Vuex commit fires too fast - vue.js

I have a component with a created method:
created() {
The initMap is to initialize Google maps, depending on whether the URL segment corresponds to 'map' or not like so:
initMap() {
const pathname = location.pathname.replace(/\/+$/, '');
const segment = pathname.split('/').pop();
if (segment === 'map') this.showMap();
The above bit of code has a ShowMap method that performs a Vuex commit:
showMap() {
This commit however never shows up in my Vue.js devtools(under Vuex).The components watching the Vuex store value that showMap is changing also never trigger.
If I do this however:
setTimeout(() => {
, 100);
Everything works exactly as expected.
I tried this because the changes actually happen in my Vue.js devtools, because if I look under state I can see updated values.
The Vuex commit seems to fire too fast. Is there anything that can be done about this? Why is this happening in the first place?
I can even put a console.log() into the showMap commit and it works but it still does not get picked up in the devtools and without the setTimeout all of my watcher still don't properly trigger.

Since this was a while ago I am not 100% sure how I fixed this but I think it was by using $nextTick from Vue.js.
By waiting on nextTick you ensure that your call stack for DOM updates has been cleared. This prevents DOM updates that might rely on other parts of your DOM from firing too fast.
Obviously this is way more reliable than simply setting a setTimeout with a given number of let's say 100 milliseconds from my example because if your DOM does not update in time it might still pass this window.
If setTimeout fixed your issue I suggest trying $nextTick.


vue-router : why watch on $route trigger when previous queries rewrite with same values

i have a button in my project when i click on it two queries added to URL
this.$router.push({queries: {name:'kevin' , age:21} })
and I have a watch on $route
// call API
and when i click on that button severall time
watch calls my API every time although nothing has changed
and this make a problem form me
because nothing has changed in route But API is called and the same data is
received .
what should I do to avoid calling API in watch , when queries don't changed ??
The object you are pushing on the router is always different, that's why the $route watch is launched.
You can compare the data you receive in the watch, so that when they are different then you invoke the API:
'$route' (newRoute, lastRoute){
// Check if query is different
// call API
On top of the answer that Cristian provided, you could also even double-check if your stuff has changed before even pushing a new object to your router.
Like this
checkIfUpdateNeeded && this.$router.push({queries: {name: 'kevin', age:21 } })
That way, you will have less moving parts and you won't have a trigger in the watcher for "nothing", especially if you're pushing a bigger object and want to make a deep-diff between 2 objects.

How to determine what causes components to rerender

I am having an issue where when I change a component in my app, many unrelated components seem to be rerendering too. When I use the Vue performance timings config, I see something like (all in the span of about 200ms)
I am trying to figure out what causes these components to rerender. I saw a tip about how to tell the cause of a rerender, but when I put this snippet* in all the rerendering components, I don’t get anything logged to the console.
So, how can I find what is causing all these components to rerender?
*The code I actually put looks like
public mounted() {
let oldData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.$data));
this.$watch(() => this.$data, (newData) => {
console.log(diff(oldData, newData));
oldData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newData));
}, {
deep: true,
Using the F12 dev tools in Chrome, you can track down what is triggering your component to re-render. Add an updated hook to your component as below:
updated() {
if (!this.updateCnt)
this.updateCnt = 1;
if (this.updateCnt > 1) { // set to desired
console.log(`Updated ${this.updateCnt++} times`);
Refresh your page in Chrome with F12 tools open and wait for breakpoint to be hit. In the Sources tab, you will see the call stack on the right, with your updated() function as the current stack frame. Look back up the call stack and eventually you should see the code that caused the update to trigger. In my case, it was reactiveSetter() in the vue runtime, which was triggered by me setting a property in a parent component.
The code you have above will only trigger if a component's own state changes, not a parent.

Vue 3 watch being called before value is fully updated

I'm working on my first Vue 3 (and therefore vuex 4) app coming from a pretty solid Vue 2 background.
I have an component that is loading data via vuex actions, and then accessing the store via a returned value in setup()
setup() {
const store = useStore();
const fancy = computed(() => store.state.fancy);
return { fancy };
fancy here is a deeply nested object, which I think might be important.
I then want to run a function based on whenever than value changes, so I have set up a watch in my mounted() lifecycle hook
(newValue) => {
for (const spreadsheet in newValue) {
I tried using the new onMounted() hook in setup and watchEffect and instead, but I could not get watch/watchEffect to reliably trigger in the onMounted hook, and watchEffect never seemed to update based on my computed store value. If you have insight into this, that would be handy.
My real issue though is that my watcher gets called seemingly before the value is updated. For instance my code logs out [] for the first set of keys, and then a half second later a full array. If it was some kind of progressive filling in of the data, then I would have expected the watcher to be called again, with a new newValue. I have also tried. all the permutations of flush, deep, and immediate on my watcher to no avail. nextTick()s also did not work. I think this must be related to my lack of understanding in the new reactivity changes, but I'm unsure how to get around it and adding in a random delay in my app seems obviously wrong.
Thank you.

v-navigation-drawer drops into a runaway loop on window resize

First, let me say that the v-navigation-drawer works as intended, i.e.:
On clicking the hamburger menu the TOGGLE_DRAWER mutation is committed, and it toggles open/closed, updating the state.
On window resize it opens/closes at a designated breakpoint
So it works.
BUT the window resize does not properly toggle the mutation and I keep getting a Vuex mutation error when I resize the window:
I understand why I'm getting this error - the $store.state.ui.drawer is being modified outside of the mutator (it's the v-navigation-drawer's v-model):
I get it's bad form to bind the state to the v-model. But when I try to make a drawer computed property with a get() and set() method that properly gets/commits a mutation, the browser crashes (presumably because the set method triggers an endless loop of commits toggling drawer true/false into infinity):
computed: {
drawer: {
get () {
return this.$store.state.ui.drawer
set () {
this.$store.commit('TOGGLE_DRAWER') // <--crashes the browser
I've searched endlessly for a solution to this problem. It's bugging me even though it visually appears to be working.
I've considered running the v-navigation-drawer in stateless mode and handling all the window resize events and state updates manually. I've also considered disabling 'Strict' mode in Vuex (which would hide the errors). But the former is a lot more complexity and the latter is a bandaid that costs me debugging insight in development.
This sounds like a perfect candidate for Lodash's debounce function. If you need to stick with using setter/getter while applying this effect, have a look at this post; otherwise, this one for sequential event subscription on any of the lifecycle hooks.
After spending some time with this, I think I have a solution. Wanted to share for anyone else that may be facing the same issue with VNavigationDrawer using Vuex state to control visibility.
The #input event passes a val parameter, which includes the state of the drawer after the window resizes. I created a new action that is called by the below function:
Here is the action being dispatched:
methods: {
updateDrawer(event) {
if (event !== this.drawer) { // avoids dispatching duplicate actions; checks for unique window resize event
And the action commits the new val to the Vuex store.
Basically, the input event is able to watch for updates to the drawer, and subsequently update the drawer state if it's necessary.
You'll also see above that I stubbornly accepted using :value as the docs suggest, even though I think this should be controlled by a v-model.
Seems to be working - with the right events called and the state being updated appropriately.

How to check what data triggered updated in Vue?

updated: function() {
this.$emit("render-vue", this.$el.offsetHeight);
This works fine enough...but in my app, props get updated (which I don't care about), and then there is a fetch() that updates data, resulting in additional DOM rendering.
So, that means that I get 2 'updated' events in succession! πŸ‘ŽπŸΎ
Essentially, I only want updated to perform the $emit when data has been fully updated and the DOM is finished.
Currently, $emit is happening 2 times in succession, and that's not helping situation - IT DOM gets updated with props and then right after that another updated occurs when data gets updated after fetch().
Now, I could watch - tried that. The issue there is that $emit will fire off before all DOM is updated, sending the wrong info as argument.
It's almost like I need to watch a specific piece of data...and then, and only then, have updated send the $emit. πŸ˜–
For additional context, there are no children - this is a child component.
I can probably get this to work by using a setTimeout()...but come, on! That's sloppy! πŸ‘ŽπŸΎ
In the code block that fetches the data, set a property to indicate new data is available
.then(() => {
// whatever you're doing with the data
this.newData = true;
Check this state variable in the updated hook
updated() {
if (this.newData) {
this.$emit("render-vue", this.$el.offsetHeight);
this.newData = false;