Is it possible to use a component property as a data variable? - vuejs2

I've copied my current code below. I'm trying to dynamically generate table headers depending on what type I pass as a prop to my tables component (standings and status are what I have as the data arrays in my example).
I've accomplished this by using the if statement in the header computed value to return the proper list.
However I'd like to not have to add additional if statements for every type.
Is there a way that I can leverage the type prop to bind directly to the matching data?
<div id="root" class="container">
<tables type="stats">
Vue.component('tables', {
template: `
<table class="table">
<th v-for="headers in header">{{ headers }}</th>
<th v-for="footers in header">{{ footers }}</th>
<td>Leicester City <strong>(C)</strong>
data () {
return {
standings: ['Rank', 'Team', 'Wins', 'Losses'],
stats: ['Number', 'Player', 'Position', 'RBI', 'HR']
computed: {
header() {
if (this.type == 'standings') {
return this.standings;
} else {
return this.stats;
props: {
type: { required: true }

If you change up your data structure slightly, you can remove your if statements.
data () {
return {
standings: ['Rank', 'Team', 'Wins', 'Losses'],
stats: ['Number', 'Player', 'Position', 'RBI', 'HR']
computed: {
header() {
return this.types[this.type]
props: {
type: { required: true }
Here is an example.
Vue.component('tables', {
template: `
<table class="table">
<th v-for="headers in header">{{ headers }}</th>
<th v-for="footers in header">{{ footers }}</th>
<td>Leicester City <strong>(C)</strong>
data () {
return {
standings: ['Rank', 'Team', 'Wins', 'Losses'],
stats: ['Number', 'Player', 'Position', 'RBI', 'HR']
computed: {
header() {
return this.types[this.type]
props: {
type: { required: true }
new Vue({
el: "#root"
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root" class="container">
<tables type="stats">


Vue Sorted Table (Sorted from highest to lowest)

Hi i am a newbie in vuejs. I wanted to sort a table by Highest to lowest. However i install the library of vue-sorted-table. But when im trying run the code the data always return lowest to highest. Can anyone help me? Thank you..
Here is the code:
<div id="app">
<sorted-table :values="values" #sort-table="onSort">
<th scope="col" style="text-align: left; width: 10rem;">
<sort-link name="id">ID</sort-link>
<template #body="sort">
<tr v-for="value in sort.values" :key="">
<td>{{ }}</td>
import { ChevronUpIcon } from "vue-feather-icons";
export default {
name: "App",
data: function() {
return {
values: [{ id: 2 }, { id: 1 }, { id: 3 }],
sortBy: "",
sortDir: ""
components: {
methods: {
onSort(sortBy, sortDir) {
this.sortBy = sortBy;
this.sortDir = sortDir;
.feather {
transition: 0.3s transform ease-in-out;
.feather.asc {
transform: rotate(-180deg);
code can access here:
Add dir property to sorted-table, and make its value equals to desc
<div id="app">
<sorted-table :values="values" #sort-table="onSort" dir="desc">
<th scope="col" style="text-align: left; width: 10rem;">
<sort-link name="id">ID</sort-link>
<template #body="sort">
<tr v-for="value in sort.values" :key="">
<td>{{ }}</td>
import { ChevronUpIcon } from "vue-feather-icons";
export default {
name: "App",
data: function() {
return {
values: [{ id: 2 }, { id: 1 }, { id: 3 }],
sortBy: "",
sortDir: ""
components: {
methods: {
onSort(sortBy, sortDir) {
this.sortBy = sortBy;
this.sortDir = sortDir;
.feather {
transition: 0.3s transform ease-in-out;
.feather.asc {
transform: rotate(-180deg);
check and pay attention to dir property of the table, you'll find the answer

Load More Data On Scroll With Vue And Vuex

I would like to ask how can I display more data by using Vue and vuex. all data stored in vuex-store management already. From State management now I want to load more data on scrolling.
I found online solution by ajax. but I need to loading form state management (Vuex).
This is my Vue template:
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-body">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<th>Name - Number of Products: <span style="color: red"> {{products}} </span></th>
<th width="100"> </th>
<tbody v-if="isLoaded">
<tr v-for="company, index in companies">
<td>{{ }}</td>
export default {
data: function () {
return { }
computed: {
return this.$store.getters['exa1Company/getProducts'];
return this.$store.getters['exa1Company/countProducts'];
mounted() {
My vuex store file is partial for simplicity
export const getters = {
countProducts(state) {
getProducts(state) {
getTodoById: (state) => (id) => {
return => === id)
export default {
namespaced: true,
state: customerState,
something like this should work. use companiesLoaded in the template, and increase page when scrolled to bottom. I hope this helps.
data: function () {
return {
page: 1,
perPage: 20
computed: {
return this.$store.getters['exa1Company/getProducts'];
return this.companies.slice(0, * this.perPage)

How to store array to Vuex in VueJs

Can someone tell me how to write an array of objects in Vuex
I will explain the essence
In this situation, I need to create an order management system
I have an array of products with different data
This array I get from the server using axios request
Via v-for, I displayed this array in the select option html tag
Next, by clicking on the html option tag, I need to add the product to the data table
Also, with the addition of a specific product to the table, it is necessary that the product for which a click is made is recorded in the Vuex store, but not with rewriting, but with addition to existing data
Next, in synchronization with the addition to the Vuex store, information is output from the Vuex store to the table
this is my code in Vue Component
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-8">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="products">Select Products</label>
<select v-model="orderData" #change="addOrderData" id="products" class="form-control">
<option v-for="product in products" multiple v-bind:value="{productId:, name:, price: product.price}">{{}}</option>
data() {
return {
selected: '',
formData: {
userId: ''
orderData: {
productId: [],
price: [],
total: [],
quantity: []
methods: {
let data = {
productId: this.orderData.productId,
price: this.orderData.price,
this.$store.commit('orders/setOrderProduct', data)
this is my code in Vuex store
function initialState () {
const orderProducts = [];
return {
const getters = {
return state.orderProduct;
const mutations = {
setOrderProduct(state, orderProduct)
state.orderProduct = orderProduct;
If I understand you correctly, please check the following:
<select v-model="orderData" #change="addOrderData">
<option v-for="(product) in products" :key="product.productId" :value="{productId: product.productId, name:, price: product.price}">
{{product.productId}} - {{}}</option>
<br /><br />
<tbody v-if="orderProducts.length > 0">
<tr v-for="(item, index) in orderProducts" :key="index">
<tbody v-else>
<td colspan="2">No products to display</td>
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
orderProducts: []
mutations: {
addProduct(state, payload) {
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
products: [{
productId: 1,
name: 'Product One',
price: 10
productId: 2,
name: 'Product Two',
price: 15
orderData: {
productId: [],
price: [],
total: [],
quantity: []
computed: {
orderProducts() {
return this.$store.state.orderProducts;
methods: {
addOrderData() {
this.$store.commit('addProduct', this.orderData);
The idea is when change event is triggered by selecting an option, you commit mutation to the store with the selected product as payload. The orderProducts computed property will refresh, and the table will get the latest data. You can check this jsfiddle.

Calling a vue component into v-for

I have the following construction:
<table class="table">
<th scope="col">#</th>
<th scope="col">Наименование</th>
<th scope="col">API ключ</th>
<th scope="col"></th>
<tr v-for="adv in advertisers">
<th scope="row">{{ }}</th>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ adv.api_key }}</td>
<advertiser-delete-component :advertiser-id=""></advertiser-delete-component>
<advertiser-edit-component :advertiser-id="" :advertiser-name=""></advertiser-edit-component>
Array "advertisers" keeps data from the server. Data is correct. But I see that all 'advertiser-delete-component' and 'advertiser-edit-component' have the first item of advertisers array in component props.
Here is the code of advertiser-edit-component:
import { EventBus } from '../../app.js';
export default {
mounted() {
props: ['advertiserId', 'advertiserName'],
data: function() {
return {
formFields: {
advertiserName: '',
advertiserId: this.advertiserId,
errors: []
methods: {
submit: function (e) {'/advertiser/edit', this.formFields).then(response => {
this.formFields.advertiserName = '';
}).catch(error => {
if (error.response.status === 422) {
this.errors = || [];
The props props: ['advertiserId', 'advertiserName'] are the same for each component call with my code. I want them to be dynamic where they take corresponding elements from the array as the loop goes through it one by one.
What did I do wrong?
Here is full code of table component:
<table class="table">
<th scope="col">#</th>
<th scope="col">Наименование</th>
<th scope="col">API ключ</th>
<th scope="col"></th>
<tr v-for="adv in advertisers">
<th scope="row">{{ }}</th>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ adv.api_key }}</td>
<advertiser-delete-component :advertiser-id=""></advertiser-delete-component>
<advertiser-edit-component :advertiser-id=""
import {EventBus} from '../../app.js';
export default {
mounted() {
EventBus.$on('reloadAdvertisersTable', this.getAdvertisersTable)
props: ['totalCountOfAdvertisers'],
data: function () {
return {
advertisers: [],
methods: {
getAdvertisersTable: function () {
.then(r => {
this.advertisers =;
.catch(e => {
I think formFields should be array of objects like:
formFields: [{
advertiserName: '',
advertiserId: this.advertiserId,

How to reload dataTables from VueJS after adding or editing?

I'd like to know how I can use this same approach when loading data from database through an api. In the first time the dataTables loads fine. However, when I add a new record, then I need to load my dataTables again with the new record. Here's my html code:
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="dataTables-eventos">
<tr class="tbheader">
<th class="text-center">#</th>
<th>Nome do Evento</th>
<th class="text-center">Editar</th>
<th class="text-center">Deletar</th>
<tr v-for="ev in eventos" :key="" track-by="id">
<td class="text-center">{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td class="text-center"><a class="cursorpointer" v-on:click="showMessage()"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></span></a></td>
<td class="text-center"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span></td>
And here's my VueJS code:
mounted() {
methods: {
getEventos() {
.then((response) => {
this.eventos =})
.then((response) => {
responsive: true,
"aaSorting": [[ 1, "asc" ]],
"aoColumnDefs": [
{ "bSortable" : false, "aTargets": [0,2,3] },
{ "searchable": false, "aTargets": [2,3] }
language: {
url: '/js/dataTables/localization/pt_BR.json'
addNewRecord() {'/api/eventos', { nomeEvento: this.nomeEvento });
So after adding (or editing) a new record on my DB how can I reload my dataTables so I can see the changes?
I just ran into a situation where I needed to use vue.js with and had to use customized table html. I created a component that allowed me to format the table as I needed using template/v-for and refresh the datatable while preserving functionality. I hope this helps someone down the road...
export default {
data() {
return {
dataTable: null
props: {
data: Array
watch: {
data() {
if (this.dataTable) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.dataTable = $("#table").DataTable({
language: {
emptyTable: "No Results Found"
You can do it without reloading all the data.
Just add this.nomeEvento to array eventos after posting to server.