Analyze_Compensation in oracle - sql

Can anyone please tell me for what purpose analyze_compensation is used in oracle?
I got this term in a code in bulk collect. PFB the link:

Suppose you want to print all the rows and columns of table i.e(Select * from table_name;
) in PL/SQL
THEN in that case :-
dbms_output.put_line() wont be able to print the table data when there is more than one row... Hence we use analyze_compensation() .
It is a procedure , which you need to declare in DECLARE BLOCK of PL/SQL
analyze_compensation is used to print the whole table data i.e Select * from table_name;


is it possible to do "CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE foo_{#run_time|"%Y%m%d"} AS" in a scheduled query?

I am wondering if/how i can run a CTAS type statement via a scheduled query but wrangle the #run_date or #run_time param to be the yyyymmdd suffix of the table i want to create or replace.
So the scheduled query would look like:
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE foo_{#run_date|"%Y%m%d"} AS
select 'hello'
Such that if i was to run it on date of '2021-07-01' i would create the table called foo_20210701
I'm just not quite sure for to wrangle the default #run_date param to include it in my table name.
As mentioned in a answer to a similar question and in the documentation:
Parameters cannot be used as substitutes for identifiers, column names, table names, or other parts of the query.
There is however a workaround. You could use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to run a SQL script defined as a string. Eg.
Although it is very hacky it could be used like this achieve what you need.
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE CONCAT('CREATE TABLE `some_project.some_dataset.foo_', CURRENT_DATE(), '` AS SELECT "hello" as column_name' );
And below an approach using a DECLARE statement to keep the table name as a variable
CONCAT('CREATE TABLE `some_project.some_dataset.foo_', table_name, '` AS SELECT "hello" as column_name' );

Storing results of a stored procedure in a Google Big Query table

Here is a link to the question I asked earlier. The accepted answer works perfectly.
But this stored procedure processes 2 statements and after running this procedure I have to click on View Results of the second statement to see the result in Google Big Query. Is there a way to save the results in some table automatically using the 'Query Settings' in Google Big Query and specifying the name of the table I want to store the results in?
You cannot set a destination table for a script (or for call a procedure), instead, you can convert your SELECT statement into CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT, for example:
CREATE TABLE myDataset.myTable
You can define a string parameter for your procedure. Then use this parameter in the dynamic query to write the results to the table.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE `my_dataset.my_procedure`(destination_table STRING)
FORMAT("CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `%s` AS SELECT * FROM tmp", destination_table));
Now you can provide a table name and call this procedure to write the results to the table.
CALL `my_dataset.my_procedure`("my_dataset.my_table");
SELECT * FROM `my_dataset.my_table`

Executing dynamically created SQL Query and storing the Query results as a temporary table

I am creating a SQL Query dynamically. After it's been created I want to execute it and store it as a temporary table.
You have two solutions for this:
As a first solution you can simply use an INSERT EXEC. This will work if you have a specified result set. This could be used if your procedure just returns one result set with a fixed result design.
Simply create your temporary table with matching columns and datatypes. After that you can call this:
INSERT INTO #yourTemporaryTable
The second solution would be the usage of OPENROWSET for this, which may have some sideeffects.
You can read more about it here.
INSERT INTO #yourTemptable
'EXEC (''+#sql+''))'

'Execute Immediate' with Into Clause in HANA

I have a requirement where-in I need to read a table (table name provided as input parameter of the SP), store the results in a temp table and then store the count of the read table into a variable. Please advise how can this be achieved. I have been able to read the table and its count using dynamic query but am not able to put the results in a temp table/ variable. 'Select' and 'Into' clauses do not seem to be working with 'Execute Immediate'. Thanks.
It is not very clear to me exactly what is being asked, but you should be able to execute a SELECT statement in the following manner:
execute immediate 'SELECT * FROM ' || :tablename;
Then the following statements create a table and call the procedure to retrieve the result:
create table T (i integer);
insert into T values (123);
The following would produce a result set with one row/column with the value 123:
CALL p1('T')
Please note that with this type of functionality, you need to be very careful not to allow any user-provided input to be given directly to a procedure that uses EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to avoid the possibility of SQL injection attacks.

SQL Server 2005: Call a stored procedure from a WHERE clause

I need to make a SELECT with a call of a stored procedure in the WHERE clause.
It should be something like that....
SELECT distinct top 10 i.x, d.droit
FROM v_droit d, v_info i
WHERE d.nomdroit='yy'
AND (select val from (exec up_droits(i.x, d.droit)) <>3
But it does not work...
Any idea?
Don't say to replace the stored procedure with a function because is not possible to use the existing code in a function. So the function is not a valid option. I really need to be able to use a stored procedure
This is achieved by first executing the stored procedure, capturing the output into a #temp table or a #tabel variable, then running your query against the table. Something like this:
declare #droits_table (val ,... );
insert into #droits_table
exec up_droits(param, param);
SELECT distinct top 10 i.x, d.droit FROM v_droit d, v_info i WHERE d.nomdroit='yy' AND<>2 AND (select val from #droits) <>3
Of course this will not work for you because the up_droits needs the i.x and d.droit parameters from the query. This indicates that your stored procedure should probably be a a view or table valued function.
Sorry but, make it a table valued function rather than stored procedure.
Scalar - SELECT id, name FROM test WHERE id < (SELECT dbo.mytestfunction())
Table - SELECT id, name FROM test WHERE id = (SELECT col1 from dbo.mytestfunction())
You can't. The content of the WHERE clause must be a search expression.
Is the reason that the code doesn't work as a function because it modifies some data? If so, then you're out of luck, functions used in where clauses must be immutable.
If the stored procedure doesn't modify any data, you may be able to wrap it inside of a function.
If you are on SQL Server I don't think you can do what you propose.
But one thing you can do is build dynamic queries, but be careful doing it because they open up many interesting problemareas.
The syntax is :
EXEC #<query>
But anotherthing you can do, which is probably much better for you, is to make the up_droits function deliver it's results in a temp table, if you select into a #table it is temporary for the duration of your function/procedure scope
declare procedure up_droits() as
select val .. into #temp
So what you do is create a procedure
create procedure Top10FromDroit
exec up_droits
SELECT distinct top 10 i.x, d.droit FROM v_droit d, v_info i WHERE d.nomdroit='yy' AND i.id2 AND (select val from (#temp) 3
Hopefully that will give you the results you want to achieve.
If at first you don't succeed, code around it^^
Could anyone of you explain reasons for executing dynamic SQl inside stored procedure. I know very few situations when you need them - but really very few. 99.9% (or 999 of a 1000) of execute strings could be rewritten as normal sql statements with parameters.
The very same is with Selects that have functions inside select or where clauses.
Try to think about your sets of data, not about procedural ways how to solve it.