Excel VBA Get Count of Non-Empty Rows in Range - vba

I know this has been asked at least a dozen times, but of all those questions the solutions seemed to be tailored or simply created an error in my code. For some reason I get an error when I try and reference a range from a different worksheet. Below is my code. I have two worksheets (tabs). One has a button to launch my code MENU, the other is the data I am trying to read and write to RAW. All I am trying to do is find out how many rows of data the sheet has so I can loop through the rows and make changes. For some reason I can't wrap my head around it or something.
Private Sub CommandButton21_Click()
Dim wbCurrent As Workbook
Dim wsCurrent As Worksheet
Set wbCurrent = ThisWorkbook
Set wsCurrent = wbCurrent.Worksheets("RAW")
Dim i As Long
Dim siteCol As Long
siteCol = Range("I" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To siteCol
wsCurrent.Range("I" & i) = "MARKED"
Next i
Range("I1") = siteCol
End Sub

1- Always use Long for your variables, not Integer unless you have a specific reason. The maximum value of an Integer is 32767, which might be not enough to hold your count of rows.
2- Dont get the number of rows with COUNTA, this has many drawbacks. use this instead:
siteCol = wsCurrent.Range("I" & wsCurrent.Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
This finds the Row number of the last occupied cell in wsCurrent, assuming that wsCurrent is at the top of the document (it starts on Row 1). Please note that if wsCurrent is completely empty, this will find the row number of the first occupied cell above wsCurrent, or the first row of the document.
3- When you want to assign a whole range to the same value, you can do it at once, which is much faster and simpler, like this (no loop needed):
wsCurrent.Range("I1:I" & siteCol) = "MARKED"
4- No need to Activate a worksheet to work with it. Drop the statement wsCurrent.Activate and try to always work with qualified ranges.


Excel 2013: Use macro to copy and subsequently add data from one sheet to another within same workbook

I have used the various methods pointed out in this forum and none seem to work, so I will try to be more specific.
I have a workbook called LIBRARY.xlsm.
This workbook contains two worksheets: CALCULATOR and CUTS.
The worksheet CALCULATOR contains two tables: INPUT and OUTPUT.
I enter data into INPUT, values are calculated and automatically entered into OUTPUT.
I create a button below OUTPUT with macro to copy data in OUTPUT to worksheet CUTS.
I enter new data into INPUT, which then updates OUTPUT.
Now I want to copy this new data to CUTS without overwriting or deleting previous data.
Since this project is divided into 5 sections, I should end up with five tables in the worksheet CUTS that I can then print out.
The INPUT table encompasses cells A1:M31, which does not matter (I’m not copying this).
The OUTPUT table occupies cells O6:S26. This is the data that needs to be copied.
Placement into worksheet CUTS can start at cell A1 (which means the table will have the range A1:E20). I would like to skip a column and then place the next data set. Thus, the next data set should begin at G1 (G1:K20), then at M1:Q20 and so forth). Maybe only go three tables across and then start next three below (separated by row).
Here is the code tried to use. Problem is, it does not retain the values and it overwrites the previous data.
Sub Create_CUTS ()
Dim sourceSheet As Worksheet
Dim sourceRange As Range
Dim sourceRows As Integer
Set sourceSheet = Worksheets("CALCULATOR")
sourceRows = WorksheetFunction.CountA(sourceSheet.Range("A:A"))
Set sourceRange = sourceSheet.Range("O6:S26" & sourceRows)
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Dim targetRange As Range
Dim targetRows As Integer
Set targetSheet = Worksheets("CUTS")
targetRows = WorksheetFunction.CountA(targetSheet.Range("A:A"))
Set targetRange = targetSheet.Range("A" & targetRows + 1 & ":A" & targetRows + 1 + sourceRows)
sourceRange.Copy Destination:=targetRange
End Sub
Thank you, everyone
There are a few ways to do this. The easiest is probably to just reference the usedrange of the target sheet to know where you left off with the last paste.
lastUsedRow = targetSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
lastColumnUsed = targetSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
Then you just add a column or row and paste the table in the new location. If the column count is 22 or greater, add a row and paste at "A" and the lastUsedRow + 2. There is some potential for this to be wrong if the sheets are saved with cells that are empty, but excel reads them as "used" (somehow people I work with manage to do this all the time, I don't even know how they do it). It sounds like this is something that users won't be manipulating, so I wouldn't think that would be a problem, but if it is a possible problem for you, you can use a loop to find the next empty cell instead of using the built in "usedrange" collection.

Outputting rows into another sheet

I have two sets of data stored in two different sheets. I need to run an analysis which prints out the non-duplicate rows (i.e. row is present in one and not the other) found in the sheets and print them in a new sheet.
I can do the comparison fine - it is relatively simple with ranges and the For Next method. I currently store the non-duplicates in two different collections, each representing the non-duplicates in each sheet. However I am having trouble deciding how to proceed with pasting the duplicate rows on the new sheet.
I thought about storing the entire row into a collection but printing the row out of the collection in the new sheet seems non-trivial: I would have to determine the size of the collection, set the appropriate range and then iterate through the collection and print them out. I would also like to truncate this data which would add another layer of complexity.
The other method I thought was simply storing the row number and using Range.Select.Copy and PasteSpecial. The advantage of this is that I can truncate however much I wish, however this seems incredibly hacky to me (essentially using VBA to simulate user input) and I am not sure on performance hits.
What are the relative merits or is there a better way?
I have been tackling a similar problem at work this week. I have come up with two methods:
First you could simply iterate through each collection one row at a time, and copy the values to the new sheet:
Function PasteRows1(ByRef srcRows As Collection, ByRef dst As Worksheet)
Dim row As Range
Dim curRow As Integer
curRow = 1
For Each row In srcRows
dst.rows(curRow).Value = row.Value
curRow = curRow + 1
End Function
This has the benefit of not using the Range.Copy method and so the user's clipboard is preserved. If you are not copying an entire row then you will have to create a range that starts at the first cell of the row and then resize it using Range.Resize. So the code inside the for loop would roughly be:
Dim firstCellInRow as Range
Set firstCellInRow = dst.Cells(curRow,1)
firstCellInRow.Resize(1,Row.columns.Count).Value = row.Value
curRow = curRow + 1
The second method I thought of uses the Range.Copy. Like so:
Function PasteRows2(ByRef srcRows As Collection, ByRef dst As Worksheet)
Dim row As Range
Dim disjointRange As Range
For Each row In srcRows
If disjointRange is Nothing Then
Set disjointRange = row
Set disjointRange = Union(disjointRange, row)
End If
End Function
While this does use the .Copy method it also will allow you to copy all of the rows in one shot which is nice because you will avoid partial copies if excel ever crashes in the middle of your macro.
Let me know if either of these methods satisfy your needs :)

Condense largely(Unpractical) loop based VBA code; nested For...Next loops

Hello everyone alright let start by giving some brief background on my project then I will follow up with my specific issue and code.
Currently I am building a program to automate the process of filling a template. This template exceeds 60,000 rows of data quite often and I've built the large majority of it to work month to month by plugging in new data sheets and running it. Currently all of the work is based off of one data sheet which I import into excel manually. This data sheet does not contain all the data I need to populate the template so now I am beginning to bring in additional data to supplement this. The problem herein lies with data association. When I was originally pulling from one data sheet I didn't have to worry if the data I pulled for each row coincided with the other rows because it all came from the same sheet. Now I have to cross check data across two sheets to confirm it is pulling the correct information.
Now for what you need to know. I am trying to fill a column that will be referred to as Haircut, but before I do that I need to confirm that I am pulling the correct haircut number in correlation to a Trade ID which was already populated into the template in a previous line of code.
Using similar logic that I have been using throughout my entire project this is a snippet of code I have to perform this task.
Dim anvil as Worksheet
Dim ALLCs as worksheet
Dim DS as worksheet
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''code above this line is irrelevant to answer this question
ElseIf InStr(1, DS.Cells(x, 2), "Haircut") Then
For y = 1 To 80
If Anvil.Cells(1, y) = "Haircut" Then
For Z = 1 To 80
If Anvil.Cells(1, Z) = "Trade ID" Then
For t = 2 To 70000
For u = 16 To 70000
If Anvil.Cells(t, Z) = ALLCs.Cells(u, 34) Then
ALLCs.Cells(u, 27) = Anvil.Cells(t, y)
End If
End If
End If
This code coupled with my other code I assume will in theory work, but I can only imagine that it will take an unbelievable amount of time(this program already takes 7 and a half minutes to run). Any suggestions on how to rewrite this code with better functionality, following this general logic?
Any help is appreciated, whether you completely revamp the code, or if you offer suggestions on how to cut down loops. I am also looking for suggestions to speed up the code in general aside from screen updating and calculation suggestions.
If I understand the logic correctly then you can replace all but one of the loops with a .Find() method like so:
'// Dimension range objects for use
Dim hdHaricut As Excel.Range
Dim hdTradeID As Excel.Range
Dim foundRng As Excel.Range
With Anvil
With .Range("A1:A80") '// Range containing headers
'// Find the cell within the above range that contains a certain string, if it exists set the Range variable to be that cell.
Set hdHaircut = .Find(What:="Haircut", LookAt:=xlWhole)
Set hdTradeID = .Find(What:="Trade ID", LookAt:=xlWhole)
End With
'// Only if BOTH of the above range objects were found, will the following block be executed.
If Not hdHaricut Is Nothing And Not hdTradeID Is Nothing Then
For t = 2 To 70000
'// Using the .Column property of the hdTradeID range, we can see if the value of Cells(t, hdTradeColumn) exists
'// in the other sheet by using another .Find() method.
Set foundRng = ALLCs.Range(ALLCs.Cells(16, 34), ALLCs.Cells(70000, 34)).Find(What:=.Cells(t, hdTradeID.Column).Value, LookAt:=xlWhole)
'// If it exists, then pass that value to another cell on the same row
If Not foundRng Is Nothing Then ALLCs.Cells(foundRng.Row, 27).Value = .Cells(t, hdHaircut.Column).Value
'// Clear the foundRng variable from memory to ensure it isn't mistaken for a match in the next iteration.
Set foundRng = Nothing
End If
End With

Selecting all data from a default table size VBA Excel

I have a spread sheet with a default table size and layout that is populated by information from another spread sheet. This table will always have the same number of columns, but the number of entries in the rows can vary. I want to select all the data from the table, and paste it into another sheet, without copying any empty rows.
My initial attempt involved the following code:
Set rightcell = Range("B9").End(x1Right)
Set bottomcell = Range(rightcell).End(x1Down)
To define what the bottom right corner should be, so I can reference the entire table like so:
Range("B9", bottomcell).Select
Or copy or whatever. When I run this, it gives me a "user-defined or object-defined error" and I don't know why. I have the code entered as part of a larger sub, and I have defined my variables as both ranges and variants to try and get this to work. I have spent quite a bit of time scouring the internet for a solution, but so far the information I've found has not explicitly related to my problem, and none of the similar solutions work.
Does anyone know what the appropriate coding for this is, or if I am making some minor error that is throwing everything else off? I remember encountering the same issue during a project in college, but for the life of me, I can't recall the solution. It's quite frustrating.
Also, if I am too vague or you need more clarification on the task, don't hesitate to ask. Thanks in advance for the help!
EDIT: An important note that I left out is that the the table I want to extract data from is in the middle of a page with multiple other tables that I am not trying to interact with.
If the table will always be in the same location on the sheet, you can do something like this to copy the entire table:
'Modify this to any cell in your table (like the top left hand cell):
Range("B9").CurrentRegion.Copy Sheets("TheSheetYouWantToPasteTo").Range("A1")
Even if the table's location on the sheet changes, you can still use the above code to copy the table as long as you know one of the cells in the table.
If you want to keep the same method as you're trying, try this instead:
Dim rightcell As Long
Dim bottomcell As Long
'Finds the furthest column to the right:
rightcell = Cells(5, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
'Finds the bottom most row in the table (will stop at the first non-blank cell it finds.)
bottomcell = Range("B:B").Find("*", Range("B9"), searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
'Reference the variables like this:
Range(Cells(9, 2), Cells(bottomcell, rightcell)).copy _
this is what I use
Public Function last_row() As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim l_row As Long
'my sheet has 35 columns change this number to fit your
For i = 1 To 35
If Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, i).End(xlUp).Row > l_row Then
l_row = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, i).End(xlUp).Row
End If
Next i
last_row = l_row
End Function
Then Use
Dim l_row As Long
l_row = last_row
'Again since you know the last column change 35 here to your value
'or use the String i.e. "AI"
Range("B9", Cells(l_row,35)).Select
This will look at every column to determine the the last row that contains data

Iterating through all the cells in Excel VBA or VSTO 2005

I need to simply go through all the cells in a Excel Spreadsheet and check the values in the cells. The cells may contain text, numbers or be blank. I am not very familiar / comfortable working with the concept of 'Range'. Therefore, any sample codes would be greatly appreciated. (I did try to google it, but the code snippets I found didn't quite do what I needed)
Thank you.
If you only need to look at the cells that are in use you can use:
sub IterateCells()
For Each Cell in ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Cells
'do some stuff
End Sub
that will hit everything in the range from A1 to the last cell with data (the bottom right-most cell)
Sub CheckValues1()
Dim rwIndex As Integer
Dim colIndex As Integer
For rwIndex = 1 To 10
For colIndex = 1 To 5
If Cells(rwIndex, colIndex).Value <> 0 Then _
Cells(rwIndex, colIndex).Value = 0
Next colIndex
Next rwIndex
End Sub
Found this snippet on http://www.java2s.com/Code/VBA-Excel-Access-Word/Excel/Checksvaluesinarange10rowsby5columns.htm It seems to be quite useful as a function to illustrate the means to check values in cells in an ordered fashion.
Just imagine it as being a 2d Array of sorts and apply the same logic to loop through cells.
If you're just looking at values of cells you can store the values in an array of variant type. It seems that getting the value of an element in an array can be much faster than interacting with Excel, so you can see some difference in performance using an array of all cell values compared to repeatedly getting single cells.
Dim ValArray as Variant
ValArray = Range("A1:IV" & Rows.Count).Value
Then you can get a cell value just by checking ValArray( row , column )
You can use a For Each to iterate through all the cells in a defined range.
Public Sub IterateThroughRange()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim cell As Range
Set wb = Application.Workbooks(1)
Set ws = wb.Sheets(1)
Set rng = ws.Range("A1", "C3")
For Each cell In rng.Cells
cell.Value = cell.Address
Next cell
End Sub
For a VB or C# app, one way to do this is by using Office Interop. This depends on which version of Excel you're working with.
For Excel 2003, this MSDN article is a good place to start.
Understanding the Excel Object Model from a Visual Studio 2005 Developer's Perspective
You'll basically need to do the following:
Start the Excel application.
Open the Excel workbook.
Retrieve the worksheet from the workbook by name or index.
Iterate through all the Cells in the worksheet which were retrieved as a range.
Sample (untested) code excerpt below for the last step.
Excel.Range allCellsRng;
string lowerRightCell = "IV65536";
allCellsRng = ws.get_Range("A1", lowerRightCell).Cells;
foreach (Range cell in allCellsRng)
if (null == cell.Value2 || isBlank(cell.Value2))
// Do something.
else if (isText(cell.Value2))
// Do something.
else if (isNumeric(cell.Value2))
// Do something.
For Excel 2007, try this MSDN reference.
There are several methods to accomplish this, each of which has advantages and disadvantages; First and foremost, you're going to need to have an instance of a Worksheet object, Application.ActiveSheet works if you just want the one the user is looking at.
The Worksheet object has three properties that can be used to access cell data (Cells, Rows, Columns) and a method that can be used to obtain a block of cell data, (get_Range).
Ranges can be resized and such, but you may need to use the properties mentioned above to find out where the boundaries of your data are. The advantage to a Range becomes apparent when you are working with large amounts of data because VSTO add-ins are hosted outside the boundaries of the Excel application itself, so all calls to Excel have to be passed through a layer with overhead; obtaining a Range allows you to get/set all of the data you want in one call which can have huge performance benefits, but it requires you to use explicit details rather than iterating through each entry.
This MSDN forum post shows a VB.Net developer asking a question about getting the results of a Range as an array
You basically can loop over a Range
Get a sheet
myWs = (Worksheet)MyWb.Worksheets[1];
Get the Range you're interested in If you really want to check every cell use Excel's limits
The Excel 2007 "Big Grid" increases
the maximum number of rows per
worksheet from 65,536 to over 1
million, and the number of columns
from 256 (IV) to 16,384 (XFD).
from here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa730921.aspx#Office2007excelPerf_BigGridIncreasedLimitsExcel
and then loop over the range
Range myBigRange = myWs.get_Range("A1", "A256");
string myValue;
foreach(Range myCell in myBigRange )
myValue = myCell.Value2.ToString();
In Excel VBA, this function will give you the content of any cell in any worksheet.
Function getCellContent(Byref ws As Worksheet, ByVal rowindex As Integer, ByVal colindex As Integer) as String
getCellContent = CStr(ws.Cells(rowindex, colindex))
End Function
So if you want to check the value of cells, just put the function in a loop, give it the reference to the worksheet you want and the row index and column index of the cell. Row index and column index both start from 1, meaning that cell A1 will be ws.Cells(1,1) and so on.
My VBA skills are a little rusty, but this is the general idea of what I'd do.
The easiest way to do this would be to iterate through a loop for every column:
public sub CellProcessing()
on error goto errHandler
dim MAX_ROW as Integer 'how many rows in the spreadsheet
dim i as Integer
dim cols as String
for i = 1 to MAX_ROW
'perform checks on the cell here
'access the cell with Range("A" & i) to get cell A1 where i = 1
next i
exit sub
msgbox "Error " & err.Number & ": " & err.Description
resume exitHandler
end sub
it seems that the color syntax highlighting doesn't like vba, but hopefully this will help somewhat (at least give you a starting point to work from).