Processing pandas data in declarative style - pandas

I have a pandas dataframe of vehicle co-ordinates (from multiple vehicles on multiple days). For each vehicle and for each day, I do two things: either apply an algorithm to it, or filter it out of the dataset completely if it doesn't satisfy certain criteria.
To acheive this I use df.groupby('vehicle_id', 'day') and then .apply(algorithm) or .filter(condition) where algorithm and condition are functions which take in a dataframe.
I would like the full processing of my dataset (which involves multiple .apply and .filter steps) to be written out in a declaritive style, as opposed to imperatively looping through the groups, with the goal of the whole thing to look something like:
df.group_by('vehicle_id', 'day').apply(algorithm1).filter(condition1).apply(algorithm2).filter(condition2)
Of course, the above code is incorrect since .apply() and .filter() return new dataframes, and this is exactly my problem. They return all the data back in a single dataframe, and I find that I have apply .groupby('vehicle_id', 'day') continuously.
Is there a nice way that I can write this out without having to group by the same columns over and over?

Since apply uses a for loop anyway (meaning there are no sophisticated optimizations in the background), I suggest using an actual for loop:
arr = []
for key, dfg in df.groupby(['vehicle_id', 'day']):
dfg = dfg.do_stuff1() # Perform all needed operations
dfg = do_stuff2(dfg) #
result = pd.concat(arr)
An alternative is to create a function which runs all of the applies and filters sequentially on a given dataframe, and then map a single groupby/apply to it:
def all_operations(dfg):
# Do stuff
return result_df
result = df.group_by(['vehicle_id', 'day']).apply(all_operations)
In both options you will have to deal with cases in which an empty dataframe is returned from the filters, if such cases exist.


Pandas Using Series.str.slice Most Efficiently with row varying parameters

My derived column is a substring of another column but the new string must be extracted at varying positions. In the code below I have done this using a lambda. However, this is slow. Is it possible to achieve the correct result using str.slice or is there another fast method?
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame ( {'st_col1':['aa-b', 'aaa-b']} )
df['index_dash'] = df['st_col1'].str.find ('-')
# gives wrong answer at index 1
df['res_wrong'] = df['st_col1'].str.slice (3)
# what I want to do :
df['res_cant_do'] = df['st_col1'].str.slice ( df['index_dash'] )
# slow solution
# naively invoking the built in python string slicing ... aStr[ start: ]
# ... accessing two columns from every row in turn
df['slow_sol'] = df.apply (lambda x: x['st_col1'] [ 1+ x['index_dash']:], axis=1 )
So can this be sped up ideally using str.slice or via another method?
From what I understand you want to get the last value after the "-" in st_col1 and pass that to a single column for that just use split
df['slow_sol'] = df['st_col1'].str.split('-').str[-1]
No need to identify the index, and them slicing it again on the given index dash. This will surely be more efficient then what you are doing, and cut a lot of steps

Koalas GroupBy > Apply > Lambda > Series

I am trying to port some code from Pandas to Koalas to take advantage of Spark's distributed processing. I am taking a dataframe and grouping it on A and B and then applying a series of functions to populate the columns of the new dataframe. Here is the code that I was using in Pandas:
new = old.groupby(['A', 'B']) \
.apply(lambda x: pd.Series({
'v1': x['v1'].sum(),
'v2': x['v2'].sum(),
'v3': (x['v1'].sum() / x['v2'].sum()),
'v4': x['v4'].min()
I believe that it is working well and the resulting dataframe appears to be correct value-wise.
I just have a few questions:
Does this error mean that my method will be deprecated in the future?
/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/sql/pandas/ UserWarning: It is preferred to use 'applyInPandas' over this API. This API will be deprecated in the future releases. See SPARK-28264 for more details.
How can I rename the group-by columns to 'A' and 'B' instead of "__groupkey_0__ __groupkey_1__"?
As you noticed, I had to call pd.Series -- is there a way to do this in Koalas? Calling ks.Series gives me the following error that I am unsure how to implement:
PandasNotImplementedError: The method `pd.Series.__iter__()` is not implemented. If you want to collect your data as an NumPy array, use 'to_numpy()' instead.
Thanks for any help that you can provide!
I'm not sure about the error. I am using koalas==1.2.0 and pandas==1.0.5 and I don't get the error so I wouldn't worry about it
The groupby columns are already called A and B when I run the code. This again may have been a bug which has since been patched.
For this you have 3 options:
Keep utilising pd.Series. As long as your original Dataframe is a koalas Dataframe, your output will also be a koalas Dataframe (with the pd.Series automatically converted to ks.Series)
Keep the function and the data exactly the same and just convert the final dataframe to koalas using the from_pandas function
Do the whole thing in koalas. This is slightly more tricky because you are computing an aggregate column based on two GroupBy columns and koalas doesn't support lambda functions as a valid aggregation. One way we can get around this is by computing the other aggregations together and adding the multi-column aggregation afterwards:
import databricks.koalas as ks
ks.set_option('compute.ops_on_diff_frames', True)
# Dummy data
old = ks.DataFrame({"A":[1,2,3,1,2,3], "B":[1,2,3,3,2,3], "v1":[10,20,30,40,50,60], "v2":[4,5,6,7,8,9], "v4":[0,0,1,1,2,2]})
new = old.groupby(['A', 'B']).agg({'v1':'sum', 'v2':'sum', 'v4': 'min'})
new['v3'] = old.groupby(['A', 'B']).apply(lambda x: x['v1'].sum() / x['v2'].sum())

Pyspark: Filter DF based on columns, then run every subset DF through a function

I am new to Pyspark and am a bit confused on how to think of the problem.
I have a large dataframe and I would like to filter down every subset of that dataframe based on two columns and run it through the same algorithm.
Here is an example of how I run it (extremely inefficiently) now:
for letter in ['a', 'b', 'c']:
for number in [1, 2, 3]
filtered_DF_1, filtered_DF_2 = filter_func(DF_1, DF_2, letter, number)
process_function(filtered_DF_1, filtered_DF_2)
Basic filter function:
def filter_func(DF_1, DF_2, letter, number):
DF_1 = DF_1.filter(
(F.col("Letter") == letter) &
(F.col('Number') == number)
DF_2 = DF_2.filter(
(F.col("Letter") == letter) &
(F.col('Number') == number)
return DF_1, DF_2
Since this is Pyspark, I would like to parallelize it, since each iteration of the function can run independently.
Do I need to do some sort of mapping to get all my data subsets?
And then do I need to do anything to the process_function to make it available to all nodes as well to run and return an answer?
What is the best way to do this?
The process_function takes the filtered dataset and runs it through about 7 different functions that are already written in 300 lines of pyspark --> the end goal is to return a list of timestamps that are overbooked based on a bunch of complicated logic.
I think my plan is to build a dictionary of letter --> [number], then explode that list to get every permutation and create a dataset from that. Then map through that, and hopefully am able to create a udf for my process_function.
I don't think you need to worry a lot about parallelizing or the execution plan because the spark catalyst does it in the background for you. Also better to avoid UDF, you can do it mostly with inbulit function.
Are you doing a transformation function or an aggregate function inside you process_func?
Please provide any test data and suitable example of expected output. That would help in better answering..

Selecting Columns Based on Multiple Criteria in a Julia DataFrame

I need to select values from a single column in a Julia dataframe based on multiple criteria sourced from an array. Context: I'm attempting to format the data from a large Julia DataFrame to support a PCA (primary component analysis), so I first split the original data into an anlytical matrix and a label array. This is my code, so far (doesn't work):
### Initialize source dataframe for PCA
### Extract 1/2 of rows into analytical matrix
### Extract last column as labels
### Select filtered rows
datGet=matSource[:,arLabels>=0.2 & arLabels<0.7][1,:]
output> MethodError: no method matching...
At the last line before the print(datGet) statement, I get a MethodError indicating a method mismatch related to use of the & logic. What have I done wrong?
A small example of alternative implementation (maybe you will find it useful to see what DataFrames.jl has in-built):
# avoid materialization if dfSource is large
dfSourceHalf = #view dfSource[1:2:end, :]
lazyFilter = Iterators.filter(row -> 0.2 <= row[3] < 0.7, eachrow(dfSourceHalf))
matFiltered = mapreduce(row -> collect(row[1:2]), hcat, lazyFilter)
matFiltered[1, :]
(this is not optimized for speed, but rather as a showcase what is possible, but still it is already several times faster than your code)
This code works:
datGet=matSource[:,(arLabels.>=0.2) .& (arLabels.<0.7)][1,:]
output> [0,10,0]
Note the use of parenthetical enclosures (arLabels.>=0.2) and (arLabels<0.7), as well as the use of the .>= and .< syntax (which forces Julia to iterate through a container/collection). Finally, and most crucially (since it's the part most people miss), note the use of .& in place of just &. The dot operator makes all the difference!

Spark dataframe: collect () vs select ()

Calling collect() on an RDD will return the entire dataset to the driver which can cause out of memory and we should avoid that.
Will collect() behave the same way if called on a dataframe?
What about the select() method?
Does it also work the same way as collect() if called on a dataframe?
Actions vs Transformations
Collect (Action) - Return all the elements of the dataset as an array at the driver program. This is usually useful after a filter or
other operation that returns a sufficiently small subset of the data.
spark-sql doc
select(*cols) (transformation) - Projects a set of expressions and returns a new DataFrame.
Parameters: cols – list of column names (string) or expressions
(Column). If one of the column names is ‘*’, that column is expanded
to include all columns in the current DataFrame.**'*').collect()
[Row(age=2, name=u'Alice'), Row(age=5, name=u'Bob')]'name', 'age').collect()
[Row(name=u'Alice', age=2), Row(name=u'Bob', age=5)], (df.age + 10).alias('age')).collect()
[Row(name=u'Alice', age=12), Row(name=u'Bob', age=15)]
Execution select(column-name1,column-name2,etc) method on a dataframe, returns a new dataframe which holds only the columns which were selected in the select() function.
e.g. assuming df has several columns including "name" and "value" and some others.
df2 ="name","value")
df2 will hold only two columns ("name" and "value") out of the entire columns of df
df2 as the result of select will be in the executors and not in the driver (as in the case of using collect())
# root
# |-- age: long (nullable = true)
# |-- name: string (nullable = true)
# Select only the "name" column"name").show()
# +-------+
# | name|
# +-------+
# |Michael|
# | Andy|
# | Justin|
# +-------+
You can running collect() on a dataframe (spark docs)
>>> l = [('Alice', 1)]
>>> spark.createDataFrame(l).collect()
[Row(_1=u'Alice', _2=1)]
>>> spark.createDataFrame(l, ['name', 'age']).collect()
[Row(name=u'Alice', age=1)]
spark docs
To print all elements on the driver, one can use the collect() method
to first bring the RDD to the driver node thus:
rdd.collect().foreach(println). This can cause the driver to run out
of memory, though, because collect() fetches the entire RDD to a
single machine; if you only need to print a few elements of the RDD, a
safer approach is to use the take(): rdd.take(100).foreach(println).
calling select will result is lazy evaluation: for example:
val df1 ="col1")
val df2 = df1.filter("col1 == 3")
both above statements create lazy path that will be executed when you call action on that df, such as show, collect etc.
val df3 = df2.collect()
use .explain at the end of your transformation to follow its plan
here is more detailed info Transformations and Actions
Select is used for projecting some or all fields of a dataframe. It won't give you an value as an output but a new dataframe. Its a transformation.
To answer the questions directly:
Will collect() behave the same way if called on a dataframe?
Yes, spark.DataFrame.collect is functionally the same as spark.RDD.collect. They serve the same purpose on these different objects.
What about the select() method?
There is no such thing as, so it cannot be the same as
Does it also work the same way as collect() if called on a dataframe?
The only thing that is similar between select and collect is that they are both functions on a DataFrame. They have absolutely zero overlap in functionality.
Here's my own description: collect is the opposite of sc.parallelize. select is the same as the SELECT in any SQL statement.
If you are still having trouble understanding what collect actually does (for either RDD or DataFrame), then you need to look up some articles about what spark is doing behind the scenes. e.g.:
Select is a transformation, not an action, so it is lazily evaluated (won't actually do the calculations just map the operations). Collect is an action.
Short answer in bolds:
collect is mainly to serialize (loss of parallelism preserving all other data characteristics of the dataframe)For example with a PrintWriter pw you can't do direct df.foreach( r => pw.write(r) ), must to use collect before foreach, df.collect.foreach(etc). PS: the "loss of parallelism" is not a "total loss" because after serialization it can be distributed again to executors.
select is mainly to select columns, similar to projection in relational algebra (only similar in framework's context because Spark select not deduplicate data).So, it is also a complement of filter in the framework's context.
Commenting explanations of other answers: I like the Jeff's classification of Spark operations in transformations (as select) and actions (as collect). It is also good remember that transforms (including select) are lazily evaluated.