Cut and Paste into a sheet with Case-Select - vba

I am new to writing macros and trying to write one for work. Below is a piece of code I have been fighting with. I want it to look at sheet "NG304" and find key words listed in column B. If the key words are there, move them to the second spreadsheet "Payroll Detail". Issues i'm having - the code is not going through the whole list and it doesn't seem to be pasting in the next available row on the payroll detail spreadsheet (it will simply paste on top of my header).
Dim Findme As String, Findwhat As String, c As Range
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("NG304")
For Each c In .Range(.Cells(2, "B"), .Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp))
Findwhat = vbNullString
Findme = StrConv(c.Value2, vbProperCase)
Select Case True
Case Findme Like "VCIP"
Findwhat = "VCIP"
Case Findme Like "Company Labor"
Findwhat = UCase(Findme)
Case Else
'do nothing
End Select
If CBool(Len(Findwhat)) Then
With .Parent.Worksheets("NG304")
c.EntireRow.Cut Destination:=Worksheets("Payroll Detail").Range("A" & lastrow + 1)
lastrow = lastrow + 1
End With
End If
Next c
End With

This will filter each value defined in K_WORDS (at the top), and move the rows to the other sheet:
Option Explicit
Public Sub moveKeywordRows()
Const K_WORDS As String = "VCIP,Company Labor" '<------- Defined keywords
Dim wsFrom As Worksheet, wsDest As Worksheet, kw As Variant, i As Long, lr As Long
Set wsFrom = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("NG304")
Set wsDest = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Payroll Detail")
kw = Split(K_WORDS, ",")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 0 To UBound(kw)
lr = wsDest.Cells(wsDest.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
With wsFrom.UsedRange
.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="=" & kw(i)
wsDest.Cells(lr, "A").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
End With
Application.CutCopyMode = False
wsDest.Activate: wsDest.Cells(1, "A").Select
With wsFrom
.Activate 'wsFrom.UsedRange.AutoFilter '.ShowAllData
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
This is your posted code, with some adjustments - it seems to be working:
Public Sub moveKeywordRows1()
Dim FindMe As String, FindWhat As String, c As Range, lr As Long, wsDest As Worksheet
Set wsDest = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Payroll Detail")
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("NG304")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each c In .Range(.Cells(2, "B"), .Cells(.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp))
FindMe = StrConv(c.Value2, vbProperCase)
FindWhat = vbNullString
Select Case UCase(FindMe)
Case "VCIP": FindWhat = "VCIP"
Case UCase("Company Labor"): FindWhat = "Company Labor"
End Select
If Len(FindWhat) > 0 Then
c.EntireRow.Cut Destination:=wsDest.Range("A" & lr + 1)
lr = lr + 1
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub


Reverse Loop ignores some cells

I have written a small code that allow me to:
in a defined range (xrng) in column F, find all the cells that contain certain text and once found, select all the cells in the range A:G on the same row and delete them. I have a reverse loop, which work partially, as ignores some cells in the range, specifically the 2nd and the 3rd. Below a before and after pic:
Here my code:
Sub removeapp()
Dim g As Long, xrng As Range, lastrow As Long, i As Long
i = 4
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row
Set xrng = Range(Cells(lastrow, "F"), Cells(i, "F"))
For g = xrng.Count To i Step -1
If xrng.Cells(g).Value = "Adjustment" Or xrng.Cells(g).Value = "Approved" Then
Range(Cells(xrng.Cells(g).Row(), "A"), Cells(xrng.Cells(g).Row(), "G")).Delete
End If
End Sub
Could you help me to figure out why?
Also, the code runs really slow... if you have any tip to make it slighlty faster would be great!
Try this, please:
Sub removeappOrig()
Dim xrng As Range, lastrow As Long, sh As Worksheet
Set sh = ActiveSheet 'good to put here your real sheet
lastrow = sh.Cells(sh.Rows.count, "F").End(xlUp).Row
Set xrng = sh.Range("A4:F" & lastrow)
xrng.AutoFilter field:=6, Criteria1:="=Adjustment", Operator:=xlOr, _
Criteria2:="=Approved", VisibleDropDown:=False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
sh.AutoFilterMode = False
End Sub
The next code is also fast enough since it iterates between array elements (in memory), not deletes row by row (it creates a ranges Union) and delete all at once:
Private Sub remoRangesAtOnce()
Dim i As Long, lastRow As Long, sh As Worksheet
Dim arrF As Variant, rng As Range, rngDel As Range
Set sh = ActiveSheet 'please name it according to your sheet name
lastRow = sh.Cells(sh.Rows.count, "F").End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = sh.Range("F4:F" & lastRow)
arrF = rng.Value
For i = LBound(arrF) To UBound(arrF)
If arrF(i, 1) = "Adjustment" Or arrF(i, 1) = "Approved" Then
If rngDel Is Nothing Then
Set rngDel = sh.Range(sh.Range("A" & i + 3), sh.Range("F" & i + 3))
Set rngDel = Union(rngDel, sh.Range(sh.Range("A" & i + 3), sh.Range("F" & i + 3)))
End If
End If
Next i
If Not rngDel Is Nothing Then rngDel.Delete xlShiftUp
End Sub

Cut multiple columns if a certain cell in first row/header are the same

I am currently new to macro VBA and I have been trying to copy a column if the values of a specific rows are the same then paste it on another sheet until all columns are copied and pasted. The purpose of this is to consolidate team members of a team (the team is the value that im trying to look for). It only stops when the next cell to the right is already blank. And I will only find the team members' team on the first row of the sheet only. I placed a code that I found on the Internet and modified it but it only copies the last DATA team it finds. Thank you.
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim aCell As Range, Rng As Range
Dim col As Long, lRow As Long
Dim colName As String
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Values")
With ws
Set aCell = .Range("A1:XFD1").Find(What:="DATA", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not aCell Is Nothing Then
Sheets("Team").Columns("D:W").Insert Shift:=xlToRight
MsgBox "Team not found"
End If
End With
You can try this.
Option Explicit
Sub CopyCols()
Dim ArrTeams() As String, Team As String
Dim TeamCounter As Long, LastCol As Long, FirstCol As Long, i As Long, LastColDest As Long
Dim SrcWs As Worksheet
Dim Wb As Workbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Set Wb = ThisWorkbook
Set SrcWs = Wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
ReDim ArrTeams(1 To 1)
With Wb
With SrcWs
'find last column with team
LastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
TeamCounter = 1
FirstCol = 1 'or whatever your first column with teams is
'loop all columns in row 1
For i = FirstCol To LastCol
If .Cells(1, i) <> "" Then
Team = .Cells(1, i)
If Not IsInArray(Team, ArrTeams) Then 'take only unique team names
ReDim Preserve ArrTeams(1 To TeamCounter)
ArrTeams(TeamCounter) = Team
TeamCounter = TeamCounter + 1
End If
End If
Next i
End With
'create new sheet for each team
For i = 1 To UBound(ArrTeams)
.Sheets.Add after:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count)
.Sheets.Item(.Sheets.Count).Name = ArrTeams(i)
Next i
With SrcWs
'loop all columns in row 1
For i = FirstCol To LastCol
If .Cells(1, i) <> "" Then
Team = .Cells(1, i)
With Wb.Sheets(Team)
'find last non empty column on destination sheet
LastColDest = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
End With
.Cells(1, i).EntireColumn.Copy
Wb.Sheets(Team).Cells(1, LastColDest + 1).PasteSpecial
End If
Next i
End With
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
Public Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arr As Variant) As Boolean
IsInArray = Not IsError(Application.Match(stringToBeFound, arr, 0))
End Function
It should loop all columns on "Sheet1" starting in FirstCol and ending in LastCol, take unique team names from first row. Create new sheet for each unique team name. Copy entire column for each unique team name to coresponding sheet.
Just remember that it will allways add new sheets so if you want to run it multiple times then there should be check if sheet with specific name already exists.
Dim LastRow As Long, j As Long
Dim TargetWs As Worksheet
in declaration part at begining
Change loop for adding new sheets to
For i = 1 To UBound(ArrTeams)
.Sheets.Add after:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count)
.Sheets.Item(.Sheets.Count).Name = ArrTeams(i)
.Sheets(ArrTeams(i)).Range("A2:A1000").FormulaR1C1 = _
"=SUM(RC[2]:RC[" & .Sheets(ArrTeams(i)).Columns.Count - 1 & "])"
Next i
at the end add
For i = LBound(ArrTeams) To UBound(ArrTeams)
Team = ArrTeams(i) 'team name and also sheet name
Set TargetWs = .Sheets(Team)
With TargetWs
.Calculate 'calculate SUM formula on each sheet
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'last row with data in column "A"
For j = LastRow To 2 Step -1 'assuming that in row 1 there is some header
If .Cells(j, "A") = 0 Then
.Cells(j, "A").EntireRow.Delete
End If
Next j
End With
Next i
This should do the trick as long as you don't have more than 1000 rows of data. If so you can adjust SUM formula to cover more rows or find last row with data on each "Team" sheet and adjust formula in loop.
Hi #Sphinx this is what I have so far. And I modified the code you have given and added something to it. The syntax that I do not have is on how to delete a row when a specific cell on column C has 0 value. And it should work on all ArrTeams(i) sheets only. Thank you for you help.
Option Explicit
Sub CopyCols()
Dim ArrTeams() As String, Team As String
Dim TeamCounter As Long, LastCol As Long, FirstCol As Long, i As Long, LastColDest As Long
Dim SrcWs As Worksheet
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim LastRowColumnD As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Set Wb = ThisWorkbook
Set SrcWs = Wb.Sheets("Values")
ReDim ArrTeams(1 To 1)
With Wb
With SrcWs
'find last column with team
LastCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
TeamCounter = 1
FirstCol = 1 'or whatever your first column with teams is
'loop all columns in row 1
For i = FirstCol To LastCol
If .Cells(1, i) <> "" Then
Team = .Cells(1, i)
If Not IsInArray(Team, ArrTeams) Then 'take only unique team names
ReDim Preserve ArrTeams(1 To TeamCounter)
ArrTeams(TeamCounter) = Team
TeamCounter = TeamCounter + 1
End If
End If
Next i
End With
'create new sheet for each team
For i = 1 To UBound(ArrTeams)
.Sheets.Add After:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count)
.Sheets.Item(.Sheets.Count).Name = ArrTeams(i)
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Worksheets(ArrTeams(i)).Range("A1:C1")
Range("A1").Value = " "
Range("B1").Value = " "
Range("C1").Value = " "
Range("A2").Value = "Team:"
Range("B2").Value = ArrTeams(i)
Range("C2").Value = " "
Range("B2").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("B2").VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("A2").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("A2").VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
LastRowColumnD = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Range("C4:C" & LastRowColumnD).Formula = "=sum(D4:XFD4)"
Next i
With SrcWs
'loop all columns in row 1
For i = FirstCol To LastCol
If .Cells(1, i) <> "" Then
Team = .Cells(1, i)
With Wb.Sheets(Team)
'find last non empty column on destination sheet
LastColDest = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
End With
.Cells(1, i).EntireColumn.Copy
Wb.Sheets(Team).Cells(1, LastColDest + 1).PasteSpecial
End If
Next i
End With
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
Public Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arr As Variant) As Boolean
IsInArray = Not IsError(Application.Match(stringToBeFound, arr, 0))
End Function

VBA to 'print' matched search results to new WS

I have some coding which loops through a list of policy numbers, and then searches through an entire workbook for a matching policy number, bolding any matches found in the original list. The coding works fine, however what I would like to do if possible, is to 'print' the address/cell location of the matching value. For example, if policy number 1 was located on sheet 3, cell a1, then this would be displayed on a new blank worksheet. I'm sure this can be done using dictionaries and the print.debug function, But I want to avoid using a dictionary if possible. Hope this makes sense!
Sub HighlightMatches()
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Dim var As Variant, iSheet As Integer, iRow As Long, iRowL As Long,bln As Boolean
iRowL = Sheets(3).Cells(Rows.Count, "P").End(xlUp).row
For iRow = 1 To iRowL
If Not IsEmpty(Cells(iRow, 16)) Then
For iSheet = ActiveSheet.Index + 1 To Worksheets.Count
bln = False
var = Application.match(Cells(iRow, 16).Value, Worksheets(iSheet).Columns(16), 0)
If Not IsError(var) Then
bln = True
Exit For
End If
Next iSheet
End If
' The below would 'print' all matches and an offset value to a new Worksheet.
If bln = False Then
Cells(iRow, 16).Font.Bold = False
Cells(iRow, 16).Font.Bold = True
End If
Next iRow
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
This would do it:
Option Explicit
Sub HighlightMatches()
Dim OriginalWS As Worksheet, NewListWorksheet As Worksheet, ws As Worksheet
Dim Cel As Range, Rng As Range, rSearchCell As Range
Set OriginalWS = ActiveSheet
Set Rng = Columns("P:P").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 23)
For Each Cel In Rng
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If ws.Name <> OriginalWS.Name And ws.Name <> "Search List" Then
On Error Resume Next
Set rSearchCell = ws.Columns("P:P").Find(What:=Cel.Value, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
On Error GoTo 0
If Not rSearchCell Is Nothing Then
Cel.Font.Bold = True
Sheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)).Name = "Search List"
On Error Resume Next
Set NewListWorksheet = ActiveSheet
On Error GoTo 0
If Not NewListWorksheet Is Nothing Then
NewListWorksheet.Range("A" & NewListWorksheet.Range("A" & NewListWorksheet.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1).Value = Cel.Value
Set NewListWorksheet = Sheets.Add.Name = "Search List"
NewListWorksheet.Range("A1").Value = "Search results"
NewListWorksheet.Range("A1").Font.Bold = True
NewListWorksheet.Range("A2").Value = Cel.Value
End If
Cel.Font.Bold = False
End If
End If
Set rSearchCell = Nothing 'Clear Cel
End Sub

VBA, Advanced Filter Based on Header

I have an advanced filter macro to run in excel that filters certain columns for unique data. I have a bunch of workbooks as well, and have certain headers that are identical across these workbooks, but headers in each workbook may differ in columns.
So header 'Stackoverflow' may be Column F in one file, and Column E in another. I just want to alter my code to something generic so it gets filter this column with a particular header no matter which workbook (Instead of filtering e:e, f:f, etc). any input is appreciated.
EDIT: this is my full macro, the part where I filter is a bit further down.
Here is my code:
Sub stkoverflow()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wks As Excel.Worksheet
Dim wksSummary As Excel.Worksheet
Dim y As Range
Dim intRow As Long, i As Integer
Dim r As Range, lr As Long, myrg As Range
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "c").End(3).Row
Set myrg = Range("f2:f" & lr)
myrg.Formula = "=IFERROR(LEFT(e2,FIND(""_"",e2,1)-1),LEFT(e2,2))"
myrg.Value = myrg.Value
Range("f1").Value = "Test"
Next ws
On Error Resume Next
Set wksSummary = Excel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Unique data")
On Error GoTo 0
If wksSummary Is Nothing Then
Set wksSummary = Excel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
wksSummary.Name = "Unique data"
End If
For Each wks In Excel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
With wksSummary
If wks.Name <> .Name Then
' If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(wks.Range("f:f")) Then
' Dim r As Range
' End If
With wksSummary
If wks.Name <> .Name Then
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(wks.Range("a:a")) Then
Set r = .Cells(.Cells(.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row + 1, 4)
Set y = .Cells(.Cells(.Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row + 0, 5)
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(wks.Range("f:f")) > 1 Then
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(wks.Range("a:a")) > 1 Then
wks.Range("f:f").AdvancedFilter xlFilterCopy, , r, True
wks.Range("a:a").AdvancedFilter xlFilterCopy, , y, True
r = "N/A"
y = "N/A"
End If
End If
r.Delete xlShiftUp
End If
' The next 4 lines are all inserted
End If
End With
End If
End With
' I have removed 4 x 'tab' indents from all of the code below
Next wks
Range("A1").Value = "File Name "
Range("B1").Value = "Sheet Name "
Range("D1").Value = "Scenario Name"
intRow = 2
For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
If Sheets(i).Name <> ActiveSheet.Name Then
Cells(intRow, 2) = Sheets(i).Name
Cells(intRow, 1) = ActiveWorkbook.Name
intRow = intRow + 1
End If
Next i
End Sub
Here is one way to get the column number of a header
Option Explicit
Public Function hdrCol(ByRef ws As Worksheet, _
ByVal hdrName As String, _
Optional hdrRow As Long = 1, _
Optional matchLtrCase As Boolean = True) As Long
Dim found As Range, foundCol As Long
If Not ws Is Nothing Then
hdrRow = Abs(hdrRow)
hdrName = Trim(hdrName)
If hdrRow > 0 And Len(hdrName) > 0 Then
Set found = ws.UsedRange.Rows.Find(What:=hdrName, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
If Not found Is Nothing Then foundCol = found.Column
End If
End If
hdrCol = foundCol
End Function
To test it:
Public Sub testHeader()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
MsgBox hdrCol(ws, "Stackoverflow")
End Sub
Changes I'd make to your code (not tested)
Option Explicit
Public Sub stkoverflow()
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet, wsSummary As Worksheet, lr As Long
Dim y As Range, r As Range, thisRow As Long, colA As Range, colF As Range
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
lr = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "C").End(3).Row
With ws.Range("F2:F" & lr)
.Formula = "=IFERROR(LEFT(E2,FIND(""_"",E2,1)-1),LEFT(E2,2))"
.Value = .Value
End With
ws.Range("F1").Value = "Test"
If ws.Name = "Unique data" Then Set wsSummary = ws
Next ws
If wsSummary Is Nothing Then
Set wsSummary = wb.Worksheets.Add
wsSummary.Name = "Unique data"
End If
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
With wsSummary
If ws.Name <> .Name Then
'Determine dynamic columns based on header
Set colA = ws.Columns(hdrCol(ws, "YOUR_HEADER_NAME_FOR_COL_A", 1, True))
Set colF = ws.Columns(hdrCol(ws, "YOUR_HEADER_NAME_FOR_COL_F", 1, True))
If ws.Name <> .Name Then
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(colA) Then
Set r = .Cells(.Cells(.Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row + 1, 4)
Set y = .Cells(.Cells(.Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row + 0, 5)
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(colF) > 1 Then
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(colA) > 1 Then
colF.AdvancedFilter xlFilterCopy, , r, True
colA.AdvancedFilter xlFilterCopy, , y, True
r = "N/A"
y = "N/A"
End If
End If
r.Delete xlShiftUp
End If
End If
End If
End With
Next ws
With ActiveSheet 'not sure about the ActiveSheet...
.Range("A1").Value = "File Name "
.Range("B1").Value = "Sheet Name "
.Range("D1").Value = "Scenario Name"
End With
thisRow = 2
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
If ws.Name <> ActiveSheet.Name Then
ActiveSheet.Cells(thisRow, 2) = ws.Name
ActiveSheet.Cells(thisRow, 1) = wb.Name
thisRow = thisRow + 1
End If
End Sub

Delete rows that not contain string in my array

Pls help me modify this code but I would like to keep it 90% the same.
I want to delete the rows that does not contain the array items. So my program deletes rows with a, b in cell. How can I modify the below code so that it erases the other a, b to remain in exec.
myArr = Array("a","b")
For I = LBound(myArr) To UBound(myArr)
'Sheet with the data, you can also use Sheets("MySheet")
With ActiveSheet
'Firstly, remove the AutoFilter
.AutoFilterMode = False
'Apply the filter
.Range("E1:E" & .Rows.Count).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=myArr(I)
Set rng = Nothing
With .AutoFilter.Range
On Error Resume Next
Set rng = .Offset(1, 0).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1, 1) _
On Error GoTo 0
If Not rng Is Nothing Then rng.EntireRow.Delete
End With
'Remove the AutoFilter
.AutoFilterMode = False
End With
Next I
This works for me... I have commented the code so you should not have a problem understanding it...
Option Explicit
Dim myArr
Sub Sample()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Lrow As Long, i As Long
Dim rRange As Range, delRange As Range
myArr = Array("a", "b", "c")
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MySheet")
With ws
'~~> Get last row of Sheet
Lrow = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To Lrow
If Not DoesExists(.Range("A" & i).Value) Then
If delRange Is Nothing Then
Set delRange = .Range("A" & i)
Set delRange = Union(delRange, .Range("A" & i))
End If
End If
Next i
If Not delRange Is Nothing Then delRange.EntireRow.Delete
End With
End Sub
Function DoesExists(clVal As Variant) As Boolean
Dim j As Long
For j = LBound(myArr) To UBound(myArr)
If clVal = myArr(j) Then
DoesExists = True: Exit For
End If
Next j
End Function