NServiceBus MSMQ, How to Stop message transfer to Error Queue - nservicebus

I am using NServiceBus for a proof of concept. I am using it with MSMQ. I Have a Web Application which send a message. This message will be handled by a subscriber or message handler. When i shutdown the message handler, message will be send to Error Queue after few retries.
I don't want to send it to error queue, i want to keep message in Input queue as long as Handler is again online and process this message automatically from input queue. If message can not be processed from handler due to any error, it must transfer message to error queue.
Here is my configuration in MVC application Global.asax
private void ConfigureServiceBus()
var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration("Samples.Mvc.Endpoint");
var recoverability = endpointConfiguration.Recoverability();
delayed =>
endpoint = Endpoint.Start(endpointConfiguration).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
//var endpointInstance = Endpoint.Start(endpointConfiguration).ConfigureAwait(false);
var mvcContainerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
// Register MVC controllers.
var mvcContainer = mvcContainerBuilder.Build();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new AutofacDependencyResolver(mvcContainer));
This is the part in Controller where i send message to endpoint.
public async Task<ActionResult> Contact(ContactModel c)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var message = new ContactMessage()
Comment = c.Comment,
Email = c.Email,
FirstName = c.FirstName,
LastName = c.LastName,
TransectionId = Guid.NewGuid()
await endpoint.Send("Samples.Mvc.Endpoint", message).ConfigureAwait(false);
return View("Success");
catch (Exception ex)
return View("Error");
return View();
My goal is to keep unhandled messages in input queue as long as message handler is not back on work. currently if message handler is down, it send messages after retries to Error Queue.
I am using NServiceBus 6.x
thanks in advance


NServiceBus with RabbitMQ Simple event

I want to be able to used NServiceBus to add a message on a queue in RabbitMQ. I dont want to handle it yet so just want to see an item on the queue, my code is as follows, but I get this error when I run it?
I have been trying to look at the documentation but is seems overly confusing. I am familar with RabbitMq and using it as is or with the Rabbit client library, but NService bus seems to complicate and confuse the situation!
using Shared;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace NServiceBus.RabbitMqTest
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration("UserChanged");
var transport = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<RabbitMQTransport>();
//transport.Routing().RouteToEndpoint(typeof(MyCommand), "Samples.RabbitMQ.SimpleReceiver");
var endpointInstance = await Endpoint.Start(endpointConfiguration).ConfigureAwait(false);
await SendMessages(endpointInstance);
//await endpointInstance.Publish(new UserChanged { UserId = 76 });
await endpointInstance.Stop().ConfigureAwait(false);
static async Task SendMessages(IMessageSession messageSession)
Console.WriteLine("Press [e] to publish an event. Press [Esc] to exit.");
while (true)
var input = Console.ReadKey();
switch (input.Key)
//case ConsoleKey.C:
// await messageSession.Send(new MyCommand());
// break;
case ConsoleKey.E:
await messageSession.Publish(new UserChanged { UserId = 87 });
case ConsoleKey.Escape:
Your endpoint is publishing the message as well as receiving it. Since there's no handler defined to handle the UserChanged messages (events), NServiceBus recoverability kicks in. Your options are
Declare the endpoint as send-only to avoid handling the messages when there are no handlers defined
Define a handler for UserChanged

Failed to send message using MQ

On my server side I deployed RabbitMq message middleware using docker and it works perfectly. But I combine it with asp.net core, it can't send the message successfully.
I goole some answers:
RabbitMQ adopts the message response mechanism, that is, after the
consumer receives a message, it needs to send a response, and then
RabbitMQ will delete the message from the queue. If the consumer has
an exception during the consumption process, the connection is
disconnected and no response is sent. Then RabbitMQ will redeliver the
So I modified my code
//message received event
consumer.Received += (ch, ea) =>
var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ea.Body);
Console.WriteLine($"Received the news: {message}");
Console.WriteLine($"received the message[{ea.DeliveryTag}] delay 10s to send receipt");
//Confirm that the message has been consumed
channel.BasicAck(ea.DeliveryTag, false);
Console.WriteLine($"Receipt sent[{ea.DeliveryTag}]");
Still failed to send and no response, please help me, thank you!
I have a demo of sending a message, you may refer to it, it may be helpful.
public void Index()
var factory = new ConnectionFactory();
factory.VirtualHost = "/";
factory.HostName = "localhost";
factory.Port = 5672;
factory.UserName = "guest";//Default username guest
factory.Password = "guest";//Default password guest
using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())
using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
channel.QueueDeclare(queue: "test",
durable: false,
exclusive: false,
autoDelete: false,
arguments: null);
string message = "Hello World!";
var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);
channel.BasicPublish(exchange: "",
routingKey: "test",
basicProperties: null,
body: body);
Console.WriteLine(" [x] Sent {0}", message);
Console.WriteLine(" Press [enter] to exit.");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.Write(string.Format("RabbitMQ connection error :{0}\n", ex.ToString()));
For the sake of convenience, I did not configure the connection information of rabbitmq here. I wrote it directly into the method, you can do it yourself.

How to check if a storage queue contains a specific message

I'm writing an integration test for an azure function triggered by a storage queue, and I'd like to be able to check if the function has successfully processed the message or moved the message to the poison queue.
Is there any way to search a queue for a specific message, without dequeuing the message?
My approach was to retrieve the messageId and popReceipt of the sent message, and then try to update the message, throwing an exception if not found.
public async Task<bool> IsMessageInQueue(string messageId, string popReceipt, string queueName)
var client = new QueueClient(_storageConnectionString, queueName);
_ = client.UpdateMessageAsync(messageId, popReceipt);
return true; //exists in queue
catch (Exception)
return false; //doesn't exist in queue
And then
var sendMessageResponse = await client.SendMessageAsync(queueMessage);
var messageId = sendMessageResponse.Value.MessageId;
var popReceipt = sendMessageResponse.Value.PopReceipt;
var isProcessing = IsMessageInQueue(messageId, popReceipt, "processing");
var isPoisoned = IsMessageInQueue(messageId, popReceipt, "processing-poison");
isProcessing does return true if the message hasn't yet been picked up by the function and is still in "processing", but the problem is that the messageId changes when the message is moved to the poison queue, so isPoisoned will always return false
Thanks to #gaurav-mantri's suggestion, i updated my method to use PeekMessagesAsync and added my answer below:
Is there any way to search a queue for a specific message, without
dequeuing the message?
It is only possible if the number of messages in your queue is less than 32. 32 is the maximum number of messages you can peek (or dequeue) at a time.
If the number of messages are less than 32, you can use QueueClient.PeekMessagesAsync and compare the message id of your messages with the messages returned. If you find a matching message id, that would mean the message exists in the queue.
Thanks to #gaurav-mantri's suggestion, i updated my method to use PeekMessagesAsync
public async Task<bool> IsMessageInQueue(BinaryData body, string queueName)
var client = new QueueClient(_storageConnectionString, queueName);
var messages = await client.PeekMessagesAsync();
return messages.Value.Any(x => x.Body.ToString().Equals(body.ToString()));
And this is the usage...
var queueMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject("hi");
var sendMessageResponse = await client.SendMessageAsync(queueMessage);
var isProcessing = IsMessageInQueue(new BinaryData(queueMessage), "processing");
var isPoisoned = IsMessageInQueue(new BinaryData(queueMessage), "processing-poison");

How to consume an object from azure service bus topic subscription

I got this error upon receving an object from a subscription in azure service bus.
An exception of type 'System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException' occurred in System.Runtime.Serialization.dll but was not handled in user code
I've tried some deserialization code but nothing works.
This is how I send a message. Please tell me how to receive it.
public void SendMessage()
BrokeredMessage message = new BrokeredMessage(new TestMessage() {
MsgNumber = 1, MsgContent = "testing message" }, new DataContractSerializer(typeof(TestMessage)));
// Send message to the topic
TopicClient topicClient = TopicClient.CreateFromConnectionString(cn, topicNamespace);
public string ReceiveMessage(){
To receive a single message, you need to get the SubscriptionClient :
public void ReceiveMessage(string connectionString, string topicPath, string subscriptionName)
var subscriptionClient = SubscriptionClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, topicPath, subscriptionName);
var brokeredMessage = subscriptionClient.Receive();
var message = brokeredMessage.GetBody<TestMessage>();

First subscriber not called with Redis MQ

I am using the solution from the ServiceStack Re-usability use case project.
To this solution I have added a new console app which contains the code below.
With the original Re-usability use-case project, when an EmailMessage is published it was handled by a subscriber which sent an email (i.e. SMessageService.Any(EmailMessage request).
When I run the console app, which means I have two applications that are subscribing to the EmailMessage, only the new console app receives the message.
I have the following:
My console app is:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var subscriberHost = new SubscriberHost();
Console.WriteLine("Waiting of publishing
to happen on EmailMessage as we are subscribing to it...");
public class SubscriberHost : AppHostHttpListenerBase
private RedisMqServer mqHost;
public SubscriberHost()
:base("Subscriber console",typeof(EmailMessageEventHandler).Assembly)
public override void Configure(Container container)
var redisFactory = new PooledRedisClientManager("localhost:6379");
mqHost = new RedisMqServer(redisFactory, retryCount:2);
mqHost.RegisterHandler<EmailMessage>((message) =>
var emailMessage = message.GetBody();
return new SMessageReceipt {
Type = "not used",
To = "test",
From = "Reusability",
RefId = "1,"
// mqHost.RegisterHandler<EmailMessage>(ServiceController.ExecuteMessage);
I was expecting both subscribers to receive the EmailMessage but only the new console app is receiving it. Why isn't the other subscriber receiving the message?
The client code that does the publishing has not been modified.
What I have shown above is using Redis MQ, and for the multiple subscribers problem I was testing I need the Redis Pub/Sub.
For MQ, a subscriber takes the message off the queue to process. Once processed, that is it.
For Pub/Sub, there could be many subscribers and each will receive a copy of the message.
I hope this helps others.