I am trying to generate a query that will return header information for Payment-Hold AP Invoices but also show the username that entered the originating Purchase Order.
Some of my invoices do not have a relationship history so I wouldn't expect any user details to be returned but still need the invoice header information. Others have multiple GRPO entries and are therefore returning 2-3 lines where I only need one. Below is my query.
thanks in advance.
select distinct T0."DocNum"
--,IFNULL(T4."UserSign", 0) AS "User_Code"
-- ,T4."UserSign"
,T5."U_NAME" as "Purc_User"
,'HT' as Entity
left JOIN PCH1 T1 ON T1."DocEntry" = T0."DocEntry"
left JOIN PDN1 T2 on T1."BaseEntry"= T2."DocEntry" and T1."BaseLine"= T2."LineNum"
left JOIN POR1 T3 on T2."BaseEntry" = T3."DocEntry" and T2."BaseLine" = T3."LineNum"
left JOIN OPOR T4 on T4. "DocEntry" = T3."DocEntry"
left JOIN OUSR T5 on T5."USERID" = T4."UserSign"
where T0."DocStatus" = 'O'
and T0."PayBlock" = 'Y'
order by T0."DocNum"
So i've got hte below code that works for the most part but when I'm trying to bring in the last table i cant get the expected results.
WHEN CCO.Account_Manager__c IS NULL THEN Opp.OwnerId ELSE CCO.Account_Manager__c
END AS AccountManager,
CCO.Account_Associate__c as ClientOfficeAccountAssociate,
Opp.OwnerId as AccountOwnerId,
CCO.Account_Manager__c as ClientOfficeAM,
ACC.Name as AccountName,
LEFT JOIN `round-cacao-234512.salesforce.Opportunity` as OPP
ON OPP.Id = Split.OpportunityId AND OPP.OwnerId = Split.SplitOwnerId
LEFT JOIN `round-cacao-234512.salesforce.Account` as ACC
on ACC.Id = OPP.AccountId
LEFT JOIN `round-cacao-234512.salesforce.User` as USER
ON USER.Id = OPP.OwnerId
LEFT JOIN `round-cacao-234512.salesforce_df.Company_Client_Office__c` as CCO
ON CCO.Opportunity__c = OPP.Id
LEFT JOIN `round-cacao-234512.salesforce.Client_Office_Intranet__c` as COI
ON COI.Id = CCO.Client_Office_Intranet__c
LEFT JOIN `round-cacao-234512.salesforce.RecordType` as RT
ON RT.Id = OPP.RecordTypeId
LEFT JOIN `commercial-analysis.materialised.2022AMDashForumRRQuotas` as Quota
on Quota.AccountID = CCO.Account_Manager__c OR Quota.AccountID = Opp.OwnerId
LEFT JOIN `commercial-analysis.2022_AM_Territory.FPAYG_Quotas` as PAYGQuota
on PAYGQuota.ClientOffice = COI.Name
Full Outer JOIN `round-cacao-234512.materialised.2022AMDashPAYGRevenue` PAYGRev
on PAYGRev.ClientOffice = COI.Name
So my last table round-cacao-234512.materialised.2022AMDashPAYGRevenue will be joined on clientoffice but will also have client offices that don't appear in COI, so I want those to come in with nulls on all the values that don't match up.
Hope that makes sense
I'm creating a report to display project wise cost and revenue. I need to group sum of A/P invoices and Sum of A/R invoices according to the project.
Same project could have many A/P invoices and A/R invoices which can include same Items.If there have 5 A/P invoices with same Items Like A,B,C I need to take Item wise sum of the amount also(Line wise Total sum)
All projects names and code(PrjCode-Primary Key) based in a separate table of OPRJ
Other Tables Structure as follows
A/P Invoice - OPCH(Main details) Link with PCH1(Item Details)
On Primary Key - DocEntry
PCH1 Lines Link with OPRJ on PCH1.Project = OPRJ.PrjCode
A/R Invoice - OINV(Main details) Link with INV1(Item Details)
On Primary Key - DocEntry
INV1 Lines Link with OPRJ on INV1.Project = OPRJ.PrjCode
I tries this query but couldn't get sum
select a.PrjCode,a.PrjName,b.ItemCode,sum(b.LineTotal),Sum(c.DocTotal),sum(e.DocTotal)
from OPRJ a
Left Join PCH1 b on b.Project = a.PrjCode
Left Join OPCH c on c.DocEntry = b.DocEntry
Left Join INV1 d on d.Project = a.PrjCode and b.Project = d.Project
Left Join OINV e on e.DocEntry = d.DocEntry
Group by
Output what I expect is as follows
Sql Output without sum
you should remove the values you're summing up from the group by:
select a.PrjCode,a.PrjName,b.ItemCode,sum(b.LineTotal),Sum(c.DocTotal),sum(e.DocTotal)
from OPRJ a
Left Join PCH1 b on b.Project = a.PrjCode
Left Join OPCH c on c.DocEntry = b.DocEntry
Left Join INV1 d on d.Project = a.PrjCode and b.Project = d.Project
Left Join OINV e on e.DocEntry = d.DocEntry
Group by
I'm trying to join ORDR, ODLN and OINV in a SAP Business One query, but I can't seem to find a field that they share in common.
There must be some record somewhere that links one to another.
Are they linked via a separate table? Or am I missing something obvious?
I am using SAP HANA as my DB, so queries in HANA are preferred rather than MSSQL.
First, credit to Eralper for their answer, as the link contained in it helped me find the solution I was looking for. However, their solution does not include an explanation and does not quite give the result that is being looked for.
The main information for a Sales Order in SAP is stored in two tables, ORDR and RDR1. ORDR has one line for each Sales Order, while RDR1 has one line for each product row on the Sales Order.
Delivery Notes and Invoices (and basically any document in SAP) follow this pattern.
Why is this important to this question? Because the column that contains the data to link Sales Orders, Delivery Notes and Invoices is in RDR1 (or the similar variant). It's name is TrgetEntry.
As there is a row for each product on a Sales Order, we can't simply do a join, as any Sales Order that has more than one product will appear multiple times in the result. The following query uses grouping to show a table that has a line for each Sales Order, and has the needed information to link it to Delivery Notes.
SELECT T0."DocEntry" AS "SO DE", T0."DocNum" AS "Sales Order Number", T1."TrgetEntry" AS "SO TE", COUNT(T0."DocNum") AS "Rows"
LEFT JOIN RDR1 T1 ON T0."DocEntry" = T1."DocEntry"
GROUP BY T0."DocEntry", T0."DocNum", T1."TrgetEntry"
By just changing the table names, similar queries can be created for Delivery Notes and Invoices.
Then you can use the TrgetEntry and DocEntry to link the various results.
The final code I use to show Sales Orders, their related Deliveries and Invoices is the following:
SELECT S0."SalesOrderNumber", S1."DeliveryNumber", S2."DocNum" AS "InvoiceNumber", S0."Rows", S2."DocTotal"
FROM (SELECT T0."DocEntry" AS "SO_DE", T0."DocNum" AS "SalesOrderNumber", T1."TrgetEntry" AS "SO_TE", COUNT(T0."DocNum") AS "Rows"
LEFT JOIN RDR1 T1 ON T0."DocEntry" = T1."DocEntry"
GROUP BY T0."DocEntry", T0."DocNum", T1."TrgetEntry") S0
LEFT JOIN (SELECT T0."DocEntry" AS "DN_DE", T0."DocNum" AS "DeliveryNumber", T1."TrgetEntry" AS "DN_TE"
LEFT JOIN DLN1 T1 ON T0."DocEntry" = T1."DocEntry"
GROUP BY T0."DocEntry", T0."DocNum", T1."TrgetEntry") S1 ON S0."SO_TE" = S1."DN_DE"
LEFT JOIN OINV S2 ON S1."DN_TE" = S2."DocEntry"
Please check https://archive.sap.com/discussions/thread/1440163
There following relationship is given
SELECT Distinct(T0.DocNum ),T0.DocDate, T0.CardCode, T0.CardName, T1.ItemCode, T1.Quantity, T1.Price,T1.TotalSumSy, T0.DocTotal
INNER JOIN RDR1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry
INNER JOIN ODLN T2 ON T2.DocEntry = T1.TrgetEntry
INNER JOIN DLN1 T3 on T3.DocEntry = T2.Docentry
INNER JOIN OINV T4 ON T4.DocEntry = T3.TrgetEntry
INNER JOIN INV1 T5 ON T5.DocEntry = T4.DocEntry
LEFT JOIN ORDN T6 ON T6.DocEntry = T5.TrgetEntry
LEFT JOIN RDN1 T7 ON T7.DocEntry = T6.DocEntry
So following relation is also true
INNER JOIN DLN1 T3 on T3.DocEntry = T2.Docentry
INNER JOIN OINV T4 ON T4.DocEntry = T3.TrgetEntry
MS SQL Server.
I have 10 tables (table1, table2, table3,etc..) and I want to left join them and get a few fields from each table. Some tables need to be left joined on multiple fields, e.g. table1 and table2 need to be left joined on 3 fields.
Here is a sample from the script I tried to use but I get errors (I masked the real tables and fields name):
SELECT table1.[Field1],
FROM table2
LEFT JOIN table1 As a
on a.[Field1] = table2.[Field1]
LEFT JOIN table1 As b
on b.[Field3] = table2.[Field3]
LEFT JOIN table1 As c
on c.[Field2] = table2.[Field2]
LEFT JOIN table4 As d
on table1.[Field5] = d.[Field4]
LEFT JOIN table4 As e
on table1.[Field1] = e.[Field1]
LEFT JOIN table5
on table4.[Field4] = table5.[Field4]
LEFT JOIN table3
on table4.[Field4] = table3.[Field4];
Any "simple" way to do that?
Try This query .it may help you
SELECT table1.[Field1],
FROM table2
LEFT JOIN table1 As a on a.[Field1] = table2.[Field1]
and a.[Field3] = table2.[Field3]
and a.[Field2] = table2.[Field2]
LEFT JOIN table4 As d on table1.[Field5] = d.[Field4]
and table1.[Field1] = d.[Field1]
LEFT JOIN table5 on d.[Field4] = table5.[Field4]
LEFT JOIN table3 on d.[Field4] = table3.[Field4];
select Orders.OrderID,Employees.EmployeeID,Employees.FirstName + ' ' +Employees.LastName as "Full Name",Customers.CompanyName as "Customer Company Name",Customers.ContactName as "Customers Contact Name",
RegionDescription,Products.ProductName,[Order Details].UnitPrice, Suppliers.CompanyName as "Supplier Company Name"
from Orders
left join Customers
on Orders.CustomerID=Customers.CustomerID
left join Employees
on Orders.EmployeeID=Employees.EmployeeID
left join EmployeeTerritories
on Employees.EmployeeID=EmployeeTerritories.EmployeeID
join Territories
on Territories.TerritoryID=EmployeeTerritories.TerritoryID
join Region
on region.RegionID=Territories.RegionID
join [Order Details]
on [Order Details].OrderID=Orders.OrderID
join Products
on Products.ProductID=[Order Details].ProductID
join Categories
on Categories.CategoryID=Products.CategoryID
join Suppliers
on Suppliers.SupplierID=products.SupplierID
where categories.CategoryID=1;
am making a query that bring Incoming Payments details , that include payment means , details of payment means , and then some UDFS from the related A/R invoice(s) , in addition to some UDF from an object that relate to a UDF in the AR INVOICE ,
now every time am running my query it show no result.
Am sure there is something I missing here or incorrect but so far couldn't find it .
if any one can help me with this i will be thankful
here is the query :
SELECT T1.[baseAbs] AS INVOICENO, T0.[DocDate],t0.[trsfrdate],t0.[trsfrref], T0.[CardName],T0.[Doctotal],T4.[VoucherNum] ,
T0.[Comments], T1.[DocNum] AS PAYMENTNO, T2.[Phone1],
T0.[CashSum], T0.[CreditSum], T0.[CheckSum], T0.[TrsfrSum],
, t5.[U_UnitCode],t5.[U_Type],t7.[WhsName],t7.[city] ,
inner JOIN RCT2 T1 ON T0.[DocEntry] = T1.[DocNum]
inner JOIN OINV T5 ON T5.[docnum] =T1.[BaseAbs]
INNER JOIN RCT1 T3 ON T0.[DocNum] = T3.[DocNum]
INNER JOIN RCT3 T4 ON T0.[DocNum] = T4.[DocNum]
INNER JOIN OCRD T2 ON T0.[CardCode] = T2.[CardCode]
INNER JOIN INV1 T6 ON T5.[DocEntry] = T6.[DocEntry]
INNER JOIN OWHS T7 ON T6.[WhsCode] = T7.[WhsCode]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[#AUND] T8 ON T5.[U_UnitCode] = T8.[Code]
the query is now working fine now , the problem was in inner join , it should been replaced to left join ,
here is the fixed one :
select T0.DocNum as 'Payment Number',T0.DocDate 'Payment Date',T0.CardCode,
T0.CardName 'Customer Name',T1.BankCode 'Bankcode',T3.BankName 'Bank Name', T2.Phone1 ,
t1.CheckNum as 'Check Number',
t1.DueDate as 'check date',
t6.VoucherNum as 'Voucher Number',
t0.TrsfrRef as 'Transfer No',
t0.TrsfrDate AS 'Transfer Date',
ousr.USER_code as 'user code',
T5.DocNum, t11.U_P_BuildingName as 'Building Name',
CASE when T5.DocNum is null then 'On Account' else 'Paid For Invoice' END AS 'Payment Status',
CASE when T5.DocStatus = 'O' then 'Open' else 'Closed' END AS ' Invoice Status',
T4.SumApplied as 'Amount Paid on Invoice',T9.U_FloorNo,T5.U_UnitCode,T5.U_Type,
t0.DocTotal as 'Payment Total',t5.DocTotal as'Invoice Total' , t8.City,
t0.Comments as'Remarks'
from ORCT T0
left join rct1 T1 on T0.DocNum=T1.DocNum
left join ocrd T2 on T2.CardCode=T0.CardCode
left outer join ODSC T3 on T3.BankCode=T0.BankCode
left join RCT2 T4 on T0.DocNum = T4.DocNum
left join RCT3 T6 on T0.DocNum = T6.DocNum
left join OINV T5 on T4.DocEntry = T5.DocEntry and T5.ObjType = T4.InvType
left join oitm t11 on t5.u_unitcode = t11.ItemCode
LEFT JOIN OWHS T8 ON T11.U_P_BuildingNum = T8.WhsCode
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[#AUND] T9 ON T5.[U_UnitCode] = T9.[Code]
INNER JOIN OSLP T10 ON T5.[SlpCode] = T10.[SlpCode]
inner join ousr on ousr.USERID = t0.usersign
T4.InvType <> '14' and T0.[Canceled] = 'N' and t0.docnum=200001
I think there's a few issues with your query, starting with the join from ORCT to RCT2.
I've created similar queries in the past, here's one which I know works, maybe you can use it to adjust yours. For one thing, you'll definitely need to adjust a lot of those inner joins to outer joins, as a lot of the relations between Payments and it's parent business objects (like Invoices) are very loose and may not always apply.
Note that the query below is looking specifically for Invoices in the RCT2 table (this is the "lines" section of the Incoming Payment object), hence the J002.InvType = 13 condition.
LEFT OUTER JOIN [RCT2] J002 ON J002.DocNum = J001.DocNum AND J002.InvType = 13
LEFT OUTER JOIN [OINV] J003 ON J003.DocEntry = J002.DocEntry
LEFT OUTER JOIN [OACT] J004 ON J004.AcctCode = J001.CashAcct
LEFT OUTER JOIN [RCT1] J005 ON J005.DocNum = J001.DocNum