Can SQL Server Reporting Services print multiple tables and charts on one page? - sql

I'm new to SSRS and I'm not sure if what I want to do is possible with SSRS. I have a list of 100+ schools in my data set. I'd like to print one page per school, and for it to look like the picture below. Each table and chart are using a unique data set, but it's all coming from one main table.
Can SSRS print two separate tables and 2 charts on the same page per school?
If so, where do I set the page breaks and how would I set this up please? If you need any more information, please let me know.
Thank you!

You can use a list in order to group by school and set the page break property of the list to End.
As long as your table and graph data fit to one page, you can position report components as your sample layout


How can I have multiple tables on one SSRS page that represents one value in SQL?

I have developed a one page report that has 4 tables on it. I am happy with this result:
This is shown for one district. (district = '002') The dataset only has the one district selected. I want to select multiple districts (a SQL field) in the dataset and have multiple pages representing one district per page. So, to state in a different way, there are about 10 districts so I want to have 10 pages just like this one with one district per page. It seems like there should be some sort of grouping option so I can show this page for each district. I'm new to SSRS so I'm probably missing something obvious. Thanks!
This set of tables can be repeated for each selected district with one set on each page. To achieve this, you can take advantage of nested tables.
Create a new table with one row and one column.
Set it to be grouped on district.
Set the group to page break after each instance. And optionally set the page name to be the district. This way, if you export to Excel, the sheets will be properly named.
Insert all the other tables into a Rectangle. This is a way of keeping the formatting of the other tables in tact and handle them all together.
Drag the rectangle into the new one-cell table.
Now the small table will repeat the entire contents of the rectangle for each district and you get copies of the entire report on separate pages.

(Excel-VBA) Specific data import (on the background) in the active sheet

Would you please help me (total beginner) to prepare a VBA macro that would open a sheet on the background and import specific selection as shown below:
Let's say we have downloaded wordcount analysis (xlsx) like this downloaded from a CAT tool for testing.
Now I would need to add a macro to my main sheet that would read lines starting (Column A) with "All". If "All" then I'd need to record columns of that line (specficilly Columns A - O) in array / hashtable?.
Please take a look at this image that summs it all (better than explaining it for me :-)
Let me know in case you need to know more details.
All tips / suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!
My suggestion (I'm a beginner too) would be to use the Macro Recorder. Great tool to learn (example).
start recording
filter for 'ALL'
copy/past the Cells
stop Recording
Then have a look at the recorded code and adjust it :)
Looking at your data and the final layout you are looking for, using a Pivot Table would provide you with all of the flexibility you need.
You can:
filter which data to display
generate calculated values based on data in other columns
choose what order your columns are displayed
dynamically change the layout if you decide you want a different view
From your data, I was able to generate the following Pivot Table in about 15 minutes.
There are several good, simple tutorials on building Pivot Tables. A Google search will turn up plenty.
Things you will need to learn about for your particular problem:
Classic display (I used the classic display to get this particular layout)
Calculated Fields (many of the columns in the pivot table are calculated based on your spec). There is a maximum string length of 255 characters for a field calculation, so you may need to rename some of the columns in the original data set.
Of course, basics of Pivot Tables
Loading new data and updating your pivot table
Good Luck!

SSRS: How To Create Dynamic Report With Multiple Subreports?

I am still fairly new to SSRS, and I do not know what I need to/can provide as examples to help clarify my issue.
I am developing an SSRS report that accesses a NAV database and generates a report for an equipment number. My task is to generate a master report that can print multiple of those kind of reports(currently 10 max). I am using sub-reports to get the content that I need for an equipment number.
I am looking for a way to make this dynamic, where I can generate 1 to n sub-reports based on how many values were picked for the multi-value parameter. The end result should be one PDF file that contains the full report for each equipment number listed. I am trying to only use SSRS.
I have seen where I could hide sub-reports then make them visible if a condition is met, but this isn't the functionality that I am looking to use. So, what would be the best way to dynamically generate sub-reports based on a multi-value parameter?
I figured it out. I made the sub-report parameter equal no value. I made the main report with a parameter that can select multiple equipment numbers, a list, and a data set which filtered down to the appropriate equipment numbers to avoid duplication. I made the sub-report object in the main take in the cell value from the list equipment number. When the list proceeded to the next row, it copied all of the objects in the box area.

Can I display SSRS detail group as a separate report?

SSRS newby here. I am creating a management report so the specs are out of my hands.
For part of the overall project, they need a summary report that shows 4 detail regions broken up by a Quadrant group (think calendar quarters).
I am using an existing stored procedure to pull data for this summary report. The specs are such that following this summary report, they want each of the Quadrants broken out and displayed on separate pages.
Is there a way to pull the existing data from the summary report and push it onto new pages? I know I could pull the SQL data again for each Quadrant but the existing procedure is returning a combined dataset of all Quadrants. Can I use the report or the already populated dataset to do this?
Based on your description, I think you should only need one dataset (query) to support this report. The dataset should include the detail necessary for the Quadrant detail pages.
The summary section of the report should aggregate the data for all Quadrants (if that is the purpose of the summary), then for the detail you can add a single detail section inside a List data region. The list data region should have a grouping on Quadrant and then you should put whatever other data regions you want to show for each quadrant inside the List. This should repeat the detail section for each quadrant. You can specify page break after each group in the Quadrant grouping to force each detail section onto a new page.

ssrs multi column table data gets spanned accross columns and/or pages incorrectly

In SSRS I built a report where a providers name, address, phone are listed in 3 columns on a page Grouped by State. Example Data:
alt text
What I'm trying to do is prevent the data from spilling over into the next column or page. I want to just move the provider to the next column/page. Any suggestions?
It is not clear from the result how you structured your report. Each address should be in a single table cell. Then I don't think you would see addresses being broken apart.