Is possible do Select * form DynamicValue to perform a query like this in Navision? - sql

Is possible do Select * form DynamicValue to perform a query like this in Navision?
Thanks in advance

To perform a sql query li this select * from DynamicValue You must do something like this.
Imagine that you have a table and you are going to show the data in a page or form.
RecDynamicValue (Table).
PagDynamicValues (Page).
RecDynamicValue.RESET; //Clean filters
PagDynamicValues.SETTABLEVIEW(RecDynamicValue); //Set RecDynamicValue (Table)
PagDynamicValues.RUN; (Open Page)
In this code when page is open you can see al records from DynamicValue table like a Select * from DynamicValue.
If you need perform a loop for all records from DynamicValue table in code try this:
IF RecDynamicValue.FINDSET THEN REPEAT //Repeat clausule for a loop
UNTIL RecDynamicValue.NEXT = 0; //Repeat until last value
In all cases first you need declare a variable, SubType = Record and specified ID or name of record.
You can not change the value of the table variable by code.
But perhaps you can use RecordRef function to do that.
For example:
RecRef.OPEN(27); //Id of ItemTable
FldRef := RecRef.FIELD(3); // Item.Description;
FldRef.VALUE('New description');
In your case your DynamicValue is parameter to RecRef.OPEN("Your Dynamic Value") here you need specified value ID of your table.
You can also perform a loop using RecorRef.


show query parameters that don't select anything

I have a table with a text column and I would like to select all rows that match the list of search parameters that were provided by the user:
select * from value where value.text in ('Mary', 'Steve', 'Walter');
In addition, I want to notify the user if any of his search terms could not be found. Let's say 'Steve' does not exist in the value.text column, how can I write a query that will show 'Steve'? As that information does not exist in any table, I have no idea how it could be done using a SQL query.
The actual Hibernate code looks like this:
List<String> searchItemList = new ArrayList<>();
Query query = em.createQuery("select v from Value as v where v.text in ( :searchitemlist )");
query.setParameter("searchitemlist", searchItemList);
List result = query.getResultList();"{}", result.size());"{}", result);
The searchItemList is a list of all search terms provided by the user. Can be a few hundreds lines long. The current workaround is to search the value table once for each searchItem and note all queries that return 0 rows. That is rather inefficient, surely there is a better approach? Please advise.
You can use the following query to get an array of search items that exist in the database
SELECT DISTINCT value.text from value where value.text in ('Mary', 'Steve', 'Walter');
after running this query, If we assume that the answer is stored in an array called result, notExistSearchListItems will give you the final result
IEnumerable<string> notExistSearchListItems = searchItemList.Except(result);

How can I stop executing code after getting a result?

I have a textbox named "Search" and code that filters a customer out by name. I also want to display the whole table if the textbox is empty but don't know how to do it.
NOTE : I am using Microsoft Access.
Here is my code :
SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE Forms.[Form1].[Text4] = Forms.[Form1].[Text4] AND FirstName=Forms.[Form1].[Text4];
Thank you for any help.
You need validate if text is empty or filter to another rules, this can be something like this:
SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Forms.[Form1].[Text4] IS NULL OR FirstName = Forms.[Form1].[Text4];

Using WHERE clause to only retrieve results where array field has only ONE element inside

I have a table with various arrays within it like this:
Is there a way to only pull back the records where there is only one element in the array.
The results would look like this:
My query would look something like this
Select * from attr_lookup where target_tcode = help with query here
Use array_length():
FROM attr_lookup
WHERE array_length(target_tcode, 1) = 1;

Yii Framework: How to get the num_rows?

As the official documentation does not say how to do a simply "num_rows" with their system, i need some help here: How to get the amount of rows in the result set ?
This will work for insert, update and delete:
execute(): performs a non-query SQL statement, such as INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. If successful, it returns the number of rows that are affected by the execution.
For select, you could do the following:
This generates the CDbDataReader instance and CDbDataReader provides a rowCount property
$rowCount = $dataReader->rowCount;
About rowCount => Returns the number of rows in the result set. Note, most DBMS may not give a meaningful count. In this case, use "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tableName" to obtain the number of rows.
ActiveRecord has count method which can be used.
$cntCriteria = new CDbCriteria();
$cntCriteria->condition = "categoryId = :categoryId";
$cntCriteria->params[':categoryId'] = $categoryRow->categoryId;
$articleCount = Article::model()->count($cntCriteria);
There is one more way to do this. When we execute a sql query it will return the result as array only. So we can able get the count of the rows using count() function like below.
$output=User::model()->findAllBySql("select * from user");//User is a model belongs to the user table
$count_val=count($output);//$count_val has the value of number of rows in the output.

Storing Select Query result in Variable Ruby on Rails

I wanted to know how we could store the result of my select query on a variable.
#ppt2 ='slide_name').where('id=?',4)
#ppt1 = Ppt.update_all({:time2=>#ppt2},['id like ?','1'])
Here, slide_name and time2 are both text attributes of the same table ppt.
What happens on the above execution is that the time2 field in id=1 gets the value "#ppt2" whereas I want it to get the value of slide_name from id=4 which does not get stored in #ppt1.
In other words, how do I store the value of the select query in #ppt2 so that it can be used in the next line?
Any help is appreciated.
Call the slide_name method on your first result.
#ppt2 ='slide_name').find(4).slide_name