Where to get an older pbacc.dll for PowerBuilder - dll

I try to run a program which was build upon PowerBuilder version on a Windows 10 computer. After startup it shows an error message:
Error loading library. Please check whether PowerBuilder Accessibility library can be located in the path.
Doing some research I found out that there is a pbaccess***.dll needed to get the program run under Windows 10. However, is there a way to get this .dll since I do not own this specific version of PowerBuilder?
Or are there any other workarounds to get the program run?

This is from an earlier build of PB 10.2.1, but you can see if it works.

You would have to get pbacc100.dll from the application developer. Alternately you can disable accessibility in control panel.


VBA /Visual basic projects/macros issues while compiling

I have so many problems with any of the VBA/VB projects, that I am by now not sure which category these problems falls in. Some of the issues listed below may or may not be interrelated. But any thing that is related to visual basic project is causing me so many problems since 1 year.
I have researched so many time but have not got a solution till date :(.
But this time I could not stand it any more and therefore I am here to post it.
I had Microsoft visual basic 6.0 installed in my system last year. I was able to create some small windows based forms->compile and run as well. However, when I have a project from external resource for supporting VB applications, none of the project were compiling and running through IDE.
So i researched a lot and found the below issues:
Missing references/missing dlls. added references but no use
Tried help got this error: msdn collection does not exist please reinstall msdn
Tried Compiling - got error:
Compile error: cannot find project project or library
Tried adding components : failed by getting error Dlls are not registered.
Error in project loading, found the below error
Then I tried registering the MSCOMCTL.OCX file through regsrv.exe but it gave admin related errors as below
call toDllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x800280c
Even though I have all admin rights and I am logged in as admin for command prompt.
I also had copied the files from syswow64 to system32 or vice versa whichever way it did not work
Somewhere I had googled that we need to unblock the files to register , but these files were not blocked.
Tired, I just left the problem just like that due to other prioritised work.
But again today my colleague gave me an excel sheet which had macros written in it.
These macros do not run, instead it redirects me to Visual Basic for application IDE where the first window i get is Compile error followed by automation error
Again I thought of researching more on to it, and finally found from SO only that we should be registering MSCOMCTL.OCX.
But no matter what I do, I am unable to register any dlls.
Can any one tell me what is causing so much of compile issues , the solution and why I am not able to register any dlls or files?
And by the way, my system is window 7 64 bit and I seem to be only one in the workplace having this problem.
This issue was present even before any updates. The same profile with the same updates are running in my colleague's system. Even though there were no patch updates etc.
Try this:
Open a Command Prompt:
Open START menu, in Search box enter: cmd.exe, a link will shows, BUT doesn't press Enter key, instead RIGHT-CLICK on the link to open context menu, then choose Run as administrator
A Prompt DOS (black) windows will open on C:\Windows\System32 folder.
If your OS is 32 bit then type the below commands:
regsvr32 mscomctl.ocx press Enter
regtlib msdatsrc.tlb press Enter
If your OS is 64 bit, need to navigate to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder: Type the command:
CD C:\Windows\SysWOW64
then press Enter key to confirm.
Type the below commands:
regsvr32 mscomctl.ocx press Enter
regtlib msdatsrc.tlb press Enter
Now should working

Can't use background task in Windows Phone 8.1 (the ID_CAP_NETWORKING required, but it's included in the manifest)

I need to update my Windows Phone application tile by downloading and parsing JSON. So I'm using Microsoft HTTP Client Libraries.
And I've always got the exception Use of networking APIs requires the ID_CAP_NETWORKING capability to be defined in the application manifest when I'm trying to debug background task.
But my manifest included ID_CAP_NETWORKING as required (screenshot https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t31.0-8/10750111_821340111262044_6461333323674658178_o.jpg).
I don't know what to do. I tried rebuild or recreate the app, but this didn't help. Also I can't find any documentation or an answer on the internet.
Can you please write, what can I do to solve this problem?
This is demo project http://1drv.ms/1yjHm49 with reproduced problem (project's name is 'Meduza. Windows Phone').
I debug my application on Lumia 720 (if it can help).
I re-downloaded your project and now I get your error. So I thought, I must of done something before launching your project that fixed it.
It took me while, but I can get your project to work by doing this
Unzip project to directory
Open Project
Clean Project
Add Internet (Client and Server) in Package.appxmanifest file (make sure you save it before exiting)
Put the break points in your background task
And it works. So a combination of Clean Build + editing the Package.appxmanifest did the trick for me.

Unable to debug ArcGIS 10.2 add-in on ArcMap with “No GUI components found in this Add-In”

I am working on an ArcGIS add-in (a very simple toolbar with a few buttons) with VB.Net and ArcObjects SDK in Visual Studio 2010. The solution was built successfully and the debug settings were configured.
When I hit Debug, ArcMap application was opened. I couldn't find the toolbar docked anywhere on the ArcMap toolbar. I went to "Customize" -> "Add-in Manager" and the add-in being debugged was not there. Then I tried "Add From File...", located the "esriaddin" file and clicked "Install Add-in". It populated a message box saying "No GUI components found in this Add-In."
I made some Google searches but haven't got any luck to reach a solution yet.
What was I missing? Has anyone come across the same issue and any direction?
Thanks in advance!
Try clicking build first, then open the arcmap separately and check the add-in manager inside of arcmap to see if it got added to the application. If so, you should be able to find it and turn the toolbar on.
I'm not sure about .Net, but I debugged this issue for the Java SDK. You have to make sure you are using the correct versions for compiling. In java, it was an old archive version of jdk1.6 32 bit.
Then I was referencing something wrong inside the xml document. I had changed the name of my JAR file (taken from project name by the ArcObjects SDK). In the xml document it was still pointing towards the old name.
This may not help you, but if anyone else searches this error and is using tje Java SDK, hopefully it will help.
I struggled with this same issue with a 10.0 add in. We had a 10.1 update that worked with 10.1 but trying to install it to 10.2.2 gave me that exact error. So much for upward compatible! I then tried to build 10.2.2 code and kept having this error. Others mentioned needing to build to x86 so I did that although the 10.1 was on Win7-64 and ran with AnyCPU....
I believe the final key for me was in the config file. I had set version to 10.2.2 As soon as I changed that to 10.2, the darn add-in installed just fine. Nice waste of a day for an extra '.2'

Free Pascal IDE crashed when opening or saving to

I'm having problems running the FreePascal IDE (for Win32 for i386) Version 1.0.12 2011/04/23 Compiler Version 2.4.4. It crashes when I want to "Open" and "Save as"
When I select one of those options in the Menu the IDE returns: "Program generated a RTE 215 at address $00696A49" which prompts me to close the IDE, and then shows three addresses in a separate window: $00696A49 and 2 others (random).
If you need to know, I have been loading .pas files from directories other than FP's own, and the IDE used to show "couldn't load file from current directory"-like messages.
I want to know what's generating this problem and if I have to update it.
Thanks in advance.
Despite 2.4.4 being an older release, it shouldn't happen with a win32 release in normal situations (like on harddisk, not network drive, no special permissions in sight).
You could try using a different system and see if it fails there too, or try a newer version.

Build failed. Could not find type 'System.Globalization.SortVersion'

Somewhere along the line in the last week, Xamarin on my Windows machine started giving the above mentioned error any time I compile with MONO.
Specifically occurs when Project|Active Runtime is MONO - never happens when runtime is Microsoft.NET.
I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling MONO runtime (mono-3.2.3-gtksharp-2.12.11-win32-0.exe)
Any clues? Google searches come up with pretty much nothing
I get the same error today, (after an update yesterday to 4.2.4 Build 35) There is a bugfix here
Build works fine on another PC without the latest update (4.2.3 build 59). I guess the answer is to roll back to 4.2.3.
You can get it from your account page at Xamarin.com >> Downloads >> View all versions.
The solution from here says that you should either uncheck the box "Use MsBuild" in project settings or use .NET for building but then run with Mono if you want to test runtime compatibility.