Finding average of data within a certain range - sql

How do I find the average of data set within a certain range? Specifically I am looking to find the average for a data set for all data points that are within one standard deviations of the original average. Here is an example:
Student_ID Test_Scores
1 3
1 20
1 30
1 40
1 50
1 60
1 95
Average = 42.571
Standard Deviation = 29.854
I want to find all data points that are within one standard deviation of this original average, so within the range (42.571-29.854)<=Data<=(42.571+29.854). And from here I want to recalculate a new average.
So my desired data set is:
Student_ID Test_Scores
1 20
1 30
1 40
1 50
1 60
My desired new average is: 40
Here is my following SQL code and it didn't yield my desired result:
Test_Scores BETWEEN (AVG(Test_Scores)-STDEV(Test_Scores)) AND (AVG(Test_Scores)+STDEV(Test_Scores))
Anyone know how I could fix this?

Use either window functions or do the calculation in a subquery:
SELECT sd.Student_ID, sd.Test_Scores
FROM Student_Data sd CROSS JOIN
(SELECT AVG(Test_Scores) as avgts, STDEV(Test_Scores) as stdts
FROM Student_Data
) x
WHERE sd.Test_Scores BETWEEN avgts - stdts AND avgts + stdts
ORDER BY sd.Student_ID;

select avg(
select test_scores from table where
test_scores between
(select avg(test_scores) from table)-(select stddev(test_scores) from table))
(select avg(test_scores) from table)+(select stddev(test_scores) from table))


SQL query to get average sum of other rows and store in current rows

I have table like this, and I want to query to store the average of others row points.
------------- --------
a14e43e4f851 134
1e86e5adedbf 40
3c66730edf69 149
32e24082f97b 67
b33e3100a7be 124
274ee414ad8f 85
bdeef25fc797 172
For example - for user_id = a14e43e4f851, the average sum of points should be
avg(40+149+67+124+85+172) .
PS - not taken the points (134) in calculation for user a14e43e4f851.
Output should look like this --
------------- ------- ------
a14e43e4f851 134 106 which is avg(40+149+67+124+85+172)
1e86e5adedbf 40 avg(134+149+67+124+85+172)
3c66730edf69 149 avg(134+40+67+124+85+172)
32e24082f97b 67 avg(134+40+149+124+85+172)
b33e3100a7be 124 ...
274ee414ad8f 85 ...
bdeef25fc797 172 ...
You could use a correlated subquery:
select t.*,
(select avg(t1.points) from mytable t1 where t1.user_id <> t.user_id) as average
from mytable t
An alternative uses window functions:
select t.*,
(sum(points) over() - points) / nullif(count(*) - 1, 0) as average
from mytable t
Note: avg obviously conflicts with a language keyword, I use average instead.
If you wanted an update statement:
update mytable t
set t.average = (
select avg(t1.points) from mytable t1 where t1.user_id <> t.user_id
However, I would not recommend actually storing this value; this is derived information, that can easily be computed on the fly whenever needed, using the first statement. If you are going to run the query often, you could create a view:
create view myview as
select t.*,
(sum(points) over() - points) / nullif(count(*) - 1, 0) as average
from mytable t
I'm assuming user_id is the PK.
WITH q AS (SELECT sum(points) AS s, count(*) AS n FROM mytable)
UPDATE table SET average = (q.s-points)/(q.n-1);
The idea is that
average of all other user's score is sum(score)/count(*)
sum of all user scores except this one is equal to sum of all scores minus this user's score
average of all other users' score except this one is (sum(score)-score_for_this_user)/(count(*)-1)
Nice thing is it only has to calculate the sum() and count() once.
To handle the case where there is only one row in the table:
WITH q AS (SELECT sum(points) AS s, NULLIF(count(*),0) AS n FROM mytable)
UPDATE table SET average = (q.s-points)/(q.n-1);
This makes the count NULL instead of 0, so the average updated should be NULL too.

how to add monthly count average

I am looking for all counts when dimsyermid=-1 and also make a new column calculate avg per month. Below are my current queries and result, I don't know how to add a new column calculate avg per month.
select DimSystemID, EligibleYM, count(*)
from dbo.table1
where DimSystemID=-1
group by DimSystemID, EligibleYM
order by 2 desc, 1
Result table
DimSystemID EligibleYM (No column name)
-1 202001 75
-1 201912 70
-1 201911 67
-1 201910 67
-1 201909 59
Welcome to Stack. Making the assumption that you have some values that you want to average in your data set but not shown in your question, in MS SQL, you would just create another computed column that does the math:
select DimSystemID, EligibleYM, count(*), [new computed column here as AVG]
from dbo.table1
where DimSystemID=-1
group by DimSystemID, EligibleYM
order by 2 desc, 1
with an example:
select DimSystemID, EligibleYM, count(*), AVG(MONTH DATA HERE)
An example (anonymized) of your data would help.
MSSQL AVG Document

hoe to make sum of one sql table column with ignoring duplicate values?

quoteId price
1 50
1 50
2 10
3 40
3 40
3 40
4 10
In this table I always get the same price for each quoteId.
Example: quoteId = 1 has multiple entries with the price of 50.
By using SUM I get the total sum of the price column which is:50 + 50 + 10 + 40 + 40 + 40 + 10 = 240
However, I only want to sum the unique price for quoteId which is:
50+10+40+10 = 110
How can I approch this?
Another option is DISTINCT
Select MyTotal = sum(price)
from (Select Distinct quoteId,price From YourTable) A
Following query will work:
select sum(price)
from yourTablename
group by quoteId,price;
You need a nested query to compute an intermediate value by quoteId using avg ( or max or min with your data)
But you need know why you have duplicate value by quotedId, may be you have a mistake before.
select sum(price) from (
avg(price) price,
group by
) as x
This query is compliant with ISO standard SQL and will works with several database engine

Calculate percentages of columns in Oracle SQL

I have three columns, all consisting of 1's and 0's. For each of these columns, how can I calculate the percentage of people (one person is one row/ id) who have a 1 in the first column and a 1 in the second or third column in oracle SQL?
For instance:
id marketing_campaign personal_campaign sales
1 1 0 0
2 1 1 0
1 0 1 1
4 0 0 1
So in this case, of all the people who were subjected to a marketing_campaign, 50 percent were subjected to a personal campaign as well, but zero percent is present in sales (no one bought anything).
Ultimately, I want to find out the order in which people get to the sales moment. Do they first go from marketing campaign to a personal campaign and then to sales, or do they buy anyway regardless of these channels.
This is a fictional example, so I realize that in this example there are many other ways to do this, but I hope anyone can help!
The outcome that I'm looking for is something like this:
percentage marketing_campaign/ personal campaign = 50 %
percentage marketing_campaign/sales = 0%
etc (for all the three column combinations)
Use count, sum and case expressions, together with basic arithmetic operators +,/,*
COUNT(*) gives a total count of people in the table
SUM(column) gives a sum of 1 in given column
case expressions make possible to implement more complex conditions
The common pattern is X / COUNT(*) * 100 which is used to calculate a percent of given value ( val / total * 100% )
An example:
-- percentage of people that have 1 in marketing_campaign column
SUM( marketing_campaign ) / COUNT(*) * 100 As marketing_campaign_percent,
-- percentage of people that have 1 in sales column
SUM( sales ) / COUNT(*) * 100 As sales_percent,
-- complex condition:
-- percentage of people (one person is one row/ id) who have a 1
-- in the first column and a 1 in the second or third column
CASE WHEN marketing_campaign = 1
AND ( personal_campaign = 1 OR sales = 1 )
) / COUNT(*) * 100 As complex_condition_percent
FROM table;
You can get your percentages like this :
ROUND(100*(SUM(personal_campaign) / sum(count(*)) over ()),2) perc_personal_campaign,
ROUND(100*(SUM(sales) / sum(count(*)) over ()),2) perc_sales
WHEN SUM(personal_campaign) > 0 THEN 1
end AS personal_campaign,
WHEN SUM(sales) > 0 THEN 1
end AS sales
FROM the_table
(SELECT ID FROM the_table WHERE marketing_campaign = 1)
I have a bit overcomplicated things because your data is still unclear to me. The subquery ensures that all duplicates are cleaned up and that you only have for each person a 1 or 0 in marketing_campaign and sales
About your second question :
Ultimately, I want to find out the order in which people get to the
sales moment. Do they first go from marketing campaign to a personal
campaign and then to sales, or do they buy anyway regardless of these
This is impossible to do in this state because you don't have in your table, either :
a unique row identifier that would keep the order in which the rows were inserted
a timestamp column that would tell when the rows were inserted.
Without this, the order of rows returned from your table will be unpredictable, or if you prefer, pure random.

Joining onto a table that doesn't have ranges, but requires ranges

Trying to find the best way to write this SQL statement.
I have a customer table that has the internal credit score of that customer. Then i have another table with definitions of that credit score. I would like to join these tables together, but the second table doesn't have any way to link it easily.
The score of the customer is an integer between 1-999, and the definition table has these columns:
And these rows:
60 LOW
99 MED
999 HIGH
So basically if a customer has a score between 1 and 60 they are low, 61-99 they are med, and 100-999 they are high.
I can't really INNER JOIN these, because it would only join them IF the score was 60, 99, or 999, and that would exclude anyone else with those scores.
I don't want to do a case statement with the static numbers, because our scores may change in the future and I don't want to have to update my initial query when/if they do. I also cannot create any tables or functions to do this- I need to create a SQL statement to do it for me.
A coworker said this would work, but its a little crazy. I'm thinking there has to be a better way:
internal_credit_score = (
cf_internal_credit_score credit
cs.internal_credit_score <= credit.internal_credit_score
AND credit.internal_credit_score <= (
cf_internal_credit_score credit2
cs.internal_credit_score <= credit2.internal_credit_score
customer_statements cs
try this, change your table to contain the range of the scores:
LowScore int
HighScore int
ScoreDescription string
data values
LowScore HighScore ScoreDescription
-------- --------- ----------------
1 60 Low
61 99 Med
100 999 High
.... , Score.ScoreDescription
FROM YourTable
INNER JOIN Score ON YourTable.Score>=Score.LowScore
AND YourTable.Score<=Score.HighScore
Assuming you table is named CreditTable, this is what you want:
select * from
select Description, Score
from CreditTable
where Score > 80 /*client's credit*/
order by Score
where rownum = 1
Also, make sure your high score reference value is 1000, even though client's highest score possible is 999.
The above SQL gives you the credit record for a given value. If you want to join with, say, Clients table, you'd do something like this:
(select Description from
(select Description from CreditTable where Score > c.Score order by Score)
where rownum = 1)
from clients c
I know this is a sub-select that executed for each returning row, but then again, CreditTable is ridiculously small and there will be no significant performance loss because of the the sub-select usage.
You can use analytic functions to convert the data in your score description table to ranges (I assume that you meant that 100-999 should map to 'HIGH', not 99-999).
SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
1 with x as (
2 select 60 score, 'Low' description from dual union all
3 select 99, 'Med' from dual union all
4 select 999, 'High' from dual
5 )
6 select description,
7 nvl(lag(score) over (order by score),0) + 1 low_range,
8 score high_range
9* from x
SQL> /
---- ---------- ----------
Low 1 60
Med 61 99
High 100 999
You can then join this to your CUSTOMER table with something like
FROM customer c,
(select description,
nvl(lag(score) over (order by score),0) + 1 low_range,
score high_range
from score_description) sd
WHERE c.credit_score BETWEEN sd.low_range AND sd.high_range