parameters FDquery delphi does not work - sql

i have the following delphi code:
FDQuery1.SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM :Tablename');
FDQuery1.ParamByName('Tablename').AsString := 'tasks';
(coppied from this link:
it does not work because the parameter is not filled but stays the same.
does somebody know why it is not filled?

Because you cannot use parameters for table name substitution in SQL commands in general. You are lucky enough here though, FireDAC supports preprocessor macros to parametrize table names in SQL commands. So you can write for example this (note that if you want to see the command as you did in your code, it must be after macro preprocessing, that is e.g. after calling Prepare):
FDQuery1.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM &TableName';
FDQuery1.MacroByName('TableName').AsIdentifier := 'tasks';
For details about this kind of macros, see the substitution variables topic.


PLSQL construction a new function

I need a help
I'm make a function in plsql but I'm beginner
Challenge: Web a label has (imput) in less than 72hours it will not be able to leave stock
Could you help me or tell me if I'm on the right path?
v_database DATE;
v_database := TRUNC (SYSDATE);
IF (p_CODPRO == '08932010','08932030','08942020','08942010','08942310','08932210')
IF SYSDATE+3/72 >=
Welcome to stack overflow. I suggest you start by writing a function shell and then adding functionality to it.
RETURN 'ok';
Then the next step. Add code and compile. Fix any errors and continue. If you're a complete novice then don't write large chunks of code because it could be hard to figure out what is wrong.
How are you creating these functions - are you using a proper tool like sqldeveloper ? If not... well you should. Those tools make developing pl/sql a lot easier.
Read documentation, look for examples. pl/sql has its own syntax, don't assume that you can just borrow the syntax javascript or java uses... that will cause numerous errors. In your code, for example:
-- 2 errors in following line.
-- 1. The "==" is not valid oracle syntax
-- 2. What is this ? '08932010','08932030'... is that a list of arguments - how would the operator "==" handle this ? What are you expecting ?
IF (p_CODPRO == '08932010','08932030','08942020','08942010','08942310','08932210') THEN
-- the code below will not compile. You cannot "just select" in pl/sql, you need to SELECT INTO a variable.
Some places you can start:
the source of it all:
Google "pl/sql basics" and read up on it.
write small blocks in pl/sql to try things out. Use the sample schema emp/dept to have sample data everyone knows. You can get a database schema on (well that is an apex workspace but in the sql workshop you can do all the pl/sql you want) or use
Other than that, you wrote your first code and asked questions about it - so you're definitely on the right track :)

ORA-01006 with bindings within quotes

I got some trouble with my bindings using dbms_sql. The user creates the statement and give it to may function as well as the bindings and their values. That means I know about nothing of the statement. An input could be
select salary from employee where name like '%:name%'
This raises an ORA-01006. This post leads me to the reason: the binding is within single quotes so they are treated as a literal, not a binding.
I wrote some code to adjust the statement. But it works only for the given example ('%<binding>%'). Is there any way (maybe using regex) to solve it for all bindings within quotes?
So if input is like '<any pre content><binding><any post content>' it should be modified to '<any precontent>''||<binding>||''<any post content>' (hope that clears my wishes).
I'm not good in using regex so my solution for the example is very unflexible:
l_sql := replace(l_sql, '%:'||p_name||'%', '%''||:'||p_name||'||''%');
BTW: I'm using Oracle 11g.

How can I ask user to enter the input in PostgresSQL/plpgsql?

Hi I want to take input from user in my
DO BEGIN and END block...
I tried to use /prompt inside but it doesnt work.
Do we have any other way that we can use it inside function or block in postgres?
Important note: PLpgSQL is server side only language - there is not any possibility do any user interactivity operation. You have to collect input on client side before start of PLpgSQL code, and user input push there as parameters.
DO statement is server side statement, so you cannot do any interactive action there.
DO statement doesn't support parameters so it is not easy push any parameters inside DO statement, but is possible with custom configuration variables:
\prompt 'enter some text: ' psqlvar
\o /dev/null
select set_config('psql.psqlvar', :'psqlvar', false);
do $$
DECLARE var text = current_setting('psql.psqlvar');
RAISE NOTICE 'entered text is: %', var;
The function set_config is used to moving a content of client variable :psqlvar to server side - session variable psql.psqlvar. The content of this server side variable is taken by function current_setting.
You have to separate in your mind server side and client side content. The DO statement is evaluated on server side. The psql \prompt command is evaluated on client side.
As bad ideas go, asking for user input in a stored procedure is up there with using usernames as session identifiers. This is a really, really bad idea. Yes there are ways in some environmnets to do this. But just because you can does not mean you should. For example I have heard of people using pl/python to make a network connection back to the client computer and ask for more information. However, this is frankly DailyWTF territory. It also assumes a protocol and listener on the client to ask for this request and therefore doesn't work from pgadmin.
Now, DO creates an anonymous function without arguments and immediately executes it. This seems to be where your real problem is.
Your best solution is to just create an actual function with arguments and accept the input there. Then it can be used anywhere. And you can re-use, modify security, etc. This sounds like it is exactly what you need.
Failing that you could preprocess your do block before you send it.
Your best design where you want to reuse PL/PGSQL code with inputs is to use a function (see CREATE FUNCTION) instead of DO (note you can put these in another schema if that is a concern).

Output user input in PL/SQL using SQL developer

Hi everyone I'm new to PL/SQL ,however I'm wrting a small code that a prompt a user to input a 2 numbers and display the numbers using DBMS_output.Put_line .
but I get a compilation error ,below is my code ,I'm using "Oracle SQL developer"
n_no_1 number(8,2);
n_no_2 number(8,2);
DBMS_output.put_line('Enter Value for no 1');
DBMS_output.put_line('Enter value for no 2');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The value of No 1 is' || n_no_1 );
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The value of No 2 is' || n_no_2 );
These 2 lines are your problem, however, not for the reasons mentioned in other answer:
In SQL, you can use the ampersand (&) to trigger something called "Macro substitution".
When the compiler comes across something like this (ie &n_no1), it prompts the user to input a value for it to substitute in it's place.
So if you enter "Hello". Your code becomes:
DBMS_output.put_line('Enter Value for no 1');
And as you can see, that would fail, if you had just typed that out.
What you want to do is to assign that value to a variable, like this:
n_no_1 := '&n_no_1';
That gets "replaced" by this:
n_no_1 := 'Hello';
which compiles - and runs - just fine.
That all said, this is NOT the best way to do this, although this appears to be a learning excercise ?
Look up the PROMPT and ACCEPT keywords .. you can use those in SQL (outside your BEGIN / DECLARE / END block) to capture the values first in a neater fashion :)
Found an additional link here worth a good read. Explains a lot more than what you're looking at, but it discusses substitution variables, and other similiar things (and some other unrelated things :) )
The &variable syntax is not PL/SQL: it is part of SQL Developer. I see what you are trying to do and syntax errors, but there's no point in correcting them because it's not going to work in the end.
The reason is: you cannot accept user input via PL/SQL at runtime.

How to quote values for LuaSQL?

LuaSQL, which seems to be the canonical library for most SQL database systems in Lua, doesn't seem to have any facilities for quoting/escaping values in queries. I'm writing an application that uses SQLite as a backend, and I'd love to use an interface like the one specified by Python's DB-API:
c.execute('select * from stocks where symbol=?', t)
but I'd even settle for something even dumber, like:
conn:execute("select * from stocks where symbol=" + luasql.sqlite.quote(t))
Are there any other Lua libraries that support quoting for SQLite? (LuaSQLite3 doesn't seem to.) Or am I missing something about LuaSQL? I'm worried about rolling my own solution (with regexes or something) and getting it wrong. Should I just write a wrapper for sqlite3_snprintf?
I haven't looked at LuaSQL in a while but last time I checked it didn't support it. I use Lua-Sqlite3.
db = sqlite3.open_memory()
db:exec[[ CREATE TABLE tbl( first_name TEXT, last_name TEXT ); ]]
stmt = db:prepare[[ INSERT INTO tbl(first_name, last_name) VALUES(:first_name, :last_name) ]]
stmt:bind({first_name="hawkeye", last_name="pierce"}):exec()
stmt:bind({first_name="henry", last_name="blake"}):exec()
for r in db:rows("SELECT * FROM tbl") do
LuaSQLite3 as well an any other low level binding to SQLite offers prepared statements with variable parameters; these use methods to bind values to the statement parameters. Since SQLite does not interpret the binding values, there is simply no possibility of an SQL injection. This is by far the safest (and best performing) approach.
uroc shows an example of using the bind methods with prepared statements.
By the way in Lua SQL there is an undocumented escape function for the sqlite3 driver in conn:escape where conn is a connection variable.
For example with the code
print ("con:escape works. test'test = "..con:escape("test'test"))
the result is:
con:escape works. test'test = test''test
I actually tried that to see what it'd do. Apparently there is also such a function for their postgres driver too. I found this by looking at the tests they had.
Hope this helps.