Slugfy in filter sqlalchemy - flask-sqlalchemy

I'm trying slug some data, i use some lower and replace to change the special caracters i need:
my query is like this:
return Person.query.get(person_id).name.filter(func.lower(func.replace(, "ç", "c"))
works well, but if i recive a other character like á or other special character, it's dosen't work.
Someone can tell me the best way to handle that, make a list of all special characters, or a sqlalchemy has a func to slug?

You wouldn't be using lower and replace to slugify.
Try a library like: un33k/python-slugify (github).
In order to get the desired result, you can write something like:
from slugify import slugify
return Person.query.get(person_id).name.filter(slugify(
I'm not so sure that your query is going to work, I only replaced the slug part and I recommend you to check it first.


Can't quote array - rails sql

Im trying to create a sql query dynamically with the following syntax:
.where("people.first_name like people[:first_name]", {people: {first_name: 'm%'}})
But running this on the rails console gives me TypeError: can't quote Array. Im guessing this is not how we use the where string? What's the right way to fix this error? Thanks.
One reason this error can occur is with a nested array used as SQL value.
Article.where(author: ['Jane', 'Bob'])
works, but:
Article.where(author: ['Jane', ['Bob']])
would give the error. A quick fix would be to run flatten on the array.
(Mentioning this since this page comes up when searching for the confusing error "Can't quote array".)
You could bind any value and then assign it, this way they should coincide in numbers, like:
.where('models.first_attribute LIKE ? AND models.second_attribute LIKE ?', value_for_first_attr, value_for_second_attr)
If using an array you should access each index you want to compare, or you can precede a splat *, and specify just one value, like:
.where('models.first_attribute LIKE ? AND models.second_attribute LIKE ?', *array_of_values)
Note although this way you're passing the "whole" array it should also coincide in size or numbers, otherwise it'd raise an ActiveRecord::PreparedStatementInvalid error depending if there are more or less elements than needed.

How to _properly_ escape LIKE queries in Rails? [duplicate]

I want to match a url field against a url prefix (which may contain percent signs), e.g. .where("url LIKE ?", "#{some_url}%").
What's the most Rails way?
From Rails version 4.2.x there is an active record method called sanitize_sql_like. So, you can do in your model a search scope like:
scope :search, -> search { where('"accounts"."name" LIKE ?', "#{sanitize_sql_like(search)}%") }
and call the scope like:'Test_%')
The resulting escaped sql string is:
SELECT "accounts".* FROM "accounts" WHERE ("accounts"."name" LIKE 'Test\_\%%')
Read more here:
If I understand correctly, you're worried about "%" appearing inside some_url and rightly so; you should also be worried about embedded underscores ("_") too, they're the LIKE version of "." in a regex. I don't think there is any Rails-specific way of doing this so you're left with gsub:
.where('url like ?', some_url.gsub('%', '\\\\\%').gsub('_', '\\\\\_') + '%')
There's no need for string interpolation here either. You need to double the backslashes to escape their meaning from the database's string parser so that the LIKE parser will see simple "\%" and know to ignore the escaped percent sign.
You should check your logs to make sure the two backslashes get through. I'm getting confusing results from checking things in irb, using five (!) gets the right output but I don't see the sense in it; if anyone does see the sense in five of them, an explanatory comment would be appreciated.
UPDATE: Jason King has kindly offered a simplification for the nightmare of escaped escape characters. This lets you specify a temporary escape character so you can do things like this:
.where("url LIKE ? ESCAPE '!'", some_url.gsub(/[!%_]/) { |x| '!' + x })
I've also switched to the block form of gsub to make it a bit less nasty.
This is standard SQL92 syntax, so will work in any DB that supports that, including PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite.
Embedding one language inside another is always a bit of a nightmarish kludge and there's not that much you can do about it. There will always be ugly little bits that you just have to grin and bear.
With this code,
correctly escapes % between "sample" and "code", and matches "AAAsample%codeBBB" but does not for "AAAsampleBBBcodeCCC" on MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite3 at least.
Post.where('url like ?', "%#{some_url + '%'}%)

VB.NET LIKE comparison with # and *

I have the following file name: d#cument.txt
I want to compare to see if it matches pattern: d#cument*
I do this like this:
return "d#cument.txt" Like "d#cument*"
This returns false. The ending asterix seems to be the problem. Because if I change file name to just "d#cument" and Like pattern to "d#cument" it returns true.
Any idea why and/or workaround?
Documentation states that # has a meaning in a Like pattern so you need to "escape" it by putting it between brackets :
Return "d#cument.txt" Like "d[#]cument*"
Alternatively you can use String.StartsWith to do the same thing without worrying with special chars.
Note also that though Like is convenient for simple patterns ; for things more complex it could be better to switch to Regex instead.

Is there a way to use the LIKE operator from an entity framework query?

OK, I want to use the LIKE keyword from an Entity Framework query for a rather unorthodox reason - I want to match strings more precisely than when using the equals operator.
Because the equals operator automatically pads the string to be matched with spaces such that col = 'foo ' will actually return a row where col equals 'foo' OR 'foo ', I want to force trailing whitespaces to be taken into account, and the LIKE operator actually does that.
I know that you can coerce Entity Framework into using the LIKE operator using .StartsWith, .EndsWith, and .Contains in a query. However, as might be expected, this causes EF to prefix, suffix, and surround the queried text with wildcard % characters. Is there a way I can actually get Entity Framework to directly use the LIKE operator in SQL to match a string in a query of mine, without adding wildcard characters? Ideally it would look like this:
string usernameToMatch = "admin ";
if (context.Users.Where(usr => usr.Username.Like(usernameToMatch)).Any()) {
// An account with username 'admin ' ACTUALLY exists
else {
// An account with username 'admin' may exist, but 'admin ' doesn't
I can't find a way to do this directly; right now, the best I can think of is this hack:
context.Users.Where(usr =>
usr.Username.StartsWith(usernameToMatch) &&
usr.Username.EndsWith(usernameToMatch) &&
usr.Username == usernameToMatch
Is there a better way? By the way I don't want to use PATINDEX because it looks like a SQL Server-specific thing, not portable between databases.
There isn't a way to get EF to use LIKE in its query, However you could write a stored procedure that finds users using LIKE with an input parameter and use EF to hit your stored procedure.
Your particular situation however seems to be more of a data integrity issue though. You shouldn't be allowing users to register usernames that start or end with a space (username.Trim()) for pretty much this reason. Once you do that then this particular issue goes away entirely.
Also, allowing 'rough' matches on authentication details is beyond insecure. Don't do it.
Well there doesn't seem to be a way to get EF to use the LIKE operator without padding it at the beginning or end with wildcard characters, as I mentioned in my question, so I ended up using this combination which, while a bit ugly, has the same effect as a LIKE without any wildcards:
context.Users.Where(usr =>
usr.Username.StartsWith(usernameToMatch) &&
usr.Username.EndsWith(usernameToMatch) &&
usr.Username == usernameToMatch
So, if the value is LIKE '[usernameToMatch]%' and it's LIKE '%[usernameToMatch]' and it = '[usernameToMatch]' then it matches exactly.

a proper way to escape %% when building LIKE queries in Rails 3 / ActiveRecord

I want to match a url field against a url prefix (which may contain percent signs), e.g. .where("url LIKE ?", "#{some_url}%").
What's the most Rails way?
From Rails version 4.2.x there is an active record method called sanitize_sql_like. So, you can do in your model a search scope like:
scope :search, -> search { where('"accounts"."name" LIKE ?', "#{sanitize_sql_like(search)}%") }
and call the scope like:'Test_%')
The resulting escaped sql string is:
SELECT "accounts".* FROM "accounts" WHERE ("accounts"."name" LIKE 'Test\_\%%')
Read more here:
If I understand correctly, you're worried about "%" appearing inside some_url and rightly so; you should also be worried about embedded underscores ("_") too, they're the LIKE version of "." in a regex. I don't think there is any Rails-specific way of doing this so you're left with gsub:
.where('url like ?', some_url.gsub('%', '\\\\\%').gsub('_', '\\\\\_') + '%')
There's no need for string interpolation here either. You need to double the backslashes to escape their meaning from the database's string parser so that the LIKE parser will see simple "\%" and know to ignore the escaped percent sign.
You should check your logs to make sure the two backslashes get through. I'm getting confusing results from checking things in irb, using five (!) gets the right output but I don't see the sense in it; if anyone does see the sense in five of them, an explanatory comment would be appreciated.
UPDATE: Jason King has kindly offered a simplification for the nightmare of escaped escape characters. This lets you specify a temporary escape character so you can do things like this:
.where("url LIKE ? ESCAPE '!'", some_url.gsub(/[!%_]/) { |x| '!' + x })
I've also switched to the block form of gsub to make it a bit less nasty.
This is standard SQL92 syntax, so will work in any DB that supports that, including PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite.
Embedding one language inside another is always a bit of a nightmarish kludge and there's not that much you can do about it. There will always be ugly little bits that you just have to grin and bear.
With this code,
correctly escapes % between "sample" and "code", and matches "AAAsample%codeBBB" but does not for "AAAsampleBBBcodeCCC" on MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite3 at least.
Post.where('url like ?', "%#{some_url + '%'}%)