Finding next blank row after the user inputs a specific prefix - vba

I have a set amount of tag numbers in column A. The prefix to these tag numbers vary i.e "35C-1243" or "35TC-1234". Each prefix comes with a lot of tag numbers however there are some blank rows in between tag numbers for skipped tags for example it could go from "35C-1234" to "35C-1235" to "35C-1237". This would mean that I have a blank row in between "35C-1235" and "35C-1237". What I have been trying to do is create a code that would prompt the user to enter the prefix for the tag number they want to focus on and based off that prefix the next blank row should be selected however I can't get the excel to activate the blank row. Any suggestions/help will be greatly appreciated.
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Dim msg As String
Dim result As Integer
Dim x As String
msg = "Would you like to find the next available tag number?"
result = MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo)
If result = vbYes Then
x = Application.InputBox("Enter the part reference ")
Select Case x
Case x = "35C"
NextFree = Range("A:A" & Rows.Count).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Row
Range("A" & NextFree).Select
End Select
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

The problem is in your Select Case. It should be Case "35C" instead of Case x = "35C". What you do now is compare x to the result of x = "35C", which is True, but x is not equal True, so this case is False :)
Also what #FreeMan said about Range("A:A" & Rows.Count) which should be Range("A:A").


Take list box selection, add value to other list box without allowing duplicates

I have two list boxes on a form I am making. The first list box is linked to a table with various company names. The goal I am after is after double clicking a companies name, the value is inserted in the second list box.
It worked fine until I tried to add code to prevent duplicates from appearing in the second list box, so you couldn't accidentally insert the same company twice. I have tried several different iterations, but with no luck. Anyone able to help with this one? My end goal would be for a msgbox to pop up alerting the user that duplicates are not allowed.
Private Sub ContractorLstbx_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim found As Boolean
found = False
Dim ID As Long
Dim Contractor As String
For Each newItem In Me.ContractorLstbx.ItemsSelected
For j = 0 To Me.SelectedContractorLst.ListCount - 1
If (Me!ContractorLstbx.ItemData(newItem).Column(1) = Me.SelectedContractorLst.ItemData(j).Column(1)) Then
found = True
Exit For
End If
Next j
If found = False Then
ID = Me.ContractorLstbx.ItemData(newItem)
Me.SelectedContractorLst.AddItem ContractorLstbx!.ItemData(newItem).Column(0) & ";" & Me!ContractorLstbx.ItemData(newItem).Column(1)
End If
found = False
Next newItem
End Sub
This is the full code for your solution. I tried it on test sample and working fine. just copy and paste the code. If you need your comparison to be case sensitive (I mean A <> a) then use Option Compare Binary as in my code below. If it is required to be case insensitive (A = a) just leave the default Option Compare Database or better force it using Option Compare Text
Option Compare Binary
Private Sub ContractorLstbx_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim found As Boolean
found = False
Dim ID As Long
Dim Contractor As String
For i = 0 To Me.ContractorLstbx.ItemsSelected.Count - 1
For j = 0 To Me.SelectedContractorLst.ListCount - 1
If (Me.ContractorLstbx.Column(1, Me.ContractorLstbx.ItemsSelected(i)) = Me.SelectedContractorLst.Column(1, j)) Then
found = True
Exit For
End If
Next j
If found = False Then
ID = Me.ContractorLstbx.ItemData(Me.ContractorLstbx.ItemsSelected(i))
Me.SelectedContractorLst.AddItem (ContractorLstbx.Column(0, Me.ContractorLstbx.ItemsSelected(i)) & ";" & Me.ContractorLstbx.Column(1, Me.ContractorLstbx.ItemsSelected(i)))
End If
found = False
Next i
End Sub

VBA - Struggling with worksheet_change. Not working with no error given

I have a sheet in which our wholesale team are to enter L09 Part Codes and quickly see how much we have in stock of that item. The problem is that new starters may struggle to learn these part numbers as they don't follow a simple rule. What I did was create an easier code to remember which is simply: "Cable Type" & "Core Size" & "Cut Length", they also have the option to add "Colour" and "Brand" separated by spaces.
Their entered string may look like 6242y 2.5 100, or maybe 6242y 2.5 100 Grey, etc. and so where to look in my mapped table for what they've written depends on how many terms they put in. As you can see from the attached picture I need to select the correct column to look in for their code, and then offset back a few columns to suggest the correct L09 Part Number.
I hope the context makes a bit of sense and helps with the below code. The idea was for a new starter to enter something simple and it be replaced before their very eyes...
If anyone could help me to correct the following it would be greatly appreciated:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim P, Products, S, Search As Range
Dim Column As String
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim Spaces As Long
'On Error Resume Next
Counter = 0
'For top table only
If Target.Column = 1 And Target.Row < 100 Then
'Count spaces
Spaces = UBound(Split(Target, " "), 1)
Select Case Spaces
Case Is = 2
Column = "M"
Case Is = 3
Column = "O"
Case Is = 4
Column = "Q"
End Select
'When string has spaces
If Spaces <> 0 Then
'Set simple code range
Set Search = Sheets("Cherries").Range(Column & 1 & ":" & Column & 10000)
For Each S In Search
If S = Target Then
Target = S.Offset(0, 3 - 2 * Spaces)
End If
Next S
End If
Set Products = Sheets("Order Entry").Range("A3:A99")
For Each P In Products
If P.Value <> "" Then
Counter = Counter + 1
End If
Next P
Sheets("Order Entry").Rows("3:" & Counter + 11).Hidden = False
Sheets("Order Entry").Rows(Counter + 11 & ":99").Hidden = True
End If
End Sub
Unfortunately I'm not sure which line is erroring as no error message is given.
Thank you for your time.

How can I refer to a data in a different row?

I've got an Excel file with N rows and M columns. Usually data are organized one per row, but it can happens that a data occupy more than a row. In this case how can I express that the second (or next) row has to refer to the first row?
In this example, AP.01 has got 5 rows of description, so how can I say that the other 4 rows refer also to the first code?
EDIT once that I did the association I have to export my Excel file into an Access DB. So I want to see the tables with the correct data.
If I have only one row for the description I wrote this code and it works:
If grid(r, 3).Text.Length > 255 Then
code.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString.Substring(0, 252) + "..."
code.Description = grid(r, 3).Text.ToString
End If
Instead if I have more than one row for the description I wrote this code and it doesn't work:
Do While grid(r, 1).ToString = ""
If grid(r, 1).ToString = "" And grid(r, 3).ToString IsNot Nothing Then
Dim s As String
s = grid(r, 3).ToString
code.Description = grid((r - 1), 3).ToString & s
End If
If it is a one-off, try the below. This will basically put a formula in every cell that refers to the cell immediately above it:
Select column A (from top until bottom of list (row N)
Press ctrl + g to open the GoTo dialogue
Press Special
Select Blanks from the radio buttons
The above will select all the blank cells in column A. Now enter = and press up arrow. Enter the formula by holding down ctrl while pressing enter. That will enter the same formula in every cell.
Sub Demo()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet3") 'change Sheet3 to your data sheet
With .Range("A:A").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"
.Value = .Value
End With
End Sub
From your question I Guess that, you must be define a variable for last column Value. and check the value in respective column, if it is empty then use column value if not empty then take current value as last value.
'Dim LastValue as string
LastValue = sheet("SheetName").cells(i,"Column Name").value
for i = 2 to LastRow '>>>> here i am assume you run code in for loop from row to
'to last count row(LastRow as variable)
'Put your sheet name at "SheetName" and column index (like "A","B","C"...) at "Column Name"
if sheet("SheetName").cells(i,"Column Name").value <>"" then
LastValue = sheet("SheetName").cells(i,"Column Name").value
end if
'(Do your stuff using LastValue , you may generate lastvalue 1, lastvalue2 ..etc)
next'for loop end here

VBA - adding a sheet with duplicates and tranposing output into rows

I have the following data set, which contains duplicates.
I am trying to create a macro that will look at the values in column A, from A2:A (count of rows in column), and return a list of the duplicate values contained in the string declared "strMyDupList". Basically, if there is atleast 1 duplicate, the msgbox will pop up and the new sheet created with the columns address and values and I am trying to list out all the values seperated my a comma VERTICALLY, instead of horizontally across the sheet. so like:
Address value
$A$5 F05572-CN48517NOVOAK2015
$A$13 F05573-CN48517APROAK2015
my code is :
If strMyDupList <> "" Then
MsgBox "The following entries have been used more than once:" & vbNewLine & strMyDupList = name
Worksheets(name).Range("A1").Value = "Location"
Worksheets(name).Range("B1").Value = "Value"
' Worksheets(name).Range("A2:C2").Value = Split(strMyDupList, ",")
Worksheets(name).Range("B4:B6") = Split(Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(strMyDupList), ",")
The results are that I am able to get the values tranposed from horizontal to vertical, however, with this code, it is only returning the FIRST VALUE in the list of values in the string, so it's returning:
Address value
$A$5 F05572-CN48517NOVOAK2015
$A$5 F05572-CN48517NOVOAK2015 (should be F05573-CN48517APROAK2015)
I've seen the UBound with Resize could work but I have no idea how the syntax works or is used. Can someone assist?
Thank you
Here is a complete example of how to leave duplicates out of your information.
Essentially, it sorts all of your information. Therefore, when you sort you'll get the consecutive value which would be itself if it was a dupe.
It uses a .NET feature, System.Collections.ArrayList, that was in 2.0 & 3.5 so that has to be installed on your machine. Usually it already is but it may not be. You can turn it on through Programs & Features.
Sub StringArrayDupeChecker()
Dim var As Variant
Dim holder As String
Dim strMyList() As String
Dim myDupeData As Variant
Dim str As String
str = "one,two,three,three,three,four,five,five"
strMyList = Split(str, ",")
holder = ""
Set var = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Set myDupeData = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
For Each i In strMyList
var.Add (i)
Next i
For Each j In var
If Not j = holder Then
'do your stuff
str = "notDupe"
End If
holder = j
Next j
End Sub

MS Excel 2010 - VBA to lookup in one column a customer number and Tag the corresponding column with Yes or No

I have an extremely large dataset with customer numbers and we cannot just use a =IF(E3=160248, "YES", "NO") to tag a particular customer number of 160248 with YES or NO. Instead, I would like to use VBA code to lookup Customer_Number in column E and return a YES or NO in the corresponding row in Column AG, called Incorporated_160248. I have not done an If then clause in VBA, so I have no idea where to start. Please note, each month the data set can change. One month it could be 4,000 entries and the next 3,500, so that has to be dynamic. Any thoughts?
Sub TagTryco()
Dim CN As Integer, result As String
CN = Range("E:E").Value
If CN = 160248 Then
result = "YES"
result = "NO"
End If
Range("AG:AG").Value = result
End Sub
I get a Compile error: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment.
This CODE Works now:
Sub TagTryco()
Dim listLength
listLength = Worksheets("ILS_Import").Cells(Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row - 1
Dim i As Integer
For i = 2 To listLength + 2
If Worksheets("ILS_Import").Range("E" & i) = 160248 Then
Worksheets("ILS_Import").Range("AG" & i) = "Yes"
Worksheets("ILS_Import").Range("AG" & i) = "No"
End If
End Sub
To know how many entries you have:
dim listLength
listlength = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row - 1 'I assumed column E, starting at row 2
You need to loop from row 2 to the row 2 + listLength, check the cell in column E, and check if it is equal to your number:
dim i as integer
for i = 2 to listLength + 2
If Range("E" & i) = 160248 Then
Range("AG" & i) = "Yes"
Range("AG" & i) = "No"
End If
If you wish to scan for different numbers you can adapt the code to use a value from a cell in which you enter that number, OR use an inputbox to enter the number you want to look for, or something else. This code was not tested.
If you want to use the column name you assigned instead of AG (which is safer) you can use something along the lines of:
= Range("Incorporated_160248")(i+1)
Instead, which gives the column with an offset of i. Should bring you to the right cell.