SPARQL Query returning nothing from - sparql

I am using the following SPARQL query to retrieve the IATA code for Laker Airways.
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
select ?airline ?iata where {
?airline a dbo:Airline.
?airline rdfs:label "Laker Airways"#en.
OPTIONAL {?airline dbo:iataAirlineCode ?iata.}
This works against but not against
What am I doing wrong?

Your SPARQL works against the English language endpoint
So, use the English endpoint; it has different data from the French one.


freetext search in dbpedia

I want to use freetext search against the dbpedia and I'm trying the query I found on the W3C website:
If I try the query WITHOUT the bif: prefix by commenting it out I get the error shown below the query:
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX type: <>
PREFIX prop: <>
# PREFIX bif: <>
SELECT ?lbl ?est
?country rdfs:label ?lbl .
FILTER(bif:contains(?lbl, "Republic")) .
?country a type:Country108544813 ;
prop:establishedDate ?est .
FILTER(?est < "1920-01-01"^^xsd:date) .
Error: Line 9, Parse error: namespace mapping for "bif" not defined
when expanding QName "bif:contains".
[condition type: sparql-lexer-error-namespace-mapping-not-defined]
well: that makes sense, you do need to define your namespace. So let me do the same query again using the bif: prefix that I found on the Virtuoso website (and various other places)
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX type: <>
PREFIX prop: <>
PREFIX bif: <>
SELECT ?lbl ?est
?country rdfs:label ?lbl .
FILTER(bif:contains(?lbl, "Republic")) .
?country a type:Country108544813 ;
prop:establishedDate ?est .
FILTER(?est < "1920-01-01"^^xsd:date) .
Now I get a different error: it seems that the bif: namespace is a protected name by Virtuoso
So it seems I cannot live with bif: or without :bif. Has anyone seen this error before? Thanks.
Btw: I really don't care that much about bif: What I really want is to do freetext queries against dbpedia. So any alternative is welcome. YES: there are earlier questions on SO about this but note that each of those answers contain bif: as well.
Added later: so just to be sure I changed bif: into bof: and now I get a new error that shows that contains no longer is a valid operator. See below. So anyway: I guess the only thing I care about from here on is: how do you do freetext queries against dbpedia :-)
bif: is a Virtuoso built-in, for "built-in function".
You're going through some sort of SPARQL pre-parser, not directly against the SPARQL endpoint, so you do need to define the prefix in your query. Most such pre-parsers will do the right thing if you just --
PREFIX bif: <bif:>
Alternatively, you can change your query from using the bif:contains function --
FILTER(bif:contains(?lbl, "Republic"))
-- to use SPARQL regex --
FILTER regex(?lbl, "Republic")

How to display list using SPARQL

I am trying to show the list of Charities from this page -
The list is in is dct:subject of property, I have made a query but it doesn't work.
?s dbo:type dbr:Charitable_organization .
I do kind of know how to use SPARQL with DBPEDIA but am unsure how to use the dct:subject part and display the `dbr:'
Using the site- to execute queries. So any help on how I can show the list of charities from that website? Thanks for reading.
Your query should be:
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX type: <>
PREFIX prop: <>
PREFIX dbr: <>
## Added ##
PREFIX dbo: <>
?s dbo:type dbr:Charitable_organization .
Live Results Page Link.
Live Query Definition Link.

SPARQL query not returning any data

I am new to RDF, so it will be very nice if you can help me with this!
I am trying to query the subject of pickles called "Umeboshi"(It is japanese pickles) as follows:
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX type: <>
PREFIX prop: <>
PREFIX onto: <>
SELECT ?label ?subject
rdfs:label ?label;
FILTER (?label = "Umeboshi")
This query doesn't give me any data.
As I don't know where to find available properties I am referring to the Umeboshi page on dbpedia
Thank you very much for your help!
Two things I found:
In the page you give, the label is given in English, but in your query you omit the language.
subject has a different namespace. It is a dcterm concept and not a dbpedia property.
This leads to the following, changed query, which results in three bindings:
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
SELECT ?label ?subject
rdfs:label ?label;
dct:subject ?subject.
FILTER (?label = "Umeboshi"#en)

Sparql result not containing specified property included in results

I have this query
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX dbpedia_property: <>
PREFIX dbpedia_ontology: <>
PREFIX yago: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
SELECT ?school
?school rdf:type yago:EducationalInstitution108276342 .
FILTER ( contains(str(?school), "Australia") )
ORDER BY ?school
Don't mind the extra brackets as this is part of a larger query.
What I want to know is why thi is included in the results since I specify rdf:type yago:EducationalInstitution108276342. This property is not included in the resource page. I'm using this endpoint:
Looks like a bug in the Pubby Web interface or in the query that is used to get the data that will be shown.
The query
<> ?p ?o
returns the necessary rdf:type statement.
The other strange thing is that even a SPARQL DESCRIBE query does not return the rdd:type triples:
Although DESCIBE is not really defined in the specs, a user would expect those triples for sure. And maybe this kind of query is used to retrieve the data for the Web pages of resources.

What is wrong with my SPARQL query and how can I fix it?

I am learning how to create SPARQL queries. Currently, I am using Dbpedia datasets.
I tried to query about "What are the airports that are in Canada" with the following query:
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX dbpedia2: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
SELECT ?name ?country WHERE {
?name rdf:type <>;
?name rdf:type <>
I am still confused about building SPARQL queries especially with resources and RDF graphs.
What I need is what is the mistake with the above query?
The query you are looking for is something like:
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?airport ?label WHERE {
?airport rdf:type <>;
rdfs:label ?label;
dbpedia-owl:location <> .
This query however doesn't return much results and you would be better of with something like:
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?airport ?label WHERE {
?airport rdf:type <> ;
rdfs:label ?label .
There are various things wrong in your initial query that imply that you should get a better understanding of SPARQL. You need to revise the way you construct the triple patterns. I recommend you to have a look at the following tutorial:
Also you will find exploratory SPARQL queries tremendously helpful:
exploratory SPARQL queries?
Your query is currently asking for objects (resources) that have type Airport AND have type Country. Needless to say, there are no results.
You query is also asking for ?country which is completely undefined.
See msalvadores' answer for a correct example...