Sequence SQL SERVER Select Fails - sql

I'm using SQL Server and I'm in the need of passing unique identifiers to my client.To avoid the usage of UUID's I want to use a sequence. In order to do so I took a look at the MS docs and found this example.
Which fails for me. I'm currently using sequences at another service in my application where they work - but they are used as a default value. The syntax here differs since I want to select the sequence as integer and pass it to my Java server and from there via REST to a web client.
The example was copied as it is from Microsofts docs. Only the database name was adjusted. Example B from that page is working.
mssql-server mssql-tools are running on a Ubuntu 16.04 host.
Error message:
[2017-07-11 16:38:24] [S00016][217] Maximum stored procedure, function, trigger, or view nesting level exceeded (limit 2).
[2017-07-11 16:38:24] The connection is closed.


SAS Enterprise Guide: How to get Oracle table indexes

I am using SAS Enterprise Guide (EG) 6.1 and want to know what are the indexes of our Oracle tables. Is there a way to write a program to get this information?
I tried to do:
LIBNAME DW ORACLE USER='username' PASSWORD='password' PATH='' SCHEMA='schema';
dsid = OPEN(DW.some_table) ;
isIndexed = ATTRN(dsid,"ISINDEX") ;
PUT isIndexed = ;
some_table is the name of (my table), but I get an error:
ERROR: DATA STEP Component Object failure. Aborted during the COMPILATION phase.
ERROR 557-185: Variable some_table is not an object.
OPEN takes a string or a value that resolves to a string. So you need
dsid= OPEN('dw.some_dataset');
I don't know if you can use that with Oracle or not, and I don't know whether ATTRN will be useful for this particular purpose or not. These all work well with SAS datasets, but it's up to the libname engine (and whatever middleware it uses) to implement the functionality that ATTRN would use.
For example, I don't use Oracle but I do have SQL Server tables with indexes, and I can run the above code on them; the code appears to work (it doesn't show errors) but it shows the tables as being unindexed, when they clearly are.
Your best bet is to connect using pass-through (CONNECT TO ...) instead of libname, and then you can run native Oracle syntax rather than using SAS.

SQL INSERT sp_cursor Error

I have a pair of linked SQL servers: ServerA and ServerB. I want to write a simple INSERT INTO SELECT statement which will copy a row from ServerA's database to ServerB's database. ServerB's database was copied directly from ServerA's, and so they should have the exact same basic structure (same column names, etc.)
The problem is that when I try to execute the following statement:
INSERT INTO [ServerB].[data_collection].[dbo].[table1]
SELECT * FROM [ServerA].[data_collection].[dbo].[table1]
I get the following error:
Msg 16902, Level 16, State 48, Line 1
sp_cursor: The value of the parameter 'value' is invalid.
On the other hand, if I try to execute the following statement:
INSERT INTO [ServerB].[data_collection].[dbo].[table1] (Time)
SELECT Time FROM [ServerA].[data_collection].[dbo].[table1]
The statement works just fine, and the code is executed as expected. The above statement executes just fine, regardless of which or how many tables I specify to insert.
So my question here is why would my INSERT INTO SELECT statement function properly when I explicitly specify which columns to copy, but not when I tell it to copy everything using "*"? My second question would then be: how do I fix the problem?
Googling around to follow up on my initial hunch, I found a source I consider reliable enough to cite in an answer.
The 'value' parameter specified isn't one of your columns, it is the optional argument to sp_cursor that is called implicitly via your INSERT INTO...SELECT.
From SQL Server Central...
I have an ssis package that needs to populate a sql table with data
from a pipe-delimited text file containing 992 (!) columns per record.
...Initially I'd set up the package to contain a data flow task to use
an ole db destination control where the access mode was set to Table
or view mode. For some reason though, when running the package it
would crash, with an error stating the parameter 'value' was not valid
in the sp_cursor procedure. On setting up a trace in profiler to see
what this control actually does it appears it tries to insert the
records using the sp_cursor procedure. Running the same query in SQL
Server Management Studio gives the same result. After much testing and
pulling of hair out, I've found that by replacing the sp_cursor
statement with an insert statement the record populated fine which
suggests that sp_cursor cannot cope when more than a certain number
of parameters are attempted. Not sure of the figure.
Note the common theme here between your situation and the one cited - a bazillion columns.
That same source offers a workaround as well.
I've managed to get round this problem however by setting the access
mode to be "Table or view - fast load". Viewing the trace again
confirms that SSIS attempts this via a "insert bulk" statement which
loads fine.

Are Variables Being Passed In This SQL Statement?

I'm developing an application that pulls information from a Firebird SQL database (accessed via the network) that sits behind an existing application.
To get an idea of what the most commonly used tables are in the application, I've run Wireshark while using the application to capture the SQL statements that are transmitted to the database server when the program is running.
I have no problem viewing what tables are being accessed via the application, however some of the query values passed over the network are not being displayed in the captured SQL packets. Instead these values are replaced with what I assume is a variable of some sort.
Heres a sample query:
select * from supp\x0d\x0aWHERE SUPP.ID=? /* BIND_0 */ \x0d\x0a
(I am assumming \x0d\x0a is used to denote a newline in the SQL query)
Has anyone any idea how I may be able to view the values associated with BIND_0 or /* BIND_0 */?
Any help is much appreciated.
P.S. The version of Firebird I am using is 1.5 - I understand there are syntactical differences in the SQL used in this version and more recent versions.
That /* BIND_0 */ is simply a comment (probably generated by the tool that generated the query), the placeholder is the question mark before that. In Firebird statements are - usually - first prepared by sending the query text (with or without placeholders) to the server with operation op_prepare_statement = 68 (0x44). The server then returns a description of the bind variables and the datatypes of the result set.
When the query is actually executed, the client will send all bind variables together with the execute request (usually in operation op_execute = 63 (0x3F)) in a structure called the XSQLDA.

Adding restriction to a SQL Server stored procedure script

How I can add to these 2 scripts below a restriction, so it wont allow creating a hero with less than 3 characters in its name or when changing the name of the hero it wont allow less than 3 characters as well?
Currently everyone can create a hero with name: 1 or change their name .. basically all possible variations are available. I want to restrict it to minimum 3 characters name.
SQL Server stored procedure script [creating a hero]:
SQL Server stored procedure script [changing a hero name]:
I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 / 64 bit
Will be much appreciated.
Kind Regards.
At the start of your CREATE_NEW_CHAR procedure, you could do this...
IF LEN(LTRIM(#CharID)) < 3 -- LEN() does an RTRIM()
SET #nRet = 7
The same in the CHANGE_NEW_ID procedure, but use IF LEN(LTRIM(#NewCharID)) < 3 instead.
The calling application is probably already checking the value of #nRet after executing the procedure. Hopefully it will give a generic error message if #nRet!=0. But, you may want to enhance that code, so that if #nRet=7 it can show a specific error message about the name entered being too short.
I've updated Pastebin also: CREATE_NEW_CHAR & CHANGE_NEW_ID

SQL statement against Access 2010 DB not working with ODBC

I'm attempting to run a simple statement against an Access DB to find records.
Data validation in the records was horrible, and I cannot sanitize it. Meaning, it must be preserved as is.
I need to be able to search against a string with white space and hyphen characters removed. The following statement will work in Access 2010 direct:
select * from dummy where Replace(Replace([data1],' ',''),'-','') = 'ABCD1234';
Running it from an ODBC connection via PHP will not. It produces the following error:
SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined function 'Replace' in expression., SQL state 37000 in SQLExecDirect
Creating a query in the database that runs the function and attempting to search its values indirectly causes the same error:
select * from dummy_indirect where Expr1 = 'ABCD1234';
I've attempted to use both ODBC drivers present. ODBCJR32.dll (03/22/2010) and ACEODBC.dll (02/18/2007). To my knowledge these should be current as it was installed with the full Access 2010 and Access 2010 Database Engine.
Any ideas on how to work around this error and achieve the same effect are welcome. Please note, that I cannot alter the database in way, shape, or form. That indirect query was created in another mdb file that has the original tables linked from the original DB.
* Update *
OleDB did not really affect anything.
$dsn= "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=c:\dummy.mdb;";
I'm not attempting to use it as a web backend either. I'm not a sadomasochist.
There is a legacy system that I must support that does use Access as a backend. Data gets populated there from other old systems that I must integrate into more modern systems. Hence, the creation of an API with Apache/PHP that is running on the server supporting the legacy system.
I need to be able to search a table that has an alphanumeric case identifier to get a numeric identifier that is unique and tied to a generator (Autonumber in access). Users have been using it a trash box for years (inconsistent data entry with sporadic notations) so the only solution I have is to strip everything except alphanumeric out of both the field value and the search value and attempt to perform a LIKE comparison against it.
If not replace() which is access supported, what ODBC compatible functions exist that I can use do the same kind of comparison?
Just to recap, the Access db engine will not recognize the Replace() function unless your query is run from within an Access application session. Any attempt from outside Access will trigger that "Undefined function" error message. You can't avoid the error by switching from ODBC to OleDb as the connection method. And you also can't trick the engine into using Replace() by hiding it in separate query (in the same or another Access db) and using that query as the data source for your main query.
This behavior is determined by Access' sandbox mode. That linked page includes a list of functions which are available in the default sandbox mode. That page also describes how you can alter the sandbox mode. If you absolutely must have Replace() available for your query, perhaps the lowest setting (0) would allow it. However, I'm not recommending you do that. I've never done it myself, so don't know anything about the consequences.
As for alternatives for Replace(), it would help to know about the variability in the values you're searching. If the space or dash characters appear in only one or a few consistent positions, you could do a pattern match with a Like expression. For example, if the search field values consist of 4 letters, an optional space or dash, followed by 4 digits, a WHERE clause like this should work for the variations of "ABCD1234":
data1 = 'ABCD1234'
OR data1 Like 'ABCD[- ]1234';
Another possibility is to compare against a list of values:
data1 IN ('ABCD1234','ABCD 1234','ABCD-1234');
However if your search field values can include any number of spaces or dashes at any position within the string, that approach is no good. And I would look real hard for some way to make the query task easier:
You can't clean the stored values because you're prohibited from altering the original Access db in any way. Perhaps you could create a new Access db, import the data, and clean that instead.
Set up the original Access db as a linked server in SQL Server and build your query to take advantage of SQL Server features.
Surrender. :-( Pull in a larger data set to your PHP client code, and evaluate which rows to use vs. which to ignore.
I'm not sure you can do this with ODBC and your constraints. The MS Access driver is limited (by design; MS wants you to use SQL Server for back ends).
Can you use OLEDB? that might be an option.