Distance in linkedgeodata with sparql - sparql

I need to calculate distance between two points like this:
Prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
Prefix ogc: <http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#>
Prefix geom: <http://geovocab.org/geometry#>
Prefix lgdo: <http://linkedgeodata.org/ontology/>
Select distinct ?label ?uri ?geo
?uri rdf:type <http://linkedgeodata.org/ontology/Hotel>;
geom:geometry [ ogc:asWKT ?geo ] .
?uri rdfs:label ?label
Filter (
bif:st_intersect (?geo, bif:st_point (13.3517,38.12407), 0.25)
) .
} LIMIT 1000
The problem is that it seems to give wrong results:
take for example this point (13.3517,38.12407) and one of the result is "Kafara Hotel". If you check its geometry, you can see that the distance is far away to 250m.
How can i get near places between that point and points around 250 meters?


How can I translate SPARQL query into English

Could you please translate this query into English?
I am trying to write a naive implementation in code.
PREFIX om-owl: <http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/ont/sensor-observation.owl#>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX weather: <http://knoesis.wright.edu/ssw/ont/weather.owl#>
SELECT DISTINCT ?sensor ?value ?uom
FROM NAMED STREAM <http://www.cwi.nl/SRBench/observations> [NOW - 1 HOURS]
?observation om-owl:procedure ?sensor ;
rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* weather:PrecipitationObservation ;
om-owl:result ?result .
?result ?p1 ?value .
?result ?p2 ?uom .
Any help will be appreciated
As I understand it:
SELECT DISTINCT ?sensor ?value ?uom
Give me all the distinct sensors name, their value and the uom (I am not familiar with sensors) that correspond to the following conditions :
?observation om-owl:procedure ?sensor ;
First, give me the observations related by a procedure to a sensor.
rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* weather:PrecipitationObservation ;
From these observations, take all those are subclasses of Precipitations.
om-owl:result ?result .
And extract me their result.
?result ?p1 ?value .
Take all their value.
OPTIONAL { ?result ?p2 ?uom . }
And if it exist, all their uom (?).
So in the end, it seems to get all the value of rainfall aggregated by hour for each sensor.

Simple SPARQL Query

I am working from this example, and I want to archieve the same, however with a different topic - Climate change
All i need to output is the abstract from this page: http://dbpedia.org/page/Climate_change
PREFIX dbp-res: <http://dbpedia.org/resource/>
PREFIX dbp-ont: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
PREFIX dbp-prop: <http://dbpedia.org/property/>
?Resource a dbp-ont:Agent .
?Resource dbp-ont:abstract ?Description .
?Resource rdfs:label ?Label .
FILTER( STR(?Label) = 'Climate_change' )
FILTER (langMatches(lang(?Description),'en'))
FILTER (langMatches(lang(?Label),'en'))
The problem seems to be the Agent, but I have no clue, as to what to replace it with.
My query

My SPARQL query doesn't work at all

I am currently trying to run my query but I keep getting the error that in line 0 the parentheses are not balanced at '}'
I have checked my whole code multiple times, but I don't seem to get it fixed. I am currently using the dbpedia endpoint.
PREFIX dbo: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
PREFIX yago: <http://dbpedia.org/class/yago/>
PREFIX dbp: <http://dbpedia.org/property/>
PREFIX dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
SELECT DISTINCT ?country ?government ?population
WHERE{ ?country dct:subject <http://dbpedia.org/resource>/Category:Countries_in_Europe> ;
rdfs:label ?country;
dbo:government ?government.
?government rdfs:label ?government.
?population rdfs:subClassOf* dbo:PopulatedPlace
rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Country;
rdfs:label ?country ;
prop:populationEstimate ?population .
FILTER (?population < 3000000) .
FILTER ( lang(?country) AND (lang(?(government = 'en')
Three rows in the graph should be shown, First with the country as a title, second with the governmenttypes of the countries as a title and the 3rd should be a row with the population descending from the total of 3000000.
Thanks alot in advance for helping me out!
You have multiple errors in this query.
Several things that pop out at me.
Thing 1 --
?government rdfs:label ?government.
You've got several similar ?subject ?predicate ?subject constructions.
Thing 2 --
?population rdfs:subClassOf* dbo:PopulatedPlace
rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Country;
I think you need a semicolon after dbo:PopulatedPlace
Thing 3 --
FILTER ( lang(?country) AND (lang(?(government = 'en')
That FILTER breaks syntax several ways. I think this will do what you intend --
FILTER ( lang(?country) = 'en') .
FILTER ( lang(?government) = 'en') .
Thing 4 --
You've got an extra > in mid-string.
Thing 5 --
I think that should be dbo:Country
Thing 6 --
I think that should be dbp:populationEstimate
There are MANY more issues... I am not sure you're really trying.

Not able to get Indian cities abstract from Sparql

I am trying to get abstract using Sqarql with dbpedia datasets.
When I am running the following query on Virtuoso,
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
[ rdfs:label ?name
; dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract
] .
FILTER langMatches(lang(?abstract),"en")
VALUES ?name { "London"#en }
I am getting the result, however if I modify the name to say 'Gokarna' which is a south indian tourist spot, I am not getting any data. However I do see the resource page online on dbpedia for Gokarna(http://dbpedia.org/page/Gokarna,_India). What am I doing wrong? I need to get similar data for close to 800 indian places.
When you use values, you'd get only those that exactly match your string. For Gokarna, that would work for #de, #it, #fr, but not for #en, as there the label is different, as you can see also from the previous answer.
I would suggest to use contains, instead of values:
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
[ rdfs:label ?name
; dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract
] .
FILTER langMatches(lang(?abstract),"en")
FILTER langMatches(lang(?name),"en")
FILTER CONTAINS (?name, "Gokarna" )
I am not that experience with Sqarql but as much i can see in your code and checked with dbpedia library...
it is not just Gokarna. it is "Gokarna,_India".
This should work..
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
[ rdfs:label ?name
; dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract
] .
FILTER langMatches(lang(?abstract),"en")
VALUES ?name { "Gokarna,_India"#en }
If you look through the DBpedia page for Gokarna, India that you linked to, you'll notice that its rdfs:label is "Gokarna, India". But its foaf:name is just "Gokarna". This would mean you should modify your query to:
PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
[ foaf:name ?name
; dbpedia-owl:abstract ?abstract
] .
FILTER langMatches(lang(?abstract),"en")
VALUES ?name { "Gokarna"#en }
Though this will return other Gokarnas too: Gokarna, Nepal, Gokarna, Bangladesh and Gokarna (film). If you want to remove these, you will have to figure out another filter (possibly dbo:country dbr:India).

SPARQL - get list of places in one country

I'm new to SPARQL and would like some help in my learning.
I want to get latitude and longitude of several places (neighborhoods, cities, states, regions, rivers, monuments, ..) of my country: Brazil.
I tried:
PREFIX geo: <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#>
PREFIX dbo: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
?s a dbo:Place .
?s geo:lat ?lat .
?s geo:long ?long .
?s a ?type .
?s a ?city .
?s rdfs:label "Rio de Janeiro"#en.
limit 10
I don't want to restrict my query to just "cities". I want to search for places by various attributes: "city", "river", "village", "mountain", "monuments", "hill", "island", "valley", "point", "peak" ...
Furthermore, I am not restricting the country ...
Anybody can help me?
Your query looks like the one in Get Place categories from DBpedia using SPARQL.
As it stands, your query is not limited to cities - it is just limited to dbo:Places that have the English name (label) "Rio de Janeiro". ?city is a variable; its name doesn't do anything special.
If you want any place, just remove the above mentioned triple patterns.
PREFIX geo: <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#>
PREFIX dbo: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
?s a dbo:Place .
?s geo:lat ?lat .
?s geo:long ?long .
?s a ?type .
limit 10
This gets you 10 places with latitude and longitude and another class. You could browse DBpedia to see what kinds of places there are, decide whether you need dbo:Location_(feature) too and try subclasses of Place, Location too (as per DBpedia, getting the direct or indirect types of Place). To filter for country, you could add to your query
?s dbo:country <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Brazil> .
But not every place will have an explicit link to the country like this. You'll have to see what properties can help out with linking a place to its country.