Deletion and cleanup in Redis - redis

Say I maintain a set to define membership for "articles" in "tag" groups.
If I delete an article, is it up to me to manually cleanup any references to the article in sets, or any sets that are specifically associated with the now-deleted article?

Yes it is. The reference you are referring to is only exists at the application level. Redis does not provide support for reference nor cascading actions. So you need to handle it in your application manually.


Use Spring Integration Aggregator in Clustered Environment pointing to same MessageStore

We have Spring Integration Aggregator component running in multiple instances but all pointing to same JDBCMessageStore (oracle). I know we can set Region based on hostname in order for Aggregator to aggregate messages related to particular host.
But is there any way we can use DEFAULT region across all instances and still only one instance aggregate all messages in the message store?
I was reading about "Redis Lock Registry", “Gemfire Lock Registry” and “Zookeeper Lock Registry”. Do they require their relative MessageStore to be created/configured? or Can I use them with existing JDBCMessageStore(oracle).
Are there any disadvantages using the above Lock Registry Mechanisms?
Thanks Gary. What are these different LockRegistry's used for?
(20) A reference to a org.springframework.integration.util.LockRegistry bean; used to obtain a Lock based on the groupId for concurrent operations on the MessageGroup. By default, an internal DefaultLockRegistry is used. Use of a distributed LockRegistry, such as the ZookeeperLockRegistry, ensures only one instance of the aggregator will operate on a group concurrently. See Section 24.11, “Redis Lock Registry”, Section 16.6, “Gemfire Lock Registry”, Section 37.3, “Zookeeper Lock Registry” for more information.
They won't help; you need to use different regions. If you use the same region across instances, you must use a shared lock registry but, in that case, any instance can add to, and/or release a group of messages.

NSManagedObjectContext confusion

I am learning about CoreData. Obviously, one of the main classes you entouer is NSManagedObjectContext. I am unclear about the exact role of this. From the articles i've read, it seems that you can have multiple NSManagedObjectContexts. Does this mean that NSManagedObjectContext is basically a copy of the backend?
How would this resolve into a consistent backend when there is multiple different copies lying around?
So, 2 questions basically:
Is NSManagedContext a copy of the backend database?
For example, say I make a change in context A and make some other change in context B. Then I call save on A first, then B? will B prevail?
The NSManagedObjectContext is not a copy of the backend database. The documentation describes it as a scratch pad
An instance of NSManagedObjectContext represents a single “object
space” or scratch pad in an application. Its primary responsibility is
to manage a collection of managed objects. These objects form a group
of related model objects that represent an internally consistent view
of one or more persistent stores. A single managed object instance
exists in one and only one context, but multiple copies of an object
can exist in different contexts. Thus object uniquing is scoped to a
particular context.
The NSManagedObjectContext is just a temporary place to make changes to your managed objects in a transactional way. When you make changes to objects in a context it does not effect the backend database until and if you save the context, and as you know you can have multiple context that you can make changes to which is really important for concurrency.
For question number 2, the answer for who prevails will depend on the merge policy you set for your context and which one is called last which would be B. Here are the merge policies that can be set that will effect the second context to be saved.
Specifies a policy that causes a save to fail
if there are any merge conflicts.
Specifies a policy that
merges conflicts between the persistent store’s version of the object
and the current in-memory version, giving priority to external
Specifies a policy that merges conflicts between the persistent store’s version
of the object and the current in-memory version, giving priority to
in-memory changes.
Specifies a policy that
overwrites state in the persistent store for the changed objects in
Specifies a policy that
discards in-memory state changes for objects in conflict.
An NSManagedObjectContext is specific representation of your data model. Each context maintains its own state (e.g. context) so changes in one context will not directly affect other contexts. When you work with multiple contexts it is your responsibility to keep them consistent by merging changes when a context saves its changes to the store.
Your question is regarding this process and may also involve merge conflicts. Whenever you save a context its changes are committed to the store and a merge policy is used to resolve conflicts.
When you save a context, it will post various notifications regarding progress. In your case, if [contextA save:&error] succeeds, the context will post the notification NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification. When you have multiple contexts, you typically observe this notification and call:
[contextB mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:notification];
This will merge the changes saved on contextA into contextB.
EDIT: removed the 'thread-safe' comment. NSManagedObjectContext is not thread safe.

How to use database triggers in a real world project?

I've learned a lot about triggers and active databases in the last weaks, but I've some questions about real world examples for these.
At work we use the Entity Framework with ASP.Net and an MSSQL Server. We just use the auto generated constrains and no triggers.
When I heared about triggers I asked myself the following questions:
Which tasks can be performed by triggers?
e.g.: Generation of reporting data: currently the data for the reports is created in vb, but I think a trigger could handle this as well. The creation in vb takes a lot of time and the user should not need to wait for it, because it's not necessary for his work.
Is this an example for a perfect task for a trigger?
How does OR-Mapper handle trigger manipulated data?
e.g.: Do OR-Mapper recognize if a trigger manipulated data? The entity framework seems to cache a lot of data, so I'm not sure if it reads the updated data if a trigger manipulates the data, after the insert/update/delete from the framework is processed.
How much constraint handling should be within the database?
e.g.: Sometimes constrains in the database seem much easier and faster than in the layer above (,...), but how to throw exceptions to the upper layer that could be handled by the OR-Mapper?
Is there a good solution for handeling SQL exceptions (from triggers) in any OR-Mapper?
Thanks in advance
When you hear about a new tool or feture it doesn't mean you have to use it everywhere. You should think about design of your application.
Triggers are used a lot when the logic is in the database but if you build ORM layer on top of your database you want logic in the business layer using your ORM. It doesn't mean you should not use triggers. It means you should use them with ORM in the same way as stored procedures or database functions - only when it makes sense or when it improves performance. If you pass a lot of logic to database you can throw away ORM and perhaps whole your business layer and use two layered architecture where UI will talk directly to database which will do everything you need - such architecture is considered "old".
When using ORM trigger can be helpful for some DB generated data like audit columns or custom sequences of primary key values.
Current ORM mostly don't like triggers - they can only react to changes to currently processed record so for example if you save Order record and your update trigger will modify all ordered items there is no automatic way to let ORM know about that - you must reload data manually. In EF all data modified or generated in the database must be set with StoreGeneratedPattern.Identity or StoreGeneratedPattern.Computed - EF fully follows pattern where logic is either in the database or in the application. Once you define that value is assigned in the database you cannot change it in the application (it will not persist).
Your application logic should be responsible for data validation and call persistence only if validation passes. You should avoid unnecessary transactions and roundtrips to database when you can know upfront that transaction will fail.
I use triggers for two main purposes: auditing and updating modification/insertion times. When auditing, the triggers push data to related audit tables. This doesn't affect the ORM in any way as those tables are not typically mapped in the main data context (there's a separate auditing data context used when needed to look at audit data).
When recording/modifying insert/modification times, I typically mark those properties in the model as [DatabaseGenerated( DatabaseGenerationOptions.Computed )] This prevents any values set on in the datalayer from being persisted back to the DB and allows the trigger to enforce setting the DateTime fields properly.
It's not a hard and fast rule that I manage auditing and these dates in this way. Sometimes I need more auditing information than is available in the database itself and handle auditing in the data layer instead. Sometimes I want to force the application to update dates/times (since they may need to be the same over several rows/tables updated at the same time). In those cases I might make the field nullable, but [Required] in the model to force a date/time to be set before the model can be persisted.
The old Infomodeler/Visiomodeler ORM (not what you think - it was Object Role Modeling) provided an alternative when generating the physical model. It would provide all the referential integrity with triggers. For two reasons:
Some dbmses (notably Sybase/SQL Server) didn't have declarative RI yet, and
It could provide much more finely grained integrity - e.g. "no more than two children" or "sons or daughters but not both" or "mandatory son or daughter but not both".
So trigger logic related to the model in the same way that any RI constraint does. In SQL Server it handled violations with RAISERROR.
An conceptual issue with triggers is that they are essentially context-free - they always fire regardless of context (at least without great pain, and you might better include their logic with the rest of the context-specific logic.) So global domain constraints are the only place I find them useful - which I guess is another general way to identify "referential integrity".
Triggers are used to maintain integrity and consistency of data (by using constraints), help the database designer ensure certain actions are completed and create database change logs.
For example, given numeric input, if you want the value to be constrained to say, less then 100, you could write a trigger that fires for every row on update or insert, and raise an application error if the value of that column does not meet that contraint.
Suppose you want to log historical changes to a table. You could create a Trigger that fires AFTER each INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE, which also inserts the data into a logging table. If you need to execute custom custom logic, then Triggers may appeal to you.

NHibernate: What are child sessions and why and when should I use them?

In the comments for the ayende's blog about the auditing in NHibernate there is a mention about the need to use a child session:session.GetSession(EntityMode.Poco).
As far as I understand it, it has something to do with the order of the SQL operation which session.Flush will emit. (For example: If I wanted to perform some delete operation in the pre-insert event but the session was already done with deleting operations, I would need some way to inject them in.)
However I did not find documentation about this feature and behavior.
Is my understanding of child sessions correct?
How and in which scenarios should I use them?
Are they documented somewhere?
Could they be used for session "scoping"?
(For example: I open the master session which will hold some data and then I create 2 child-sessions from the master one. I'd expect that the two child-scopes will be separated but the will share objects from the master session cache. Is this the case?)
Are they first class citizens in NHibernate or are they just hack to support some edge-case scenarios?
Thanks in advance for any info.
NHibernate has not knowledge of child sessions, you can reuse an existing one or open a new one.
For instance, you will get an exception if you try to load the same entity into two different sessions.
The reason why it is mentioned in the blog, is because in preupdate and preinsert, you cannot load more objects in the session, you can change an allready loaded instance, but you may not navigate to a relationship property for instance.
So in the blog it is needed to open a new session just because we want to add a new auditlog entity. So in the end it's the transaction (unit of work) that manages the data.

Flushing with Castle ActiveRecord

i saw that i can use SessionScope and have inserts
inside the scope of the SessionScope and do flush at the end of the scope.
my question is if i can define in some way that after, let's
say, every 10 insertions/saves of objects, that they will automatically
be flushed to the db.
in other words i want to be able to configure the way i use flush with castle active record.
p.s: is there any way to configure cascading behavior for objects like in NHibernate?
You could hook up your own IPostInsertEventListener where you keep track of insertion count and flush accordingly. But I recommend against this unless you have some very good reasons to do so.
The relevant attributes have a Cascade property to set cascading behavior. See for example HasMany.