change cpack generated name for component RPMs - cmake

I am trying to create an RPM installer using cpack (via cmake) that creates multiple RPM files. I've almost got it working but the last remaining stumbling block is controlling the package names.
Specifically I want to control where the component name appears in the RPM file name.
Here is my experimental CMakeLists.txt file which installs foo.txt and bar.txt to two different packages "myproject-foo" & "myproject-bar".
I want the RPMs to follow my own naming conventions (actually I want conventions that are more FSH friendly) but for some reason cmake insists on adding the component name at the end. So I get:
rather than:
I notice it names the source RPMs "more correctly":
>rpm -qip <package> | grep source
Source RPM : myproject-foo-1.0-1.src.rpm
Though I do not actually want a source RPM at all (is there a way to blank this field?)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(myproject CXX)
set(CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME "myproject")
set(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "some org")
set(CPACK_COMPONENT_foo_DESCRIPTION "the foo component")
set(CPACK_COMPONENT_bar_DESCRIPTION "the bar component")
# mentioned in cpack docs but doesn't seem to do anything here
set(CPACK_COMPONENT_foo_DISPLAY_NAME "foo display name?")
set(CPACK_COMPONENT_bar_DISPLAY_NAME "foo display name?")
set(CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "describe the complete suite of stuff")
# added in cmake 3.6?
set(CPACK_RPM_foo_PACKAGE_SUMMARY "describe the foo package")
set(CPACK_RPM_bar_PACKAGE_SUMMARY "describe the bar package")
DESCRIPTION this is the foocomp)
DESCRIPTION this is the bar comp
It seems like CPACK_PACKAGE_<component>_FILE_NAME or CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME is not quite working.
I've tried with both cmake 3.4.3 and the latest (3.9.0 at the time of writing) as there is some suggestion of fixes to component based installs in 3.6.0
There is no such variable as the CPACK_COMPONENT_DISPLAY_NAME I've used in CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME. Also something in cmake adds the component name to the end automatically.
There is a similar question for .deb packages from long ago here but I would rather avoid such a complex solution if possible.
It would be easier to rename the packages after generation (but still feel hacky).
I also note that the package dependency set(CPACK_COMPONENT_bar_DEPENDS foo) is not recorded in the bar package.
Update: 01-Aug-2017
I've added a bug report for cmake here as to my mind there is a bug in the implementation of CPACK_RPM_<component>_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME. At the very least the documentation is insufficiently helpful.

First of there is a large note at the top of the documentation:
part of variables is preferred to be in upper case (for e.g. if component is named foo then use CPACK_RPM_FOO_XXXX variable name format) as is with other CPACK__XXXX variables. For the purposes of back compatibility (CMake/CPack version 3.5 and lower) support for same cased component (e.g. fOo would be used as CPACK_RPM_fOo_XXXX) is still supported for variables defined in older versions of CMake/CPack but is not guaranteed for variables that will be added in the future. For the sake of back compatibility same cased component variables also override upper cased versions where both are present.
So if you have a component named foo, FOO, fOo... the variables are CPACK_RPM_FOO_... otherwise the variables will be ignored - Note that this is the case since the beginning of CPack's existance for the common component variables e.g. CPACK_COMPONENT_foo_DESCRIPTION <- foo part must be in upper case.
Next to the file names - before CPack 3.6 it was not possible to change file names without getting an error and having to copy the generated package manually. Since that version you can set the file name as you like or request the platform specific package name (defined by rpm installation) by setting CPACK_RPM_FILE_NAME or CPACK_RPM_<component>_FILE_NAME to RPM-DEFAULT. See
Also set(CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "${CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME}-comp${CPACK_COMPONENT_DISPLAY_NAME}-${CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION}.i686") won't work as ${CPACK_COMPONENT_DISPLAY_NAME} is not an anchor and is automatically replaced on that location - not set by you so replacement text is an empty string... So if you really want to set the name manually you should set the RPM packager equivalent of that variable CPACK_RPM_<component>_FILE_NAME for each and every component (so you'll need a for loop or some more copy pasting...) - note that as described in the documentation the file name must end with .rpm and the default is (copied from the documentation) <CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME>[-<component>].rpm so this is the explanation why component part is always placed at the end.
There are quite a few tests for different CPack packagers here:
So you can explore those snippets as well.
P.S. contributions to the documentation are always welcome :)


How can I understand when something is a variable or a value?

Not sure how to perfectly word this from the title, but I am new to CMake and slowly progressing through the online tutorial.
I am up to Step 4 and sometimes find it confusing when mixing passed values that in my eyes are strings, and thus in all programming languages I expect them to have quotation marks or some sort around them. However sometimes I create new targets with the same names. I will elaborate with an example. I reworded some things from the tutorial to make it a bit more clear for me to see what they actually do.
In the root CMakeLists.txt I have this file,
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
project(My_Project VERSION 1.0)
add_library(tutorial_compiler_flags INTERFACE)
target_compile_features(tutorial_compiler_flags INTERFACE cxx_std_11)
option(USE_MYMATH "Use tutorial provided math implementation" TRUE)
configure_file(src/ src/sqrt.h)
list(APPEND EXTRA_LIBS MathFunctions)
add_executable(compute_square_root src/sqrt.cxx)
target_link_libraries(compute_square_root PUBLIC ${EXTRA_LIBS} tutorial_compiler_flags)
target_include_directories(compute_square_root PUBLIC "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src")
Inside of MathFunctions I have
add_library(MathFunctions mysqrt.cxx)
target_include_directories(MathFunctions INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
Here is where the confusion can come from. Notice that in
MathFunctions is kind of treated as a string in my eyes, because it is now looking for the directory current_location/MathFunctions. However inside of of the MathFunctions CMakeLists.txt it now creates a target with the exact same spelling from the line "add_library(MathFunctions mysqrt.cxx)", this is then immediately referenced afterwards from the "target_include_directories(MathFunctions, ...".
Here, target_include_directories is referring to the target MathFunctions we just created. Now, when we leave that CMakeLists.txt we now have another line "list(APPEND EXTRA_LIBS MathFunctions)". Now I some confusion, like, is this MathFunctions referring to the target we just made? Is it a string called "MathFunctions"? In the documentation for target_link_libraries it says that it has to be a target created by add_library so I assume it is referring to the previous add_library(MathFunctions ...) call. I find the scoping weird here too, since we are referring to something that was made from a child, inside a different call.
Do we have certain rules in CMake for this kind of behaviour? THanks
All command parameters are treated as strings in cmake. Parameters are separated by whitespace unless quoted. The exact effect of a parameter depends on the command.
The following commands have the same effect:
In the case of add_library the first parameter is treated as the target name. CMake internally keeps track of targets and stores several pieces of information for them. The target name MathFunctions is entirely unrelated to the name of the subdirectory added via add_subdirectory; you could rename the directory to FooBar and use add_subdirectory(FooBar) and nothing would change.
There are several commands you pass the target name to to modify the properties of the cmake target as well as commands that treat the name of cmake targets specially e.g.:
target_include_directories: the target to modify the [INTERFACE_]INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property for is passed
target_link_directories: the target to modify the [INTERFACE_]LINK_DIRECTORIES property for is passed
set_target_properties: One or more targets to set properties for are passed
target_link_libraries: The cmake target linked to is passed. Furthermore cmake library targets may be specified as libraries to be linked to the target.
add_test: If you use the name of a cmake target in the COMMAND part, the test logic uses the path to the target instead.
As for scope:
Variable values you write are actually set for the current scope only, but reading variables cmake looks into ancestor scopes, unless a variable is found in the current scope. CMake targets are visible in the whole cmake project though from the point of the parsing of the command creating the target(add_library, add_executable, add_custom_target): cmake targets are "global objects". (Exceptions exist for imported libs and alias targets, but that's probably nothing relevant to you right now.)

Why doesn't cmake find_package(VTK) find VTK_INCLUDE_DIRS after building VTK from source and installing?

I’m running cmake version 3.23.0-rc1, on ubuntu 20.04.
I built vtk-8.2 from source; cmake, make, then ‘make install’. Now I am trying to find the VTK package for my own application, using cmake’s find_package(VTK). The application’s CMakeLists.txt contains this:
message("VTK_FOUND: ${VTK_FOUND}")
Result is that VTK_FOUND=1, VTK_LIBRARIES contains many entries, but VTK_INCLUDE_DIRS is blank/empty. Why would this be?
I do see file /usr/local/lib/cmake/vtk-8.2, which contains many *.cmake files. But I don’t see a corresponding /usr/local/include/cmake directory, despite the presence of /usr/local/include/vtk-8.2. Is that expected? Here is the output:
VTK_LIBRARIES: VTK::WrappingTools;VTK::ViewsQt;VTK::ViewsInfovis;VTK::CommonColor;VTK::ViewsContext2D;VTK::loguru;VTK::TestingRendering;VTK::TestingCore;VTK::vtksys;VTK::RenderingQt;VTK::PythonContext2D;VTK::RenderingVolumeOpenGL2;VTK::RenderingOpenGL2;VTK::glew;VTK::opengl;VTK::PythonInterpreter;VTK::Python;VTK::RenderingLabel;VTK::octree;VTK::RenderingLOD;VTK::RenderingImage;VTK::RenderingContextOpenGL2;VTK::IOVeraOut;VTK::hdf5;VTK::IOTecplotTable;VTK::IOSegY;VTK::IOParallelXML;VTK::IOPLY;VTK::IOOggTheora;VTK::theora;VTK::ogg;VTK::IONetCDF;VTK::netcdf;VTK::IOMotionFX;VTK::pegtl;VTK::IOParallel;VTK::jsoncpp;VTK::IOMINC;VTK::IOLSDyna;VTK::IOInfovis;VTK::libxml2;VTK::zlib;VTK::IOImport;VTK::IOGeometry;VTK::IOVideo;VTK::IOMovie;VTK::IOExportPDF;VTK::libharu;VTK::IOExportGL2PS;VTK::RenderingGL2PSOpenGL2;VTK::gl2ps;VTK::png;VTK::IOExport;VTK::RenderingVtkJS;VTK::RenderingSceneGraph;VTK::IOExodus;VTK::exodusII;VTK::IOEnSight;VTK::IOCityGML;VTK::pugixml;VTK::IOAsynchronous;VTK::IOAMR;VTK::InteractionImage;VTK::ImagingStencil;VTK::ImagingStatistics;VTK::ImagingMorphological;VTK::ImagingMath;VTK::GUISupportQtSQL;VTK::IOSQL;VTK::sqlite;VTK::GUISupportQt;VTK::GeovisCore;VTK::libproj;VTK::InfovisLayout;VTK::ViewsCore;VTK::InteractionWidgets;VTK::RenderingVolume;VTK::RenderingAnnotation;VTK::ImagingHybrid;VTK::ImagingColor;VTK::InteractionStyle;VTK::FiltersTopology;VTK::FiltersSelection;VTK::FiltersSMP;VTK::FiltersPython;VTK::FiltersProgrammable;VTK::FiltersPoints;VTK::FiltersVerdict;VTK::verdict;VTK::FiltersParallelImaging;VTK::FiltersImaging;VTK::ImagingGeneral;VTK::FiltersHyperTree;VTK::FiltersGeneric;VTK::FiltersFlowPaths;VTK::FiltersAMR;VTK::FiltersParallel;VTK::FiltersTexture;VTK::FiltersModeling;VTK::FiltersHybrid;VTK::RenderingUI;VTK::DomainsChemistry;VTK::CommonPython;VTK::WrappingPythonCore;VTK::ChartsCore;VTK::InfovisCore;VTK::FiltersExtraction;VTK::ParallelDIY;VTK::diy2;VTK::IOXML;VTK::IOXMLParser;VTK::expat;VTK::ParallelCore;VTK::IOLegacy;VTK::IOCore;VTK::doubleconversion;VTK::lz4;VTK::lzma;VTK::utf8;VTK::FiltersStatistics;VTK::eigen;VTK::ImagingFourier;VTK::ImagingSources;VTK::IOImage;VTK::DICOMParser;VTK::jpeg;VTK::metaio;VTK::tiff;VTK::RenderingContext2D;VTK::RenderingFreeType;VTK::freetype;VTK::kwiml;VTK::RenderingCore;VTK::FiltersSources;VTK::ImagingCore;VTK::FiltersGeometry;VTK::FiltersGeneral;VTK::CommonComputationalGeometry;VTK::FiltersCore;VTK::CommonExecutionModel;VTK::CommonDataModel;VTK::CommonSystem;VTK::CommonMisc;VTK::CommonTransforms;VTK::CommonMath;VTK::CommonCore
find_package(VTK) no longer sets VTK_INCLUDE_DIRS variable. If you look into description part of vtk-config.cmake (script CMake/ contains template of that file), then you find no note about VTK_INCLUDE_DIRS.
Since VTK_LIBRARIES variable contains IMPORTED targets (in form of VTK::foo), linking with the content of that variable using target_link_libraries will automatically provide include directories.

How to idiomatically set the version number in a CMAKE/CPACK project?

I'm trying to edit the CPack settings so that the outputted package file has the correct version number in it. But that's not all. I'd like CMake/CPack to have all the places where the version number is updated also be set. The .so file should also be set. And whatever else needs it.
From where I sit, the CPack documentation appears to be telling us to repeat ourselves.
If I do nothing, the output file is like so:
Let's say the version number should be 1.2.3.
I would think that this is the minimalistic CPACK settings to cause all the version numbers to be changed -- and I placed these lines in my CMakeLists.txt file:
When I build, the output file is still mystuff-0.1.1-Linux.tar.gz
If I repeat myself and do this:
Now that variable is set, but the file is still mystuff-0.1.1-Linux.tar.gz
It seems that I must also change CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME
What other places do I have to re-state the version number?
This doesn't feel idiomatic. I must be missing something to make this automatic. Am I supposed to specify the variable at an earlier point in time? I also see some projects on the internet containing a CPackConfig.cmake file -- the file contains overrides, but I still see some repeating oneself going on in those as well.
This bug also mentions the same thing. Apparently, they do want us to repeat ourselves. (as of 2015) However, even if that is the case, I was wondering if anyone has found a work-around?
If no work around, how about a way to re-state all the variables so that they end up automatically set correctly? For instance, doing the following is a way to compose the version number by using the variables
According to the documentation, the file name is composed like this:
There are probably other variables that need re-setting. If I have to restate everything, then exactly what do I need to restate to be complete?
Make sure that you have the following line after setting the CPACK_... variables:
include (CPack)
This is the spot where CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME and others are automatically set, so the version variables (such as CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR) must be already set at this point.
If you set your project's version via, you can set the cpack version like
You'll probably want to look at the documentation for the PROJECT() command, which has a VERSION field. I'm not sure if it is wired through to CPack, but at least that is the idiomatic place for setting the project version.

CMake to find path to a file which its name contains a certain string

So I am writing a CMake module to find some libraries which is being used a lot in our company. These libraries all have different versions and are such a mess here. In a certain library, even the name of header files and binary files don't match. So I am writing a CMake script to handle all the problems of finding each library once and for all. What I have in my mind is to write something like how we find boost packages but include the version of each component as well. Something like this:
find_package(OrgName COMPONENTS librarya-1.4.3 libraryb-2.3.1 libraryc-3.6.0)
So I created a FindOrgName.cmake file and iterated on the requested components, then I processed the string which is passed and gained the library name along with its version information something like this (never mind the difference between include and binary files):
SET(OrgName_${comp}_FOUND 0)
STRING(FIND ${comp} "-" dashind REVERSE)
STRING(LENGTH ${comp} length)
STRING(SUBSTRING ${comp} 0 ${dashind} name)
MATH(EXPR s "${dashind}+1")
MATH(EXPR l "${length}-${dashind}-1")
STRING(SUBSTRING ${comp} ${s} ${l} version)
SET(OrgName_${name}_INCLUDE_DIR "/usr/local/include/OrgName/${comp}/")
find_library(OrgName_${comp}_LIBRARIES NAMES "${comp}" HINTS "/usr/lib")
IF(OrgName_${comp}_INCLUDE_DIR AND OrgName_${comp}_LIBRARIES)
SET(OrgName_${comp}_FOUND 1)
IF(NOT OrgName_${comp}_FOUND AND OrgName_FIND_REQUIRED_${comp})
MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "OrgName ${comp} not available.")
SET (OrgName_INCLUDE_DIR ${OrgName_INCLUDE_DIR} ${OrgName_${comp}_INCLUDE_DIR})
SET (OrgName_LIBRARIES ${OrgName_LIBRARIES} ${OrgName_${comp}_LIBRARIES})
Now here is the problem, imagine someone didn't enter the version part in components names. I want to search for the versions which he has installed (assume the path to library is always the same) and use the last version it can find, so I have to search for the files which their name contains the library name (${name}). First of all how can I do this? Second, Am I doing things right? I mean is there an easier way to do this task?
OK, after a lot of searching and getting exhausted I finally found a solution. I just need to use the following command:
file(GLOB files "Mylib*")
Which will create a list named files and adds each file that its name matches the pattern "Mylib*" to it. I really don't know why they didn't implement it in find_file command but never mind, I'll put it here in case anyone got confused like me.

CMake: collecting libraries

I am using CMake to build a simple C++ project, hereafter named P. The structure of P is quite simple:
I would like to collect the libraries in package1, package2, ... in a variable called P_LIBS.
In a first attempt, I tried to collect the libraries available in package1, package2, ... in the variable called P_LIBS initially set in the src/CMakeLists.txt file. However, the updates to P_LIBS made in the CMakeLists.txt of the subfolders are not propagated to the parent folder.
I would rather not write a list of libraries in the main CMakeLists.txt file. I would rather modify such variable while moving in the directory tree.
After a search on the internet I could not find any valid suggestion. If I look at the various Find files, I only see long listings of libraries in their main CMakeLists.txt file.
Is there a way to do what (I hope) I explained above?
Thanks to sakra's link I was able to 'propagate' names up to the parent folder. However, the names I add to the P_LIBS variable are later interpreted as 'library' names, not as reference to CMake targets. In other words, if
P_LIBS = {a, b}
the 'a' and 'b' are interpreted as the library names, i.e. CMake generates:
gcc [...] -l a -o exe
instead of
gcc [...] /path/to/a.o -o exe
(.o or other extensions)
You are propably constructing the targets list as a string, try to make them a list instead. For example:
# in package1/CMakeLists.txt