gcov giving error: No executable lines - googletest

I am using gcov to test the code coverage in my project. The gcov is giving me output of the test files that i have written using gtest, but it is not giving me the correct output of the actual implementation files. It gives the message "No executable lines". The project is based in QT and C++. Any pointers in this regard will be helpful since I am new to both QT and gtest/gcov.
Some more info:
1. Executed the test binary built using gtest
2. The .o, .gcda and .gcno files are in the same folder
3. I am executing gcov from the location of the source with the -o option to specify the path of the bin files.

This was happening because I had not copied the .gcda files to the directory with the .gcno and .o files. After copying the .gcda files and running the gcov it is running fine. :)


Build gtest as shared library (dll) in CMake

I have never worked with CMake before, so please forgive any rookie mistakes. Most of the following working frame has been given to me by my project group.
The goal is to build GoogleTest into a .dll, to be used in different, indepentent parts of our project. I'm having troubles setting up CMake the right way.
The work-flow so far has been:
Clone gtest from git --> also downloads a CMake List file
Alter variables in CMakeCache.txt to have it produce a Code::Blocks project file
Compile the project file in Code::Blocks
So far, it produces a static library (.a files) that can be used in our project. I'm having troubles genereating .dll files.
Variables I have tried changing:
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON --> the files generated by Code::Blocks now have a .dll.a double extension
CMAKE_C_FLAGS and all the corresponding C++ flags where set to -DGTEST_CREATE_SHARED_LIBRARY=1 as given here
CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS has been set to -shared to make the linker produce .dll files
I have worked my way through the GoogleTest documentation here and here but in both, building it into a .dll is merely a 2-sentence-topic.
As #Tsyvarev pointed out, the .dll files were created in a (very) different folder.

CMake Error: include could not find load file: targets

I'm trying to run AmazonFreeRTOS on my ESP32 (at Windows). After creating build folder in my amazon-freertos main folder I've tried to build it from main folder with
cmake --build .\build
The Error I've got is
include could not find load file: targets
However, there is a idf_functions.cmake file that contains include(targets) command, and the targets.cmake file is in the same folder so I don't know why the error occured.
If you pay close attention to the error, you'd notice the full error says something like:
CMake Error at
your-amazon-freertos-directory/vendors/espressif/esp-idf/tools/cmake/idf_functions.cmake: 26 (include)
include could not find load file:
This is because idf_functions.cmake sets the variable IDF_PATH to $ENV{IDF_PATH} which was configured in ~/.profile when the line export IDF_PATH=~/esp/esp-idf was added, as seen here.
If you navigate to ~/esp/esp-idf/tools/cmake/ you'd notice that files like target.cmake and ldgen.cmake, which are being included <your-amazon-freertos-directory>/vendors/espressif/esp-idf/tools/cmake/idf_functions.cmake, do not exist.
Solution 1 (somewhat hacky):
Copy the contents of <your-amazon-freertos-directory>/vendors/espressif/esp-idf/tools/cmake/ to ~/esp/esp-idf/tools/cmake/
Solution 2:
Modify the ~/.profile file to add the following lines instead of that suggested in the guide:
export IDF_PATH=~/<your-amazon-freertos-directory>/vendors/espressif/esp-idf/
export PATH="$PATH:$IDF_PATH/tools"
This should circumvent any CMake include errors during generation of build files and during build.
Since Amazon FreeRTOS supports many different platforms in addition to ESP32, you might need to supply additional commands to tell CMake that ESP32 is the target you want to build.
Try using
cmake -DVENDOR=espressif -DBOARD=esp32_wrover_kit -DCOMPILER=xtensa-esp32 -S . -B your-build-directory
from your top level folder to generate your makefiles into the build folder, and then switching to your build folder and calling
make all
(From the "Build, Flash, and Run the Amazon FreeRTOS Demo Project" section of

How to run c++ Files using g++ and Cmake?

I am using Header Only Libraries. The libraries are included through Cmake. I am using the g++ Compiler.
Now what I am looking for is to compile the c++ source files via windows cmd. In this moment i am using clion to compile.
Does anyone know how to compile the source files?
If i am compiling the files without cmake , I am getting errors because the program cannot find the libraries.
You do not run a source file, you run an executable produced by a compiler from source file(s)
If you are under a Linux for instance enter the path(s) where the libraries are through the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[edit after your remark]
I mean compile
To indicate to g++ where the library are to link use the option -L followed by the path of a directory where the libraries are. If your libraries are on different directories use several time the option, one per directory

Can't find CMake created executable file

I am new to Cmake, I was trying to build an executble program from a Fortran code using Cmake-GUI. As per the program instruction I created the Cmakelists.txt. I then launched the Cmake-GUI and nominated the source directory and binaries directory and then used the configure and generate options to create my executable file. Everything seemed to have ran ok. Howover, when I checked my bin folder the .exe file that i was hoping to find is nowhere to be seen, instead I have cmake_Install.cmake and Makefile in the binaries folder. I opened these file with a text editor and they seem to be script file. Can somebody please tell me what I should do with these files to create the executale file. or if this is a sign of the cmake build process failing.
I don't know CMake for fortran, but cmake in general will create the makefiles / visual studio projects etc. We cmake into a bin directory, then go in there and run make. It doesn't build the source, it builds the make files.
Did you build the source?
CMake just create the makefiles and projects structures to compile using a make tool. I don't know how to compile it for Fortran, but in Linux for a C++ project, I just have to open a terminal, go to the build folder (your bin folder) and run make or make all and it compile the whole project.
I think that your problem is that your project is not compiled, so there is not any binary files.

How to best handle data files with CMake?

I've got a CMake project that contains code and a few data files (images to be precise).
My directory structure is like this:
src contains the source code, data the data files. CMake suggests out of source builds, so when I invoke make, I have the executable program, but not the data files, thus I cannot execute the program.
Of course, make install would copy my data files to the required location and make it work, therefore I develop like this right now:
<edit source code>
make install
That's okay if I'm working with the command line and an editor, but I recently decided to move to Eclipse CDT. Generating an Eclipse project from CMake works great, but manually executing the install target from Eclipse is not so nice.
How do you people tackle this problem? Does your program have some clever algorithms to try and find its data directory even if it's not where the binary is? Or do you not use out of source builds?
configure_file should solve that problem.
I have a CMakeLists.txt file in my data directory which contains the following:
configure_file(data_file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/data_file COPYONLY)
This copies the specified file into the build directory when cmake is invoked, so it is available in the same location even in out of source builds.
configure_file does not support directories however while the file command does:
And if copying the files takes too much time (they are images...) you could make it even better by creating a "custom" data_header.h with configure_file which contains the paths to the data still in your source-directory.
This is what I do: I have a file "global_build_config.h.in" in my source, containing the following:
const char* const global_testdatapath = "#Test_Data_Path#";
and then use configure_file in CMake:
# Assume CMake knows a variable Test_Data_Path, it will be filled in automatically
# in the generated config/Global_Build_Config.h
configure_file( Global_Build_Config.h.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config/Global_Build_Config.h )
# The config directory should be added as a include-searchpath
include_directories( ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/config/ )
I can then #include "Global_Build_Config.h" in my cpp files and refer to the fixed path.
Your question is a bit old, but in case you're still interested (or someone else), I have a similar scenario where I copy testdata for a unit-test target:
add_custom_command( TARGET ${UTEST_EXE_NAME}
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Copying unit test data.."
So the main idea is to use a post-build target, and it is executed after each build. For me, it's not much data, and the filesystem caches it, so I don't feel the copy process at all. You could probably enhance this by copying with copy_if_different. In that case, however, you have to create a list of your image files and write a loop, because the command is file based. With the GLOB command, this shouldn't be hard to do if you need to.