tf.cond with tensors in one condition undefined - tensorflow

def get_z(epsilon):
return tf.cond(flag,lambda: mean + sigma*epsilon,lambda: epsilon)
In this, when I call the function with flag = True, I have my mean and sigma tensors defined and epsilon is the placeholder I give, and it works well.
If I call it with flag = False, I have to simply return epsilon, the placeholder I give. But at this stage, the mean and sigma are not defined as I am not providing the data to compute mean and sigma. However that shouldn't matter because mean and sigma are not needed. But running this is throwing the error to define mean and sigma. Is there any work-around for this?
Thank you.

mean and sigma should be defined as the lambda function depends on the two values, you may use them as function input. Two placeholders with mean and sigma may be used.
def get_z(epsilon, mean, sigma):
return tf.cond(flag,lambda: mean + sigma*epsilon,lambda: epsilon)


Automatic Differentiation with respect to rank-based computations

I'm new to automatic differentiation programming, so this maybe a naive question. Below is a simplified version of what I'm trying to solve.
I have two input arrays - a vector A of size N and a matrix B of shape (N, M), as well a parameter vector theta of size M. I define a new array C(theta) = B * theta to get a new vector of size N. I then obtain the indices of elements that fall in the upper and lower quartile of C, and use them to create a new array A_low(theta) = A[lower quartile indices of C] and A_high(theta) = A[upper quartile indices of C]. Clearly these two do depend on theta, but is it possible to differentiate A_low and A_high w.r.t theta?
My attempts so far seem to suggest no - I have using the python libraries of autograd, JAX and tensorflow, but they all return a gradient of zero. (The approaches I have tried so far involve using argsort or extracting the relevant sub-arrays using tf.top_k.)
What I'm seeking help with is either a proof that the derivative is not defined (or cannot be analytically computed) or if it does exist, a suggestion on how to estimate it. My eventual goal is to minimize some function f(A_low, A_high) wrt theta.
This is the JAX computation that I wrote based on your description:
import numpy as np
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax
N = 10
M = 20
rng = np.random.default_rng(0)
A = jnp.array(rng.random((N,)))
B = jnp.array(rng.random((N, M)))
theta = jnp.array(rng.random(M))
def f(A, B, theta, k=3):
C = B # theta
_, i_upper = lax.top_k(C, k)
_, i_lower = lax.top_k(-C, k)
return A[i_lower], A[i_upper]
x, y = f(A, B, theta)
dx_dtheta, dy_dtheta = jax.jacobian(f, argnums=2)(A, B, theta)
The derivatives are all zero, and I believe this is correct, because the change in value of the outputs does not depend on the change in value of theta.
But, you might ask, how can this be? After all, theta enters into the computation, and if you put in a different value for theta, you get different outputs. How could the gradient be zero?
What you must keep in mind, though, is that differentiation doesn't measure whether an input affects an output. It measures the change in output given an infinitesimal change in input.
Let's use a slightly simpler function as an example:
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
A = jnp.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
theta = jnp.array([5.0, 1.0, 3.0])
def f(A, theta):
return A[jnp.argmax(theta)]
x = f(A, theta)
dx_dtheta = jax.grad(f, argnums=1)(A, theta)
Here the result of differentiating f with respect to theta is all zero, for the same reasons as above. Why? If you make an infinitesimal change to theta, it will in general not affect the sort order of theta. Thus, the entries you choose from A do not change given an infinitesimal change in theta, and thus the derivative with respect to theta is zero.
Now, you might argue that there are circumstances where this is not the case: for example, if two values in theta are very close together, then certainly perturbing one even infinitesimally could change their respective rank. This is true, but the gradient resulting from this procedure is undefined (the change in output is not smooth with respect to the change in input). The good news is this discontinuity is one-sided: if you perturb in the other direction, there is no change in rank and the gradient is well-defined. In order to avoid undefined gradients, most autodiff systems will implicitly use this safer definition of a derivative for rank-based computations.
The result is that the value of the output does not change when you infinitesimally perturb the input, which is another way of saying the gradient is zero. And this is not a failure of autodiff – it is the correct gradient given the definition of differentiation that autodiff is built on. Moreover, were you to try changing to a different definition of the derivative at these discontinuities, the best you could hope for would be undefined outputs, so the definition that results in zeros is arguably more useful and correct.

Keras custom loss function with binary (round) with tensorflow backend

I'm currently trying to implement a custom loss function (precision) with a binary outcome but Tensorflow backend refuses to use round function which is necessary to be used in order to generate a '0' or '1'.
As far as I have investigated, this is because Tensorflow defines the gradient of the round as None and the loss function can't return None.
I have currently implemented this custom loss to create as close as is possible '0' or '1' in R Keras interface.
y_pred_pos = K$clip(y_pred, 0, 1)
#Custom sigmoid to generate '0' '1'
y_pred_pos = K$maximum(0,K$minimum(1,(y_pred_pos+0.0625)/0.125))
y_pred_neg = 1 - y_pred_pos
y_pos = K$clip(y_true, 0, 1)
#Custom sigmoid to generate '0' '1'
y_pos = K$maximum(0,K$minimum(1,(y_pos+0.0625)/0.125))
y_neg = 1 - y_pos
#Generate confusion matrix counts
tp = K$sum(y_pos*y_pred_pos)
tn = K$sum(y_neg*y_pred_neg)
fp = K$sum(y_neg*y_pred_pos)
fn = K$sum(y_pos*y_pred_neg)
Notice the "sigmoid" : K$maximum(0,K$minimum(1,(y_pos+0.0625)/0.125))
What I wanted to implement is a workaround for this one:
precision_loss<-function(y_true, y_pred){
y_pred_pos = K$round(K$clip(y_pred, 0, 1))
y_pred_neg = 1 - y_pred_pos
y_pos = K$round(K$clip(y_true, 0, 1))
y_neg = 1 - y_pos
#Generate confusion matrix counts
tp = K$sum(K$clip(y_pos * y_pred_pos,0,1))
tn = K$sum(K$clip(y_neg * y_pred_neg,0,1))
fp = K$sum(K$clip(y_neg * y_pred_pos,0,1))
fn = K$sum(K$clip(y_pos * y_pred_neg,0,1))
Some of you have an alternative implementation without using round to generate binary outcomes in the loss function?
PD: In custom metrics function the round is allowed
In order to build a binary loss function, it wouldn't be enough to just build the custom loss function itself. You would also have to pre-define the gradients.
Your high-dimensional loss function would be zero for some points and one for all others. For all non-continuous points in this space, it would be impossible to analytically compute a gradient (i.e. the concept of a gradient doesn't even exist for such points), so you would have to just define one. And for all the continuous points in this space (e.g. an open set in which all loss values are 1), the gradient would exist, but it would be zero, so you would also have to pre-define the gradient values, otherwise your weights wouldn't move at all.
That means either way you would have to define your own custom "gradient" computation function that replaces Keras' (i.e. TensorFlow's) automatic differentiation engine for that particular node in the graph (the loss function node).
You could certainly achieve this by modifying your local copy of Keras or TensorFlow, but nothing good can come from it.
Also, even if you managed to do this, consider this: If your loss function returns only 0 or 1, that means it can only distinguish between two states: The model's prediction is either 100% correct (0 loss) or it is not 100% correct (1 loss). The magnitude of the gradient would have to be the same for all non-100% cases. Is that a desirable property?
Your quasi-binary sigmoid solution has the same problem: The gradient will be almost zero almost everywhere, and in the few points where it won't be almost zero, it will be almost infinity. If you try to train a model with that loss function, it won't learn anything.
As you noticed a custom loss function need to be based on functions which have their gradients defined (in order to minimise the loss function), which is not necessary for a simple metric. Some functions like “round” and “sign” are difficult to use in loss function since their gradients are either null all the time or infinite which is not helpful for minimisation. That’s probably why their gradients are not defined, by default.
Then, you have two options:
Option 1: you use the round function but you need to add your custom gradient for round, to substitute it in backend.
Option 2: you define another loss function without using round
You chose option 2, which is the best option I think. But your “sigmoid” is very linear, so probably, not a good approximation of your “round” function. You could use an actual sigmoid which is slower due to the use of exponential but you could obtain a similar result with a modified softsign:
K$maximum(0,K$minimum(1,0.5*(1+(max_gradient*y_pos)/(1+ max_gradient*abs(y_pos)))))
The max_gradient coefficient can be used to make your edge more sharp, around 0.5. It defines the maximum gradient at 0.5.

struggling minimizing non linear function

I am looking forward to minimize a non linear function with 3 arguments (x1,x2 and x3)
My sources of information are:
the explanation of the minimization function:
And an example they provide:
I do not belong to a mathematical area, so first off forgive me if I am using incorrect wording / expressions.
This is my code :
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def rosen(x1,x2,x3):
return np.sqrt(((x1**2)*0.002)+((x2**2)*0.0035)+((x3**2)*0.0015)+(2*x1*x2*0.015)+(2*x1*x3*0.01)+(2*x2*x3*0.02))
I think that the first step is okey up to here..
Then it is required to state the:
x0 : ndarray
Initial guess. len(x0) is the dimensionality of the minimization problem.
Given that I am stating 3 args in the minimization function I shall state a 3 dim array , such like this?
res = minimize(rosen, x0)
The undesired output is:
rosen() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'x2' and 'x3'
Which I do not really understand where shall I state the positional arguments.
Apart from that I would like to set some bounds for the outputing values for x1,x2,x3 .
Which I tried
res = minimize(rosen, x0, bounds=([0,None]),options={"disp": False})
Which outputs also that :
ValueError: length of x0 != length of bounds
How should I then express the bounds inside the res then?
The desired output would be simply to output an array for x1,x2,x3 according to the minimization of the function where each value is minimun 0, as stated in the bounds and that the sum of the args add up to 1.
Read the docs carefully, e.g. for your function-def:
fun : callable
The objective function to be minimized. Must be in the form f(x, *args). The
optimizing argument, x, is a 1-D array of points, and args is a tuple of any
additional fixed parameters needed to completely specify the function.
Your function should take a 1d-array, while you implement the multi-argument for multi-variables approach!
def rosen(x1,x2,x3):
return np.sqrt(((x1**2)*0.002)+((x2**2)*0.0035)+((x3**2)*0.0015)+(2*x1*x2*0.015)+(2*x1*x3*0.01)+(2*x2*x3*0.02))
def rosen(x):
x1,x2,x3 = x # unpack vector for your kind of calculations
return np.sqrt(((x1**2)*0.002)+((x2**2)*0.0035)+((x3**2)*0.0015)+(2*x1*x2*0.015)+(2*x1*x3*0.01)+(2*x2*x3*0.02))
should work. This is a bit a repair-something-to-keep-my-other-code approach but won't hurt much in this example. Usually you implement your function-definition on the 1d-array-input assumption!
Again from the docs:
bounds : sequence, optional
Bounds for variables (only for L-BFGS-B, TNC and SLSQP). (min, max) pairs for each
element in x, defining the bounds on that parameter. Use None for one of min or max
when there is no bound in that direction.
So you need n_vars pairs! Easily achieved by using a list-comprehension, deducing the necessary info from x0.
res = minimize(rosen, x0, bounds=[[0,None] for i in range(len(x0))],options={"disp": False})
Make variables sum up to 1 / Constraints
Your comment implies you want the variables to sum up to 1. You would need to use an equality-constraint then (only 1 solver supporting this and inequality-constraints; one other only inequality-constraints; the rest no constraints; solver will be picked automatically if none explicitly given).
It looks somewhat like:
cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: sum(x) - 1}) # read docs to understand!
# to think about:
# sum vs. np.sum
# (not much diff here)
res = minimize(rosen, x0, bounds=[[0,None] for i in range(len(x0))],options={"disp": False}, constraints=cons)
For the case of x nonnegative, the constraint is usually called the probability-simplex.
(untested code; conceptually correct!)

Non-Convex Loss Function

I am trying to understand gradient descent algorithm by plotting the error vs value of parameters in the function. What would be an example of a simple function of the form y = f(x) with just just one input variable x and two parameters w1 and w2 such that it has a non-convex loss function ? Is y = w1.tanh(w2.x) an example ? What i am trying to achieve is this :
How does one know if the function has a non-convex loss function without plotting the graph ?
In iterative optimization algorithms such as gradient descent or Gauss-Newton, what matters is whether the function is locally convex. This is correct (on a convex set) if and only if the Hessian matrix (Jacobian of gradient) is positive semi-definite. As for a non-convex function of one variable (see my Edit below), a perfect example is the function you provide. This is because its second derivative, i.e Hessian (which is of size 1*1 here) can be computed as follows:
first_deriv=d(w1*tanh(w2*x))/dx= w1*w2 * sech^2(w2*x)
The sech^2 part is always positive, so the sign of second_deriv depends on the sign of tanh, which can vary depending on the values you supply as x and w2. Therefore, we can say that it is not convex everywhere.
Edit: It wasn't clear to me what you meant by one input variable and two parameters, so I assumed that w1 and w2 were fixed beforehand, and computed the derivative w.r.t x. But I think that if you want to optimize w1 and w2 (as I suppose it makes more sense if your function is from a toy neural net), then you can compute the 2*2 Hessian in a similar way.
The same way as in high-school algebra: the second derivative tells you the direction of flex. If that's negative in all orientations, then the function is convex.

How to fetch gradients with respect to certain occurrences of variables in tensorflow?

Since tensorflow supports variable reuse, some part of computing graph may occur multiple times in both forward and backward process. So my question is, is it possible to update variables with respect their certain occurrences in the compute graph?
For example, in X_A->Y_B->Y_A->Y_B, Y_B occurs twice, how to update them respectively? I mean, at first, we take the latter occurrence as constant, and update the previous one, then do opposite.
A more simple example is, say X_A, Y_B, Y_A are all scalar variable, then let Z = X_A * Y_B * Y_A * Y_B, here the gradient of Z w.r.t both occurrences of Y_B is X_A * Y_B * Y_A, but actually the gradient of Z to Y_B is 2*X_A * Y_B * Y_A. In this example computing gradients respectively may seems unnecessary, but not always are those computation commutative.
In the first example, gradients to the latter occurrence may be computed by calling tf.stop_gradient on X_A->Y_B. But I could not think of a way to fetch the previous one. Is there a way to do it in tensorflow's python API?
#Seven provided an example on how to deal with it when reuse a single variable. However often it's a variable scope that is reused, which contains many variables and functions that manage them. As far as I know, their is no way to reuse a variable scope with applying tf.stop_gradient to all variables it contains.
With my understanding, when you use A = tf.stop_gradient(A), A will be considered as a constant. I have an example here, maybe it can help you.
import tensorflow as tf
wa = tf.get_variable('a', shape=(), dtype=tf.float32,
b = tf.get_variable('b', shape=(), dtype=tf.float32,
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=())
l = tf.stop_gradient(wa*x) * (wa*x+b)
op_gradient = tf.gradients(l, x)
sess = tf.Session()
print[op_gradient], feed_dict={x:11})
I have a workaround for this question. Define a custom getter for the concerning variable scope, which wraps the default getter with tf.stop_gradient. This could set all variables returned in this scope as a Tensor contributing no gradients, though sometimes things get complicated because it returns a Tensor instead of a variable, such as when using tf.nn.batch_norm.