View Statement on SQL Server returns "Invalid Object Name" - sql

When executing the following script on my SQL Server:
SELECT EventTime
FROM [dbo].[Table_1]
I get the following error:
Invalid object name 'Table_1'.
I cannot figure out why this is an error. Could anyone point me in the right direction? I tried with and without the [] as well as the "dbo".

This error can mean that the table [dbo].[Table_1] simply does not exist in the database you are using.
FROM dbo.TabTest
Results in:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure tabtest, Line 4 Invalid object
name 'dbo.TabTest'.
Because I do not have a table named dbo.tabtest in my database.\
If you are trying to create a view in a different database than the one where your table exists, then you need to use 3-part naming when you specify the table, like this:
SELECT EventTime
FROM [MyDatabaseName].[dbo].[Table_1]


sp_refreshsqlmodule is failing with UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions error

I have written one stored procedure where I have added UNION like this:
SELECT *,SysStartTime, SysEndTime FROM dbo.FirstTable WHERE Id = #Id
SELECT * FROM history.FirstTable WHERE Id = #Id
where dbo.FirstTable is temporal table and history.FirstTable is it's history table.
If I write a query like:
exec sp_refreshsqlmodule N'USP_MySPName'
It fails with below error:
Msg 205, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sys.sp_refreshsqlmodule_internal, Line 85 [Batch Start Line 0]
All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists.
However if I alter it, it doesn't show any error. And even while execution it doesn't show any error. Even if I execute the above query separately it works fine.
I tried searching for the cause of this error but I m not able to find any reference.
Can someone help me with the reason for this error.
NOTE: This error can be fixed with manually specifying all the column names from both tables instead if using *

using new columns in the temp table added by alter table not work

I have a problem that the new added column can't be used in the further comments.
I have a temp table built by "select into" then I need to add an identity column by "alter table". But when I want to use the new column in a "join", I got an error "Invalid column". please note that, these commands could work separately.
I think the reason is, the new column is not found by the compiler and it give an error before running it.
Is there a solution for that ?
I have got this problem in sql server 2000 and it seems in a newer version, the problem is not there.
create table #tmp_tb
(name varchar(4), val int)
insert into #tmp_tb values('ab',1);
insert into #tmp_tb values('abc',2);
select * from #tmp_tb
alter table #tmp_tb add id int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1);
select * from #tmp_tb
select id,name,val from #tmp_tb
An error occurred :
Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Line 9
Invalid column name 'id'.
Replace the last line with
EXECUTE sp_executesql N'select id,name,val from #tmp_tb';
Indeed, the parser doesn't know about the new column yet. By passing it through sp_executesql you avoid this.

Invalid object name when updating after renaming table

Have a very strange problem when trying to rename table and use it.
I have a table called oldTable and rename it to the newTable.
I can successfully use select on this table using:
SELECT * FROM database.dbo.newTable;
But when I try to use update like this:
UPDATE database.dbo.newTable SET foo = bar where id = 1;
I receive following error:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure archive, Line 4 [Batch Start Line 0]
Invalid object name 'oldTable'.
Looks like name oldTable was stored somewhere and is used here by some kind of reference. It happens on both ssms and raw php+sql when trying to update.
Anyone have any idea?
Renaming a table will not update any Triggers that have been defined for the table (or any references to it anywhere else) so you need to manually update any triggers or other dependencies to reflect the new name.

TABLE DROP statement

I am trying to drop a table that I created in SQL Server. I typed the command as follows:
DROP TABLE [Exercise2].
I received the following error message:
Msg 3701, Level 11, State 5, Line 1
Cannot drop the table 'Exercise2', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
I have dropped multiple tables trying to clean out my database, but this one will not drop and I'm not sure why.

create table in sql

I am getting an error when I attempt to run this query:
create table New_Table as
select NAme
from File_name, FileType
where = FileType.Name
Here is the error I am getting:
"ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 2
ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows"
Any idea why?
Is NAme a separate field from and If not, you would need to specify or in your SELECT statement.