Using Materialize Modals with Partial Views (ASP.NET CORE) - materialize

I was following this guide with Bootstrap, but is there a way to make it work with Materialize?
Effectively I just need to insert content into the modal before it displays using a partial view.


How to disable Overriding Razor class library views

I am now using ASP.Net Core to write a web application and relative Razor Class Libraries.
I know a view (*.cshtml) defined in a Razor Class Library can be override in web application. It brings enough flexibility to developers. But I feel sometimes the developer of a RCL doesn't expect that the view defined in RCL would be override.
Is there a way to disable overriding view (all or some specific views)?
I'm afraid you can't achieve this. The project will auto override the view. The Microsoft document has explian this.
When a view, partial view, or Razor Page is found in both the web app
and the RCL, the Razor markup (.cshtml file) in the web app takes
When a view, partial view, or Razor Page is found in both the web app
and the RCL, the Razor markup (.cshtml file) in the web app takes
precedence. For example, add
WebApp1/Areas/MyFeature/Pages/Page1.cshtml to WebApp1, and Page1 in
the WebApp1 will take precedence over Page1 in the RCL. core pass model to view from controller changed view layout

I'm building website using core 3.1 following tutorials, I'm working on bootstrap template, now I encountered strange problem that when I pass a strongly typed model to the view the layout of bootstrap not working, but if request the view without sending model it work...
Searching in google doesn't give a result.
Please enter the script and css with the view rendersection you are using and add the bootsrap links there
#Rendersection("Scripts",false) and #Rendersection("Style" ,false) include in layout after go to view add up #section Style ( bootsrap css link ) and down view add section script
I figured out what was the problem, It's was in svg-icons calls, it was starts with "~/svg-icons/" so I replaced it with "../svg-icons/", so the problem solved.

Use Partial Views between multiple mvc application

I have an scenario like, define a template for footer of my website in partial view. I have written the footer template in partial view. This partial view is placed in folder name "Common" in Views.
Now i want to use this footer partial view in another mvc application, because used the same footer template.
How can i refer the partial views in multiple applications, like having the partial views in class library?
Please guide me to go right way.

ASP.NET MVC 4 changing contents of div without reloading

I'm new to web development and ASP.NET MVC 4
My question is: Is it possible to replace the content of div tag without needing to refresh the whole page?
If so, what is the best practice of it (best use of MVC 4)?
In order to refresh partial content of a page, you have to use AJAX. There are plenty of resources available online describing how to implement this in ASP.NET MVC. One of the possibilities is using partial views, on which you can find a good tutorial here. However, if you're comfortable with javascript/jQuery a partial view might be overkill if you're just looking to update one div.
Use javascript and make an ajax call. MVC has a JsonResult for the controller you can use if you like.
Not 100% sure but if I remember right, jQuery is bundled with MVC4. Correct me if I'm wrong.
// Javascript code
Would replace the contents of a <div id="mydiv"></div> with the contents of the /Content/html/mySnippet.html.
You can also call an action and return a partial view if you wish to have dynamic content instead of a static html template.

Trying to inject the result from an MVC controller into a Durandal view

I'm trying to inject a partial MVC 4 view into a durandal view. The MVC view contains a Kendo grid which I would like to include a bit like using compose in durandal.
Looking at How can I use cshtml files with Durandal? did not enlighten me enough I'm afraid.
Does anyone have any further insight they would like to share? How would I include the MVC view in my durandal view?
I.e. my durandal /App/views/home.html should somehow include the result from my MVC view /Views/Data/index.cshtml
Thanks, watching the SPA course and reading this thread:!topic/durandaljs/hpfZB-WFEXk helped solved my issue.
I ended up using Youngs approach, it was only when I saw the example I finally understood...