Lazy Evaluation in Spark. How does Spark load data from DB - apache-spark-sql

If suppose we have set limit of 100 , and Spark Application is connected to the DB with million records.Does Spark load all million record or loads 100 by 100 ?

How does Spark load data from DB? It depends on the database type & its connector implementation. Of course for a distributed processing framework, a distributed data ingestion is always the primary aim for building connectors.
As a brief example, if we have a (1 Mil) records in a table, and we defined the number of partition to be 100 when we load(), then ideally the read task will be distributed to executors so that each executor reads a range of (10,000) records and store them in their corresponding partitions in memory. See SQL Databases using JDBC.
In the Spark UI, you can see that the numPartitions dictate the number of tasks that are launched. Each task is spread across the executors, which can increase the parallelism of the reads and writes through the JDBC interface
Spark provides flexible interfaces (Spark DataSource V2) that allow us to build our own custom datasource connectors. The main design key here is parallelizing the read operation according to how many partitions defined. Also check (figure 4) to understand how distributed CSV ingestion works in Spark.
Read from JDBC connections across multiple workers
df =
In the above sample code, we used JDBC read to split the table read across executors on the emp_no column using the partitionColumn, lowerBound, upperBound, and numPartitionsparameters.


Azure Synapse pipeline: How to move incremental updates from SQL Server into synapse for crunching numbers

We are working building a new data pipeline for our project and we have to move incremental updates that happen throughout the day on our SQL servers into Azure synapse for some number crunching.
We have to get updates which occur across 60+ tables ( 1-2 million updates a day ) into synapse to crunch some aggregates and statistics as they happen throughout the day.
One of the requirements is being near real time and doing a bulk import into synapse is not ideal because it takes more than 10 mins to do full compute on all data.
I have been reading about CDC feed into synapse and it is one possible solution.
Wondering if there are other alternatives to this or suggestions for achieving the end goal of data crunching near real time for DB updates.
Change Data Capture (CDC) is the suited way to capture the changes and add to the destination location (storage/database).
Apart from that, you can also use watermark column to capture the changes in multiple tables in SQL Server.
Select one column for each table in the source data store, which you
can identify the new or updated records for every run. Normally, the
data in this selected column (for example, last_modify_time or ID)
keeps increasing when rows are created or updated. The maximum value
in this column is used as a watermark.
Here is the high-level solution diagram for this approach:
Step-by-Step approach is given in this official document Incrementally load data from multiple tables in SQL Server to Azure SQL Database using PowerShell.

ERROR : FAILED: Error in acquiring locks: Error communicating with the metastore org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.LockException

Getting the Error in acquiring locks, when trying to run count(*) on partitioned tables.
The table has 365 partitions when filtered on <= 350 partitions, the queries are working fine.
when tried to include more partitions for the query, it's failing with the error.
working on Hive-managed ACID tables, with the following default values //cannot make it as false, it's throwing <table> is missing from the ValidWriteIdList config: null, should be true for ACID read and write.
Tried increasing/decreasing values for these following with a beeline session.
hive.metastore.batch.retrieve.max={default 300} //changed to 10000
hive.metastore.server.max.message.size={default 104857600} // changed to 10485760000
hive.metastore.limit.partition.request={default -1} //did not change as -1 is unlimited
hive.metastore.batch.retrieve.max={default 300} //changed to 10000.
hive.lock.query.string.max.length={default 10000} //changed to higher value
Using the HDI-4.0 interactive-query-llap cluster, the meta-store is backed by default sql-server provided along.
The problem is NOT due to service tier of the hive metastore database.
It is most probably due to too many partitions in one query based on the symptom.
I meet the same issue several times.
In the hivemetastore.log, you shall able to see such error:
metastore.RetryingHMSHandler: MetaException(message:Unable to update transaction database The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters. Reduce the number of parameters and resend the request.
This is due to in Hive metastore, each partition involved in the hive query requires at most 8 parameters to acquire a lock.
Some possible workarounds:
Decompose the the query into multiple sub-queries to read from fewer
Reduce the number of partitions by setting different partition keys.
Remove partitioning if partition keys don't have any filters.
Following are the parameters which manage the batch size for INSERT query generated by the direct SQL. Their default value is 1000. Set both of them to 100 (as a good starting point) in the Custom hive-site section of Hive configs via. Ambari and restart ALL Hive related components (including Hive metastore).
We also faced the same error in HDInsight and after doing many configuration changes similar to what you have done, the only thing that worked is scaling our Hive Metastore SQL DB server.
We had to scale it all the way to a P2 tier with 250 DTUs for our workloads to work without these Lock Exceptions. As you may know, with the tier and DTU count, the SQL server's IOPS and response time improves thus we suspected that the Metastore performance was the root cause for these Lock Exceptions with the increase in workloads.
Following link provides information about the DTU based performance variation in SQL servers in Azure.
Additionally as I know, the default Hive metastore that gets provisioned when you opt to not provide an external DB in cluster creation is just an S1 tier DB. This would not be suitable for any high capacity workloads. At the same time, as a best practice always provision your metastores external to the cluster and attach at cluster provisioning time, as this gives you the flexibility to connect the same Metastore to multiple clusters (so that your Hive layer schema can be shared across multiple clusters, e.g. Hadoop for ETLs and Spark for Processing / Machine Learning), and you have the full control to scale up or down your metastore as per your need anytime.
The only way to scale the default metastore is by engaging the Microsoft support.
We faced the same issue in HDINSIGHT. We solved it by upgrading the metastore.
The Default metastore had only 5 DTU which is not recommended for production environments. So we migrated to custom Metastore and spin the Azure SQL SERVER (P2 above 250 DTUs) and the setting the below properties:
Above values are set because SQL SERVER cannot process more than 2100 parameter. When you have partitions more than 348, you faced this issue as 1 partition creates 8 parameters for metastore 8 x 348

Is it possible to reduce the number of MetaStore checks when querying a Hive table with lots of columns?

I am using spark sql on databricks, which uses a Hive metastore, and I am trying to set up a job/query that uses quite a few columns (20+).
The amount of time it takes to run the metastore validation checks is scaling linearly with the number of columns included in my query - is there any way to skip this step? Or pre-compute the checks? Or to at least make the metastore only check once per table rather than once per column?
A small example is that when I run the below, even before calling display or collect, the metastore checker happens once:
new_table = table.withColumn("new_col1", F.col("col1")
and when I run the below, the metastore checker happens multiple times, and therefore takes longer:
new_table = (table
.withColumn("new_col1", F.col("col1")
.withColumn("new_col2", F.col("col2")
.withColumn("new_col3", F.col("col3")
.withColumn("new_col4", F.col("col4")
.withColumn("new_col5", F.col("col5")
The metastore checks it's doing look like this in the driver node:
20/01/09 11:29:24 INFO HiveMetaStore: 6: get_database: xxx
20/01/09 11:29:24 INFO audit: ugi=root ip=unknown-ip-addr cmd=get_database: xxx
The view to the user on databricks is:
Performing Hive catalog operation: databaseExists
Performing Hive catalog operation: tableExists
Performing Hive catalog operation: getRawTable
Running command...
I would be interested to know if anyone can confirm that this is just the way it works (a metastore check per column), and if I have to just plan for the overhead of the metastore checks.
I am surprised by this behavior as it does not fit with the Spark processing model and I cannot replicate it in Scala. It is possible that it is somehow specific to PySpark but I doubt that since PySpark is just an API for creating Spark plans.
What is happening, however, is that after every withColumn(...) the plan is analyzed. If the plan is large, this can take a while. There is a simple optimization, however. Replace multiple withColumn(...) calls for independent columns with"*"), F.col("col2").as("new_col2"), ...). In this case, only a single analysis will be performed.
In some cases of extremely large plans, we've saved 10+ minutes of analysis for a single notebook cell.

Result of Bigquery job running on a table in which data is loaded via streamingAPI

I have a BQ wildcard query that merges a couple of tables with the same schema (company_*) into a new, single table (all_companies). (all_companies will be exported later into Google Cloud Storage)
I'm running this query using the BQ CLI with all_companies as the destination table and this generates a BQ Job (runtime: 20mins+).
The company_* tables are populated constantly using the streamingAPI.
I've read about BigQuery jobs, but I can't find any information about streaming behavior.
If I start the BQ CLI query at T0, the streamingAPI adds data to company_* tables at T0+1min and the BQ CLI query finishes at T0+20min, will the data added at T0+1min be present in my destination table or not?
As described here the query engine will look at both the Columnar Storage and the streaming buffer, so potentially the query should see the streamed data.
It depends what you mean by a runtime of 20 minutes+. If the query is run 20 minutes after you create the job then all data in the streaming buffer by T0+20min will be included.
If on the other hand the job starts immediately and takes 20 minutes to complete, you will only see data that is in the streaming buffer at the moment the table is queried.

Storing data obtained from cassandra in spark Memory and make it available to other spark job server jobs in same context

I am using spark job server and using spark-sql to get data from a cassandra table as follows
public Object runJob(JavaSparkContext jsc, Config config) {
CassandraSQLContext sq = new CassandraSQLContext(JavaSparkContext.toSparkContext(jsc));
DataFrame vadevent = sq.sql("SELECT username,plan,plate,ign,speed,datetime,odo,gd,seat,door,ac from rptavlview.vhistory ");
DataFrame vadevent1 = sq.sql("SELECT plate,ign,speed,datetime FROM history where username='"+params[0]+"' and plan='"+params[1]+"'");
long count = vadevent.rdd().count();
But I am getting table not found history.
Can anybody mention how to cache cassandra data in spark memory and reuse the same data either in concurrent requests of same job or as two jobs one for caching and other for querying.
I am using dse5.0.4 so spark version is 1.6.1
You can allow spark jobs to share the state of other contexts. This link goes more in depth.