How to restrict access to custom application WEBUI in QNAP? - apache

Good morning everyone,
I am developing an app for QNAP which has also a web interface. In my qpkg.conf I set QPKG_WEBUI and QPKG_USE_PROXY and I can see correctly the Web interface inside the QNAP interface once I am logged in. It seems perfectly integrated with the QNAP interface, BUT, I can see it also writing the right url in my web browser, even if I am not logged in the QNAP and I cleared all possible cache/cookies.
I want to give access to my Web interface only to valid users. Unfortunately I do not know how to do it. I tried to write a .htaccess to deploy with my application, but without any success (obviously I can not modify the apache standard configuration, and with the standard configuration I was not able to do it).
The only thing I found, inside the Apache folder, there is a pwauth executable that let me ask for username/password (even if I do not want to ask, I want only to see if the user is ALREADY logged in). Anyway with the standard apache configuration, the external module is not loaded, then I can not use the pwauth inside the .htaccess. Maybe I could create some custom cgi program that call it, but I would prefer to avoid custom solution, I really would like to follow a "standard" way to do it, it should be one.....
I would like to know if there is some QNAP variable to set in the qpkg.conf file, or some configuration to set in a .htaccess that does what I want: grant the access only if the user is ALREADY logged in.
Thanks very much to everyone, I could not find anything in google or in the official documentation.


Best way to password-protect folders on IIS

What is the best way to password-protect a folder on IIS with a single set of credentials to be shared by a group of users?
Our hosting service offers Plesk, which in turn offers a "password-protected directory" function, but some of our clients have HTTP authorization disabled, so they get an automatic 401.4 error with no prompt for credentials.
I've looked into Forms authentication but this seems cumbersome to set up for the numerous separate domains at issue.
The protected content is not super sensitive, we just don't want it easily accessible to the public. Many of our users do not use the site frequently and we don't want to implement individual credentialing for everyone (we do have that in place for more sensitive sections) just so they can view current project reports or meeting minutes.
On sites I don't control, but am just a user, that do the same things as mine, it is a big pain to have to look up a username and password twice per year just to view a meeting agenda (yes, browser could remember but they also have a 4-month expiration and lots of us are on different devices all the time).
Is Forms authentication the way to go? Took a several hours for me to get it set up and working, with all sorts of settings not well documented in a single place.
(I had previously asked about how to disable Basic Auth on the client side, was told more than once it's not possible - but it is, via client/browser registry keys)
It's perfectly fine to use forms authentication. All you need to do is navigate to the folder or file you want to protect, then go to Authorization Rules. Add a deny rule for anonymous users, when users who are not logged in try to click on any file in that folder, they will be redirected to your login page. You can find a lot of guides on forms authentication in Google, you can refer to the following:

Overriding JasperServer's ACL mechanisim

I'm trying to embed JasperServer into a web application and I like the look and feel of JasperServer's interface as is. I just want to override JasperServer's ACL engine and divert it so it will use my own application's instead.
For starters, if the user is already authenticated in the host web application, JasperServer shouldn't ask for it one more time. More over, whenever JasperServer is trying to decide whether to show or not some part of the interface, it should be the host application's ACL data to grant or deny the permission. The same goes for the list of reports one user can use.
Can someone please guide me to the right direction if and how this is possible?

Flask-security login and logout

How do you log a user in and out in Flask using the Flask-Security extension?
I just started using flask-security, and going through the documentation here , I can't really figure out how to explicitly log a user in and out, as well as authenticate the user before logging them in.
Flask-Security uses Flask-Login. So you can do the following as per documentation:
login_user(user) # where user is your user object
Obviously, you still need to write your views where you will validate the form submissions etc before calling these methods and do the proper template rendering or redirects as needed.
Go to the flask security configurations page here:
and copy over all the default configuration values into your file like:
app.config['SECURITY_LOGIN_USER_TEMPLATE'] = 'security/login_user.html'
Then you have to download the security file which contains all the html templates. Put that folder in your templates folder where you keep all the other html templates. You can use google to figure out where to download the folder as well as how to set up the rest of flask security. I had a lot of trouble figuring out flask security as well, but after poking around here and on google, I was able to get some of it working, so don't lose faith. Hope this helps.

Xenu Link checker

I want to use an application that checks for broken links. I got to know that, Xenu is one such software. I do not have access to internal aspx/http files on a drive. The Problem I am facing is the Website requires the user to be authenticated. After login I need to crawl the site to determine which links are broken.
As an example, I kick off with We end up typing the Username and password after which we are served different URLs. If I give the Xenu (or similar programs) the link such as it will not be able to fecth URLs inside the which will be of type - /mail/u/0/?shva=1#inbox/ etc. There lies the problem.
With minimal or least scripting language how can I provide Xenu (or other similar app) capability to Login by providing external URL ( in this example in order to do whatever xenu has to do.
Balaji S
Xenu can be used with an authenticated user as long as the cookies are persistent. You will need to enable cookies in Xenu and login once yourself using IE.
From their FAQ:
By default, cookies are disabled, and Xenu rejects all cookies. If you
need cookies because
you have used Internet Explorer to authenticate yourself before
starting a run
to prevent the server from delivering URLs with a
session ID
then you can enable the cookies in the advanced options
dialog. (This has been available since Version 1.2g)
Warning: You
should not use this option if you have links that delete data, e.g. a
database or a shop - you are risking data loss!!!
You can enable cookies in the Options menu. Click Preferences and switch to the Advanced tab.
For single page applications (like gmail) you will also need to configure Xenu to parse Javascript
This is done by modifying the ini file (traditionally at C:\Program Files (x86)\Xenu135\Xenu.ini) and adding a line of code under [Options]
Javascript=[Jj]ava[Ss]cript: *[_a-zA-Z0-9]+ *\( *['"]((/|ftp://|https?://)[^'"]+)['"]
There are several variations provided in their FAQ, but I didn't get them to work perfectly.

Allowing Drupal login using WHM, cPanel or WHMCS login details?

Currently, I have decided to use Drupal as the primary login area where users can do stuff. Problem is, I want to automatically allow for the logging in of users using their cpanel, whm or whmcs login details. Anyone?
I really don't suggest you to do this.
You will only introduce more risks to all your systems, even if Drupal is a very secure system.
There are sometimes authentication security issues, with cPanel drupal and whmcs. Now, imagine those security issues + the ones of drupal, + the ones on whmcs...
...with all these insecurity layers combined, it's a real security bomb, and not something that will help your customers that much you are going to create. your modules for this will probably experience someday security issues also.
I suggest to take a look at other web hosts : if they don't do this, and if even whmcs do not bridge with vbulletin on their own website, there is a reason for this! ;-)
There seems to be no module for this.
Also Drupal seems not to provide a direct way to connect 3rd party login systems.
Having a look at the LDAP integration (file ldapauth.module) in the package, you can use the hook hook_form_alter. The check whether the form is using user_login_authenticate_validate in the validate entry and replace it with their own authentication function.
Basically you can use the ldapauth.module file as a basis and start with the ldapauth_login_authenticate_validate function.
In this function you have to add code that uses $form_values['name']; and $form_values['pass'] and verify them against your cPanel database.
A completly different approach would be to write a cPanel module to create Drupal users and update the accounts. To get started you can have a look at writing cPanel modules.