How to select nth item from a context menu i Intellij? - intellij-idea

E.g. when selecting one of completions suggested by Intellij when typing code. Using arrow keys requires relocation of right hand and simply continuing to write is slow, too.
Is there a faster way?


Avoid automatically going to single usage on ctrl+click in Intellij

In IntelliJ by default ctrl+click does Show Usages and depending on the number of usages found either goes to the usage (one result) or opens a list (two or more results).
Is there any way to always show the list even on single results?

Abbreviations in PhpStorm

IntelliJ comes with 2 abbreviations that I have used a lot in the past, but cannot find in PhpStorm:
iter Iterate (for
itar Iterate elements of array (traditional loop)
So whenever I typed iter and pressed tab, it generated an enhanced for-loop. How can I achieve this in PhpStorm?
PHPStorm has live template so you can use it to generate several types of code snippets.
Live templates can be used to insert frequently-used constructs into your source code, for example, loops, conditions, various declarations, print statements, tags, and so on. To expand a code snippet, type the corresponding template abbreviation and press Tab. Keep pressing Tab to jump from one variable in the template to the next. Press Shift+Tab to move to a previous variable
I think this link is useful and also suggest that you read this link
for creating a new snippet you can go settings > Editor > Live Template

Is there a setting to control word definition for faster navigation in IntelliJ?

Clojure words like when-let are hyphenated. When using IntelliJ Idea word navigation, this symbol is treated as 3 words, which makes navigation very slow. Is there a setting for handling Clojure symbols and keywords as words, or some better way to navigate Clojure words?
I don't believe there's a way built in. You may be able to write your own plugin to add some navigation actions. There are also some tickets in JetBrains's YouTrack system that are related:
IDEA-155038: "select word" definition
IDEA-68325: Add actions for move caret to beginning/end of next/previous words.
You could vote for or comment on those tickets, or create your own if what you're looking for exactly is different from them.

What is the principle by which keyboard shortcuts selected in IntelliJ IDEA?

There are lots of useful functions of Intellij IDEA and for many of them there are keyboard shortcuts.
But remembering shortcuts may be difficult, at least for me.
Are there some consistent guiding principles by which these shortcuts were selected by designers? I believe learning such principles would be helpful to memorize shortcuts itself.
I think that the closest answer you're going to get is "it depends". Some shortcuts are obviously chosen, because the keybinding describes what the shortcut does, for example ⌘+O means open, not only in IntelliJ but in many places throughout OS X.
Some shortcuts probably don't have any kind of such semantic meaning, such as Alt+Enter and are chosen because they are very frequently used and the placement of the keys relative to each other is comfortable.
Other keyboard shortcuts with similar purpose have the same starting sequence of keys. For instance the extract refactoring shortcuts, which are as follows:
⌘+Alt+M - extract method
⌘+Alt+C - extract constant
⌘+Alt+V - extract variable
⌘+Alt+F - extract field
⌘+Alt+P - extract parameter
So in such case you only need to remember that if you want to extract something, you press ⌘+Alt and the first letter of what you want to extract.
That being said, I don't believe that the way to learning the keybindings is memorizing them, but using them. If you use one keybinding multiple times, over the time you will memorize it. You can help this process for instance by locating the action you want to perform in the menu, but instead of clicking it look at the keyboard shortcut next to it and press it. Or find the action using ⌘+Shift+A, look at the shortcut and use it.
There are even plugins, which can help you with this, for instance Key Promoter which you can install via Settings/Plugins/Browse Repositories. This plugin shows you shortcut you can use when you invoke some actions by clicking it in menu, etc. It also shows you how many times you've used this action in such a way instead of using the corresponding shortcut.

IntelliJ Idea - search for a value in debugger

I need to know if it is possible to search for a value in debugger in IntelliJ Idea.
Example: you have a huge object tree and you need to find string variable that is set to same particular value.
Is there any way to do that?
Expand this tree so that you see all those strings, and start typing what you search for. The speed search should do the rest. To get to the next/previous results press the down/up arrows respectively.
Sorry to disappoint you, I don't think that this option exists.
The quick search will only look for values in expanded objects.
You can use some other tool to create a memory dump of this object, and look for your data there.
In the "Find action ..." menu, you select "Fully expand tree node" or use Numpad *