Setup triggers in JProfiler for the remote connection - jprofiler

I have JProfiler 10 connected to the remote server via Quick Attach.
Is there a way to enable triggers to save snapshots on timer? So far I have been unsuccessful with getting this to work on remote connection.
It works as expected on local connections.

Don't use the "Quick attach" session, but create a new session of type "Attach to remote JVM" on the "New session" tab of the start center. Then, you can configure triggers for that session.


various issues when setting up visualvm remote JVM connection with jstatd

statd on remote machine may not be starting up correctly and visualvm user interface does not add connections.
On the remote machine, I created a policy file for jstatd:
grant codebase "file:/home/jonathan/jdk1.8.0_191/lib/tools.jar" {
I then execute jstatd: ./jstatd -p 1199
It seems to be running and there are no errors which I got when not specifying a port number or policy file.
In visualvm, I'm able to add the remote host but when I try to create a jstatd connection and fill the information, when clicking "ok", the popup just disappears. No errors, no connections under the node, no nothing. I enabled logging and there are no errors.
My questions:
1. Does jstatd REQUIRES an rmiregistry to work? Not specifying a port, will it attempt to connect to a default one (on port 1099)?
2. Running netstat doesn't show any binding on port 1199 which I've designated.
3. Why does visualvm not allow connections to be created?
I think that jstatd man page should answer most of your questions. Regarding connection from visualvm - check VisualVM log file. Are there firewall(s) between visualvm and jstatd?

Activating a VPN on Google Cloud Compute VM is terminating my connection

I have spun up a Google Cloud Compute virtual machine. It's a vanilla Windows Server 2016 image, and I can log in and see the desktop. I do that by downloading the RDP file and running it.
Due to a license manager for software I'm installing, I need to VPN to my own network. In "Settings -> Network", I add a new VPN connection (using the same creds I use on my machine) and click Connect. It makes an initial connection, verifies my credentials, but during the final stage, my RDP connection to the GCP VM ends.
What is really strange is that, sometimes, I can reconnect successfully after a few minutes and the VPN connection was successful. Sometimes I can't reconnect.
Any ideas?
The VPN connection added as such will be a force tunneled VPN which then adds a default route over the VPN interface on the VM disrupting your connection. The easiest way for maintaining the connection would be to do either of 2 things
Make the VPN split tunneled and add a route for the licensing box. You can do this by using the Set-VPNConnection Powershell commandlet and then adding a route using the route add command in an administrative command prompt
Add a more specific route for the IP Address by which u access the VM using the route add command
UPDATE: Simply setting the VPN to use split tunneling in PowerShell solved the problem.
Use: (Replace "VPNsName" with your VPNs Name)
Set-VpnConnection -Name "VPNsName" -SplitTunneling 1

Renci SSH.Net Connect Cancel

I'm working with the Renci SSH.Net library and creating SSH and SFTP connections to devices. However, I don't see any way to cancel a connection that is in progress. For example, the user has mistyped the address they want to connect to and doesn't want to wait for the connection to time out.
Is there a way to cancel this connection or am I forced to wait for the timeout?

Can the GUI of an RDP session remain active after disconnect

I'm running automated testing procedures that emulates keystrokes and mouseclicks 24/7.
Although it runs fine locally, on an RDP session it stops running once minimized or disconnected. Apparently, the GUI doesn't exist if you can't physically see it on the screen.
There is a registry work-around for keeping the GUI active for minimizing the window, but I know of no way to keep it alive after disconnect.
Ideally, I would have this run on the server Windows console session which would not care about being disconnected but in a hosted environment (I tried Amazon and Go Daddy) there is no way to access the console session.
Does anyone know how I can get around this? Basically any solution that allows me to run my application on a VPS. I need the reliability of a host but the flexibility to run it as if I was sitting right in front.
Yes, you can.
There are two types of sessions in Windows: The "console" session which is always active, and there can only be a max of one of, and "terminal" sessions, a la RDP. Using "rdpwrap" on Github, you can have an unlimited number of terminal sessions.
RDP sessions will become "deactivated" when there is not a connection to them. Programs will still run, but anything that depends on GUI interaction will break badly.
Luckily, we may "convert" a terminal session into a console session instead of disconnecting from Remote Desktop normally by running the following command from inside the terminal session:
for /f "skip=1 tokens=3" %%s in ('query user %USERNAME%') do (tscon.exe %%s /dest:console)
This will disconnect you from the session, but it will still run with full graphical context. This answers your question. You can reconnect to it and it will become a terminal session again, and you can do this infinitely. And, of course, autohotkey works perfectly.
But, what if you need more than one persistent, graphics-enabled session?
To get an unlimited amount of graphics-persistent sessions, you can run Remote Desktop and start terminal sessions from within the "main" session described above. Normally Remote Desktop prevents this "loopback" behavior, but if you specify "" for the destination, you will be able to start a terminal session with any number of the users on the remote machine.
The graphics-persistentness will only be present on terminal servers if they are not minimized, unless you create and set RemoteDesktop_SuppressWhenMinimized to 2 at the following registry location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client
With this you can get an unlimited number of completely independent graphics-persistent remote sessions from a single machine.
This could be a workaround, altough I have not tried it myself and it involves having another machine
Let's assume that at the moment you are creating a session to
Local Client ---->
Instead of doing that, you could try having a separate server (let's call it and use that to establish a session
Local Client ----> ---->
Then if you disconnect the Local Client ---> session the GUI of the session between ----> should remain active.
It will work only if you are connected to the console session of
I found a similar way. I had same problem, i downloaded rdp wraper which allows you configure multiple session rpd server and one tool which is included (rdpchecker.exe) allows you connect to localhost so you can connect to your server from your server and you dont need that middle client.
This could be a workaround, altough I have not tried it myself and it involves having >another machine
Let's assume that at the moment you are creating a session to
Local Client ---->
Instead of doing that, you could try having a separate server (let's call it and use that to establish a session
Local Client ----> ---->
Then if you disconnect the Local Client ---> session the GUI of the session
between ----> should remain active
If you are using a windows server you don't even need another machine.
1) Connect to the server with the remote desktop connection (#con1).
2) Create a new alias for your server system like "" in Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts .
3) Now establish a new remote desktop connection from your windows server (in #con1) to itself (#con2).
4) Finally start your GUI needing application e.g. UI-Path in #con2 and then close #con1.
I ran into the same problem and noticed that using VNC (TightVNC) to take over the remote machine seems to solve the issue. I guess VNC uses the console screen. Once activated and logged-in it stays logged-in, also after a VNC disconnect. Make sure that the screen never turns off in the power options.
Take note that keeping the console logged-in on a VPS is in general not recommended.

How can I prevent a server from becoming locked after a Remote Desktop session

As part of our databuild run a 3rd party program (3D Studio Max) to export a number of assets. Unfortunately if a user is not currently logged in, or the machine is locked, then Max does not run correctly.
This can be solved for freshly booted machines by using a method such as TweakUI for automatic login. However when a user connects via Remote Desktop (to initiate a non-scheduled build, change a setting, whatever) then after the session ends the machine is left in a locked state with Max unable to run.
I'm looking for a way to configure windows (via fair means or foul) so either it does not lock when the remote session ends, or it "unlocks" itself a short while after. I'm aware of a method under XP where you can run a batchfile on the machine which kicks the remote user off, but this does not appear to work on Windows Server.
There is a separate terminal service connection available called the 'console' connection.
You can connect to this space using mstsc /console /v:servername. Use mstsc /? for full command line options.
This allows you to connect, open up the terminal services manager and boot the bad sessions.
Logging in over RDP shouldn't affect whether the console locks. If you don't log out of RDP (just closing the client keeps your session pending), then your session will be locked. You can solve that with idle timeouts in Terminal Services Manager.
If your console is locking, that's a seperate policy in Local Computer Settings or some such. If you have a domain, set it with a GPO. If you need the exact name of the policy, let me know and I'll dig it up for you.
I assume by unlock you want to make sure that disconnected sessions are logged off. To do this
Administrative Tools | Terminal Services Configuration
Right-Click RDP-TCP on the Connections folder and choose Properties
Go to the Sessions tab and select the Override user settings check box
Configure the End a Disconnected session to your needed timeout value
more reading at
You might want to look at using the "shadow" utility. This allows you to essentially proxy into an existing remote desktop session. You could log into the console of the machine with the account you need, then users could open non-console remote desktop sessions to the machine (or to another machine) then use shadow to connect to the same console session. The users will have to be in the administrators group on the machine.
Although, this might be as simple as telling people not to use the console session when logging into the machine using remote desktop.
Possible Solution from here.
To disable the Lock Computer button,
open Regedit and browse to
System and
System and create a new REG_DWORD
value in each called
DisableLockWorkstation. Setting this
value to 0 will allow the Lock
Computer button to be used, while 1
will disable it.
There may be a problem if you are running these tasks as Administrator and others are logging in via Remote Desktop as Administrator. The task should be run from its own account.
With the most recent terminal services client you can connect to the console using the /ADMIN switch.
So "Computer:" will be something like:
myworkstation.mydomain.local /ADMIN