Class constant in CreateJS undefined - oop

I am trying to create a constant named "SPEED" for a "Main" class in Adobe Animate. Below is my code.
function Main(){
Main.SPEED = 3.0;
Main.prototype.update = function(evt){
The problem is that it displays as undefined.
If I try to do some calculations with it the result is NaN.
The sample of the console feed can be viewed here.
What would be the cause of this?

You have defined correctly your constant:
Main.SPEED = 3.0;
But you are not using it. In your code, you defined Main.SPEED, but in your update function you're using SPEED, a variable you haven't defined:
Main.prototype.update = function(evt){
console.log("SPEED"+SPEED); // SPEED is not defined
Try the following code. In this one, I defined your constant, and a speed property of the Main function, setted to 0. In each tick, the value of the constant is added to the speed property.
function Main(){
this.speed = 0;
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", this.update.bind(this));
Main.SPEED = 3.0;
Main.prototype.update = function(evt){
this.speed += Main.SPEED;
console.log("SPEED: " + this.speed);
var main = new Main();


What am I doing wrong in drawing a line in wxWidgets?

// cMain.cpp
#include "cMain.h"
cMain::cMain() : wxFrame(nullptr, wxID_ANY, "ImProcGUI", wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(800, 600)) {
m_MenuBar = new wxMenuBar();
// File Menu
m_FileMenu = new wxMenu();
m_FileMenu->Append(wxID_OPEN, _T("&Open"));
m_FileMenu->Append(wxID_OPEN, _T("&Save"));
m_FileMenu->Append(wxID_OPEN, _T("&Quit"));
m_MenuBar->Append(m_FileMenu, _T("&File"));
// About Menu
m_HelpMenu = new wxMenu();
m_HelpMenu->Append(wxID_ABOUT, _T("&About"));
m_MenuBar->Append(m_HelpMenu, _T("&Help"));
wxBEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(cMain, wxFrame)
cMain::~cMain() {
void cMain::onPaint(wxPaintEvent& event) {
wxPaintDC dc(this);
wxCoord x1 = 50, y1 = 60;
wxCoord x2 = 190, y2 = 60;
dc.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
// cMain.h
#include "wx/wx.h"
class cMain : public wxFrame
wxWindow* m_Window = nullptr;
wxMenuBar* m_MenuBar = nullptr;
wxMenu* m_FileMenu = nullptr;
wxMenu* m_HelpMenu = nullptr;
void onPaint(wxPaintEvent& event);
Above is the code I have. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have a main frame, onto which I want to draw. When I run the code, however, the line is not there. (in my first attempt, I tried to put a window onto the frame and to draw onto it, but the line was not there in that case too)
You're drawing on the frame, but your entire frame is covered by m_Window, which hides whatever you draw. You probably don't need this window at all, but if you do, you need to draw on it, not on the frame itself.
Also note that you're using both the event table and Connect() with your handler, which is not catastrophic, but still wrong and, at best, useless. Use one or the other, or, better, use Bind() (rather than Connect()).
Moreover, you've made a typo in your handler name: you used OnPaint() in EVT_PAINT macro, which just happens to be the name of a base class handler doing nothing, rather than your onPaint(). So your handler is not called at all.

C API with structures in Swift - immutable value as inout argument

I'm working on a Swift 3 project that involves using some C APIs that I bridged from Objective-C.
Here is a sample snippet of the structure of the API:
typedef struct
StructMode mode;
StructLevel level;
} TargetStruct;
typedef struct
. . .
TargetStruct *targetStruct;
OtherStruct *otherStruct;
NonPointerStructA nonPointerStructA;
NonPointerStructB nonPointerStructB;
. . .
} InnerStruct;
typedef struct
InnerStruct innerStruct;
OtherStructB otherStructB;
} OuterStruct;
In my Swift code, my goal is to set a value of the TargetStruct from the OuterStruct, like the following:
// run function that returns an instance of TargetStruct
var targetStruct: TargetStruct = initializeTargetStruct()
// assign targetStruct to outerStruct
outerStruct.innerStruct.targetStruct = &targetStruct
However, I am getting the following error:
Cannot pass immutable value of TargetStruct as inout argument
If I set a value of a struct without the *, it will work fine:
var nonPointerStructA: NonPointerStructA = initializeNonPointerStructA()
outerStruct.innerStruct.nonPointerStructA = nonPointerStructA
I have tried setting the value of targetStruct like this, but for now I have no way to test it:
var targetStruct: TargetStruct = initializeTargetStruct()
outerStruct.innerStruct.targetStruct.initialize(from: &targetStruct, count: 0)
How to solve this problem? Thank you.
In Swift, prefix & is not an address-of operator. It is just needed to clarify that some expression is passed to an inout parameter. So, your first code is syntactically invalid in Swift.
Your C-structs are imported to Swift as follows:
struct TargetStruct {
var mode: StructMode
var level: StructLevel
//some auto generated initializers...
struct InnerStruct {
var targetStruct: UnsafeMutablePointer<TargetStruct>!
var otherStruct: UnsafeMutablePointer<OtherStruct>!
var nonPointerStructA: NonPointerStructA
var nonPointerStructB: NonPointerStructB
//some auto generated initializers...
struct OuterStruct {
var innerStruct: InnerStruct
var otherStructB: OtherStructB
//some auto generated initializers...
(If something wrong, please tell me.)
As you see, targetStruct in your InnerStruct is a pointer, and initialize(from:count:) tries to write to the pointed region, but at the time you call initialize(from:count:), targetStruct holds its initial value nil, you know what happens when dereferencing null-pointer.
One way is to allocate a memory for the TargetStruct and use the pointer to the allocated region.
func allocateAndInitializeTargetStruct() -> UnsafeMutablePointer<TargetStruct> {
let targetStructRef = UnsafeMutablePointer<TargetStruct>.allocate(capacity: 1)
targetStructRef.initialize(to: initializeTargetStruct())
return targetStructRef
outerStruct.innerStruct.targetStruct = allocateAndInitializeTargetStruct()
This is a more general way than below, but you need to explicitly deinitialize and deallocate the allocated region. That's sort of hard to manage.
If you can confine the usage of the outerStruct in a single code-block, you can write something like this:
var targetStruct = initializeTargetStruct()
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &targetStruct) {targetStructPtr in
outerStruct.innerStruct.targetStruct = targetStructPtr
//Use `outerStruct` only inside this code-block
In this case, the pointer held in outerStruct.innerStruct.targetStruct (== targetStructPtr) is only valid inside the closure and you cannot use it outside of it.
If any of the codes above does not fit for your use case, you may need to provide more context to find the best solution.
An example of nested use of withUnsafeMutablePointer(to:_:):
var targetStruct = initializeTargetStruct()
var otherStruct = initializeOtherStruct()
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &targetStruct) {targetStructPtr in
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &otherStruct) {otherStructPtr in
outerStruct.innerStruct.targetStruct = targetStructPtr
outerStruct.innerStruct.otherStruct = otherStructPtr
//Use `outerStruct` only inside this code-block
When you need more pointers to set, this nesting would be a mess, but it's the current limitation of Swift.
An example of deinitialize and deallocate:
extension InnerStruct {
func freeMemberStructs() {
if let targetStructRef = targetStruct {
targetStructRef.deallocate(capacity: 1)
targetStruct = nil
if let otherStructRef = otherStruct {
otherStructRef.deallocate(capacity: 1)
otherStruct = nil
outerStruct.innerStruct.targetStruct = allocateAndInitializeTargetStruct()
outerStruct.innerStruct.otherStruct = allocateAndInitializeOtherStruct()
// Use `outerStruct`
The code may not seem to be too complex (just a bunch of boilerplate codes), but it's hard to find when or where to do it. As your InnerStruct may be embedded in another struct which may need to be deinitilized and deallocated...
Hope you can find your best solution.

Built-in variables not usable in certain cases (Processing 3)

I've been building a program with Processing 3 the last several days (first time going back to Processing since Intro to Computer Science in 2009) and kept having this issue:
public class PolarMap {
PVector[][] mapping = new PVector[width][height];
PVector[][] cartesian = new PVector[width][height];
PVector cart = new PVector();
PVector polar = new PVector();
Maps every pixel on the cartesian plane to a polar coordinate
relative to some origin point.
public void Map(float originX, float originY){
for (int x=0; x < width; x++){
for (int y=0; y < height; y++){
cart.add(x, y);
polar.add(r, theta);
mapping[x][y] = polar; ***
cartesian[x][y] = cart;
On the line with the ***, I would always get an Array Index Out Of Bounds thrown. I searched SO, Reddit, and Processing's own documentation to figure out why. If you're not familiar with Processing, width and height are both built-in variables and are equal to the number of pixels high and across your canvas is as declared in the setup() method (800x800 in my case). For some reason, both arrays were not being initialized to this value--instead, they were initializing to the default value of those variables: 100.
So, because it made no sense but it was one of those times, I tried declaring new variables:
int high = height;
int wide = width;
and initialized the array with those variables. And wouldn't you know it, that solved the problem. I now have two 800x800 arrays.
So here's my question: WHY were the built-in variables not working as expected when used to initialize the arrays, but did exactly what they were supposed to when assigned to a defined variable?
Think about when the width and height variables get their values. Consider this sample sketch:
int value = width;
void setup(){
size(500, 200);
If you run this program, you'll see that it prints 100, even though the window is 500 pixels wide. This is because the int value = width; line is happening before the width is set!
For this to work how you'd expect, you have to set the value variable after the size() function is called. So you could do this:
int value;
void setup(){
size(500, 200);
value = width;
Move any initializations to inside the setup() function, after the size() function is called, and you'll be fine.

qvariant_cast causing segfault

Within qt's item/view framework, I'm trying to save a QColorDialog as user data and then retrieve that dialog as the editor, as well as during paint, in a tableview.
In my class constructor I do
QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem();
QColorDialog *colorDlg = new QColorDialog(QColor(0,0,255), this);
item->setData(QVariant::fromValue(colorDlg), ColorDialogRole);
then, inside my delegate's paint function I have
void ReportFigureTableDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
QVariant vColorDlg=;
// Program segfaults on the next line ... why?
QColorDialog *colorDlg = qvariant_cast<QColorDialog*>(vColorDlg);
if(colorDlg != NULL)
QStyleOptionViewItem opt = option;
initStyleOption(&opt, index);
painter->fillRect(opt.rect, colorDlg->selectedColor());
QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index);
QStyledItemDelegate::paint(painter, option, index);
During runtime, the table shows up the first time (although with the wrong color ... different issue I assume). I double click to edit the cell and it brings up the dialog as expected. When I close, though, it segfaults on the indicated line. I don't understand why since I think I'm doing all the necessary checks.
You set the data on a QStandardItem object. Meanwhile you are retrieving the data on a QModelIndex object. Now why is the variant valid is a mystery. Maybe because ReportFigure::ColorDialogRole is equal to a build-in Qt role while it should be at least Qt::UserRole.
Anyway In the paint() method you can access the previously set item using
QStandardItem *item = mTableModel->itemFromIndex(index);

Actionscript 2 call function from variable

How can i call a function form a variable.
var upfunction = init;
var upfunction = init();
I have tried the above code and it does not work. I want to be able to call that variable from a keypress and change the variables function. For example.
function init(){
//Do whatever
function init2(){
//Do another thing
var upfunction = init();
if (Key.getCode() == Key.UP)
Then later doing
upfunction = init2();
That way i could change the function without having much code. Sorry if this is a noob question but all i do is copy and paste code i have found.
You're almost right with what you've got... just remember that to call a function you need to include the brackets afterwards: 'upFuntion();'. Brackets are also needed when defining the function. The brackets will contain any function parameters.
But to refer to the function (such as when assigning it to a variable) you don't use the brackets: 'upFunction = init;'
So your example would look like this:
function init1():Void {
trace("hello this is init1");
function init2():Void {
trace("hey, this is init2");
var upFunction:Function = init1;//type declaration is optional but recommended
upFunction();// hello this is init1
upFunction = init2;
upFunction();//hey, this is init2