How to run post-synthesis simulation with the IceStorm iCE40 FPGA flow - yosys

It is good design practice to not only verify Verilog designs with regular pre-synthesis (behavioral) simulation, but also using post-synthesis simulation. This is practically mandatory when debugging mismatches between simulation and hardware. How can this be achieved with the open source IceStorm flow for iCE40 FPGAs?

See for an example. The "rs232demo" project comes with a test bench and the Makefile contains rules for pre- and post-synthesis simulation:
make rs232demo_tb.vcd # pre-synthesis simulation
make rs232demo_syntb.vcd # post-synthesis simulation
Use a VCD viewer like gtkwave to view the VCD files generated by this two commands.
In order to run post-synthesis simulation one must first convert the BLIF netlist (synthesis output) to a Verilog netlist: yosys -p 'read_blif -wideports example.blif; write_verilog example_syn.v'
This netlist will instantiate iCE40 device primitives. Yosys comes with simulation models for those primitives. Run the command yosys-config --datdir/ice40/cells_sim.v to print the full path name of that simulation library. Use this Verilog file when compiling your simulation.
Edit: Two additional FAQs regarding post-synthesis simulation:
(1) The clock should not have a clock edge at timestamp 0 as this can result in a race condition between clocked register updates and register initialization. I.e. the following test bench code for generating the clock is problematic:
reg clk = 1;
always #5 clk = ~clk;
Instead you should use something like the following, that leaves the clock signal undefined for an initial period:
reg clk;
always #5 clk = (clk === 1'b0);
(2) Some signals (or individual bits of a vector) can be optimized away during synthesis. This bits may be set to a constant value (usually x) or left floating by the tool. This can be confusing when trying to inspect post-synthesis simulation results. Set the keep attribute on nets that you want the tool to preserve:
(* keep *) reg [31:0] foobar;


Raku-native disk space usage

Save a program that writes data to disk from vain attempts of writing to a full filesystem;
Save bandwidth (don't download if nowhere to store);
Save user's and programmer's time and nerves (notify them of the problem instead of having them tearing out their hair with reading misleading error messages and "why the heck this software is not working!").
The question comes in 2 parts:
Reporting storage space statistics (available, used, total etc.), either of all filesystems or of the filesystem that path in question belongs to.
Reporting a filesystem error on running out of space.
Part 1
Share please NATIVE Raku alternative(s) (TIMTOWTDIBSCINABTE "Tim Toady Bicarbonate") to:
raku -e 'qqx{ df -P $*CWD }.print'
Here, raku -executes df (disk free) external program via shell quoting with interpolation qqx{}, feeding -Portable-format argument and $*CWD Current Working Directory, then .prints the df's output.
The snippet initially had been written as raku -e 'qqx{ df -hP $*CWD }.print' — with both -human-readable and -Portable — but it turned out that it is not a ubiquitously valid command. In OpenBSD 7.0, it exits with an error: df: -h and -i are incompatible with -P.
For adding human-readability, you may consider Number::Bytes::Human module
raku -e 'run <<df -hP $*CWD>>'
If you're just outputting what df gives you on STDOUT, you don't need to do anything.
The << >> are double quoting words, so that the $*CWD will be interpolated.
Part 1 — Reporting storage space statistics
There's no built in function for reporting storage space statistics. Options include:
Write Raku code (a few lines) that uses NativeCall to invoke a platform / filesystem specific system call (such as statvfs()) and uses the information returned by that call.
Use a suitable Raku library. FileSystem::Capacity picks and runs an external program for you, and then makes its resulting data available in a portable form.
Use run (or similar1) to invoke a specific external program such as df.
Use an Inline::* foreign language adaptor to enable invoking of a foreign PL's solution for reporting storage space statistics, and use the info it provides.2
Part 2 — Reporting running out of space
Raku seems to neatly report No space left on device:
> spurt '/tmp/failwrite', 'filesystem is full!'
Failed to write bytes to filehandle: No space left on device
in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
> mkdir '/tmp/failmkdir'
Failed to create directory '/tmp/failmkdir' with mode '0o777': Failed to mkdir: No space left on device
in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
(Programmers will need to avoid throwing away these exceptions.)
1 run runs an external command without involving a shell. This guarantees that the risks attendant with involving a shell are eliminated. That said, Raku also supports use of a shell (because that can be convenient and appropriate in some scenarios). See the exchange of comments under the question (eg this one) for some brief discussion of this, and the shell doc for a summary of the risk:
All shell metacharacters are interpreted by the shell, including pipes, redirects, environment variable substitutions and so on. Shell escapes are a severe security concern and can cause confusion with unusual file names. Use run if you want to be safe.
2 Foreign language adaptors for Raku (Raku modules in the Inline:: namespace) allow Raku code to use code written in other languages. These adaptors are not part of the Raku language standard, and most are barely experimental status, if that, but, conversely, the best are in great shape and allow Raku code to use foreign libraries as if they were written for Raku. (As of 2021 Inline::Perl5 is the most polished.)

Filter the output of GNU nm by section

I'm trying to identify the largest symbols in an .elf file for each memory section (.text, .data, .bss). So far I'm using GNU nm to get the largest symbols:
nm foo.elf --size-sort --reverse-sort --radix=d --demangle --line-numbers
Is there a builtin way in nm to filter the ouput by section or do I need to resort to text filtering?
nm outputs a section type for every symbol as single letter code (B: .bss, D: .data, T: .text), but there seems no way to filter by symbol type.
Background: The code runs on a microcontroller which is able to execute instruction directly from flash memory. The instructions from the .text section stay in the flash memory during execution, .bss and .data are loaded into the RAM. That's way I would like to be able to identify the largest symbols in each section independently.
there seems no way to filter by symbol type.
Just use grep to perform any filtering you may need.
You may also want to look at Bloaty McBloatface: a size profiler for binaries.

what is the x86 opcode for assembly variables and constants?

i know that every instruction has opcodes.
i could find opcodes for mov , sub instructions.
but what is the opcode for variables and it's types.
we use assembler directives to define a variable and constant?
how they are represented in x86 opcodes?
nasm assembler x86: segment .bss
largest resb 2 ; reserves two bytes for largest
segment .data
number1 DW 12345 ; defines a constant number1
i tried online this assembly to opcode conveter. but when i used nasm code to define a variable it shows error!
There's no opcode for variables. There are even no variables in machine code.
There is CPU and memory. Memory contains some values (bytes).
The CPU has cs:ip instruction pointer, pointing to memory address, where is the next instruction to execute, so it will read byte(s) from that address, and interpret them as opcode, and execute it as an instruction.
Whether you have in memory stored data or machine code doesn't matter, both are byte values.
What makes part of memory "data" or "variable" is the logical interpretation created by the running code, it's the code which does use certain part of memory only as "data/variables" and other part of memory as "code" (or eventually as both at the same time, like in this DOS 51B long COM code drawing Greece flag on screen, where the XLAT instruction is using the code opcodes also as source data for blue/white strips configuration).
Whether you write in your source:
add al,al
db 0x00, 0xC0
Doesn't matter, the resulting machine code is identical (in both cases the CPU will execute add al,al when pointed to that memory to be executed as instruction, and mov ax,[x] will set ax to 0xC000 in both cases, when used as "variable".
You may want to check listing file from the assembler (-l <listing_file_name> command line option for nasm) to see yourself there's no way to tell which bytes are code and which are data.
Assembler directives like segment, resb, or dw are not instructions and do not correspond to opcodes. That's why they are directives instead of instructions. Roughly speaking, there are two kinds of directives:
one kind of directive configures the assembler. For example, the segment directive configures the assembler to continue assembly in the section you provided.
another kind of directive emits data. For example, the dw directive emits the given datum into the object file. This can be used to place arbitrary data into memory for use with your program.

How can I use cmake to test processes that are expected to fail with an exception? (e.g., failures due to clang's address sanitizer)

I've got some tests that test that clang's address sanitizer catch particular errors. (I want to ensure my understanding of the types of error it can catch is correct, and that future versions continue to catch the type of errors I'm expecting them to.) This means I have several tests that fail by crapping out with an OTHER_FAULT, which appears to be the fixed way that clang's runtime reports an error.
I've set the WILL_FAIL flag to TRUE for these tests, but this only seems to check the return value from a successful, exception-free failure. If the process terminates with an exception, cmake still classes it as a failure.
I've also tried using PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION to watch for the distinguishing messages that are printed out when this error occurs, but again, cmake seems to class the test as a failure if it terminates with an exception.
Is there anything I can do to get around this?
(clang-specific answers are also an option! - but I doubt this will be the last time I need to test something like this, so I'd prefer to know how to do it with cmake generally, if it's possible)
CTest provides only basic, commonly used interpretators for result of test programs. For implement other interpretators you can write simple program/script, which wraps the test and interpret its result as needed. E.g. C program (for Linux):
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
pid_t pid = fork();
if(pid == -1)
// fork fails
return 1;
else if(pid)
// Parent - wait child and interpret its result
int status = 0;
if(WIFSIGNALED(status)) return 0; // Signal-terminated means success
else return 1;
// Child - execute wrapped command
execvp(argv[1], argv + 1);
This program can be used in CMake as follows:
# Compile our wrapper
add_executable(test_that_crash test_that_crash.c)
# Similar to add_test(name command), but test is assumed successfull only if it is crashed(signalled)
macro(add_test_crashed name command)
# Use generic flow of add_test() command for automatically recognize our executable target
add_test(NAME ${name} COMMAND test_that_crash ${command} ${ARGN})
# ...
# Add some test, which should crash
add_test_crashed(clang.crash.1 <clang-executable> <clang-args>)
There is also a clang-specific solution: configure its manner of exit using the ASAN_OPTIONS environment variable. (See To do this, set the ASAN_OPTIONS environment variable to abort_on_error=0. When the address sanitizer detects a problem, the process will then do _exit(1) rather than (presumably) abort(), and will thus appear to have terminated cleanly. You can then pick this up using cmake's WILL_FAIL mechanism. (It's still not clear why OS X and Linux differ in this respect - but there you go.)
As a bonus, the test fails much more quickly.
(Another handy option that can improve turnaround time when running through cmake is to set ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH to an empty value, which stops the address sanitizer symbolizing the stack traces. Symbolizing takes a moment, but there's no point doing it when running through cmake, since you can't see the output.)
Rather than do this by hand, I made a Python script that sets the environment appropriately on OS X (doing nothing on Linux), and invokes the test. I then add each asan test using a macro, along the lines of Tsyvarev's answer.
macro(add_asan_test basename)
add_executable(${basename} ${basename}.c)
add_test(NAME test/${basename} COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ -a $<TARGET_FILE:${basename}>)
set_tests_properties(test/${basename} PROPERTIES WILL_FAIL TRUE)
This gives a simple pass/fail as quickly as possible. I'm in the habit of investigating failures by running the test in question from the shell by hand and examining the output, in which case I get the stack trace as normal (and the fact exiting by abort is a bit slow is less of a problem).
(There are similar options for the other sanitizers, but I haven't investigated them.)

Inputing data in OCaml toplevel runnin under Emacs

When interactively running the OCaml toplevel on Emacs (via the Tuareg mode), evaluation of expression which do input from the standard input channel does not finish.
For instance, when I enter the following expression in the *ocaml-toplevel* buffer and hit enter
let x = read_int ();;
and type some integer and hit ENTER to finish, evaluation is not finished as it was expected.
The following screenshot demonstrates the situation.
What is the proper way of doing input from the standard input channel in the OCaml toplevel buffer in Emacs?
just type as usal an use
M-x comint-send-input
directly, so tuareg won't check for the terminating ;;
edit: of course, you can define a keyboard shortcut for it, if you need it regularly; e.g
(add-hook 'tuareg-interactive-mode-hook
'(lambda ()
(local-set-key (kbd "C-n") 'comint-send-input)))