Vue.js doesn't render table - vue.js

My template is:
<tbody id="deliveries-table">
<tr v-for="item in deliveries">
<td class="table-view-item__col"></td>
<td class="table-view-item__col" v-bind:class="{ table-view-item__col--extra-status: item.exclamation }"></td>
<td class="table-view-item__col">{{item.number}}</td>
<td class="table-view-item__col">{{item.sender_full_name}}</td>
<td class="table-view-item__col" v-if="item.courier_profile_url">{{item.courier_full_name}}</td>
<td class="table-view-item__col" v-if="item.delivery_provider_url">{{item.delivery_provider_name}}</td>
<td class="table-view-item__col">
<span style="font-weight: 900">{{item.get_status_display}}</span><br>
My javascript code for render a lot of prepared data is:
var monitorActiveDeliveries = new ActiveDeliveries();
class ActiveDeliveries {
constructor() {
this.table = new Vue({
el: '#deliveries-table',
data: {
deliveries: []
fillTable (d) {
this.table.deliveries = d;
But after script starts any render into tbody, i have just empty place in HTML.
Where i got some wrong?

First, although you can instantiate your Vue app on the <table> tag, usually you want just a single Vue instance on the whole page, so it might be better to make the Vue instance on one main div/body tag.
Second, I think your code could work (I don't know what your deliveries objects should look like...), but your fillTable() method is probably not getting called, i.e. deliveries are empty.
I made this working example based on your code:

Life is easier than it seems.
I got a mistake into this directive:
v-bind:class="{ table-view-item__col--extra-status: item.exclamation }"
I just forgot single quotas into class name, next variant is working:
v-bind:class="{ 'table-view-item__col--extra-status': item.exclamation }"


How to init DataTable in Vue3 application after table render

I have a Vue3 component which make an ajax request to server which sends array with articles back. Then I need to render the html table according the filled model via v-for and then init DataTable via DataTable() call on this rendered table. But it seems the problem is that DataTable() call runs before html table is rendered so the table is empty.
The ajax code looks like:
axios.get( apiRoutes.ARTICLES_URL )
.then((response) => {
let data =;
// Fill the model
this.articles = data;
// Init DataTable
$('#dataTable').DataTable({ ... });
//setTimeout(this.setDataTable, 3000); // This works but want to avoid it.
The template code
<div class="table-responsive">
<table :id="id" class="table table-bordered nowrap" width="100%;">
<tr v-for="article in articles" :key="">
<td data-order='{{article.created_at}}'>{{getCreatedAt(article.created_at)}}</td>
{{article.visible === 1 ? 'hide' : 'show'}}
The question is how to properly wait for the render is done? Thanks for any help.
So if I understand it I need to use $nextTick() which will wait while the DOM render is done.

search bar filter using Vue js

I am trying to filter a table that get data from api and I tried this solution but it doesnt work.
I couldnt find where the problem is and if I pass the search input event listener
and here is my table component :
<table class="mt-12 border-2 border-gray-600">
<th v-for="header in data.headers" :key="header" class="text-left border-l-2 border-gray-600 border-b-2 border-gray-600 bg-red-400 ">{{ header }}</th>
<tr v-for="(rows, index) in data.rows" :key="index">
<td v-for="row in rows" :key="row" class="border-l-2 border-gray-600" >{{ row }}</td>
export default {
props: {
data: Object,
default: {}
<style src="../assets/tailwind.css"/>
My question:
If anyone can help me to define my problem and solve this ?
Thanks for help.
You can use your data as computed where you pass it as a prop.
<BaseTable :data='data' />
Here instead of using like this create a computed which can be filteredData.
<BaseTable :data='filteredData' />
and in your props you can simply filter it or just send the data as it is.
computed: {
filteredData() {
if( {
// filter your data as you want and return
else // return your main data
Here is a working simple example:
And change your include to includes.
what error you are getting ? I think you are using inside filteredRows function which is not a vue instance property. it should be The search is used with V-model as well so you should declare it outside data (JSON object).

inject render method into template

Must the render method of a Vue component be used exclusively or can it be combined with a template? Most of my component can be rendered using a template but just need a small part of it to be rendered using code. If this is possible how can I combine the render method output with the template?
Example in component:
// use render method here
<tr v-for="row in rows">
// use render method here
Need render method in spots above to loop through the array $scopedSlots.column and render each <th> and <td> based on multiple <templates v-slot:column={row}> provided by parent.
As far as I know you can either use the render function or a template - but not both. They can not be combined.
What you could do to make your example work is to use the v-html-directive, which updates the innerHTML of an element
new Vue({
el: '#el',
data: {
rows: ['row1', 'row2', 'row3']
methods: {
renderRow(row) {
return `<td>${row}</td>`;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="el">
<tr v-for="row in rows" v-html="renderRow(row)">
I'm having this same challenge as well. Which is how I came to your question.
As others have said, it seems you can either use a template or render function but not both.
My suggestion would be to have a component handle only the render function, while the parent component can use the template method
So, Per your example
<component-using-only-render-method />
<tr v-for="row in rows">
<component-using-only-render-method />
I think its the best of both worlds with minimal compromise

Using v-for and v-show to hide/show additional text inside an p element

I have this html code
<tr v-for="(help, index) in helps">
<td scope="row">{{ help.ID }}</td>
<td scope="row">{{ help.Date | formatDateWithTime }}</td>
<p #click="fullTextFun(index)" v-show="help.FullText">{{ help.Text.substring(0,16) + '...' }}</p>
<p #click="fullTextFun(index)" v-show="!help.FullText">{{ help.Text }}</p>
I want to be able to show the full text when someone click on the current p element. This is my vue function
fullTextFun: function(index) {
this.helps[index].FullText = !this.helps[index].FullText;
It doesn't work. I also tried to do it using this code
<span #click="fullTextFun(help)" v-show="help.FullText">{{ help.Text.substring(0,16) + '...' }}</span>
fullTextFun: function(item) {
item.FullText = !item.FullText;
But again without any luck. It seems the v-show function don't care about the status of help.FullText
When I load the data I don't have FullText variable in my helps array. I don't know if this is the problem
This is what it is inside my helps variable when first loaded
09:53:59","Text":"some text"}]
It might be Vue reactivity issue.
fullTextFun: function(index) {
this.helps[index].FullText = !this.helps[index].FullText;
this.helps = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.helps))
Basically Vue only updates if you change the reference.
When you update this.helps[index].FullText, this.helps still points to old object reference, and Vue can't recognize the change.
Another solution is using Vue.set
Vue.set(this.helps[index], 'FullText', !this.helps[index].FullText)
You can read more at Vue document

How to handle variable number of process variables in Camunda

I'm new to Camunda and didn't find any tutorial or reference explaining how to achieve the following:
When starting a process I want the user to add as many items as he likes to an invoice. On the next user task all those items and their quantity should be printed to somebody approving the data.
I don't understand yet how to get this 1:n relationship between a process and its variables working. Do I need to start subprocesses for each item? Or do I have to use a custom Java object? If so, how can I map form elements to such an object from within the Tasklist?
I got it working with the help of the links provided by Thorben.
The trick is to use JSON process variables to store more complex data structures. I initialize such lists in my "Start Event". This can be done either in a form or in my case in a Listener:
execution.setVariable("items", Variables.objectValue(Arrays.asList(dummyItem)).serializationDataFormat("application/json").create());
Note that I added a dummyItem, as an empty list would lose its type information during serialization.
Next in my custom form I load this list and can add/remove items. Using the camForm callbacks one can persist the list.
<form role="form" name="form">
<script cam-script type="text/form-script">
$scope.items = [];
$scope.addItem = function() {
$scope.items.push({name: '', count: 0, price: 0.0});
$scope.removeItem = function(index) {
$scope.items.splice(index, 1);
camForm.on('form-loaded', function() {
// variables-fetched is not working with "saved" forms, so we need to use variables-restored, which gets called after variables-fetched
camForm.on('variables-restored', function() {
$scope.items = camForm.variableManager.variableValue('items');
camForm.on('store', function() {
camForm.variableManager.variableValue('items', $scope.items);
<table class="table">
<tr ng-repeat="i in items">
<td><input type="text" ng-model=""/></td>
<td><input type="number" ng-model="i.count"/></td>
<td><input type="number" ng-model="i.price"/></td>
<button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="removeItem($index)">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span>
<td colspan="4">
<button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="addItem()">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span>
Two things aren't working yet:
Field validation, e.g. for number fields
The dirty flag used on the "save" button doesn't get updated, when adding/removing rows