Rule Manager Advance tab

I have create a new property in Endeca Developer Studio named pRandom. This field is AutoGen and data is mapped with a txt file which is generated by the third party vendor. I need this same property to appear in Endeca WorkBench --> Rule manager --> Any Rules --> Advance Tab
If you are referring to Merchandising Workbench, then I do not believe that you can trigger a rule on a property. Dimensions must be used instead.
BTW, I do not see any advance tab in my Workbench installation.

Is there any way to save breakpoints in IntelliJ and restore later?

Can I define a set of breakpoints, and save this definition in IntelliJ and restore later on?
Like I have breakpoints at line 40 and 50 for Class A. Can I save them, and later restore in any way?
You can find all breakpoints in project-dir/.idea/workspace.xml -> <component name="DebuggerManager">. You can save their manually.
You cannot save/restore breakpoints in IntelliJ, but if you want to work with different "groups" of breakpoints in different situations without having to enable/disable or delete them one by one, you can do that in the current version (IDEA 2016.3.1).
You can create named groups of breakpoints and enable/disable them as a group with a single click.
This feature is currently not available (not even in Intellij Cardea EAP).
However, there is an IDEA feature request up for this: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-15540.
Want to up-vote the feature request ?
On Android studio you can select multiple break points -> Right click -> Move to group -> new breakpoint group.
After this you can enable/disable entire group just like importing previously saved breakpoints.
In ver14 component name is XDebuggerManager.
You must be careful about the breakpoint url, especially the path must have variable $PROJECT_DIR$.
Since year 2021 you can do it by IDEA plugin Breakpoint Manager.

NetBeans debugging variable values

I am debugging in NetBeans IDE, where can I see assigned variables and their values?
While you're in the debugger go Window -> Debugger -> Variables
You can also use ALT+SHIFT+1 to bring up variable viewer.
Generally, the pane underneath the code has some tabs - and one of them will say 'Variables'. Click on that tab and you will see variables and their values. You need to be actually running a debug session before the variables tab is available.
For this to show all local variables you need to have the line:
in your xdebug.ini file. Don't forget to restart Apache if you add that line.
If you are not seeing all local variables then you may have hit the problem where your version of the module file (xdebug.so) has a bug. This is the case currently for Ubuntu 10.04.
To fix this you need to compile a newer version of the xdebug.so file. Follow the instructions at http://xdebug.org/wizard.php to get your new file which should replace your current xdebug.so file.
There exists another solution that is
Press Ctrl+F9 to display Evaluate Expression Panel/Tab
Enter variable name in Evaluate Expression Panel/Tab
Press Ctrl+Enter (or arrow icon at right of Evaluate Expression Panel/Tab
The variable's value is then displayed in Variables Panel just below (on my PC) Evaluate Expression Panel/Tab.
You can also use this solution to display EXPRESSION and not only VARIABLE !
Example: (String sSheetData is a String variable that contains a very big string)
This is also possible using New Watch callable using contextual menu.
But this is not as easy as using Immediate Windows on Microsoft Visual Studio :-)