Junos creates console object instead of device object - junos-automation

I'm working on a zero-day configuration tool and I'm trying to deploy a configuration to a EX2200 switch. I'm using the PyEZ framework to connect to the device:
dev = Device(mode='serial', port='/dev/ttyUSB0',user="user",
password="password", gather_facts=True)
The object dev should be an instance of the class Device, but when I check its class with dev._ class _ it says class 'jnpr.junos.console.Console'.
I want to pass dev a configuration through a jinja2 template,
cu = Config(dev)
but it gives me the following error when loading the configuration:
Error loading config: 'Console' object has no attribute '_j2ldr'
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

This was a PyEZ bug which has been addressed by #753


Network calls not working in EXE distribution build of Compose for Desktop Application

I have used Ktor JVM Client for doing network calls in Compose for Desktop Application.
Network calls are working fine in Debug build means when I am just running the application it's working fine.
But when I create the EXE distribution file, by executing the packageExe task in Gradle, it's creating an EXE file. I have installed it on my machine. Then I am running the application and I am seeing that network calls are not working. I have checked internet is working properly.
Please provide a solution to fix this issue. Thanks in advance.
Your question doesn't leave any details about the failure type (compile error? runtime exception? Empty data? etc.).
But if I had to speculate based on such limited information, I'd guess it's probably this: https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-jb/issues/429
Specifically, when packaging, you need to specify which JVM modules you want to be packed into your distributable app, and likely you are missing your crypto module. Try something like this:
compose.desktop {
application {
mainClass = "MainKt"
nativeDistributions {
targetFormats(TargetFormat.Dmg, TargetFormat.Msi, TargetFormat.Deb)
packageName = "untitled"

Error Connecting to Substrate: Unable to initialize the API: createType(StorageKey):: Derived

I've got a Substrate node running locally on my PC, following this tutorial. https://substrate.dev/docs/en/tutorials/create-your-first-substrate-chain/interact. It can be viewed on two ports:
Local: http://localhost:8000/substrate-front-end-template
On Your Network:
So I don't think connectivity is the issue.
Anyway, I bound the #polkadot/api to my node via the command:
yarn add #polkadot/api.
I'm now getting an error, in the browser, whenever I run my node:
Error Connecting to Substrate
Error: FATAL: Unable to initialize the API: createType(StorageKey):: Derived TypedArray constructor created an array which was too small
Can anyone help?
Upgrading to the latest Substrate Sidecar API resolved these issues for me.

Janus Graph Remote Graph NoSuchFieldError: V3_0 error

I follow this example;
and I would like to debug this project, I configured(HBase+Solr) and run Janus Graph server with
$JANUSGRAPH_HOME/bin/gremlin-server.sh $JANUSGRAPH_HOME/conf/gremlin-server/gremlin-server.yaml
I passed this argument to IDEA via Run Configuration > Program Arguments
[Project Home]/conf/jgex-remote.properties
my jgex-remote.properties file is:
# cluster file has the remote server configuration
gremlin.remote.driver.clusterFile=[Project Home]/conf/remote-objects.yaml
# source name is the global graph traversal source defined on the server
and my remote-objects.yaml file includes:
hosts: []
port: 8182
serializer: {
className: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.ser.GryoMessageSerializerV1d0,
config: {
ioRegistries: [org.janusgraph.graphdb.tinkerpop.JanusGraphIoRegistry]
It tries to run this command:
cluster = Cluster.open(conf.getString("gremlin.remote.driver.clusterFile"));
And throws this exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: V3_0 at
at org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.Cluster.open(Cluster.java:233)
at com.ets.dataplatform.init.GraphApp.runApp(GraphApp.java:290) at
It is not meaningful for me.
Thanks in advance.
I would try to align your versions. I assume that you are using JanusGraph 0.2.0. If you look at the pom.xml for that version you'll see that it is bound to TinkerPop 3.2.6:
Change to that version in your application and see if the connection works. Taking that approach should not only fix your problem but also ensure that you don't run into other incompatibilities. That is not to say that you can't configure later versions of TinkerPop to work with 3.2.6, but it requires a bit more configuration and you have to be aware of minor changes that might affect how certain operations might behave.

Adding Files view on Ambari 1.7.0: ClassNotFoundException

I'm trying to add views on Ambari 1.7.0.
For the Files view that is available here: https://github.com/apache/ambari/tree/trunk/contrib/views/files
I get an error after trying to launch an instance of the view:
500 HdfsApi connection failed. Check "webhdfs.url" property
With the following Stack Trace (just the first lines):
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.web.WebHdfsFileSystem not found
at org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.getClass(Configuration.java:1720)
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.getFileSystemClass(FileSystem.java:2415)
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.createFileSystem(FileSystem.java:2428)
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.access$200(FileSystem.java:88)
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem$Cache.getInternal(FileSystem.java:2467)
I just add the following property during the configuration of the view:
webhdfs.url webhdfs://mycluster1:50070
I'm not sure but perhaps it's an issue during the building part like version conflict, i'm working on that.
Any ideas?
What is the value you have used for WebHDFS url in file view instance ?
Is your cluster Namenode HA enabled ? If yes , try to use url as webhdfs://:50070
If not HA enabled the use webhdfs://:50070
If none works use direct data node dfs address as webhdfs://:50070

how to invoke a play application without hitting the URL (http request)?

I'm using play application (using Play version 2.1.0) with RabbitMQ and do not have any view component.
So i would like to invoke this play application without hitting the execution URL (http://localhost:9000/<routing_info>) on server startup.
Would also like to know if there is any way in Play 2.1.0 version to run the application on server startup, i mean bootstrapping. Is this option available in play 2.1.0.
As i've read through the documentation its mentioned only for 1.2 version.
Please help!!
Play allows you to define a 'global' object which will be instantiated automatically by Play when the application starts.
In application.conf you should find the following:
# Global object class
# ~~~~~
# Define the Global object class for this application.
# Default to Global in the root package.
On a new play application, this line is commented out. I've uncommented it and made it point to an object called Global in the global package. You can make it what ever you want.
Your global object should extend GlobalSettings.
In my applications, I use a static initialiser block to run code when that class is loaded:
public class Global extends GlobalSettings