Vuejs - How to insert JS Tracking Codes like Google Analytics or Adsense - vue.js

So I am developing a site as a SPA with Vue JS and I have just came across a issue.
I went to insert Adsense's code snippet like i would normally, but Vue complains with the following
Templates should only be responsible for mapping the state to the UI. Avoid placing tags with side-effects in your templates, such as , as they will not be parsed.
So I am now a bit stuck, I have seen a library that will put Adsense in as a component but its a very new/small library and i could not get the thing to work.
I also have a lot of other tracking pixels that will need to go on the site in a similar fashion so I will need to find a way around doing this.
Can anyone lend some advise, thanks.

Try modifying the index.html file instead of the *.vue files. The Vue SPA app automatically listens for updates to *.vue files. So pasting the snippet in html file will bypass the compiler checks for undefined variables, etc.


Implementing Vue on Existing Site Issue

We have an existing website. We'd like to add Vue to areas of the site. Some areas we'd only need a single Vue app to run like a shopping cart. Other areas we'd have multiple of the same component on the page broken up by non Vue items. We'd also like to use single .vue files for our building. I can't for the life of me figure out the best way to do this.
If we use the CLI to build individual apps, we can of course bring those apps in on the pages and where needed. However on the pages where we have the same component separated by non Vue items, it seems we'd need the exact same app multiple times and compiled this doesn't seem to work.
Whats the best route to do this. I'd like to just add a global wrapper to my site, compile a single APP and then house all logic inside components. This breaks down as it replaces my existing content with the app's content when it's a compiled app. I can on the core layout page just instantiate an app and that works, but then I can't use single file components.
Am I missing something. I'd like to use single file components, have a global wrapper on my site with existing content used and components only where needed, AND not have to import each component file one by one.
We cannot use WC builds either as we can't drop IE 11.

Nuxt generated HTML and JavaScript does not work everywhere

I'm using Nuxt to build a component library for use with the various CMSs that my company uses. Basically, I want to use the generated HTML to create reusable widgets for the CMS. The CMSs in question can't use Vue components directly because the client's admin area doesn't play well with Vue (for example, the inline editor in Kentico 12 does not work at all with Vue and our clients require this functionality).
Using Nuxt to build the component library works great as long as the components don't DO anything. However, if I want to create an accordion that has an #click event, it doesn't work when loaded into the CMS. I narrowed down the issue:
Case A works fine. With Case B, the page loads but none of the scripts work. The events do not fire at all, and I'm getting the following error:
"DOMException: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': This node type does not support this method."
The Accordions component doesn't work on any page that is not
Nuxt is generating the Accordions/index.html page so I'm assuming it's connecting the route with the functionality in the JS, but I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, what to search for or how to fix it. I've been searching for hours. Can anyone help me with this?

Vue template render without all the extra

I have a very, very simple set of Vue components that all work. These are a simple addition on top of an existing C# app.
At the moment, these are .html files (brought into the app inside <script> tags) and .js files loaded by reference.
These all work, are very light weight, and I love it.
Now I want to compile the HTML for each component into a Vue render function, and the .js into one minified .js file.
The .js to .min.js is pretty standard, but I cannot figure out how to get the HTML to compile into the Vue render function. Everything I've found involves a LOT of overhead and running a web server which seems a massive overkill for an html->script transform, and I don't need a full web application spun up. I only need my existing, simple templates transformed to something more friendly for production than my long-form html templates getting dumped to the page.
I'm not entirely opposed to turning the .html+.js into .vue files, but just doing that doesn't seem to overcome my issue.
I cannot figure out how to get the HTML to compile into the Vue render function
To generate a render function from a Vue template string (e.g., read from an HTML file), you could use vue-template-compiler like this:
const compiler = require('vue-template-compiler')
const output = compiler.compile('<div>{{msg}}</div>')
console.log(output) // => { render: "with(this){return _c('div',[_v(_s(msg))])}" }
Everything I've found involves a LOT of overhead and running a web server which seems a massive overkill for an html->script transform
The "web server" you mention is provided by Webpack CLI, and is intended to faciliate development. You don't need to use the dev server. The article indeed describes several steps in manually setting up a project to build Vue single-file-components, but a simpler method is to use Vue CLI to automatically scaffold such a project.

Binding some Vue code to existing, server-side generated HTML

I have an old-style, multiple-page website, with a multiple steps checkout process. This all works with JS disabled, and it is critical that it keeps doing so.
The checkout form has no JS at all, at the moment, and I'd like to improve it progressively (eg. dynamically showing or hiding fields, doing live validation, etc...).
I have already wrapped the entire website with an #app div, and I mounted a Vue instance to it. Then I created a few components which work correctly (but are not critical, so if JS is disabled then the whole thing keeps working and the components are just empty).
Now I have a long checkout form which is generated server-side (say: <form id='address-form'>).
The best course would be to put it into a component (say <checkout-form>) and use it. I can't do this, because 1) the form is generated server-side 2) it needs to work without JS.
Ideally, I would love to create a component with no template, and attach it to the existing HTML.
Is this even possible?
Edit: continuing to dig the Internet, I found this tutorial. This is exactly my problem, but if this is the only way to do it, then I will revert to JQuery :) Manually duplicating the entire HTML (one server side, the other in Vue) is definitely not a good idea.

Is there a recommended way to have all the HTML pre-loaded for SEO purposes while using VueJS, without using SSR?

As the title implies, I need solid SEO and thus I need to have all the HTML loaded on my site on initial load. However, because the backend is written in PHP, and because it would be more work to write my Vue components with the server in mind, I don't want to use server-side rendering (SSR).
That leaves me with the option to send HTML over the wire, the "old school" way. What I am thinking of doing is writing each page's HTML like normal, but make one of the root html elements a Vue element in order to "upgrade" it. So the initial load downloads the finalized HTML, with all the data (tables, lists, etc already populated), but then after all the scripts are loaded, javascript can take over to make things easier and give a better UI experience. This poses a few questions, however:
Am I limited to a single component, the root? It'd be nice to still have many sub-components that would each have their own state. Perhaps inline templates can be used somehow?
Vue templates have their own templating system, like the mustache braces for displaying variables {{ myVar }}. Will I not be able to use them? The one way I can think of is to create a Vue template (that can be loaded from an external script) that is identical to the part of the HTML that it "takes over". The downside is that I'd have to maintain that component both in the original HTML and in the vue template.
Are there any good examples of what I'm trying to accomplish here?
Edit: I want to clarify that I'm aware I can put in various components here and there throughout the page. This still poses the question of how to make those components already start out rendered. Better yet would be to turn the whole page into Vue, much like an SPA.
I need solid SEO and thus I need to have all the HTML loaded on my site on initial load.
This is not entirely true. Google (80% of search traffic) easily parses SPAs now, so SSR purely for SEO isn't required anymore.
But to answer your question in general, you should check out Laracast's Vue.js series. They go in-depth on how to use PHP with Vue.js (including templating and variables).
I'd ask what it is you want to achieve with Javascript/Vue.js in your page. If everything is already rendered in PHP, does Vue provide a simple UX enhancement or takes over most of the page's heavy lifting (navigation, etc.)? If you have no reactive data and want Vue to simply be a controller for rendered components, then knock yourself out, although it might be approaching an 'overkill' scenario.
Have you looked into Prerender SPA Plugin ( )?
It is offered in the Vue documentation as a viable alternative to server side rendering ( )
Recently I've developed a multi-page application using Vue, here is how i tried to solve the SEO (Maybe this can help you ):
Htmls of header and footer (and other main common components) are packed to the page.html(eg: home.html, search.html).
Script and style are of header and footer imported in page.js(eg: home.js, search.js).
Add div.seo-zone to page.html's div#app, which includes the main SEO data(using some h1,h2,p,div and so on), and add
.seo-zone {
display: none;
in your css.
4. Make sure your app's root component's el is '#app'(each page's main content can be a Vue app).
Develop your app as usual.
After Vue rendered, the div.seo-zone will be replaced with your Vue components (although it can not be seen)