Testing website in nightwatch without browser - testing

is any chance to test website by url and do not open browser so any info output will be in the command line?
Thanks in advance !

You could use PhantomJS if you just don't want to run a browser but it sounds like may just want to see the output, have you tried running with the --verbose flag?


How to run testcafe tests from my MAC in Saucelabs?

I tried to run with the below command in the command line.
export NODE_ENV=default | npx testcafe "saucelabs:Chrome#81.0:macOS 10.14" './testCafeTests/userStoryTests/createRoute.js'
With my credentials, it is able to connect to sauce, but the browser is not navigating to the URL mentioned in my test.
Can someone please help?
I found out the solution of how to run these test . We need to mention the hostname and ports in the command line arguments to run these test in saucelabs.
export NODE_ENV=default | npx testcafe "saucelabs:Chrome#81.0:macOS 10.14" './testCafeTests/userStoryTests/createRoute.js --hostname=localhost --port=8000,8001

How to Use Command Line Parameters by using JMeter?

I'm using Jmeter for testing APIs and I want to parametrize the project's path from the terminal and then I want to use this parameter in JMeter. I set testurl = test.com in basic terminal and i want to get this url by using testurl. The parameter that I've sent via Command Line : ./jmeter -n -t your_script.jmx -l -Jurl=$testurl in homebrew terminal. The parameter that I've used in httpsRequest --> Server name or IP; ${__P(url)}. But when I run my automation in the homebrew terminal, my test scripts are not going to URL that's been defined. Please help me!! Thanks.
From first impression it seems what you are trying should work, but devil is in the detail. I would suggest you try:
Verify if the environment variable is set correctly use export testurl=test.com (removed spaces). Try verify using echo $testurl
Try debug sampler which should help you verify if JMeter is picking up the var correctly: https://www.blazemeter.com/blog/how-debug-your-apache-jmeter-script/
Hope this helps.

pyspider phantom is not enabled ;501 Sever Error

I used pyspider to crawl a website, when using PhantomJs, an error occurred as follows:
I've searched for the solutions in https://github.com/binux/pyspider/issues/215,
the author's seemed to solute it, so I tried, but it didn't still. How to solve it?
You need to check if phantomjs is in $PATH
try the following:
phantomjs -v
or try the following and check the output
pyspider phantomjs
it should output
phantomjs fetcher running on port 25555
Otherwise you will need to install phantomjs on your system.

How to run tests in FitNesse/Slim headless?

we are considering to use FitNesse/Slim.
But is there a way to start all written Tests without browsing the webpage and starting each manually ?
It would be sufficient if there is a one-start-all kind of button somewhere to click.
So either starting all tests from command line (with a report of course) or with on button from the webpage.
Is this doable ?
Thanks in advance
There is a very easy way to do that. You can run FitNesse tests from the command line. You do this by using the following command line:
java -jar lib/fitnesse.jar -c "FrontPage?suite&format=text"
This will run all tests under the FrontPage and show the results as they happen in a command line friendly format. If you change FrontPage to FrontPage.MainSuite, it will run only the tests under that page.
If you have tests that are in different states. Maybe some of them are started but are not done yet. You can add a Suite Tag to the tests that must run, then you can filter the tests that are run. that would look like the following:
java -jar lib/fitnesse.jar -c "FrontPage?suite&suiteFilter=MustBeGreen&format=text"
This is also possible to do using an ANT java task.
Assuming you have a current version of fitnesse and have it running on port 8080, the following link will take you to a page with more details: http://localhost:8080/FitNesse.UserGuide.ControllingFitnesseFromTheCommandLine
Dan has it correct; but the User Guide is also posted online at:

Why is selenium hanging on INFO - Checking Resource aliases, and how do I even debug this?

I'm trying to follow the tutorial here to setup a headless selenium test-run with jenkins. I'm running CentOS 5.6, and I've followed the instructions. Now, when I run this:
export DISPLAY=":99" && java -jar /var/lib/selenium/selenium-server.jar -browserSessionReuse -htmlSuite *firefox http://www.google.com ./test/selenium/html/TestSuite.html ./target/selenium/html/TestSuiteResults.html
Selenium hangs on INFO - Checking Resource Aliases. I can run the TestSuite.html file manually, and the path is correct.
How can I even begin to try and figure out what's going on? Is there a way I could connect to the display to see what's happening? I am behind a corporate proxy, but with or without -Dhttp.proxyHost arguments, I get the same hung result.
Well, after pointing at an internal server, I get right on past the INFO - Checking Resource Aliases step, so clearly the proxy was the issue.
By trying to hit a site that required the proxy, I was doing too much at once. Confounding variables confounded me.
Selenium is not hanging on INFO - Checking Resource Aliases. Its waiting for a command to execute. You need to trigger your tests using ANT or some other build tool in Jenkins. That should get you going